Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 974

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Chapter 974

The railway station is still as usual, people come and go, everywhere is crowded.
Before this time, the school starts, which is destined to be the day when the Ministry of Railways makes a lot of money.
"Xiao Qin, it's really hard for you."
Looking at the Qin Dynasty, who helped Li Na with her luggage, Xu Mei couldn't help saying, "I'm really sorry that you're so busy to see Li Na off."
"it's OK. I haven't had any problems in the past two days."
Qin Dynasty said quickly, "this Li Na goes to university is also a big event, I this when elder brother, at any rate also must send off is not."
"Yes, but how can you, the boss, stand on the ticket..."
Xu Mei wiped her sweat.
"Little Nana, why don't you let elder brother Qin sit and you stand."
"Mom For 16 hours, you'll be tired to death. I'll just change seats with elder brother Qin. "
Li Na dissatisfied way.
"Yes, yes, yes, change seats, change seats, look at my head."
Xu Mei said quickly.
"Sister Xu, you don't have to send it. I'm in front of you. There are too many people and it's not convenient to queue up to buy platform tickets. "
The Qin Dynasty advised.
"If that's enough, I'll trouble Xiao Qin."
"Don't mention it. You've been neighbors for so long, who's going with whom?"
there's something in Qin Dynasty's words, which makes Li Na secretly look pale.
Li Na hugged her mother in the hall of the railway station. In the end, she sent her daughter on a long journey. After living with her daughter for so many years, she and her daughter depend on each other, and now they are reluctant to part with each other.
Xu Mei put her tears on her clothes.
"You should pay more attention when you are in Beijing. Call your family if you have any problems..."
Xu Mei was garrulous and asked a few words.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help feeling that when he went to school for the first time, his mother gave it to her. Qin Fei didn't send it to his mother.
At the station, they asked a lot.
At that time, I was very impatient to listen, but Li Na was different. She was very clever in listening.
"Well, I don't want to talk about it. You see, we're all queuing up to check in."
Xu Mei said for a long time, wiped her tears and said with a smile.
"Xiao Qin, I'll make you laugh."
"No, no, my mother gave me the same thing. Li Qianli is still a girl. But don't worry too much. Li Na is good and won't cause trouble. "
"Yes, yes, my daughter is very clever indeed. It has saved me a lot of worry for so many years."
Xu Meixin said that the Qin Dynasty was the most worrying thing for her.
His daughter and Qin Dynasty mixed together, let her jump.
Did not expect others small Qin Xianyu turn over, became a big boss. "Xiao Qin, you have to take care of my Li Na on the way."
"It's polite. No, I always treat Li Na as my sister. The younger sister went to college. How can the elder brother not send her off? "
"Yes, yes..."
Xu Mei didn't care too much, and Li Na secretly sent two white eyes to Qin Dynasty.
Qin Chaoxin said that the girl has a long temper. Now she dares to give her elder brother Qin white eyes.
"Sister Xu will send it here, and I will come next."
The Qin Dynasty laughingly said goodbye to Xu Mei with Li Na.
Watching her daughter go to the exit, Xu Mei can't help but cry again.
Li Na is also a little sad, after all, is to leave her mother far away, go to other places to start a new life.
"Don't be sad. It's me."
Out of the platform, Qin Dynasty took Li Na's hand.
At this time, he took a pair of sunglasses to save some trouble.
Although his fame has passed away, he may be recognized by some interested people. It's very troublesome.
"But elder brother Qin can't accompany me all the time."
Li Na said pitifully.
"Hey, maybe you can meet a better one in college."
Qin Dynasty made a joke.
Suddenly, little Li Na was not very comfortable. She shook off the hands of Qin Dynasty and walked forward by herself.
"Ah, little Nana, I'm kidding."
"Brother Qin is an idiot."
Li Na dropped a sentence, but still stood still, waiting for her brother Qin to catch up.
"Don't say anything like that again, or I won't recognize you, elder brother Qin."
Li Na said solemnly to the Qin Dynasty.
"Yes, yes, long live the little Nana. Brother Qin should die. I won't say anything like that after I'm killed!"
"Not so!"
Li Na added.
"No, I don't want to..."
Qin Dynasty some sweat, always gentle little Li Na, how suddenly so overbearing."That's about it."
Li Na nodded with satisfaction, "by the way, Shangluo and I are sitting together. I don't know if she has come."
She looked around.
The station was too big for the two to meet.
"Get in the car and wait. I'll get on the bus anyway."
Qin Dynasty also remembered the girl who vomited up Nana last time. She couldn't help laughing and said, "I remember, she seems to be an art major."
"Well, it's good to learn to draw."
Li Na said as she walked, "they are art majors. There must be a lot of boys chasing them. It's said that the girls in the art department are all the flowers in the school. "
"My little Nana is not bad either."
The Qin Dynasty immediately said, "if you have a list of beauties, I guess you will crush the heroes."
"They don't want a list of beauties."
