Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 856

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Chapter 856

"This man is whatever you want."
Zhou Houlong erected his Armani collar. "I don't know him. I ran out to rob my girlfriend. I've been working hard today. I'll treat you to a drink. "
"Hey, brother Zhou is a good talker."
Ma Gan laughs and looks at the Qin Dynasty and says, "boy, you should admit your bad luck today! In a moment, we'll make you feel better. This place, who do you offend? Brother Zhou. You said you have a good face. It's not very good to find a student sister casually, but the woman who comes to rob brother Zhou. To blame, blame yourself. "
"That's a lot of nonsense."
Qin Dynasty is very helpless to look at the hemp pole in front of him, "in broad daylight, what do you want?"
"In broad daylight? Ha ha ha
Ma Gan and his gangsters couldn't help laughing and said, "is this dialogue too classic. Boy, when you lie on the ground and count your front teeth, remember to have a good look. Who can help you around here? "
Then he took a brick and patted it.
Although know the Qin Dynasty's ability, but one side of the shangguanyan, see this scene, or can't help but exclaim.
The Qin Dynasty waved a fist, directly smashed the brick, and then put an elbow into the Hun's chest.
The gangster only felt that he was hit by a truck on his chest. He was suffocated in an instant. He coughed violently and knelt down on the ground.
"It's a practitioner..."
Seeing the Qin Dynasty smashing bricks with one fist, several gangsters' faces changed.
That week after the dragon is also a change in his eyes, "the original has two down, no wonder my swallow to cheat away."
"What about the training family? It's hard to beat four hands with two fists!"
Ma Gan spat on the ground, "brothers, surround him, bright guy!"
With that, those thugs around the Qin Dynasty took out daggers from their arms.
"Boy, don't think it's great to know some Kung Fu! I'll tell you, I've got more practitioners! Today, let you know what it means to have more people and more power! "
The hemp pole said fiercely.
"More than people?"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing. He put his index finger in his mouth and whistled loudly.
The whistle was so loud that it spread all over the street.
"Hey, play whistle with me"
MA Gan couldn't help laughing, "you think you're an old fool!"
While talking, from the surrounding street, suddenly came out a row of people.
These people are not mobs, but dressed in neat black suits, carrying APS swing sticks, and soon surrounded them.
"Lord Qin!"
A young man who looked like a leader, wearing a red tie that only cadres can wear, came over and bowed to the Qin Dynasty. "You heard Lord Qin's whistle. Do you want to clean up these guys?"
"Big, big Qin Gang..."
Seeing these black suits, the hemp pole knelt down on the ground.
These are not ordinary black suits. They all wear gold ties on their collars. They are obviously the symbol of Daqin gang!
Oh, my God, how can these evil spirits come out!
What is the name of the small white face in front of him? Qin, Lord Qin!
And that week after the dragon, saw this scene, also surprised.
He is just a civil servant of the government. In fact, he doesn't have much influence. Most of them boast in front of shangguanyan.
Although he is only a civil servant, he has never heard of Daqin gang!
In southern Jiangsu, who dares to provoke this gang! Oh, my God, how can you get these people out of here!
"If you don't care about these people, drag them away. You can decide what to do with them."
Qin Dynasty impatiently waved his hand and said.
"Yes, Lord Qin."
The young man immediately gave an order, "you've heard what Lord Qin said. Be clean."
The black suits suddenly moved, and the gangsters with daggers were so scared that they knelt on the ground when they came.
Those black suits were also very agile. They slapped a few guys' heads with a swing stick, and then they were knocked out and dragged away.
"You, who are you..."
Zhou Houlong was stunned by the bloody scene. He sat on the ground and looked at the Qin Dynasty, full of fear and dullness.
"Me? I'm shangguanyan's boyfriend. It's so simple. "
When Qin Dynasty saw Zhou Houlong's appearance, he knew that this guy didn't dare to harass shangguanyan any more. "Drag this man away and leave him anywhere. I don't want to see him.""Yes, Lord Qin!"
Two black suits came, one holding Zhou Houlong, like dragging a chick, let his Armani become a mop on the ground, easily dragged away.
After dealing with these matters, the Daqin Gang came quickly and left quickly, and soon broke up.
Soon, the Qin Dynasty was quiet again.
"Qin Dynasty, thank you..."
Shangguanyan was not surprised by the power of the Qin Dynasty. She knew that such an extraordinary man must have a huge influence. If not, she would be surprised.
"It's nice to talk to me about being a boyfriend."
The Qin Dynasty patted the hand of Guan Yan and said, "it's a pity that your chest is not big enough, and you can't enter the eye of my lord Qin."
