Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1275

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Chapter 1275

"You don't know her?"
Qin Dynasty widened its eyes.
It's possible they're not twins!
"Of course I don't know. It's a strange name, and I have the same surname..."
Su Fei shakes her head. Is it the man who has inquired about it for a long time to continue the relationship?
"Well, let's not talk about it. Let's talk about work..."
"Wait, wait!"
The Qin Dynasty was in a hurry.
After waking up, did Suu Kyi not exist?
Well, how can this be
She is, however, her favorite woman
"You, don't you really know Suu Kyi?"
"Of course I don't know. What's the matter? Is it strange? "
"Don't you have any sisters?"
The voice of the Qin Dynasty trembled slightly.
"No, I have only one brother."
Su Fei is even more strange. Why does this man always ask some strange questions.
"Well, it can't be..."
Qin Dynasty's face suddenly became very pale, he sat on the chair dejectedly.
Is it just a dream
The perfect woman in my dream, Suu Kyi
In reality, it doesn't exist.
I can't accept the result
Why, she is missing
"What's the matter with you, sir?"
Su Fei is very strange. What's wrong with this man?
Is it a neuropathy?
"No, nothing Let's go on... "
Qin Dynasty reluctantly smile.
"Well, how do you want to do this job?"
What Su Fei asked was still a question from the examiner.
"Forced by life..."
Qin Dynasty squeezed out a sentence from his mouth, which made several examiners dumbfounded.
Boy, this guy It's too much!
"You guy, pay attention to your words!"
"That is, what is life forced!"
Yelled the Mediterranean and the old man.
But Su Fei is very interested in picking her eyebrows.
"Forced by life, what does that mean?"
She doesn't know, Qin Dynasty is very decadent now.
After hearing that Suu Kyi did not exist, he felt that his life suddenly lost its direction.
Even though, it was just a dream.
But his dream
"To tell you the truth, it's not the first time I've been out looking for a job."
Qin Dynasty wry smile two, "basically all work, all despise my education. Even if they can barely go to work, they have to suffer the exclusion of many colleagues. But I have to work, because I have to eat and live It's bullshit to say that I love this job. The reason why we have to go to work is because of our mouth. "
"You guy..."
Mediterranean was about to get angry, but Princess Su pulled him.
"That's interesting. Do you have the confidence to do a good job as a counselor? You know, before you, I interviewed some people, but they were not very satisfied. "
"What can't be done well?"
The Qin Dynasty asked, "what kind of work is not done little by little?"? I don't want to talk empty. If you think I can, you can try me for a few days. If I'm qualified, the answer is self-evident, isn't it? "
"How can you talk to the headmaster?"
Another examiner's eyes were sharp.
This kid is too arrogant.
"Good. I appreciate the way you speak."
Unexpectedly, Su Fei was very satisfied. "You are very honest, and you are the most interesting interviewer I have ever met. I can give you this opportunity to work here for a while. If you let me down, I'm sorry. You'll have to pack up and get out of here. I don't care whether you can eat or not. I only care if my school can make money
Princess Su also said something honest.
Next to the two examiners, dumbfounded.
Good guy, this is Su fei'ai who I know. Qin Chao shakes his head, but it's a pity that Suji doesn't exist
I really want to go back to my dream
"Well, you follow me. I'll take you to the personnel department to report."
Su Fei thinks this man is very interesting and can't help but want to contact him more.
The two examiners were dumbfounded.
When did they see each other? Did Su take such an interest in other men?
What's interesting about this guy?
It's just a college student who just graduated!
"Good..."The Qin Dynasty nodded and followed her.
Looking at the natural manner of Qin Dynasty, Su Fei couldn't help being surprised.
"Aren't you nervous when you're with me?"
"Nervous? Why should I be nervous? "
Qin asked curiously.
"Because I'm your immediate boss."
"Everyone else in the school, with me, will be nervous," she said
"You're really my boss. I almost forgot if you didn't tell me."
Qin Dynasty smiles, "however, in my dream, you seem to be my friend."
Su Fei raised her eyebrows again and went out of the door.
Qin Ling was surprised to see that the chairman of the board and the interviewers before that came out together.
This guy, how to do it!
"Why do you ask if I have a sister?"
As they walked, Princess Su raised her own question.
"Because in my dream, she was my girlfriend."
The Qin Dynasty said casually.
If only I could go back to my dream.