Li Na said, "why can boys comment on the looks of our girls? And who is allowed to make such a list? Have you asked our girls for their opinions. You know that girls are very concerned about these things. You say that the first is the first, you say the second is the second, ENA is the second. What will it feel like to see the first one "
" this is also... "
Qin Dynasty touched the nose, "but this is an old tradition, boys will certainly do it."
"I won't admit it anyway."
The two men got on the train and began to look for seats.
This is full of young boys and girls. After all, it is the beginning of school season. Students are the mainstream consumer groups of the Ministry of railways.
Of course, many students were accompanied by their parents, which made the Qin Dynasty feel some emotion.
I insisted on going there that year. Chinese parents were so worried about their children. They are so big that they have to go to school by themselves in other places. If they don't have the ability to ride a car and report independently, what else can they do in the future? It's a waste wood when they are out of society.
"The point is, my little Nana is from the mathematics department."
The Qin Dynasty thought of one thing and said, "math department is full of big men, little Nana, you will be a little red among the green, and so beautiful, you will be sure to chase you in a basket of boys."
"Baskets of potatoes."
Li Na couldn't help saying.
The two men went to their seats, which were already occupied.
They all took advantage of no one to rest their feet. When they saw people coming, they stood up and gave way.
Not long after Li Na sat down, Shangluo came.
The girl dressed up in a typical artistic style, with a small top hat, a smart dress, dragging the trunk to the seat.
"Oh, isn't this our handsome Qin?"
Shangluo saw the Qin Dynasty, with a smile on his mouth. "I thought that our strong little Nana would go alone."
"I'm here to join the party."
The Qin Dynasty made a ha ha.
"Handsome Qin, can you help me..."
Shangluo pointed to his luggage.
"Beauty, I'll do it!"
A boy sitting opposite them, very handsome, dressed in Adidas, is not an ordinary child.
The boy is tall and sunny. He is very strong. He should have strength. See beauty is difficult, androgen surging, immediately take the initiative to say, "I'll help you move it."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, or..."
Shangluo would like to refuse, but the boy has taken the initiative to embrace her luggage.
"Oh, slow down. It's heavy."
Shangluo said in a hurry.
"It's OK. It's a piece of cake."
The boy laughs, the body sinks, arms force, holding the luggage straight up.
The boy looks a little pale.
What's in this box? It's so heavy. If he hadn't practiced fitness for several years, he would have splashed blood on the spot.
he was so red and thick necked that he lifted up the box and put it on the luggage rack above.
"Drink, Shangluo, you don't have less than enough to fill the box"
the Qin Dynasty couldn't help joking, "if it's going to fall down, you'll have to kill someone."
"They are all tools for me to make a living in the future"
Shangluo shrugged his shoulders.
"Hey, man, this is me."
The boy shook his arm and said, "if you can't lift it, I'm Wei Xiaolong, a freshman in the Department of physical education at Kyoto University. Beauty, what school are you from
"Oh, it's a coincidence. I'm from Kyoto University, too."
Shangluo answered lightly.
"Oh, it's alumni! It's a coincidence. Take care of each other in the future. Beauty, what's your name"Shangluo."
Shangluo ignored the other party's enthusiasm, turned his head and looked at the Qin Dynasty, "Qin handsome boy, what kind of ticket do you have? It's not a stop ticket, is it
"Well, stop tickets."
The Qin Dynasty nodded.
"Ouch, I'm so reluctant..."
Shangluo pushed Li Na and said, "you will let elder brother Qin stand with you all the way for 16 hours."
"I said no, but brother Qin insisted on coming."
Li Na squeezed her way inside, "or, brother Qin, you can sit down for a while. There's Dingding left. He hasn't got on the bus yet
"No, Tintin is not coming."
Shangluo put a ticket to the Qin Dynasty, "she old people go by plane, think the train is dirty and tired."
"Cough, this is not right."
Wei Xiaolong was embarrassed by Shangluo. Now he has found the topic again.
"Taking the train is an experience. I don't like flying. It's not lively at all."
In fact, Wei Xiaolong doesn't like the excitement. He thinks that at this time, he will definitely meet many beautiful women by train.
However, there are two opposite, one competing and the other beautiful.
"yes, yes, that's right. There are not so many female students on the plane.
the direct truth of the Qin Dynasty attracted the contempt of people around.
"Brother Qin..."
Li Na is also pressing her forehead.
"Sit down quickly. Don't lose face, my handsome Qin."
Shangluo knew that the Qin Dynasty was intentional. She hastily pulled the Qin Dynasty to sit down. "You've picked it up today, or you'll suffer for 16 hours."
"Hey, thanks for Shangluo children's shoes."
"Thank you for Tintin's shoes
Qin Dynasty is now very happy, the left next to Li Na, the right next to Shangluo, attracted the surrounding boys, a variety of envy, envy and hate.
There were three boys sitting opposite them, who obviously knew each other. But the other two boys are a little shy, only Wei Xiaolong keeps talking to Shangluo.
"Well, this beauty, are you my alumni, too?"
Li Na was not willing to talk and answered lightly.
"Oh, I didn't expect that I would meet two students who looked like immortals!"
Wei Xiaolong laughs and is ready to attack the two beauties.
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