Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1159

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Chapter 1159

Old Huang said, can't help but pull Qian Tielong to find his so-called horse.
Qian Tielong resisted because he didn't want Lao Huang to see Shi Ying.
He knows Lao Huang's taste too well.
Although two people have played with a lot of women, but like Shi Ying, such as the best woman, but not yet.
If Lao Huang sees Shi Ying, he will definitely go to the brain!
"Well, this is not very good..."
"What's wrong with that?"
Lao Huang looked at Qian Tielong with some incomprehension. "Lao Qian, that little white face has gone to your wife's house. You don't have to rush to the door to fix it. After a while, the two of them have done everything. Don't you just pick up the rest?"
Qian Tielong still has some resistance.
"Hurry up, don't talk nonsense. I don't care about you anymore."
Lao Huang was impatient. "I have tens of thousands of people in a minute, all of whom are big business people. I don't have time to spend with you here. If not, we'll get in the car and leave. "
When Lao Huang said this, Qian Tielong had to say, "good, good, that's the trouble for Lao Huang. Come on, she lives next door to me
When the big deal comes, talk to Lao Huang that this is his future sister-in-law, so don't worry about it.
I want to find more tender chicks for Lao Huang.
"Don't go now! It's a waste of money. "
Lao Huang is very impatient.
Qian Tielong said in his heart, return business Wipe, isn't it a broken bar.
A group of fierce, appearance scared many people in the community. The security guard is also squinting at the side, afraid to ask.
A month's worth of money won't reward your life. If anything, just call the police.
Qian Tielong takes Lao Huang to Shi Ying's door. Lao Huang seems to have been to Qian Tielong's house before. Seeing this door, he immediately smiles.
"Hey, Lao Qian, it's your neighbor, ah. How can you say something? It's very literal..."
"You get the moon first."
Qian Tielong knew that even if Lao Huang was a big blind man, he basically had primary school culture. He reminded him of this.
"Yes, yes, yes, that's it. What kind of building can you get. Lao Qian, I don't see. You still have this skill. "
"Ha ha, this is love, love..."
Qian Tielong wants to explain, but Lao Huang doesn't listen to his explanation at all.
"Love what love, want to go to someone else is want to, we do not know who, wipe. He's the one who bothers you. You're too good to pretend. "
Lao Huang scolded Qian Tielong for a few words, then raised his legs and began to kick the door.
"Open the door, open the door! Open the door
The sound of kicking on the door spread all over the corridor.
The father and daughter of Shifeng in the room were startled. They looked at each other suspiciously and then stood up from the table.
"I'll open the door and see what's going on."
Shifeng went to open the door and saw a large group of people outside the door. He was stunned.
"You, you are..."
"Grass your younger sister, let you rob my brother and wife!"
Laohuang looked at the door is a male, regardless of age or what, up is a foot.
Shifeng, who was kicked to the ground when he was beaten, murmured in pain and couldn't get up for half a day.
"Dad, Dad, what's wrong with you?"
Shi Ying was shocked and ran to help her father. At the same time, she glared at the crowd at the door, "who are you? Why did you hit my father?"
Lao Huang was surprised in his heart. After a careful look, he was sure to be an old man.
That's it. I'm kicking the wrong person.
But if you kick it wrong, can this chick bite herself?
Lao Huang looked at Shi Ying carefully, but he couldn't help but look up.
It's no wonder that old Qian is not willing to let himself go upstairs because he is afraid of taking a share of his share. Hum
"Old money, old money, unexpectedly, you still want to eat alone."
Old Huang turned around and said to a little embarrassed money Tielong.
Qian Tielong is depressed. His heart says that he has come to teach the Qin Dynasty how to kick his father-in-law.
It's not helping.
When he heard Lao Huang's words again, he said in a hurry.
"How can it be called" eating alone " I really want to marry this woman. "
"Shit, don't do this. In short, it's over today. I have to try the best girl. Otherwise, hehe... "
Lao Huang looks at Qian Tielong, and the meaning of threat is obvious.
Although this can only hate the iron dragon.
Lao Huang is a gangster. He can't afford it.
Who let his impulse, called this person.Even if he drove the Qin Dynasty away, he attracted an old yellow.
What's more, where are the people of Qin Dynasty?
Did you slip away?
"Money, iron dragon! Get out of here, all of you
Shi Ying, like an angry little hen, chided, "if you don't get out, I'll call the police."
"Alarm? Hey, hey, hey... "
Lao Huang laughed. Several younger brothers behind him walked into the room and surrounded Shi Ying and them. "I Laohuang wants to see which hand you use to call the police. I'll tell you, if you weren't my brother, I'd have to kill you. But if you're my brother, I'll let you go and just have a good time with you. "
"You, you are shameless!"
