Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1016

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Chapter 1016

Qinghong Wuji Gang people, one by one shocked.
There are, there are, crying, crying.
But everyone found a more terrifying thing, that is, the night impermanent baby did not float out.
"Where's the leader's baby?"
"Master! Master
Are you waiting for his baby
Shen Dong laughed, "it won't be. In this Yama corpse to incense, your baby, and the body temporarily fit. If the body dies, your baby will die as well. At the same time, it will become the nourishment of our hell gate. Ha ha... "
All kinds of frightened eyes fell on the bone knife of the man in black before.
I saw that the bone knife slightly expanded, and the green light on it flickered. It was obviously a manifestation of the power of sucking Yuanying.
A practitioner
A practitioner who has practiced for nearly a thousand years
The leader of Qinghong Wuji Gang, one of the eight great sects, died in this way.
Fear, like this thick fog, pervades everyone's heart.
"This is the lower routine that goes against the God's will"
Shen Dong laughs, but this smile, before, seemed disgusting to everyone.
Now, in the eyes of all people, it is so terrible and detestable.
Oriental cherry in the side, also surprised.
How suddenly, such a thing happened!
Has Hongmeng Taoist Association become the funeral ceremony of all the famous and decent sects!
At this time, have all the eight sects become fish and meat to be slaughtered?
"Listen to all the dignified and decent leaders present."
Shen Dong, sitting on the throne of the skeleton, with one hand supporting his chin, said carelessly.
"Those who are willing to join Ben Shen's command will come and lick Ben Shen's shoes immediately. Those who don't lick, ha ha, are those who don't obey this God. This God will let them evaporate completely in the world. "
With that, he slowly extended his foot.
The practitioners present, especially those leaders, looked at each other one by one.
This is the real thing. If you follow me, you will prosper; if you go against me, you will die!
The Qin Dynasty of luoshamen, however, just wanted to be the first in the world!
And Shen Dong of the hell gate is more crazy. He wants to be a god!
Become the Supreme God.
"Ben Shen has said that he is not patient enough."
Shen Dong said faintly, "three count time..."
Looking at him raised three fingers, those who stand under the practice, one by one suddenly face color big change.
"This seat Lick me
The leader of a small sect immediately stepped forward and knelt at Shen Dong's feet.
"I'll do it!"
"I'll come too!"
"Let me come first. I'm the master of Zixia cave. Who grabs me and who is in a hurry?"
Those noble and decent sects who boast justice and despise Shen Dong before are all in your hands.
These people want to hold Shen Dong's shoes in their mouths.
"My way is in the way of degeneration..."
Seeing this scene, the leaders of the only eight sects who had not yet moved shook their heads and sighed.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Shen Dong looked at the crowd surging under him and couldn't help laughing, "Qin Dynasty, see, this is the divine power of this God! As soon as the divine power comes out, who dares not follow it? "
"It's my nerves."
The Qin Dynasty was rather contemptuous, "if the efficacy of these drugs is over, they will be the first to rush up and tear you."
"Once the effect is over?"
But Shen Dong laughed triumphantly, "do you think this God will not think of these? Don't worry, Ben Shen will soon feed them his corpse poison. "
He said, stretching out his hand with a white worm in his hand.
The insect still has mucus on it. It's disgusting.
"If you don't listen to my God's orders after eating the corpse poison, the corpse poison will slowly eat your body from inside to outside. At that time, only the skeleton of you, will become absolutely loyal
"We are loyal! Very loyal! "
"Yes, yes, we are absolutely loyal to you!"
"Lord Shen, we will follow your lead in the future."
The headmaster of a small sect quickly flattered him.
"What do you say?"
Shen Dong suddenly looked at the master of the gate and asked.
"Small, small said, will follow the Lord Shen."
Shen Dongfei clapped on the head of the gate master and smashed his head.
Red blood, white brain, flying everywhere.All the practitioners around changed their faces.
How can you turn your face.
"How dare you call me Lord Shen! You should call this God God
Shen Dong has a drink.
"God, the Lord of God
Shine, light! God bless you
A group of practitioners immediately knelt down in front of Shen Dong, their faces were afraid.
The Qin Dynasty stood by coldly.
These people look at Shen Dong in the eyes, only fear, not a trace of respect in.
"That man is damned!"
"Who made him disrespect God?"
"Lord God, let us worship you
Qi Qi kneels down to Shen Dong again.
"Ha ha, what a group of obedient fools."
"Shen Dong hehe laughs," afterwards, this seat will give corpse Gu to you. "
Seeing the insects, the monks who worshipped Shendong just now were pale.
That corpse Gu, who wants to swallow it!
After swallowing it, it is really under the control of this pervert.
But now, who dares not to eat!
If you don't eat, you die!
Who wants to die!
It is not for the sake of long life that we have worked hard to live till now!
I'm not willing to die like this!
It's better to suppress it for a while and endure it!
In those days, Han Xin had to be humiliated by this crotch.
