Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1082

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Chapter 1082

"What else?"
The Qin Dynasty seemed impatient.
Hu Qing almost killed him. He remembers this account clearly.
The reason why she helped Hu Qing beat back the right path was also due to Hu Lili's face.
The Qin Dynasty was a man who was right and wrong. He never blurred the concept of who was right and who was wrong.
He will not obliterate Hu Lili's kindness to herself because of Hu Qing's evil to him.
This is only a loving little fox. He will treat her well.
We have to find a way to restore her figure.
"I want to ask the Lord of Qin to be the leader of our evil alliance."
Hu Qing said a word, and the audience was shocked.
God horse!
Let the Qin Dynasty be the leader of the evil alliance!
This, this is a bit illogical!
"Alliance leader!"
Jingru of huangjimen hurriedly came out and said, "I don't think it's right! Although the master of luochamen has excellent magic skills, he has been away from our evil Alliance for a long time and does not understand the rules of the evil alliance! Moreover, as you can see today, he was supposed to besiege the evil alliance. How can a man who is so uncertain be able to shoulder the responsibility of the leader of the evil alliance? "
"Yes, Lord!"
"Alliance leader, you should think twice!"
"We don't accept the leadership of others!"
A group of evil alliance members of the devil, have yelled.
Qin Dynasty looked at these people coldly.
The people in MAHLE Gobi, as if I like to be the leader of your evil alliance, are a group of waste wood.
"Lord Qin, the evil alliance is a great Alliance for thousands of years. The leader of the alliance has always had corresponding people. I advise you not to think about it."
Jingru turned her head again and said to the Qin Dynasty.
This woman of huangjimen has no hatred of Qin Dynasty.
After all, the Qin Dynasty destroyed her daughter's body.
"Reverend Ru elder, you stop."
Hu Qing is a little nervous. There is a reason why he made Qin Dynasty the leader of the alliance!
Now the evil alliance is full of crisis and precarious. Only the strength of the Qin Dynasty can protect the security of the evil alliance!
Who else can do it!
Hu Qinggang wanted to reprimand the elder of huangjimen. Who knows this time, he is very tough, and says.
"Lord, please listen to Jingru. It's not suitable for the leader of Qin clan to be the leader of this evil alliance! Please think twice
"Please think twice, leader."
All the disciples of the devil's road all cried out with one voice.
It seems that Hu Qing's status in the hearts of these disciples is still very high.
Hu Qing is in a hurry.
Now, it's all bad.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Who knows, the Qin Dynasty suddenly burst out laughing.
Jingru turned her head and frowned at the Qin Dynasty.
"Lord Qin, what are you laughing at?"
"I laugh, laugh at the stupidity of you guys!"
"What are you talking about?"
Jingru immediately listened to the anger, and the golden light came out of her body.
Huangji magic skill.
But the Qin Dynasty didn't pay any attention to the cultivation of Jingru. He took out a cigarette, lit it, took a leisurely puff, and then said, "why, don't you accept it? If you don't, you can play this seat!"
"You, you..."
Jingru wilted, holding his anger, staring at the Qin Dynasty.
How to fight?
She was not a rival of the Qin Dynasty.
"I'm just laughing at your stupidity and for spoiling Hu Qing's good intentions. Hu Qing, you are so cunning that you want to leave your mess to me? Don't you think it's a little too nice? "
"Lord Qin, I'm..."
Hu Qing was about to say something, but was interrupted by a wave of the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, I know that you are careful. What's more, these magic mending guys present, I'd like to tell you, what kind of cake do you think you are? Who wants to be the so-called leader of the alliance? Fuck, don't you have a dream. You guys are just a bunch of rotten goods. You can't kill two or three decent sects together! A luochamen in this seat will kill you all. I want you to be a loser! "
"Too, too arrogant!"
"You, you don't understand the power of our magic way!"
"This man is the villain of the devil way!"
A group of demon disciples, angry and unwilling to cry.
"Not convinced?"
Qin Dynasty eyelid picked to pick, spit out a mouthful of smoke, said, "not convinced, you are paralyzed! If I hadn't been here today, you guys would have been exterminated by the right way! When the time comes, return him? What evil alliance, the six gates of the evil way can only leave one luochamen! At that time, do you mean to call yourself the devil's disciples? It's a group of homeless dogs, a group of stray dogs that nobody wants! "
After finishing this time, the disciples of the evil way stopped shouting and quieted down one by one.Although they all glared angrily at the Qin Dynasty, they had to admit that what the Qin Dynasty said was true.
Today, if there was no Qin Dynasty, even if these disciples were brave, they would die. The damage to the evil way was too great after the last battle of rightness and evil.
All the masters are exhausted, and the remaining disciples have different strength.
Coupled with years of suppression of the right path, so that the evil way can not get any good development. If it was not for Hu Qing's leadership, let the devil's road have been hidden in the city, I'm afraid it would have been eliminated.
But now Zhengdao didn't know where to get the news, and even found the headquarters of the evil alliance.
The word "safety" does not exist in the hearts of these demons.
For thousands of years, every demon disciple has not practiced it carefully.
Like the Qin Dynasty, it is still the only one.
I can't help it. Who let others put their strength here!
Even the master candle dragon, who wanted to marry his woman, was not dealt with by him!
Who are the four elders of misty peak!
