Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 892

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Chapter 892

This row of noise, immediately the drowsy Qin Dynasty they, to wake up.
They rushed out of the tent and saw flames burning everywhere. The soldiers were waving weapons and killing a group of enemies in red armor.
The eyes of the Qin Dynasty suddenly tightened.
Good fellow, these people take advantage of the fatigue of being harassed by giants and demons in the daytime, and run to sneak camp at night.
It's really cruel.
sure enough, this is the battle routine
many soldiers in black armor were killed in a mess.
Originally is the injury, plus the day's fatigue, now was suddenly, killed is unprepared.
The marshal Solomon, still riding on a white horse, killed seven in and seven out of the enemy.
"My Lord, no more. Let's start the stone demon!"
One counsellor suggested.
"No way!"
Solomon flatly refused, "the stone devil's energy is not much, if it is used to deal with this sneak camp, the next time the giant devil attacks, we will die!"
With that, he roared, "boys of Mamen Empire, take your weapons, don't let this group of bitches look flat! Don't let any of these people go today, let them all stay here! "
When he finished, he waved and cut off the head of a high-ranking red demon.
A group of soldiers of the Mamen Empire suddenly came up and started to fight back.
The Red Devils on the other side just sneered.
Soon Solomon seemed to find something, and immediately called out.
"No, watch out for our stone devils!"
Speaking, a group of Red Devils, do not know where to come out, Solomon saw them, immediately tightened his eyes.
These red devils, I don't know where they have been hiding. They are all high-level demons. At this time, it suddenly killed the Mamen army, and then all the way toward the stone demon in the direction of the past.
"They went for the gargoyles."
Solomon roared.
And those red devils are fast and unstoppable. The guards who stopped them along the way were knocked down by them one by one.
"Oh, it takes time for the statue fiend to start. It can't be sustained."
Larry, with a steel knife in his hand, could not help but look at the distant situation.
"Fado, take care of it here. No one can hurt you. I'll take care of them and come back. "
The Qin Dynasty patted faduo on the shoulder.
"Well, I see."
Fado nodded his head.
The Qin Dynasty smiles at her, then rushes toward the group of red armor demons.
"Hello, Qin!"
Larry was surprised. He said that the boy was too fierce. The other party was all high-level demons. The guy rushed up with a knife.
It's really fierce. It's too fierce.
"This guy, don't you want to die!"
Seeing a new soldier still wearing leather armor and carrying a machete, the veterans couldn't help exclaiming.
Solomon, who was chasing the Red Devils, couldn't help admiring.
This is the real devil, the militant.
Because they were close to each other in the Qin Dynasty, they first arrived at the red demon side.
He took the knife in his hand and cut it at the head of a high-level demon.
The high-level demon, with a light voice, stretched out his palm to the Qin Dynasty, as if to pinch his neck.
Other Red Devils didn't pay attention to it either, because a low-level demon couldn't bear the high-level devil's mind.
But to the surprise of the red demon, the mental skill that he stretched out had no effect. A bright big steel knife, twinkling of an eye in front of him.
"Not good!"
He exclaimed, and quickly raised his steel knife in front of him.
"When!" The body of the Qin Dynasty's sword was cut off from his sword, and the weapon and head of the other party were cut in half.
Blood flying, this pair of elite demons, the first to die.
The other demons were taken aback.
"Don't worry about him. Keep going. Destroy the statue!"
Cried a leading red armored demon.
This team should have been professionally trained. Without hesitation, they immediately gave up the confrontation with the Qin Dynasty and went after the devil statue.
"Where are you running?"
As soon as the Qin Dynasty turned around, he immediately caught up with a red demon, just like cutting melons and vegetables. With one knife, he cut off the devil's head and rolled to the ground.
"The goods are so fierce
All the other soldiers burst out of their minds.What kind of low-level devil is this? How can it be so fierce.
They are all high-level demons. Can he kill them?
They are not dreaming!
They are stunned by their Kung Fu. The Qin Dynasty has already cut down several high-level demons.
Those high-level demons, in front of the Qin Dynasty, just like paper paste, could not withstand his knife.
"This guy is so fierce, head, we can't hold on to it..."
