Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 467

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Chapter 467

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..." Shangguanyan held the door of the shopping mall, her plump chest trembled and gasped heavily.
Xiaorou is also afraid to lift her head, buried in her sister's arms.
At this time, the devil who had just been knocked down by a gun suddenly got up from the ground, one eye was dripping with blood, the other eye was full of murderous spirit.
"Roar!" He gave an angry roar at the sisters.
"Xiaorou!" Shangguanyan closed her eyes in despair. She could only bend down and hold her sister tightly together.
Death, the next moment is coming
I didn't expect to die in such a place I'm really upset. Before my mother died, I didn't see the annoying Qin Dynasty. Last time he took advantage of my mother. I swore to take it back
Really, are you going to die like this
However, after waiting for a long time, the pain in my imagination still did not appear.
At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.
"Hello, beauty, what are you doing? I'm scared by my domineering."
Her long eyelashes trembled, and shangguanyan seemed to be dreaming. She opened her eyes and looked at the face in front of her that was disgusting and made her think about her dream at night.
It was a man in a black windbreaker, with a cigarette in his mouth and a white sword in one hand, which he resisted on his shoulder.
At his feet, he stepped on the head of a demon with one blind eye. The headless body, lying on one side.
Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty!
God, how could he be here! What's more, how did he kill a terrible demon!
"I know. Although you don't look like a woman all over your body, I just have to accept you. Come on, Shangguan girl, and bow down to your majesty
This disgusting man, yes, it's really him!
"Qin Dynasty!" At this moment, shangguanyan seems to have ignored everything, suddenly rushed up, jumped up, and held the neck of the man opposite.
"Damn it!" The Qin Dynasty was shocked. Unexpectedly, the girl really threw herself into her arms. "You want to strangle me"
before the Qin Dynasty pushed shangguanyan down, someone suddenly pulled the corner of his clothes.
He looked down and saw a little Lori, who was less than ten years old, pouting her mouth and pulling at her clothes timidly.
"No, don't hurt my sister..."
Hey, this little Lori.
If the information is correct, this girl should be shangguanyan's half sister. Not to mention, it's very nice. Well, it's much better than shangguanyan.
"Shangguan girl." The Qin Dynasty patted a part of shangguanyan, then said with a smile, "last time I accidentally looked at you, this time you hugged me, we can not owe each other ha!"
"Fuck you!" Shangguanyan immediately broke away from the embrace of the Qin Dynasty, glared at him and said fiercely, "you are so beautiful, you still take advantage of me!"
"Conscience of heaven and earth!" Qin Dynasty held up three fingers and said, "we all look at it. It is clear that it was just a spring heart sprouting. The wolf like woman, like a thirsty female wolf, rushed up to embrace me."
"You die!" Shangguanyan gently kicked the leg of Qin Dynasty, "what is like a wolf like a tiger Hungry wolf, your dog can't spit out Ivory! "
"Haha, how can you blush?"
"It's hot!"
"It's January. It snowed the day before yesterday."
"I wear too much. Can you control it?"
Two people in the back of the gunfire, demons roaring environment, still selfless fighting.
At this time, shangguanyan suddenly grabbed the collar of Qin Dynasty, and then asked ferociously.
"Ya Ya, you haven't told my mother, how can you appear here?"
"It's not that girl Liu Chang told me." The Qin Dynasty remembered that early this morning, Liu Chang called himself and told him that shangguanyan was wandering around Tokyo with her little sister.
The news scared the Qin Dynasty to death. If something happened to shangguanyan, he would never forgive himself.
Therefore, he rushed over in a hurry and looked for shangguanyan everywhere. But Tokyo is too big. Where can I find it!
But it seems that there is fate in the world.
When the Qin Dynasty was flying in the air, a pair of beautiful sister flowers suddenly came out of the shopping mall at the foot.
The woman in yellow woollen windbreaker, black pantyhose and black leather boots is not shangguanyan. Who else can it be!
Cut off a blind devil, Qin Dynasty came to this girl in front of.
"Liu Chang?" Shangguanyan didn't know that her good sister was actually a state agent. She was just a little strange. Liu Chang was very nice. How could she mention her coming to Tokyo to the Qin Dynasty."And why are you so good?" Shangguanyan refused to give up and asked after Qin Dynasty.
"Do you really want to know?" The look of the Qin Dynasty suddenly became very solemn.
"Nonsense, don, of course I want to know." When shangguanyan saw the seriousness of the Qin Dynasty, she became nervous. This nasty guy In the end, what is the secret.
"Well Since you want to know, I'll tell you. "
Qin Dynasty suddenly looked at the sky and murmured, "in fact, my hometown is in the distant universe."
