Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 538

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Chapter 538

"You, who the hell are you?"
Before the Qin Dynasty came in, Jing Chuqi felt a terrible pressure.
This kind of pressure can only be brought to her by the elders in the sect.
Huangjimen, with a very special magic, can explore the power of other practitioners within 100 meters. Therefore, Jing Chuqi believes in his own judgment.
Therefore, she understood that the opposite, is not a new person of any concentration period at all! He must have his own way to hide his real strength!
And the woman in black standing next to her is no less powerful than herself!
God, who the hell is this! Why, she never heard of such a person.
"Me?" Qin Dynasty touched the white glove on his hand, and then he he laughed, "I'm just a little person, I'm Qin Dynasty."
"Qin, Qin Dynasty!" Jing Chuqi's eyes are flying out.
She suddenly regretted taking the task.
Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty! Qin Dynasty
In the practice world, who doesn't know the name now!
The contemporary descendant of luoshamen is a man who bears the magic arts of Buddhism, magic and Taoism!
At that time, he held the sword of big Yin and Yang evil king, and cut off half of the fox and wolf mountain with one sword.
Later, with Yuan Ying's early strength, he defeated the master of Dharma interpretation in the golden body period!
Jing Chuqi has always felt that she is very powerful, but she knows very well that she is just the strength of the middle term of Yuanying. In the face of the master of Dharma, she will lose and have no strength to fight back!
And now, when this man, with a kind of patriarchal pressure, respect Chuqi understand.
He is already the peak of Yuanying. As long as you give him a chance, he will break through and enter the realm of golden body and become a real master!
There are nine heaven in the cultivation of truth, and nine heaven in the golden body.
Therefore, many practitioners like to say that only when you enter the golden age, you are really buried in the threshold of cultivation.
"Go to hell for me."
The Qin Dynasty was very straightforward and came here one step at a time.
At the same time, he flew a fist and hit Jing Chuqi, who was pasted on the wall.
His fist, hidden can destroy the power of heaven and earth.
Jiuyou giant elephant is just a force to reduce ten wisdom. Therefore, if the blow is real, Jing Chuqi's body will be completely destroyed and turned into dust.
She can only leave Yuanying and flee in a hurry.
But no one wants to lose their flesh. If the physical body is destroyed, Yuanying will have to find the body to fuse again, which will lose a lot of cultivation.
So Jing Chuqi was scared.
She could also see how terrifying the punch was!
"The Royal holy gate!"
She stretched out her hands in a hurry and closed them in front of her. Yellow crystal awns gathered together, and soon formed a golden door, blocking her body.
The fist of the Qin Dynasty is falling on the top of the imperial holy gate.
Huangji holy gate is a defense magic of Huangji gate.
It mobilizes the vitality of the caster's whole body and attracts the golden power in the air to form such a gate. Such a door, even a missile, can't blow through.
In particular, it is made by a master of Yuan infantile period. It is very hard. If the defensive power is digitized, it is estimated to be tens of millions.
However, such a door could not withstand the devastation of the Qin Dynasty.
Because the power of one punch in the Qin Dynasty has already broken a hundred million!
The imperial holy gate began to collapse from the place hit by the Qin Dynasty. From the wall, the power of Jingqi is directly from the door to the blue sky.
How terrifying was the power of this punch? The whole building was pierced.
When Jing Chuqi fell into the air, there were few left in her hands, most of which had been destroyed.
Fortunately, she was smart and broke the connection with the gate as soon as it collapsed. Otherwise, maybe even her own body will be destroyed together.
To the outside, is no longer that narrow bathroom, Jing Chuqi is relieved.
Now, I have a chance to escape.
The Golden Phoenix will fly under the feet of heaven and earth to escape.
"Want to run?"
Qin Dynasty stood in the broken hole upstairs, looking at Jing Chuqi outside, with a cold smile, "moved my woman, do you think you can go back alive?"
With that, the Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand to Jing Chuqi.
The main idea is to start.
Generally speaking, the effect of mental arts on the practitioners is extremely correct, because every one of them is beyond the law of heaven and earth. So they don't accept the control of another person's mind.
But general mindfulness is an exception, because it is already a world power. As long as the power of the Qin Dynasty surpasses the other side, he can use his mind to control him with his own world!To Chu Qi, naturally, I tasted the pain of this careless recitation.
She had just stepped on the magic weapon, and before she could escape, she was caught by the careless recitation of the Qin Dynasty, and fell into the air in confusion. If not for her quick reaction and luck, it is estimated that she will fall 30 layers directly and turn into flesh mud.
"Mind, how can it be..." Jing Chuqi looked at the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, some panic, "why would I be controlled by the mind?"
"Go to hell and ask the king of hell!"
The Qin Dynasty said, hands raised high. A golden lotus sword appeared on his palm, which was held by the void and kept spinning.
