Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1079

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Chapter 1079

Qin Dynasty this sentence finish saying, everybody is in the heart is surprised.
Good guy!
You know, the most annoying thing in Yu Dehai's life is that others say he is a dwarf!
There is a saying how to say, expose people do not expose short, hit people do not face.
Yu Dehai suck up for a very tall, long appearance is not ugly, this head is not to force.
If you are joking with him, this guy will laugh and not pick up.
If you say he is short, that's over. The dwarf must jump up with a knife and play with you!
Qin Dynasty now, made this taboo!
"Kill him!"
Yu dwarf's face was full of green veins, which made him so murderous.
He ate the heart of the Qin Dynasty, this son of a bitch, dare to say that Laozi is short! If you don't cut him into pieces, I'm sorry!
A group of Huashan disciples were furious when they heard the Qin Dynasty's rude remarks to the leader. One by one, the sword array moved towards the Qin Dynasty.
"In that case, I'll have a good time with you."
The Qin Dynasty said, stretched out the palm of his hand, raised it high.
"Three thousand luochagui, white lotus chop!"
With a wave of his hand, suddenly, there was a white sword in each of the three thousand luochagui's hands.
It's also ironic.
These three thousand luochagui, each formed by the evil spirit of the evil way, devoured the blood and flesh of unknown people.
The white lotus chop is formed by the purest power of Buddhism and Taoism. It has the deterrent of Heavenly Sword and the mercy of Buddhism.
Such a sword of compassion is in the hands of the most evil incarnation of evil Qi.
Satire, satire!
"Luosha sword array!"
The sword array formed by luochagui can be said to be the real Luocha sword array!
Qin Dynasty heart can not help but think.
The three thousand luochagui quickly formed a formation, and each of them controlled the white lotus chop and floated on their heads.
Although there are only 3000 white lotus flowers, each luochagui can be said to be a separate body of the Qin Dynasty.
Therefore, they can mobilize all the white lotus flowers in Qin Dynasty to cut them for their own use.
In the Qin Dynasty, it is equal to launching a sword array.
Flying sword in the sky.
The Luocha sword array is launched, like a crazy chariot, impacting the fragile Huashan sword array.
The more than 20 Huashan elites were defeated as soon as they came into contact. They were killed by the Luocha sword array, and they were defeated.
"Why, how could this happen..."
Yu Dehai himself was stupid. Did the famous Huashan sword array in the Xiuzhen world collapse like this?
"You win by the number of people, which we despise in the right way."
One side of oriental cherry, suddenly open a way.
Qin Dynasty was trying to urge the ghosts of Luocha to kill happily. Suddenly, he heard the words of oriental cherry and stopped immediately.
"Since you say so, I'll show you how I destroyed the laoshizi sword array by myself."
He said, shaking all over.
The three thousand luochagui turned into black smoke again, and instantly drifted back into the body of Qin Dynasty, and disappeared together with the white lotus chop.
Yu Dehai breathed a sigh of relief.
Those elite disciples almost fell under the Luocha sword array.
As long as the other side doesn't take out such abnormal sword array, with the help of Huashan sword array, you can still kill this demon.
"Let's get back in line. I'm impatient."
The Qin Dynasty, with his hands on his back, stood there and said.
"Huashan disciple, form an array!"
Yu Dehai heart said, little sample, this is you to die!
More than 20 disciples formed an array together, and the murderous Huashan sword array reappeared, like a fierce beast, waiting for the invaders.
"I'm here to break in. What's your so-called sword array?"
Qin Dynasty jump, the whole person like a shell from the sky, fell into the sword array.
He stepped on the floor with his feet and broke the layers of marble under his feet.
A small pit appears in this hall.
To be honest, Hu Qing is a little distressed.
"You're the one to die! Kill
One of the leading Huashan disciples wielded a sword spirit.
The rest of the disciples followed suit. In this array, the sword Qi was in full swing.
The Qin Dynasty found that these sword Qi combined in a very wonderful way, forming a huge pressure, surrounded the Qin Dynasty in all directions.
Although the strength of those disciples was different from that of Yuan Yingqi, the sword array they combined to display was enough to leave a gold body six level master alive.However, it was not enough for the Qin Dynasty.
He quickly entered the state of evil tiger attached to the body, and those sword Qi that came quickly, in his eyes, turned into slow motion.
Then, as if strolling around, the Qin Dynasty swayed slightly from side to side, stepping on random steps under his feet, avoiding those whistling sword spirit.
"Brush, brush, brush!"
One after another of the sword Qi, in the Qin Dynasty side of the ground, left a cross trace.
But the Qin Dynasty itself is safe and sound, not even the corner of the clothing is touched by the sword spirit.
"How did he do it?"
Yu Dehai exclaimed in his heart that he could still be safe in Huashan sword array!
What's more, it's a bit inconceivable that you haven't even touched a sword.
"Huashan sword array, is that all?"
Qin Dynasty hehe smile, "if so, I will break your brain remnant sword array."
He walked slowly towards a disciple of Huashan.
The disciple was so frightened that he could not help but want to retreat.
"Stop, don't be afraid, get together! We can stop him! "
The leading disciple said quickly.
The disciple steadied himself and began to activate his sword.
The whole body of the Qin Dynasty had to be covered by a huge amount of sword Qi.
