Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 793

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Chapter 793

The body of the Qin Dynasty trembled, because he clearly felt that there was a force of thought, and went straight to Princess su.
All of a sudden, he was cold all over, and subconsciously, his mind was activated.
The Qin Dynasty also raised his hand and threw it in the direction of Su Fei.
The sudden force of thought was thrown aside at once.
It's all from the wine stand. It's all cracked. It's all broken.
All of them were surprised, and they thought that this was what happened.
At this moment, the Qin Dynasty also suddenly woke up.
Because, from the smell of the wine, he smelled a familiar smell.
It's the devil!
ESTEE and j also felt that the two seven virtue knights, in an instant, were behind brother Niu, pressing him to his knees with one hand each.
"How dare the devil come here
Said Estee fiercely. A white light flashed through his right hand, and he wanted to kill the devil with the light of the knight of seven virtues.
Qin Dynasty actually stretched out his hand to block Estee, "don't start until you understand."
"Jie Jie..."
Brother Niu is abnormal. He kneels on the ground and laughs, "Qin Dynasty, today is just a small meeting ceremony. We'll play with you for a long time
With that, the cow's mouth opened, and a stream of black smoke whizzed out.
"Want to go?"
Qin Dynasty but a cold hum, a hand pressed on the top of the black smoke, Sheng Sheng put this black smoke, again from the new pressure back to Niu brother's body.
The devil wanted to run or not. At this time, he finally panicked and looked at the Qin Dynasty timidly.
"You, what do you want to do?"
"What do I want to do?"
Qin Dynasty sneered, "since you have been sent to me, I naturally want to enjoy it. Hehe, don't think about it. I don't have a strong taste. It's just that I'm very interested in some of your hells. "
"Jie Jie, don't dream..."
Niu Ge laughs, "even if you torture me, you can't get a little bit of information about hell from my mouth."
"Well, of course I know. You ugly ones, pain is a pleasure to you
The Qin Dynasty was confident and said, "I don't have to deal with you guys. Rod, you help. "
He said, opening his arms and shaking.
At this moment, his momentum suddenly changed.
When he opened his eyes again, there was a deep killing and evil spirit.
"Can I help you?"
Rhode occupied the body of the Qin Dynasty, looked at the attached man in front of him, and said, "very good, I will use the soul searching method. After we know the guy's memory, you're swallowing his soul with magic pill. "
He said, in the cowherd's frightened eyes, put the palm of his hand on his head.
Soul searching method, this is a very powerful magic of rod.
The reason why they didn't give it to the Qin Dynasty was that the things cultivated in the Qin Dynasty were too complicated.
There are a lot of magic, and the Qin Dynasty in the body of the Tao, Buddhism two schools of conflict.
If you insist on learning, it will only make the three forces in the Qin Dynasty become chaotic, uncontrollable, and finally explode to death.
"You, what are you going to do?"
Niu Ge felt the cold palm of his hand, and his body couldn't help shaking for a while and asked.
"Nothing, just caressing your little soul."
Rod is also full of modern words.
He said a word, palm suddenly white as jade, nine you Yin Fire instantly rushed into this guy's soul.
In brother Niu's body, the demon's ugly soul twitches, struggles and wails.
However, this can not resist rod's soul searching method.
Soon, he knew everything he wanted to know.
After about two or three minutes, rod took back his hand. And the devil gasped, dying.
"All right, exchange bodies."
Rod obediently returned to the body, and the Qin Dynasty regained the initiative.
He looked at the cold sweat of Niu brother, smile, once again put his hand on his forehead.
This time, the magic pill in the body of Qin Dynasty was lit up.
It's like a mass of black cosmic objects, spinning wildly.
The twisted spirit of the devil was pulled out of brother Niu's body. In a flash, it was completely engulfed, which added a little vitality to the Qin Dynasty.
The spirit of the devil left, and the Niu brother was paralyzed.
The Qin Dynasty beckoned.
"Here it is, brother Qin. Do you want me to deal with this boy?"Liu Chuan knew that his brother Qin had great ability. Seeing the paralytic ox brother on the ground, he asked with a seven hole knife.
"No, wake him up and send him home."
Liu Chuan was a little dazed. He didn't understand why brother Qin gave such an order.
"Come on."
Qin Dynasty did not want to explain, just said, "don't hurt him."
"Yes, yes, I listen to brother Qin."
How dare Liu Chuan not listen to the words of Qin Dynasty. He immediately waved his hand, found a few younger brothers, and carried the fainted man away.
"It's OK. You can sit down and eat something."
Qin Dynasty said to Estee and j, but they shook their heads and stood aside again.