"You die!"
On hearing this, shangguanyan's good feeling vanished and her anger exploded. She turned and stopped a car and sat on it.
"Qin Dynasty, your uncle!"
Before leaving, I did not forget to give the Qin Dynasty a middle finger.
"This girl is always so fierce."
Qin Dynasty looked at the direction of shangguanyan's departure and couldn't help laughing at herself.
"Just let her go, will you?"
Li Fanfan in the side to see is the most clear, she pulled down the headphones, looking at the Qin Dynasty, said.
"I'm too lazy to analyze, but I can see that she has feelings for you."
"So what? I can't accept any more feelings."
The Qin Dynasty took a breath and said, "I have decided to sort out my emotional line. Those girls who firmly follow me, I will be with them and guard them. As for the other girls, don't join my harem army. I can't take care of them
"It's really rare that a flower will say such a thing."
Li Fanfan couldn't help laughing.
"I'm playful, but not irresponsible."
There were too many girls in Qin Dynasty, such as Liao Shasha. They were in Dongchuan and seldom went to see them.
"Come on, let's go home. Well, first go to the toy store and I'll see what I can get for my baby daughter
Qin Dynasty and Li Fanfan stopped a car to find a mall, and personally chose a huge rabbit doll.
"Is this doll bigger than your daughter?"
Li Fanfan looked at the big doll bought by Qin Dynasty with almost a normal man's height and asked.
"Big ones are fun."
Qin Dynasty laughs a way, "I see those girls, all like a person tall doll, can hold to sleep at night what."
"You don't know a girl's mind at all."
Li Fan Fan curled his lips, "always pretending to understand."
"Ah? Do you have any? "
The Qin Dynasty looked at Li Fanfan.
"Of course, girls who like big dolls lack a sense of security."
The Qin Dynasty was afraid that if the doll was stuffed into his Xumi ring, it would be contaminated with the strange things inside. Therefore, he held the big doll and stopped a taxi to go home with Li Fanfan.
On the way, the Qin Dynasty also wanted to discuss the topic of women with Li Fanfan in depth, but Li Fanfan was too lazy to pay attention to him and shut his ears to keep his eyes closed.
At this time, in the home of Qin Dynasty.
"Little mom, Sakura is so hungry."
Qin Ying sat on the swing in the yard, swinging on the swing, and said to Suji who was with her.
"Well, your father hasn't come back yet. He wanted to have lunch with him. I guess he's gone to have fun again."
Suji holding a book in her hand, hearing Qin Ying cry hungry, she raised her head and said.
"Sakura will play by herself. I'll tell the kitchen to cook. I won't wait for your father."
"Well, Sakura will leave dinner for Dad."
Qin Yingjiao said drily.
"OK, Xiaoying is so good. Wait for her mother here. Don't run around."
Suji touched Qin Ying's head, put the book on the bench, and turned away from the lawn.
Qin Ying sat alone on the swing, swinging to and fro, humming songs in her mouth.
"Uncle, are you not tired after standing by for a long time
Qin Ying suddenly said to the grass beside him, "do you want to play swing with Xiao Ying?"
The grass moved twice, and then a man in a priest's robe came out of it.
Beside him, there was a long enchanting and beautiful woman.
"Scofield, how does this kid know we're here?"
"Children sometimes see more than adults do."
There was an indescribable arrogance in the tone of the man in the priest's robe.
He raised his feet and went to Qin Ying. He reached out and took out a bag of potato chips from his arms. He tore it and handed it to Qin Ying."Thank you, uncle."
Qin Ying is not polite, took the potato chips, is also really hungry, a few mouthfuls on the stomach.
"Do you want any more?"
Scofield took the bag of potato chips, looked at the little Qin Ying and said.
"I want to..."
Qin Ying looks at the chips and swallows.
"Uncle, there's more delicious food here. Come with me and you'll get it."
"But, my mother said, I won't let you go with strangers..."
Qin Ying bit her fingers and looked at Scofield.
"I'm not a stranger. I'm an old friend of your father's
"Well, then, I'll go with my uncle. But I want to talk to my little mother so she doesn't worry
"Don't worry, I've told your little mother. Let's go. Let's have some good food
Scofield held Qin Ying in his arms and walked outside.
Next to the enchanting woman, can not help but curl her lips.
"Disgusting kid."
When several of them left, Suu Kyi came out of the villa with a plate of snacks in her hand and came to the yard.
Seeing the empty swing, Suu Kyi's plate fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.
"Sakura, Sakura, where have you been? Don't frighten the little mother... "
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