Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1043

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Chapter 1043

"Well, it's quite mature."
The Qin Dynasty nodded, "I'm a little taller, and I'm a little more stable However, the chest is still undeveloped. How about a? "
"Nonsense, I'm clearly..."
Liao Shasha took a deep breath and was about to scold her. She suddenly picked her eyelids and calmed down in an instant. Then she said faintly.
"Really, brother Qin still likes to make fun of people's chests just like before."
The Qin Dynasty was more depressed.
If before, Liao Shasha would jump up fiercely and refute herself.
Maybe, they will jump directly on his legs, ride on him, and wave their angry little fists at themselves.
Everything has changed.
"You've really matured a lot I can't even recognize it... "
"Ha ha..."
Liao Shasha laughed. She was wearing a clean princess dress and black stockings under her. She looked very lovely and full of allure.
He is also strange to the age of corn, ah, to the girl dressed like this, simply has no resistance.
"Well, brother Qin, do you like the way I grow up, or the barbaric way I used to be?"
Liao Shasha suddenly raised a question that surprised the Qin Dynasty.
He was stunned at that moment and didn't know how to answer.
To tell you the truth, although the savage Liao Shasha had given him a lot of trouble. However, in his heart, he still likes the girl who dares to love and hate.
If we say, what is his biggest harvest in Dongchuan City is Yu Lu, Liao Shasha and Wu Xin.
The tenderness of Yu Lu, the pride of Liao Shasha, and the coyness of Wu Xin are all the beauties of Qin Dynasty.
It's a pity that I'm too busy. I'm still lazy in the office of Guangyuan college in my spare time. I seldom take these three girls into consideration.
Now as soon as Liao Shasha changes, he feels unprepared.
It's like, lost something.
Well, both men and women are strange animals.
"Brother Qin, tell me."
Liao Shasha blinked again.
This little Ao Jiao, in the evening sun, appears very quiet, and seems to be with a kind of playful, questioning the Qin Dynasty.
"Well Do you want the truth or the lie? "
"The truth, of course!"
"In fact You are still the same as before Although there is no change in the chest, at least it gives me a feeling of vitality... "
"I hate it. Brother Qin also talks about chest problems."
Liao Shasha's pink face turned red. "That means Do you like who I used to be? "
"Well, I like However, you have grown up, eh... "
Before the Qin Dynasty finished, his eyes widened.
Because Liao Shasha had already jumped on him like a rabbit, and then the little red lips pressed hard on his lips.
I, I wipe!
Was it forced to kiss again?
As a responsible, self-motivated good man, how can from such a thing!
We must have the courage to fight against the black forces!
"No, we can't..."
Qin said.
Liao Shasha's pretty face was flushed, and she seemed to be moved. She also seemed to think of the small ambiguous appearance of the past two people. Her body gently rose and fell on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"No, really not..."
Liao Shasha kisses for more than ten seconds, then raises her head, takes a deep breath and rolls her eyes repeatedly.
"Smelly fellow, son of a bitch, who can't talk while sucking on Miss Ben's tongue! Miss Ben almost died! "
"Hey, you sent it to the door on your own initiative. I'm a subconscious response. I'm innocent."
the Qin Dynasty held Liao Shasha in her arms, while nephrite was in her arms. The little Qin Dynasty held her head high and put her head up between her legs, which made her very ashamed.
The original God Liao Shasha is wearing a skirt, with stockings on her legs. There is nothing between her legs except thin underpants.
This cheap, let this bastard take over again.
"Asshole, asshole, asshole!"
Liao Shasha swung her small pink fist and kept beating on the body of the Qin Dynasty, just like smashing garlic in the Spring Festival.
Qin Dynasty is not painful, just ha ha smirk.
This girl, how to say changed, changed immediately.
"See me do not know to give me a hug, so indifferent to me, Miss loss so miss you!"
Liao Shasha complained.
"Well, it's you who are so indifferent to me."
The Qin Dynasty called injustice.
"Fool, you fool!"
Liao Shasha patted the Qin Dynasty, "it's not because you brought sister Suji here. No matter how I say it, I have to take into account the faces of you and the women of the Su family. Last time I made a scene in your Qin family, sister Yu Lu has criticized me. Hum, no matter how I say it, I'm a lady of the family. ""A girl with small breasts is also a lady in a big family? At most, she's a little girl. "
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help saying.
"Damn it! I'm not a baby girl, I'm not an airport
"I didn't say you're an airport. You see, you belittle yourself. You are still a little bit more developed than the airport. It should be the plane that has not been repaired yet "
" you die! I'll fight you for me
Liao Shasha opened her mouth and bit hard on the neck of the Qin Dynasty.
"Woo woo, my teeth..."
Liao Shasha covered her mouth with tears and looked at the Qin Dynasty wrongly, "why is your neck so hard? My teeth are aching. Wuwuwuwu..."
"That is, you can't even shoot through a bullet. How can you be more powerful than a bullet with a small breast?"
"Damn it, I said, I'm not a little breast girl!"
"A is not a little breast girl yet?"
"I'm b! I'm b! "
"Well, don't scold yourself like that. It hurts me."