"Eh? Are you an alien? " Shangguanyan resisted the impulse to dissect the Qin Dynasty.
"Yes..." The Qin Dynasty nodded painfully, "in fact, I am a person from the star of vegeta..."
"Vegeta?" Shangguanyan blinked and muttered curiously, "how can this name sound so familiar?"
"Well!" The Qin Dynasty nodded, and then suddenly said, "on this planet, there are our legends everywhere. Because we have another name, Saia. "
"Oh, my God, my God!" Shangguanyan suddenly ran away. The fool also knew that he had been fooled by this guy of Qin Dynasty.
She raised her boots and gave the Qin Dynasty a foot, "my mother or man-made man-made 17!"
"You remember wrong." The Qin Dynasty clapped on Guanyan's shoulder, and then seriously said, "No. 17 is a man, No. 18 is a beauty."
"You I... "
Without waiting for shangguanyan to finish, a demon suddenly roared and rushed over, a pair of huge meat palms, toward the head of the Qin Dynasty.
"What a dull fellow." The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders helplessly, turned back and waved his sword.
Even the magic man who couldn't do anything with rockets was like this, which was split into two parts by a sword of the Qin Dynasty.
"Who is that?"
"Look at the guy with the sword!"
"Dangerous people found!"
At this time, the self-defense forces who were fighting with demons in the distance also found the figure of Qin Dynasty. Especially in the Qin Dynasty, it was too exciting for them.
"Quick, take their photos and check the database!"
These self-defense forces began to investigate in a hurry, and soon there was an answer from the above.
"The data is out!"
* *, he's a Chinaman! Besides, he once assassinated his majesty! "
Suddenly, the Qin Dynasty has been drawn to the enemy's camp by the self defense forces.
"For the sake of his majesty, kill that dangerous element!"
"Kill him with the devil!"
The self defense forces were crazy. They aimed their guns at the Qin Dynasty.
"Not good!"
Aware of the movement of these self-defense forces, the Qin Dynasty was shocked. I'm not afraid, but I still have shangguanyan around me.
"Come with me!"
Without hesitation, the Qin Dynasty held xiaorou in one hand, threw away the lotus chop with the other hand, and directly carried the upper Guanyan to the shoulder.
"Ah Shangguanyan was surprised to find that the Qin Dynasty was carrying himself, and suddenly made a big red face.
Well, what does this guy want.
"We have to go now!" Suddenly, Qin stepped on the top of the shopping mall, and then stepped on the top of the building and left a pit on the top of the market.
"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!" Chasing the figure of Qin Dynasty, behind him, the wall was constantly shot out of the crater. There is also a rocket shelling in the above, the explosion of debris flying.
The Qin Dynasty protected the two girls with their vitality. They jumped up from the top of the building, jumped a hundred meters, and jumped rapidly in the air.
"Ah Shangguanyan felt the feeling of riding on the clouds, and screamed repeatedly. The eardrum of Qin Dynasty was painful.
"Stop shouting!" It's a pity that I can't do it. Otherwise, the Qin Dynasty will slap this chick's ass heavily. "It's noisy. We're going to the embassy. The helicopter we leave is waiting for you."
The Qin Dynasty is now upset that Xiaobai was not allowed to follow him. Otherwise, it is not a matter of a word to send back shangguanyan with this free means of transportation.
But Xiaobai's task now is to protect Huizi. After all, Huizi is not a magic puppet. A girl's home may not be safe.
Qin Dynasty controlled the wind, the body like a flying bird, under the body are buildings and streets.
Shangguanyan and xiaorou quickly moved towards the Embassy by the free plane.
"Security set, please reply when you receive it!"
At this time, the wrist led communication light suddenly lit up, and then Liu Chang's voice came out from inside.
"Why? How can I hear the girl Liu Chang talking? "
Shangguanyan's eyebrows jumped and looked down. Seeing such a high distance, I suddenly felt dizzy and closed my eyes.
"You heard me wrong."Qin Dynasty is very helpless to tell a lie, and then to the LED communicator, said.
"Security set received Stewardess, please
Grandma, Qin Dynasty has the impulse to fly back immediately and strangle Li Baishan.
How did he come up with such a code name for vomiting blood. I'll have to fight with him.
"Have you found Shangguan?"
"Yes, I have it."
"Well, get to the embassy right away. It's under attack."
"What? Where has the devil gone
"No, it's a right-wing army."
Liu Chang's words directly ignited the anger of the Qin Dynasty.
He didn't expect that before the demons came out, those damned right-wing elements would come out first. All right, one kill one, two kill a pair. Since you are in such a hurry, I will send you to hell.
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