"What about the Qin Dynasty?"
Suu Kyi watched for a long time. At this time, she finally interposed.
"It's a devil. I asked rod to search his memory. Don't disturb me. I'll have a tea party with rod
Said, Qin Dynasty closed his eyes, sat there, as if the stone statue, motionless.
Suji knew that Qin Dynasty could not be distracted now, so she stood by her side.
"Hey, boy, you're busy now."
Rod's voice always feels a little gloating. It is estimated that the old man thinks that Qin Dynasty is a little too idle recently. He wants to find something to do for him.
"If you have something to say, don't sell it."
Qin Dynasty was a little impatient. Today was the first anniversary of him and Suji. They had a happy festival. They ran out of a devil and made him unhappy.
"This demon, who is not a senior figure, seems to be one of the seven demons of hell, a subordinate of Astaroth. His task is to kill the most important person around you, so that you have to make a wish on him, so that you can get your soul. "
"These damned demons!"
Qin Dynasty clenched his teeth, "what about others? Are there any more?"
"No, this guy is too low-level, so much useful information. He knows very little about you. He only knows that your soul is very important, not even your real strength. "
"It looks like cannon fodder."
The Qin Dynasty knew that he needed to find an understanding person to inquire about it in detail.
Of course, Rosie can't. this chick, she's being watched too hard by the king of hell. Therefore, the Qin Dynasty did not dare to call her, for fear that she was implicated by the king of hell.
If Roxie can't, there will be only such a small devil around Qin Dynasty.
But this matter, can't let Suji know, otherwise let her worry in vain.
So, the Qin Dynasty took a deep breath, Yang God quietly drilled out of the body, suspended in the sky above the East Street.
Suji sat on one side of the Qin Dynasty, eating roasted wings while waiting for the Qin Dynasty to wake up.
It seems that the girl didn't notice.
The Qin Dynasty suddenly turned into a golden light and disappeared in the night.
In an instant, he crossed hundreds of meters and came to a small alley in the distance.
Then, Yang Shen agglomerates into shape, stands inside the alley and looks around.
It's quite quiet here. It's a good place to do something.
"Han Bing, no matter where you are now and what you are doing, I call you from Qin Dynasty, please show up immediately!"
For demons, calling them is calling their names.
Sure enough, after shouting, the Qin Dynasty felt that the surrounding space was slightly fluctuating.
A white bath towel wrapped in the body, fragrant little girl, appeared behind him.
The girl's blue hair is still wet and dripping with water.
"Hello, Hello, uncle. They are taking a bath. What are you looking for?"
Han Bing said, a shake of the head, the water on the hair immediately disappeared, become very dry.
At the same time, her bathrobe disappeared and turned into a long white dress.
"Not to do it, but to ask you something."
Qin Dynasty teased the girl by the way.
"Well, uncle is so powerful that he dares to come and tease others."
Han Bing tilted his head and looked at the Qin Dynasty with a smile, "why, I haven't seen you for several days. Do you want someone else?"
"I don't dare to miss you. I just want to ask you something."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"Ah ah, but people are not Baidu, not casually can ask."
Han Bing shook his head and said.
"What do you want?"
"Nature is the soul of Uncle..."
Han Bing's hand in the Qin Dynasty body two strokes.
"That's impossible."
Qin Dynasty sneers, "that you go back, I don't ask."
"Tut, don't do this. You can bargain in business."Han Bing took Qin Dynasty's hand and said, "there's a way and a way, so it's interesting!"
She said, holding up a finger, shaking in front of the body, "let me guess, uncle must have met something, just come to me."
"Or I'll play poker with you?"
"Playing cards? Lost the stripper? "
Han Bing raised her eyebrows.
Qin Dynasty glared at this wench one eye, "say, your condition."
"Tut, uncle, don't be so direct."
Han Bing giggled, "people like to be more reserved."
"Come on."
Looking at the cold face of the Qin Dynasty, Han Bing had to pout his mouth and say, "well, people don't have any conditions. But it's good to let uncle owe me a favor. If you have anything you want to ask, just ask. People are in a good mood today and will tell you what they want to tell you. "
"Who is Astaroth?"
"Well, that's a great man."
Han Bing exclaimed, "uncle, have you offended her?"
"How do I know? I want to know if I'll ask you again."
"Well, well, people just don't want to say it dryly."
Han Bing said, hand gently move, more than a bottle of black pine sauce, a sign, "Uncle drink?"
"You can't get used to it. Tell me."
"Well, I'll tell you all about her. But, uncle, remember, you owe me personal affection
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