Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1084

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Chapter 1084

Zhou Subin is an agent.
And he's a very good agent.
He is subordinate to the State Military Intelligence Division 7 and the legendary mysterious organization.
Since ancient times, mi7 has not looked down on the so-called organizations.
Take Zhou Subin for example. He thinks he is a real professional soldier and a professional agent.
He's never been in the Marines before.
I don't know how many times I struggled back from the line of life and death.
Compared with the group of sissies who have never seen blood, he is the super agent who has been baptized by blood and bullets.
If there is anyone in the organization who deserves his praise, it is Liu Aiguo.
The agent, although he did not face-to-face, heard that he was also from the military, and the task completion rate was 100%. Although in his opinion, those tasks may be children's tasks, but in any case, there are some achievements.
Some people, but even the task of children's home are not good!
Take his side of the military uniform, but not a bit of murderous man, it is simply a joke!
He really doesn't understand. He just sent himself. Why did he add such a layman!
Look at him. He's a professional soldier in uniform? There is no murderous spirit at all. The muscles on my body are loose. I lean on the lazy one. There is no vitality of a soldier!
Grandma, I really don't understand. How can mi7 cooperate with the organization!
What a mess!
"Cheng Ying, look at that guy. He's too amateur! I get upset when I look at him! "
This week Su bin, can't help complaining to a beautiful agent beside him.
"First of all, at work, please call me sir."
The beauty agent helped his glasses on his face, took a look at Zhou Subin, and then pulled out his computer, playing something crackling on it.
"This is the first time that our mi7 has cooperated with the organization. Let's keep a little bit of morality in our mouth. Don't undermine the good cooperative relationship."
Cheng Ying is Zhou Subin's superior and intelligence officer. He is specially responsible for providing the intelligence of this mission and arranging the next task route.
"I see. I'm really depressed."
Zhou Su bin couldn't help but stare at one side of the organization agent who closed his eyes, and then he simply closed his eyes, out of sight, out of mind.
Cheng Ying shakes his head and then takes a look at the lazy looking agent sitting opposite.
In this business car, three people sit face to face and wear glasses, so they look very clear.
According to the information, this man appears to be a senior security guard of blue shield company, but he is actually a member of the organization.
He took part in the national treasure jade seal transportation plan last time, and it is said that the task has been completed successfully.
With that experience, no matter how bad he was, he couldn't be worse.
What's more, the above attaches so much importance to this task that it will not send a person who doesn't know anything about it.
If he really can't do anything, it will be a problem this time.
After all, this task is very difficult, which is called SSS level task.
If it was not so difficult, mi7 would not be willing to send Zhou Subin, the trump card.
It's a pity that trump cards have temperament and personality. I hope they can cooperate well and don't make any contradiction.
"Comrades of the Qin Dynasty, we are about to arrive at mi7. Again, if you have any questions, you can ask me. "
Cheng Ying pushed glasses, the man in front of him said.
"Can I ask anything?"
The Qin Dynasty suddenly opened its eyes.
At that moment, Cheng Ying was shocked.
What deep eyes.
However, how sexy, looking at people uncomfortable.
She shrank back a little subconsciously, but where else could she hide in such a big car.
"Of course, my name is Cheng Ying. I'm your intelligence officer for this mission."
"You can ask me any questions you don't understand," she said
"That's not bad."
Qin Dynasty hey hey a smile, "Cheng Ying intelligence officer, so excuse me, do you have a boyfriend?"
Cheng Ying was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the Qin Dynasty would ask such a question.
One side of Zhou Su bin, is also followed by staring eyes.
Asshole, this apprentice, what's the matter!
"I don't know if I'm free tonight? May I invite you to dinner? Beauty, what's your phone number? "
Qin Dynasty asked a series of questions, let Cheng Ying do not know how to answer, a little red tide on the face.
"Comrade Qin Dynasty, please pay attention to your attitude!"
She suddenly said, "we are talking about work. Please put work first! Don't make such bad jokesZhou Su bin squints his eyes and looks at the Qin Dynasty. His eyes are full of threat.
It's interesting for men in Qin Dynasty.
However, the meaning comes back to the meaning. What you should do is still to do.
Beautiful women are used to make fun of.
Otherwise, this time the task, is not very boring?
"Intelligence officer Cheng Ying, you told me that you can ask any questions."
The Qin Dynasty said something.
"That should be limited to the scope of work, not such a serious joke!"
Cheng Ying said sternly.
In her heart, just a little bit of curiosity about the Qin Dynasty has disappeared. She has completely divided this agent from the organization into the ranks of ugly oxen.
This ugly cow is busy!
"You are insulting me. You have to apologize to me."
However, the Qin Dynasty said a word lightly, which made Zhou Subin and Cheng Yingqi die.
