Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1038

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Chapter 1038

"This is the business of our family. Do you really want to run through this muddy water?"
Cheng Hua asked with a gloomy face.
"Si Jia? It's home again
Liu Chuan spit on the ground, "grass your sister's, Si family calculate a * *"
By Liu Chuan such a scold, Chenghua and Si Longkang facial expressions at the same time doubly ugly.
"So you are going to do the right thing with our company."
Cheng Hua carried his hands and continued, "Mr. Liu, you are only the second leader of the Daqin gang. You'd better have a talk with Miss long, who is in charge of such a big thing
Cheng Hua thinks Liu Chuan is a rude man, and he certainly doesn't know anything.
Longbei'er is the first lady of Tianlong Group. She must know that some things should be done and some things should not be done.
Naturally, it is necessary to find an understanding person to negotiate such matters.
Unexpectedly, Liu Chuan laughed.
"You are Cheng Hua, right, you boy. It seems that you really don't know who you have offended"
"just a security guard."
Cheng Hua said disapprovingly, "he is not your brother. If not, I advise you not to wade in this muddy water, which is not good for your Daqin gang."
"We Daqin Gang really don't pay attention to the so-called Si Jia!"
Liu Chuan waved his seven hole sword. "Moreover, he is not my brother, but the Lord Qin of our big Qin Gang. You have offended the godfather of our Daqin Gang, and think you can hide away peacefully? "
"What, what!"
On the faces of Cheng Hua and Si Longkang, various wonderful expressions appeared at the same time.
That Si Long Kang body a soft, nearly kneel down on the ground.
Cheng Hua, too, trembled.
They will not forget that Si Zhengkang ran back to Kyoto from southern Jiangsu for something.
It's because of the godfather of the big Qin Gang, Lord Qin!
At that time, he just wanted to rob the woman of Lord Qin. As a result, he did not snatch it, but almost died in southern Jiangsu.
When Si Zhengkang was sent to a foreign country, he once told his cousin.
Don't go to southern Jiangsu. Don't offend Lord Qin of the big Qin Gang.
Unfortunately, Si Longkang saw Suji's picture and went to school in Sunan.
What's more, he never expected that the Qin Dynasty, the security guard he offended, was the godfather of the Qin Gang!
Ma Le Gobi, you are the godfather of the great Qin sect. Why do you stay in such a shabby school and do some security work! Aren't you playing with people? You!
Si Longkang now has an impulse to sneak away from the dance room.
Unfortunately, first of all, one of his legs was broken.
Then, the dance room has been surrounded by people from the Daqin gang.
Do you want to be a family outcast like my cousin!
I don't want to. I don't want to get in the way of
I'm going to inherit the whole family, and I'm going to run roughshod in Kyoto!
, has all this become a bubble?
"Qin, Lord Qin, I'm wrong. You have a lot of money. Please forgive me..."
In order to keep his future, Mr. Si was supported and begged for mercy from the Qin Dynasty. "We, our two families should not have any conflict, right. Today, it's my housekeeper who is not sensible and provokes Lord Qin. I'll teach him a lesson for you! "
With that, he stretched out his hand and slapped Chenghua two mouths.
These two mouths are very fierce, Cheng Hua's face is swollen.
But instead of being angry, he said.
"The young master taught me the right thing. Cheng Hua wanted to die. He didn't open his eyes and provoked Lord Qin!"
"Come on, don't try to be so hard."
The Qin Dynasty looked at the two actors coldly and said, "we are all adults, and we are not idiots who don't know anything. It's useless to follow me. Didn't you just say that we people are just like mole ants? Let us know what summer bug is called ice. Watch me. Wait for me
"Lord Qin, we are summer insects, we are mole ants."
Cheng Hua, with a swollen face, said in a hurry, "please have a large number of Lord Qin. Don't be wise with us."
"Ha ha..."
In the eyes of Qin Dynasty, there was a murderous spirit in his eyes. "Originally, I was going to let Si Da Shao apologize to Zhang Li, and this matter is even though. But not now
He said, reaching out his hand and gently hugging Suu Kyi's waist, "he said, in front of me, I'd like to have my girlfriend? I'd like to see. What do you want to do? What are you doing with it? "
"I, I..."
Slonkan was shaking all over.
"Clip him up."
Qin Dynasty a command, a few black suits immediately covetously toward Si Long Kang.
"Help, help me!"Sloan was scared out of his wits.
The bodyguards of Si family immediately surrounded the young master and blocked the people of Daqin Gang outside.
Although these are professional bodyguards, none of the people in Daqin gang who can wear gold tie are vegetarians.
They put away the baton, one by one took out the electric baton from the arms, a large group of people, toward the Si family's bodyguards rushed up.
For a moment, the ghosts were crying and howling, and the electric light was everywhere.
After a while, those bodyguards of the Si family were all put down, and then they were dragged to one side and thrown into the corner of the dance room like a dead dog.
The people of the Si family, in a twinkling of an eye, are alone Chenghua and Si Longkang.
If it wasn't for Cheng Hua, Si Longkang would have fallen to the ground.
His legs, if not broken, were too soft to stand up.
Looking around those gang members of the Daqin Gang, watching their electric sticks crackling in their hands, Si Longkang trembled into chaff.