"Come on, I won't hide this time!"
The Qin Dynasty marched on towards the disciple.
The towering sword spirit, without any suspense, all blasted on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"Bang bang bang!"
"Boom, boom!"
The sword roared like a whirlwind, and rushed to the roof, lifting a hole in the ceiling to reveal the upper layer.
"Yes, is it?"
These Huashan disciples were surprised and pleased to see that the sword Qi hit the target one by one.
Yu Dehai is also determined.
If this boy goes to be tough again, he has to explain it before my Huashan sword battle!
"It's tickling."
Just then, a voice of banter flew out of the whirlwind.
All of you, all of a sudden.
Suddenly, the sword spirit was scattered by a palm. Then, the figure of Qin Dynasty came out of the sword spirit.
He, he's okay!
In the heart of all practitioners, this idea comes out.
In particular, Huashan people have widened their eyes one by one.
Only Tan Haixin knows.
The Qin Dynasty was not even afraid of the Ninth Heaven power. How could he be afraid of this sword spirit.
Are you all ornaments of the Diamond Sutra?
Even Tianlei can't help him. You Huashan can't use this broken sword spirit!
Is Jiuwei more powerful than Tianlei?
It's ridiculous.
However, the old Taoist still looked serious, as if he didn't know anything.
It's none of your business.
Yu Dehai was also surprised. He didn't expect that Huashan sword array could not do any harm to Qin Dynasty!
At this time, the figure of Qin Dynasty has been in front of the disciple of Huashan.
At the same time, he put his hand around the disciple's neck and lifted him high into the air.
The disciple was pinched by the neck, choked, and even tears came down.
"Help, help..."
He uttered a murmur of pain.
"Put down my younger brother!"
A group of Huashan disciples rushed up in a hurry, all kinds of sword Qi saluted Qin Dynasty.
"Get out of here!"
The Qin Dynasty gave a big drink, and black smoke burst out of the body. One by one, the demonized arms flew out, clasped the heads of those Huashan disciples one by one, and pressed them all on the ground, smashing the floor into pits.
"Good, what a terrible cultivation!"
The sword spirit of these disciples didn't work. On the contrary, they were separated by the three thousand luochagui of the Qin Dynasty. What they killed was their heads and blood and they were defeated.
"Put down my Huashan disciple!"
Yu Dehai knew he couldn't wait any longer. He pulled out his sword and jumped over.
This dwarf is very fast, very flexible, like a monkey, instantly appeared in the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, he had a sword in his hand, which was as fast as a flash of light, and the sword spirit was split vertically and went straight to the left hand held high by the Qin Dynasty.
However, Qin Dynasty raised his right arm lazily, and with his golden right palm, he caught the sharp sword Qi.
The sword Qi hit the palm of the Qin Dynasty and was smashed. The scattered small sword Qi was flying in disorder and cutting on the ground. There was also the disciple held by the Qin Dynasty."Ah
The disciple screamed repeatedly, and there were blood stains on his body, and he soon passed out.
"Ah, Yu dwarf, you are so cruel to your disciples. Is that the style of your respectable and decent family? "
The Qin Dynasty sneered.
"Qin Dynasty! You want to die
Yu Dehai was angry.
All of a sudden, his clothes were hunting and his sword was roaring.
The sword of Huashan is different from that of Shushan.
Huashan's sword is to use the sword to resist Qi!
"One sword makes Kyushu cold!"
He swept out a sword.
All the places where the sword spirit passed by turned into cold frost.
"Good coming!"
However, the Qin Dynasty entered the attached state of the nine hell demon dragons.
In front of him, a water wall immediately rose, directly dividing the hall into two parts, blocking Yu Dehai.
The sword of cold Kyushu made the whole water wall frozen. A translucent ice wall was erected in the middle of the hall.
"Qin Dynasty! Die for me
Yu Dehai felt as if he had been teased by the Qin Dynasty and was very angry.
He was about to wave his sword again and break the ice wall, but the hall shook.
The Qin Dynasty broke through the ice with a fist, and at the same time, he jumped down toward Yu Dehai with his hands in white.
"Look up at the moon!"
Yu Dehai, a member of the body of eight, reflected very quickly. He quickly swung out his sword and drew a semicircle on his head.
The sword Qi of Yu Dehai, who had been practicing hard for many years, formed a fan and burst out.
"Break it for me!"
The Qin Dynasty did not retreat, nine you giant elephant, want to break all the strength!
His fist, wrapped in strong vitality, slammed heavily on the sword spirit.
A huge force of air burst out and roared in the hall.
Yu Dehai's body, immediately by the impact of a series of retrogression, withdraw three steps, finally step into the ground, trample on the floor tiles, this can stop.
But the Qin Dynasty is not over, he fell on the ground, and approached Yu Dehai, the power of his fists let Yu Dehai be frightened.
"A river flows eastward in spring!"
Yu Dehai quickly continued to retrogress, at the same time, he continued to wield sword Qi to block the progress of the Qin Dynasty.
The sword spirit is like a continuous River, which pours in front of Qin Dynasty.
"Give it to me!"
In the Qin Dynasty, the fists were all powerful and broke the sword Qi that rushed to the body.
"Go to hell!"
Finally, he rushed to Yu Dehai and punched his cheek with panic.
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