The great masters in the period of thunder robbery are all destroyed.
As for the events of the Qin Dynasty at the Hongmeng Taoist meeting, and the event of defeating the immortals of beitangpo, they were blocked by Zhengdao.
Such a disgraceful thing can't be spread all over the Xiuzhen world.
If these demon disciples know that even the masters at the level of scattered immortals can defeat them, they will immediately kneel on the ground and beg the Qin Dynasty to become the leader of the alliance.
"Lord Qin, please look at my face, and don't see them in the same way."
Hu Qing said quickly, "they just don't know you very well, but I know you. I know that if you are in this position, the evil alliance will be revived and fight against the right path again."
"Thank you. I'm not interested in that."
However, the Qin Dynasty waved his hand, "even the stall of luochamen, I have no time to attend to it. What's more, you should make your own mess. "
"Lord Qin, are you thinking about it No matter how, we are also the evil alliance, the alliance of the six evil ways. Luochamen is also the six evil ways. We should support each other, collude with each other and fight against the enemy together, right? "
"Don't take these big words off my seat."
Qin Dynasty smoked a cigarette, "evil way, right way, or what, I don't care."
"Master of the Qin clan..."
"My Lord!"
Jingru couldn't stand it and said, "don't ask him any more! Even if we don't have him as the leader of the alliance, we still have the care of Shanhai tomb! "
"Yes, yes, and the legendary mountain and sea tomb."
"Why do we ask others for such a backing?"
A group of disciples of the evil way just wake up and say one after another.
That Jing Ru, is more elated to see the Qin Dynasty.
She said in her heart, little sample, do you think you are the only expert in the world!
Who knows at this time, Shan Sao, who has not spoken for a long time, suddenly interrupts.
"Sorry, Shanhai tomb is not involved in any dispute with the right devil."
He took a look at the Qin Dynasty, heart said that now some understanding of this guy.
It is right not to save these evil disciples. They are obviously a group of white eyed wolves. The Qin Dynasty knew that * * could not do it in this world.
Although I was educated in the Qin Dynasty, I learned to do well.
But now in this cannibalism society, if you do good deeds, you will not get good rewards.
The purest kind of trust and honor between people has disappeared, selfishness, self indulgence. The Qin Dynasty was in the realm of practice and was indifferent to the increasingly dark world.
If a person doesn't even have a moral standard, why help him?
If you help him, you're killing yourself.
Many years ago, primary school students were proud to help the old lady cross the road.
Now, who is going to help the old lady?
It's too late to hide.
This group of demons is not so.
When they face a crisis, they can share the same hatred with themselves.
When the crisis is over, they start to be ungrateful again, considering their most urgent interests.
Who is willing to let an outsider lead himself?
In their eyes, the Qin Dynasty was an outsider to the letter.
Hu Qing's cleverness was even clearer in the Qin Dynasty.
Let yourself lead the evil alliance?
Push yourself against the wind and waves to resist the attack of the right way.
And when he opened the misty treasure house, in order to make the evil alliance strong, he didn't score a part of the benefits to the evil alliance?
He's not going to be such a jerk, idiot!
Luoshamen is his organization of Qin Dynasty, and only the people of luoshamen can be trusted!As for these evil disciples, let them go to hell!
"You, didn't you say that the headmaster of Hu is a descendant of Shanhai tomb?"
Jingru asked in surprise as she grew up.
The reason why they support Hu Qing so crazily now is that Hu Qing has the blood relationship of mountain and sea tomb.
Originally thought, with the blood of the mountain and sea tomb, the evil alliance is difficult, and the people from the mountain and sea tomb must not come to save the field?
However, it seems that something is wrong now. AI
"yes, Hu Qing is indeed a descendant of Qingqiu. Therefore, we will only protect Hu Qing's personal safety in the future. As for the evil alliance or something, if it is willing to be destroyed, we will not worry about it. "
Shan Sao's words made all the disciples of the evil way gape.
Don't play like this!
In fact, Shan Sao is also angry. You idiots, Hu Qing's relationship with Shanhai tomb can be as close as Qin Dynasty Can there be a day near!
If it's for the sake of heaven, I'm afraid the king can kill Qingqiu himself!
What's more, a little descendant of you!
In vain attempt to get the protection of the mountain and sea tomb, crazy people talk about dreams!
"How, how can this be..."
Jingru is a little silly.
Hu Qing at this time, really want to give Jingru a mouth.
She said in a hurry, "Lord Qin, give the evil alliance a chance Just look at Lily's face... "
"Lili's affairs will be solved naturally. As for the laoshizi alliance leader, this seat... "
The Qin Dynasty suddenly hesitated.
He remembered that he had promised the leader of Taiqing to become the leader of the evil alliance.
Although like Kunlun, they are all deals.
However, Wudang should be interesting enough. People directly give themselves the most precious fire department, and they obviously trust him very much.
Since others have done so, the Qin Dynasty can not live up to this trust.
He got tangled up.
It seems to see the hesitation of the Qin Dynasty, and Hu Qing's eyes flash a touch of essence.
"Lord Qin, I know you don't like to be bound. In this way, the position of the leader of the evil alliance is yours. I will do the work, and I will obey your orders. From then on, I, Hu Qing, will be your demon slave of Qin Dynasty
All the people were stunned when they heard this sentence, almost biting their tongues.
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