"Clip him up."
The Qin Dynasty ordered again.
Two black suits went over immediately. One of them pushed Cheng Hua with an electric stick on his abdomen. Suddenly, Cheng Hua's body flew upside down and fell to the ground.
"Uncle Cheng!"
Si Longkang also fell on the ground, watching his Chamberlain fall to one side, body straight twitch.
He tried to crawl away in panic, but two black suits had already caught him off the ground and held him firmly there.
"Give me a dagger."
The Qin Dynasty held out its hand.
"Lord Qin, please."
A cadre with a red tie handed a dagger respectfully.
The Qin Dynasty took a look and was greatly surprised.
Good guy, it's a 65 paratrooper knife!
Type 65 paratrooper knife is actually called Chinese SOG military dagger. The dagger is very small, with a total length of 25.8 cm and a length of 15.2 cm.
The reason why these daggers are famous is that they have participated in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and have made great contributions.
It's very rare to get such a dagger now.
I don't know if this one is genuine or copied.
Qin Dynasty bumped this 65 style, can not help saying, "Alas, such a good guy, used to cut some dirty things, a bit of a pity."
With that, he walked slowly towards the long Kang, who had been erected.
"You, what are you going to do?"
Looking at the daggers of the Qin Dynasty, Si Longkang had a bad premonition.
He was so cold that he almost lost control and couldn't help shouting.
"You'll find out in a minute."
The Qin Dynasty waved and said, "women retreat."
Before they knew it, the Qin Dynasty had already put away the sword and cut off the belt of Si Longkang.
The leather belt broke in two, and a pair of trousers slipped to the knee.
Qin Ling exclaimed and, like her boss, immediately turned her head.
Su Ji also white Qin Dynasty one eye, slightly side head, do not want to see that Si Long Kang small thing.
Qin Dynasty is a wave of dagger, sharp blade cut open the short pants of Si Long Kang.
Then, his dagger, slightly against the root of Sloan's thigh.
Feeling the cold and sharp, Si Longkang couldn't help but shiver, urinating.
"Forgive me, forgive me..."
"I didn't say I would kill you. What are you afraid of?"
The dagger of Qin Dynasty moved slightly, which made Si Longkang shiver.
This is more terrible than death!
"Don't Lord Qin, I was wrong... "
"Don't say it's useless."
The Qin Dynasty sneered, "the last thing you should do today is to insult my woman. Don't you think money can buy you everything? After you become a eunuch, you can try to restore your male style with money. "
"I'll give you money. I'll give you a lot of money! Five million, ten million! How about ten million! "
"As long as you let me go, please, please..."
Even if he is expelled by his family, he will keep his roots!
As long as the root is there, he will be blessed with sex.
"Ready to make a fake with gold."
The Qin Dynasty said that the dagger was about to fall.
"Stop it!"
In the Si Long Kang almost diabetes insipidus, nearby suddenly spread Cheng Hua's exclamation voice.
When they looked back, they saw that Cheng Hua was holding a pistol and pointing to the head of the Qin Dynasty.
"If you move again, I'll blow your head out!"
Seeing that Cheng Hua took out his gun, the eyes of Qin Dynasty were strange.
A shot in front of people?The head is OK, but Princess Su must suspect that she is a monster.
And Qin Ling.
"You dare to shoot, I promise you will die without a corpse!"
Liu Chuan holds a seven hole knife and looks at Cheng Hua nervously.
"Why don't I dare!"
Cheng Hua's mouth with a cruel smile, "the gun is in my hand, I said to fight who! Try it. Is it your knife or my bullet? "
See Cheng Hua take out the gun, Si Longkang's heart also put down.
He looked at the Qin Dynasty and laughed.
"I'm afraid! No way! Ha ha ha, Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, what do you think you are? You are also a person afraid of death
He said with a smile, "don't let me down! Otherwise, you will be shot! "
Qin Dynasty looked at him and did not speak for a long time.
"Why, are you unconvinced? Don't you want to cut the young master's bird, you cut it, you cut it! "
A knife flash by, holding the blood column.
"Ah! In the meantime
The young master sent out a pig like scream, incontinence, urine and blood mixed into a ball, burst out.
"You, you actually cut it!"
Cheng Hua's eyes widened.
"He made me cut it."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "it's strange that this man still has this hobby. I'm such a helpful person. Naturally, I'm satisfied with him. "
"You want to die!"
In Cheng Hua's eyes, there is an opportunity to kill, and he will pull the trigger against the Qin Dynasty.
Before his fingers moved, a dagger was nailed to his palm.
"Ah! My hand, my hand
Cheng Hua screamed bitterly and his gun fell to the ground.
He covered his shot through palm and screamed.
This bloody scene, so that in addition to Suji several girls, are a little pale.
"Too, too bloody..."
Qin Ling trembled nervously and couldn't help saying.
Qin Chaoxin said, "this is where to go.". If you were not there, the dagger of Laozi would be directly locked in the brow of each other.
You can't do such things as killing people in front of the imperial concubines
Cheng Hua endured the sharp pain in his hands and cried, "you have offended the Si family, and the Si family will certainly not let you go! You, you are dead
Looking at Cheng Hua's mad dog, Qin Dynasty sighed.
If I knew this, I'd better nail it in his brow.
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