He thought that all the time.
"You are very interesting, but even if I had a sister, she would not like you."
"After all, you are just a poor boy who just graduated. You are poor and poor. Even you just found a job Well, it's just for the time being. Even if I have a sister, even if she takes a fancy to you, I will definitely not agree, and I will try my best to stop you. "
"You're right. You did it in your dreams."
In the Qin Dynasty, when she remembered in her dream, Su Fei initially gave her tit for tat.
"The joke is a little cold."
Princess Su continued to walk on, no longer talking to the Qin Dynasty.
This man, his jokes are so boring.
Is this to please yourself?
It's a strange way to please.
Two people out of the administrative building, toward the building where the academic affairs office is located.
There are a lot of students in the school. People come and go, but not every student can know his principal.
The Qin Dynasty also felt like this. Among these people, Su Fei was more like a beautiful young female college student.
Where she went, she had a high rate of looking back.
"Hello, what department does that beauty belong to? How come you seldom see it?"
"I don't know I really want to fall in love with her... "
"Dream less of you, and don't pee and take care of your own face!"
"Li Ning said that everything is possible What about the last time you bought "a hundred tips for chatting up"? Please show me
Seeing this scene, the Qin Dynasty felt very funny.
"You're quite popular in school."
"Well, many freshmen don't know that I am the principal."
The corner of Su Fei's mouth, also can't help but hang up a silk smile, "this, actually quite interesting."
Qin Dynasty nodded, suddenly he thought of something, asked.
"You said you had a brother Is his name Su Yao
"Have you investigated me?"
Su Fei suddenly stopped and turned her head. With a little anger between her eyebrows, she looked at the Qin Dynasty.
"No, I dreamed about it."
Qin Dynasty hastily explained.
He just wanted to verify it.
Why is Su Yao here, but Suji is not
Why, so strange
"No, you really think you're a prophet?"
Su Fei's eyes suddenly snapped, "say, what is the purpose of your approach to me! Are you from my brother? "
"I, I don't know your brother..."
The Qin Dynasty waved its hands in a hurry.
In reality, I do not know it.
"No, you..."
Su Fei was about to say something when she suddenly came up with a few schoolboys.
"Oh, hey, look, there's a beautiful woman here!"
One student said with a smile.
"Haha, it's really a beautiful woman. We don't like it."
A familiar voice.
Qin Dynasty suddenly surprised, looked up, unexpectedly is Fang Hua!
This kid Oh, by the way, in reality, he was not killed by himself!
However, he did not know, this beautiful woman, is the school principal?
"Fang Hua, what do you do?"
Seeing that she was surrounded by a group of students, Sufei frowned.
"Hey, beauty, let's go. I'll treat you to dinner."
Fang Hua said with a smile, his eyes flashed with lustrous light.
Naturally, Princess Su has seen a lot of this light.
"Fang Hua, pay attention to your words and deeds. I am the principal of the school, not a student.""Cut, who are you bluffing?"
A student curled his lips, "the headmaster can have you! Don't talk nonsense. Fang Shao asks you to follow me, just follow me! "
Princess Su was about to continue to speak, but the Qin Dynasty stood up.
"What are you doing?"
The Qin Dynasty glared at the students.
They are all familiar faces. Fang Hua's followers.
"Where did you come from?"
Fang Hua frowned, "owe him a beating?"
"I'm the school counselor. I'm in charge of you."
Qin Dynasty thinks of his present identity, can't help finishing his collar, said.
"Oh, who are you scaring, the headmaster and the counselor?"
One student laughed, "that's bullshit! Boy, I'll tell you, if you don't want to be beaten, you'd better get away from me. We don't like your girlfriend any more. You'd better die far away! "
What happened to Liu Chuan?
It's just that Sufei is not her girlfriend, but her immediate boss, AI
"your students are too much."
The Qin Dynasty turned back and said something to Princess su.
"Your students, too."
"You two are finished!"
Fang Hua stares at bead son, "hurry up, I don't have the patience to wait for your nonsense!"
"This is the school. What do you want?"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking.
"Well, the woman I like can run? Ha ha
Fang Hua waved her hand, and the students immediately walked towards Princess su.
"You are so presumptuous
Su Fei's eyebrows were frowning.
"Haha, I like to be presumptuous After a while, I will be more presumptuous to you
Fang Hua's smile, more evil.
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