We are respectable and decent. What are we afraid of!
Looking at the practitioners kneeling in front of him, Shen Dong smiles happily.
"Eight schools, you are still left."
Shen Dong pointed to the eight sects and said.
"If you don't surrender, you die."
The leaders of the eight sects looked at each other one by one.
In each other's eyes, they see hesitation, they see fear, they see shame.
If you don't surrender, you'll die
The eight great sects are going to end up like this.
"Yes, yes, yes."
Shen Dong suddenly clapped his hands and laughed, "I'll talk about it later. I want to have some entertainment first. Well That one is Shen Qing of Shushan. Hehe, I heard that you are the ice-white Narcissus among the seven famous flowers, and you are also the wife of the Lord Qin. "
Shen Qing holds the frost water sword with no magic power in his hand and looks at Shen Dong coldly.
"It's not bad. It's worthy of being a favorite of the Qin Dynasty. It's really beautiful."
"Shen Dong, what are you going to do?"
Zhao Jingjing's body also unties the state of the unity of man and nature. Suji, with a mask, suddenly stops in front of Shen Qing.
As a woman, she was vaguely aware of a trace of evil.
Although Shen Qing had been at odds with the Qin Dynasty, she was also a woman of the Qin Dynasty.
If there is anything wrong, she is the wife of Qin Dynasty, she must protect his woman.
Shen Suqing is a little complicated in front of her.
"Ha ha, although I am a God, I still have some common heart."
Shen Dong pointed to Shen Qing and said.
"Let her come and serve Ben."
All the people present were shocked.
Suu Kyi was biting her silver teeth and shaking her fist.
Shen Qing clenched her lips and turned pale.
Shen Dong should do something shameless to her!
"Shen Dong, I think you want to die."
The Qin Dynasty was furious.
He stood up and looked at Shen Dong coldly, like a dead man.
"I can't believe you have the strength to stand up."
"Shen Dong hehe smiles," but now you, can Nai me how? "
"I can kill you."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"Ha ha ha ha! It's funny, it's ridiculous! "
Shen Dong laughed, "this is the funniest joke that Ben Shen heard today. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... "
He was smiling, and suddenly his face was livid.
"Why don't you laugh? Don't you think it's funny?"
He looked at the practitioners.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
"That is, the people of luochamen have punctured their heads one by one."
"It's a suicide to want to fight with God!"
A group of practitioners, quickly followed the dry laugh, and then their own rummage, satirized the Qin Dynasty.
"Ha ha, see, now you, people betray each other."Shen Dong folded his hands in his sleeve and said with a smile, "now, the only way you want to live is to let your wife serve Ben Shen. This is her glory. She can serve a God. In the future, she will also leave a famous "Ai"
"keep your sister! I'll kill you
The Qin Dynasty suddenly ran up and rushed towards Shendong.
"God wanted to keep you for a while. I didn't expect you to die yourself."
Shen Dong shakes his head. He reaches out his hand and swings it gently.
"It's time for you to do meritorious deeds."
He told the practitioners, "if anyone takes him down, God will give him a good reward. If you don't do it Hehe, that's against the will of God, and the end is death. "
Don't do it!
At this time, although they were only ordinary people, they all rushed to the Qin Dynasty.
"Qin Dynasty, you disobey God, take your order
"Be against God, let me but you!"
These practitioners use all the magic tools in daily life and use them as real ironware.
The master of Zixia cave hated the Qin Dynasty the most, and now he is the happiest one.
He held the purple Phoenix dragon sword in his hand and stabbed it toward the Qin Dynasty.
"A bunch of rubbish, what can you do?"
The Qin Dynasty has to admit that he was also influenced by the so-called Yama corpse to incense.
But he is much stronger than those who walk in vain.
After all, he is a man who has practiced Vajra Sutra.
The vitality in the body is gathering together, which is quietly expelling the influence of the incense from the corpse of Yama.
Just give him five minutes, and in another five minutes, he will be able to disperse the corpse of Yama. At that time, he was allowed to fly in the sky and swim in the broad sea!
However, in these five minutes, he can not use his energy to fight, otherwise he will be poisoned completely because of the operation of his vitality.
He needs time!
"Go to hell!"
The master of Zixia cave, with his purple shining sword, appeared in front of Qin Dynasty.
The sword in his hand stabbed the waist rib of Qin Dynasty.
"Get out of here
Qin Dynasty one side body, the technique is extremely quick, dodges a sword at the same time, grasps the Zixia cave master's wrist, then both hands strength a setback.
"Come on
Zixia cave master's wrist was forcefully broken by the Qin Dynasty, and his hand twisted on his arm strangely, which was very terrible.
The poor master of Zixia cave cried out in pain and knelt down on the ground with his wrist covered. He was sweating.
"My hand, my hand!"
"You deserve it."
Qin Chaohao looked at him with different feelings, and then looked at the dark crowd of Xiuzhen.
Thinking of Shen Qing and Su Ji, he gritted his teeth and rushed up.
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