"What are you talking about? It's clearly you're flirting Sir
Zhou Su bin clenched his fists and the knuckles on his fists exploded.
"Is it? Where have I been flirting? "
The Qin Dynasty lit a cigarette. Cheng Ying frowned and put down the window.
"First of all, I asked Mr. Cheng if he had a boyfriend. I was worried that he would delay our work if he had a loan. I asked Mr. Cheng if he had time to have dinner together in the evening, in order to promote our feelings and give us a chance to get to know each other. Only by understanding more can we be more conducive to cooperation. Finally, I asked Mr. Cheng's telephone number. Could I contact Mr. Cheng in the future, and as long as I stood there and yelled at Mr. Cheng for his presence, could you appear in front of me immediately? "
Qin Dynasty words, let two people in the car gape.
"You, you are making a strong argument..."
Although Zhou Subin is very good at carrying out the task, his verbal skills are obviously not good.
"I'm kidding. What I said is serious. The truth is on my side. It's unreasonable. In my opinion, it's your mi7 that excluded me and deliberately distorted what I said
In the Qin Dynasty, two people looked at each other.
This guy is so cruel. It's all up to the struggle between the two departments.
"Comrade Qin Dynasty, you misunderstood. It's not like this."
Cheng Ying knows that if you continue to entangle, it will only make the relationship between the two sides more embarrassing.
So, holding back her grievance, she said, "this is my fault. I apologize to you."
"Cheng Ying, you Why do you apologize to this guy! "
Zhou Su bin frowned, "clearly he is wrong!"
"Shut up, please call me sir!"
Cheng Yingli snapped, "and, this matter is over. I don't want to hear anyone talking about it. Comrade Qin Dynasty and Comrade Zhou Subin, you are the executors of this mission. You are all excellent agents trained by our country. I hope you two can let go of all your disagreements and help each other. This time, the task is the first! "
Qin Dynasty is a little surprised, did not expect this beautiful female officer, actually can admit defeat.
Ordinary girls are a little bit cautious, but this is what Mr. Cheng can bear.
"Forget it, I'm a generous person in Qin Dynasty. Let's go and I won't take it to heart."
The Qin Dynasty waved his hand and said casually.
Zhou Su bin hated to gnash his teeth, grandma's, make it as if he suffered much injustice.
Find a chance to teach this boy a lesson!
Cheng Ying is also a little aggrieved, but after all, she is a soldier and knows what to do and what not to do.
Therefore, she immediately tried to pretend to forget the previous unhappiness, and then said with a straight face.
"Comrade Qin Dynasty, we will go to mi7 immediately. When I get there, I hope you can cooperate with us. "
Cheng Ying can see that Qin Dynasty is a big thorn!
I hope this guy won't be picky when he meets the director.
The director is a very strict man. If there is any quarrel, the dishes will be bad.
The task is very important
"I see. I've told you that I'll help you finish this task this time. But it's so annoying. I didn't go back to eat on the Mid Autumn Festival. My mother would have stripped me alive I hope Suu Kyi can say something good to me... "
The Qin Dynasty murmured.
Zhou Su bin was biting his teeth beside him.
This boy, I don't know the priority!
"Comrade Qin Dynasty, I hope you can understand."
Cheng Ying also said very seriously, "only now we have a small family. You are an agent trained by the motherland, everything should be based on the motherland! Now the motherland needs you, I hope you can contribute to the motherland. Only your dedication, thousands of families, will have a happy mid autumn festival"Well, well, I knew that you must have a great deal of truth waiting for me."
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "I just complain about it. Isn't it coming with me. Are you going to deprive me of the right to complain? "
"As your current officer, I hope you will be willing to participate in this mission!"
Cheng Ying's face is also a little cold, this person, how do not know good or evil, "otherwise, please go back."
"You think I don't want to die"
the Qin Dynasty put out the cigarette end and threw it into the car ashtray, "but I even received the reward. I was running on the road. What's the matter?"
Cheng Ying and Zhou Subin looked at each other again and shook their heads.
This man, it's hopeless.
A few people did not speak or want to speak, but quietly sat in the car and allowed the business car to move slowly through a seemingly ordinary government office.
This office looks very ordinary, in fact, only a few people know that this is the famous mi7.
After entering, three steps a post, five steps a whistle, the car finally stopped in front of a building.
Two soldiers stopped there and politely asked the people in the car to get off.
"The rest is on foot."
Cheng Ying took her notebook and got out of the car with Zhou Subin and Qin Dynasty.
With the two soldiers salute, she continued to take them to the office building.
Qin Dynasty is like going to a park. It's very novel to look at it from left to right.
Tut Tut, take a look at the office of others, what a motherly manner!
There are doors, guns and buildings!
Wipe his sister's, the seventh section is good, the first mysterious department, the entrance is in the toilet!
This gap is so big!
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