White lotus chop.
As long as a blow, Qin Dynasty can take Jing Chuqi's life, and even the other party's Yuanying will not let go!
Jing Chuqi also felt the strong threat on the sword! As soon as her face turned white, she immediately controlled her golden phoenix hairpin and started her magic.
The hairpins flew into the air, and then reduced to ordinary hairpins. But these hairpins suddenly began to split and turned into one after another. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of hairpins appeared and were floating in the air.
"Heaven and earth Golden Phoenix hairpin! The Phoenix appears
Jing Chuqi launches the spell.
Those hairpins, all of a sudden, were burning a golden flame. Then, one by one, they turned into Golden Phoenix, but they were all small Phoenix, each with only one meter old school
but these Phoenix flapping wings, a large number, it seems quite frightening.
"That's it. Can we call it Phoenix?"
The Qin Dynasty looked at those golden phoenix overhead and couldn't help laughing.
"Go to hell!" Jing Chuqi has been reckless, a wave of hands, those Golden Phoenix, like the sacred wind dare to die team like, toward the Qin Dynasty on the attack.
"Bang bang bang bang bang!" It was as if someone had opened a machine gun again and kept shooting at the broken wall.
This building, immediately suffered disaster. Thirty floors of the roof, for a time, rocks flying, mud splashing.
The Golden Phoenix is extremely hard. It seems that it was chopped by an axe and many stones jumped out.
And the Qin Dynasty stood there, accepting the baptism of the Golden Phoenix.
I'm cultivating the Vajra Sutra. I'm going to break through the Vajra skyscraper and reach the realm of Vajra waving an axe. Therefore, Qin Chaosi did not care, and would not feel that these golden phoenix could do him any harm.
Sure enough, hit him, the Golden Phoenix can only whisper burst open, but can not hurt him. But if this spell continues, the building will collapse.
There are still hundreds of Phoenix in the sky. Are they all falling down?
"Broken heart sword array!"
So, Qin Chaoxin read a move, in his side, immediately appeared one after another of the platinum lotus chop.
These white lotus cuts, like bullets from machine guns, kept flying away from the Qin Dynasty. One by one, it was easy to break through the Golden Phoenix wandering in the sky.
Before Jing Chuqi could be proud of himself, his magic had been destroyed by a burst of sword rain.
"Well, what's the problem..."
Jing Chuqi would never have thought that there were so many means in Qin Dynasty, and they were so terrible.
"Well, little girl, have you had enough?"
Just as she was stunned, a voice suddenly appeared on her head.
She looked up and saw Qin Dynasty holding arms, wearing the suit, floating on the top, looking down at her.
"No! I won't just throw in the towel
I didn't expect that Jing Chuqi was still very tenacious, and suddenly cried out hysterically.
"Come back to me, heaven and earth's Golden Phoenix hairpin!" Jing Chuqi waved to his hairpin and then said to the Qin Dynasty.
"Qin Dynasty, don't think you are invincible! Let me tell you, Xiuzhen world is never as simple as you think! Come on, Huang Jizhen
She said that, the heaven and earth Golden Phoenix hairpin suddenly became very big, like a sword, and then even a head into Jing Chuqi's head of the Baihui meridians.
That Jing Chuqi, almost the whole person was pierced.
But her body, it is burst out a group of dazzling gold light.
This golden light contains a strong force of gold, forcing the Qin Dynasty to fly several tens of meters, temporarily avoiding its front.
And Jing Chuqi, but soon convergence that golden light, and then fixed floating in the air, looking at the Qin Dynasty.
She was stabbed by her hairpin, but now she has no harm.
Just, on her head, there was a bun with a hairpin pinned on it.
And her eyes, too, have turned golden. Her whole body was covered with the light of gold armor.
This is Huangji real body?
"Huangji real body is a kind of magic that huangjimen has developed a new way." Like Baidu in the Xiuzhen world, rod, an old fellow, said, "she used her magic weapon to stimulate Baihui meridians and directly burst out of her full potential. Now, Huangji's vitality has spread all over her body Well, let's say, she's in the same state as when you reached King Kong's wave of the axe. ""What?" Qin Dynasty small surprise, unexpectedly can reach the realm of King Kong wave axe, that is too powerful!
"Go to hell!" Jing Chuqi didn't have time to wait for the Qin Dynasty to think about it. Her feet moved and the whole person turned into a golden wind, which instantly appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, her palm, with a golden awn, cleaved to the shoulder of the Qin dynasty like a hand knife.
Qin Dynasty a Leng God, unexpectedly was chopped a positive.
If the Qin Dynasty didn't practice the Vajra Sutra, I'm afraid it will be split into two parts!
And the palm of Jing Chuqi was flicked open, with a spark, and tilted back.
There was wonder in her eyes.
Why, oneself enters emperor extremely true body state, cannot hurt this man in front of!
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