"Damn it, you scold yourself!"
"I didn't say I was B, I was human."
"Boo hoo, you're bullying me again."
"Nonsense, it's you who scold yourself. You've wronged others. Can you bully others at will?"
"Who bullied whom in the end?"
Liao Shasha is going crazy.
"Hey, hey..."
The Qin Dynasty burst into laughter.
"What kind of giggle do you have?"
Liao Shasha rolled her eyes.
"I just think you're still the cutest."
"As long as you don't dislike me..."
Liao Shasha gently hugged the head of Qin Dynasty, rode on him, and said, "I know, I can't rob that woman of the Su family But if you just give me your little bit, I'll be satisfied. If my father knew that I was a young lady of Liao's family, she would be a junior, and she would jump down from the sky and kill me
"Haha, no way."
The Qin Dynasty touched Liao Shasha's long hair and said.
"I won't tell you."
In fact, the Qin Dynasty wanted to say that with your father's character, you can't go to heaven.
Of course, it's enough to talk about it. You can't say it, or Liao Shasha will easily break her teeth.
"Asshole, don't let Miss Ben lose her appetite. Tell me quickly!"
"Cough, it's getting late. We'd better go back and see how your sister Lulu is."
The Qin Dynasty didn't want Liao Shasha inlaid with gold teeth, so he quickly changed the subject.
"Oh, yes."
Liao Shasha also patted her head and jumped down from the body of the Qin Dynasty, "patronage has been molested by you, this bastard, and has forgotten about sister Yu Lu."
As long as I'm with this guy, I don't seem to have any troubles.
He used to give himself such a feeling, even if the sky fell, he would stand up to it.
"Let's go back."
Hand in hand, they went back to the hospital.
The bodyguards at the gate of the hospital were stunned.
Before going out, the eldest lady still looks like a lady.
How come back after, and so proud full.
However, this is their elder sister
at the door of the ward, Liao Shasha consciously released the hand of the Qin Dynasty, and then knocked on the door.
"Come in."
Inside came Suu Kyi's feeble voice.
Qin Dynasty and Liao Shasha looked at each other and quickly pushed the door in.
Yu Lu has already put on the patient's uniform again and lies quietly on the bed.
Suu Kyi sat by her bed, sweating and pale.
It's a sign of failure.
"Are you all right?"
The Qin Dynasty hurriedly walked past, and held Suji's little cold hand.
Suu Kyi's energy consumption is very serious, almost some overdraft.
The Qin Dynasty rushed to send yuan Qi in to replenish Suji's lost energy.
With the talent of the Qin Dynasty, the magic elixir transported vitality, just like the sea pouring water into the Xiaojiang River, Suji soon felt much better.
"It's OK. It's much better now."
Su Ji smiles at Qin Dynasty.
This smile, beautiful is the country and city, let the Qin Dynasty behind Liao Shasha heart marvel.
Such a woman is really beautiful.
No wonder the smelly guy likes her so much that he can even give up other girls for her.
I really can't compare with myself.
However, what she can give to Qin Dynasty is what she can't give.
Oneself, want to use own way, support Qin Dynasty, love Qin Dynasty.
As a woman of Qin Dynasty, she must have her value.Liao Shasha, at this moment, has realized in her heart.
If only I were as good as sister Yu Lu. At least I could help the Qin Dynasty in business.
When sister Yu Lu is ready, let her teach her how to do business.
"How is Yu Lu's health?"
Qin looked at Yu Lu, who was still unconscious, and said.
Suji shook her head and made Qin Dynasty and Liao Shasha nervous.
"Is it serious?"
The Chin Dynasty frowned.
"Serious, not serious."
Suji said, "this head drop is very stable, only let Yu Lu fall into a coma. However, I used my whole body's Buddha power, and I couldn't find the position to lower my head. If you can't find a head drop, you can't solve her symptoms. "
"Let me try."
The King Kong of Qin Dynasty is looking forward to it.
He went to Yu Lu's bed, stretched out his finger and gently put it on Yu Lu's forehead.
The pure Buddha power, in an instant, spreads along Yu Lu's forehead to her internal organs.
This Buddha power is like a detergent, which is constantly swimming in Yu Lu's body, improving her constitution.
Some minor problems and so on, have been cured by the way.
But these small problems are nothing, even if cured, Yu Lu still can't wake up.
When the Buddha of Qin Dynasty swam in Yu Lu's body for several times, like Suji, he still couldn't find where the bloody head was.
Rod, have you found anything
Qin asked.
"No, I can't do anything about it."
Rod gave an answer to the disappointment of the Qin Dynasty.
"Is there really no way out?"
Qin Dynasty looked at the remaining dew lying on the bed, is bursts of heartache.
He clenched his fist and his joints crackled.
"In fact, there is no way out."
Su Ji looked at the anxious appearance of the Qin Dynasty and said.
"What can I do?"
"My master, master release."
Suji said a name, which surprised the Qin Dynasty.
"Can he help?"
"Of course
Su Ji gave the Qin Dynasty a blank look, "look down on my master! Although he can't beat you, he is good at dealing with these things. Not only him, but also people from Wudang Mountain. "
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