A group of elite demons, originally more than 20 people, were killed by the Qin Dynasty, and soon there were seven or eight left. The speed was extremely fast, and they ran wild toward the stone statue demons.
This short distance of 30 meters has become a double heaven of life and death.
"Even if they die, they will take the group of stone demons with them!"
The leading red armor devil said, suddenly a black light appeared on his body.
"For beelzeb empire!"
"For beelzeb empire!"
All the Red Devils cried out, at the same time, their bodies were also lit up with black light.
"No, they're going to blow themselves up!"
Solomon exclaimed.
"Go to hell!"
The Qin Dynasty shook off a knife, and his steel knife suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, which penetrated through the bodies of three red armored demons and took away their lives.
At the same time, he jumps and blows the head of the nearest red demon with a straight blow.
There are still three red armor demons left. They are about to rush to the stone statue demons. However, the Qin Dynasty took out two steel knives from the corpses of the red armor demons and threw them away.
The two knives whirled, and cut off the heads of the two red armored demons.
Their bodies were askew and fell to the ground.
Only the one leading the red armor demon, full of horror in his eyes, looked at the Qin Dynasty in front of him.
"You, who the hell are you?"
He can't believe that a small low-level devil has such great power to kill them all.
"Ask your Lord Beelzebub, go!"
Qin Dynasty threw himself in front of him, stretched out his hand and pinched his neck. With a click, he broke his neck bone.
The red demon, when he died, didn't know what happened.
This time, Qin's body was stretched to the ground.
Seeing that these red armored demons were killed, the morale of the rest of them was also very low. After a while, all of them were killed, leaving only one dead body in the army of the Mamen empire.
All the soldiers cheered. This time, they almost lost a lot. If it wasn't for the Qin Dynasty, they might have been beaten back to their hometown.
"Well done."
With a long sigh of relief, Solomon jumped down from his horse, went straight to the Qin Dynasty and patted him on the shoulder.
"I'm a man of great ability to fight. At first, I thought it was exaggeration. I didn't expect that you were more than ten times as brave as he said! Good boy, you will be a great devil in the future
"Thank you, marshal."
The Qin Dynasty recovered its steel sword and put it back into its scabbard. Then it said to the supreme commander of the Mamen Empire, "marshal, I have a suggestion. I wonder if you would like to listen to it."
"You say so."
Solomon nodded.
"Commander of the Empire, commander of the Empire, don't let the devil harass the whole camp at night. Therefore, I think what we should do now is to find some people and go to the camp on the contrary, and kill one of them by surprise. "
There was a flash of light in Solomon's eyes, and he looked at the Qin Dynasty
"When the people of the Mamen Empire were so careless, we put on their armor, took their weapons, and drove all night to their camp with only a small group of people. Moreover, after we kill them, their giant demons, such heavy weapons, will not be of any use. As long as I kill their commanders, their morale will be greatly reduced. "
"Your idea sounds good."
Solomon nodded. "How many people do you think you're going to take?"
"It can't be more than one, or there will be more people going back, which will definitely arouse their suspicion."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"Less than ten people."
Solomon sighed. "Do you know that whether this thing is successful or not, you ten people are going to die."
"Why not die?"
The Qin Dynasty pretended to be very heroic and said, "for the sake of the Mamen Empire, my life is at stake! By that time, kill one and earn one! Kill two and earn a pair
"My Lord, I think it's a good idea."A counsellor nodded and said, "if we can really succeed in killing the guy Monroe, we can take advantage of this opportunity and we will surely defeat them."
Larry also came over. "I'm his captain and I'd like to go with him."
"I will, too!"
Fado said quickly.
Only by the side of adults can she be at ease.
"Our ninth team, we're all willing to go!"
The new men of the ninth team all cried out, "cut down the bitches of besieb empire! Lao Tzu came to join the army just to kill me
These new people know that their coming to mount Pera is basically the life of cannon fodder.
It's better to die than to die!
This action, whether survival or not, is a most glorious act for them! Let their names be a sensation in the Mamen empire!
"All right, then your team Well, twelve in all, right? Will it be a little more? "
Asked Solomon.
"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if we have one or two more. Let's go by twelve."
Qin Chao had a new idea.
"Well, then, this time, please!"
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