Shi Ying was anxious to cry.
"Who dares to move my daughter, I will fight with him!"
Shifeng got up, the old man's body trembled slightly, staring at these gangsters in front of him.
He Shifeng is an honest man. He has never been angry in his life.
He felt that today, he was the most angry.
What kind of people are these people who even come to their own homes to commit murder!
"Yingying, you call the police. I'll see who dares to move you today!"
"Old man, do you want him to cut you off?"
A gangster stepped forward and slapped the old man's face.
At this moment, the gangster suddenly howled, covered his hands, stepped back three steps, and then fell to his knees.
Lao Huang and Qian Tielong were surprised to find that there was a common bamboo chopstick in the hands of the gangsters.
"Really, what's the matter? Go to the toilet and come out. It's so lively."
A boy in a black windbreaker is coming out of the bathroom.
"Lao Huang, that's him. It's him who took my girl! You help me kill him It's too much trouble. Break his legs! Let him know what it's like to rob a woman with Qian Tielong. "
seeing this man appear, Qian Tielong jumps up and says.
"Qian Tielong! Why didn't you see it before? You are such a shameless person
Shi Ying almost cried out. She didn't expect that Qian Tielong could really bring a group of hooligans to make trouble.
And that Qin Dynasty, see Qian Tielong clown in the same shouting, can not help saying.
"Qian Tielong, I'll give you a way to live. If you don't want to stay by yourself, you have to bring your friends together to find death"
"you're brain damaged!"
Qian Tielong couldn't help saying, "my friend is a fool. It's so simple to kill you and an ant!"
Qin Dynasty is helpless, that little thug still has chopsticks in his hand, this brother is brain puncture or how, still dare to shout with himself.
In fact, it's not the fault of Qian Tielong, because the Qin Dynasty just made a move too fast. Before everyone could react, the little gangster's hand was stabbed by chopsticks.
Qian Tielong didn't think about it in Qin Dynasty.
"Lao Huang, go ahead. You are my brother."
Qian Tielong patted Lao Huang on the shoulder.
At this time, he found that Lao Huang's body was already shaking.
"Big, Uncle..."
He was a friend on the road and knelt down in the direction of the Qin Dynasty.
"I, I was wrong I don't know. I really didn't know it was you... "
The Qin Dynasty, in the eyes of Shi Ying and all of them, came over and looked at the gangster leader who harassed Cheng Ying yesterday and almost died at his own gunpoint.
"OK, Mr. Huang, it seems that you can't forget me. Wherever I go, you have to chase after me"
"no, no, I'm really wrong..."
Huang Mu wanted to die.
How much blood mould did he pour? I went back yesterday and thought deeply about it. He thought that in this world, the hidden dragon and crouching tiger can not be provoked by everyone.
Especially myself, it seems that I am very powerful. In fact, I have opened a small nightclub and got to know some people.
I have a few thugs. I'm a little bit of a maverick.
However, how can we compare with this old man What's more, he really dares to shoot.
this kind of talent is really cruel. If you compare yourself with him, it's a miracle!
"Lao Huang, what's the matter with you?"
Qian Tielong is a little silly. How did old Huang do it? The first time I saw him like this, it was not always a bull's-eye before.
"Grass Mud Horse, do you die for me?"
As soon as Huang Mu thought of the reason why he was so miserable, he was angry because of Qian Tielong. He jumped up and gave Qian Tielong a mouth. He directly fanned Qian Tielong for two steps, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.
"You, why did you hit me?"
Qian Tielong was beaten dumb."Hit you, I him? I want to kill you!"
Lao Huang's eyes are red. He hates Qian Tielong.
"Come on, let's go back to your own business."
Qin Dynasty stood there, looking at a shoe print on Shifeng's clothes and asked, "say it, who kicked it?"
Huang Mu's face became particularly ugly.
He looked into his eyes at several of his younger brothers, hoping that someone could come out to support him.
"Don't look. Whoever it is will stand up. I don't like to be cheated, otherwise things will not be so simple. "
In the Qin Dynasty, there was a slight smile on his lips.
But Huang Mu felt that the smile was not friendly at all.
"I did it I didn't know this was your father-in-law... "
Father in law?
Shifeng is a little strange. How did he become the young man's father-in-law?
But if it's true, it looks good.
"Then you know what to do."
The Qin Dynasty is not cold and hot to say.
Huang Mu bit his teeth and said to a younger brother, "Xiao Jiu, come here and break my leg!"
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