Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1045

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Chapter 1045

The release master was full of wine and food, and bathed and changed clothes. The whole person was completely new and took on the treasure of Buddhism.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help feeling that people depend on their clothes, and the Buddha relies on gold clothes.
they have eaten, washed their baths and changed their clothes. A few people came to Yu Lu's intensive care unit without any delay.
"Brother Qin, you are back."
Liao Shasha has been here all the time. It is reasonable to say that the job of escort should not belong to her family's treasurer. However, Liao Shasha has always regarded Yu Lu as her sister. Now her only relative is lying in the hospital bed. She can't rest assured in any case, so she can take care of herself.
"Well, and bring back a doctor."
The Qin Dynasty laughs and introduces the master of release to Liao Shasha.
"This is the master of release and the eminent monk. With him, Yu Lu's illness should not be a problem. "
"Hello, master."
Liao Shasha was no longer the savage daughter of that year, especially at this critical moment when Yu Lu fell ill, she bowed down politely to the monk.
"Amitabha, how are you, benefactor?"
"If the master can save my sister Yu Lu, we Liao's family will donate more incense and fire money at the master's treasure temple to rebuild all the Buddha statues into golden bodies."
Liao Jiacai's atmosphere is rough, Liao Shasha is more direct.
However, the Qin Dynasty was still in a state of panic. I'll go and rebuild all the statues in Baotai Temple of Songshan mountain into gold bodies. This is not a small expense.
A ton of gold, at least tens of millions.
It is estimated that we will not be able to get down without 1 billion yuan.
Forget it, in any case, a billion yuan is just a drop in the bucket for Dafa group.
"Thank you, benefactor."
Reshaping the golden body is also a good fate. Although he left Baotai temple in Songshan and practiced in the world of mortals, he was still a Songshan man.
He would be happy to do something for his temple.
In particular, he was a wine and meat monk.
"It's hard work, master."
Liao Shasha was about to get up to make room for the release master when her mobile phone rang.
The eldest lady of the Liao family took out a mobile phone of unknown brand from her pocket and picked it up.
"Well, I see..."
I don't know what she said on the phone. Liao Shasha's face is not good.
"What happened?"
Qin asked in a hurry.
"Someone is buying Dafa group maliciously."
Liao Shasha's eyebrow and Dai frowned. "The shares of Tianwang chemical, Longcheng garment, and Xinxin electronics, which are subordinate to Dafa group, are being bought maliciously. These are the pillar industries of Dafa group. If they are successfully acquired by malicious means, Dafa group will collapse by half. "
"It should also be made by the secretary."
The Qin Dynasty pondered for a moment, and said, "they came to take advantage of Yu Lu's fall and have no time to take care of it. Good. That's a good idea. Dafa group has sufficient funds and should not be trapped. "
"Sister Yu Lu's trader, Matthews, went against the enemy and broke up the company's liquidity in the stock market and bought many shares of small companies. In addition, the company has spent a lot of money on new energy research and development, which has led to a shortage of funds. "
The Qin Dynasty clenched its fists.
"With the present funds, how long can it last?"
"For a day. The other side just keeps buying now. I think it will be sold out as soon as the market opens tomorrow. At that time, the company will use a large amount of money to buy its own shares, otherwise, such a sell-off, the stock price will fall rapidly. At that time, it will be much easier for them to acquire. "
Liao Shasha has been studying in Dafa group for the past six months, and she has decided to apply for the financial industry.
"Well, after a day, I'll do it."
The Qin Dynasty comforted Liao Shasha, "the Si family has a big appetite. This time, I let them know who will swallow who. And, Matthews, I won't let it go
He said, picked up the phone and called out.
"Mo Ling, let Luocha find Matthews, the former operator of Dafa group. I want to live. "
At the same time, in a bar compartment in Dongchuan City.
Matthews, with two beautiful long legged women in his arms, held up his glass and touched a man in black opposite him.
"Mr. Boyle, it's up to you this time. I don't have to work under that bitch."
Matthews was very angry when he thought of Yu Lu.
For the sake of that woman, I didn't even do the red hat company, and traveled a long way to China.
As a result, she already has a man!
How do you scold them in Chinese? Oh, by the way, malgobi!
The most shameful, she and the man together so humiliate themselves!
Just this time, the Secretary of the family found himself, so he let the whore be cool, let her know, offended himself, what is the end!"Mr. Matthews, we must rely on you this time."
Boyue had a polite smile on his face. It seemed that everyone he met looked like this smiling Buddha.
"To our successful cooperation, cheers."
'cried Matthews, raising his glass as he rubbed the chest of a long legged girl in his arms.
He is very happy today.
He not only brought Yu Lu down and brought down Dafa group, but also got a lot of commission.
It's a pity that there is no shortage of manipulators in the Si family, otherwise he will do well in the Si family.
Of course, boyue won't let this villain become the operator of his own company. Today he can sell Dafa group, maybe tomorrow he will sell his family.
With a faint smile on his mouth, he tasted the wine in the glass.
"Mr. Matthews, take your time. My company still has something to do. We have to go first. If Mr. Matthews needs any help, just call me. "
With that, Bojo stood up, bowed, and turned away.
Of course, it's my own business.
Matthews watched beau leave, and then teased the two northeast legged girls in his arms with a chuckle.
Anyway, the consumption of this time is borne by the family. How can he be polite.
He didn't care about the introduction fees of the two girls.
So, Matthews with a body of wine gas, led two girls, ready to return to the hotel to a double fly.
Tut Tut, the lower part of this Oriental woman is much tighter than their European women. Tonight, I am lucky.
This Matthews, while thinking about things in bed, while laughing.
He was mixed up by two girls, out of the bar and out there.
At this time, the sun had set in the west, and the night was high, and Matthews was very interested.
He pouts and kisses the girl on the left on the oval face while waiting for a taxi.
"Hee hee, boss Matthews, you are lustful and anxious."
The girl said with a smile.
"Hey, that's it. When we get into the taxi, we'll have a good time first. "
Matthews laughed a lot.
"It's a nuisance, boss. You're more than one."
The beauty on the other side is angry.
"No, no, I'm strong. You two can't bear to run away."
A few people have a lot of lewd voices and words.
And at this time, a taxi, also slowly stopped in front of them.
Matthews took two beauties and sat in the car.
"Yehuang Hotel"
He directly reported the name of a five-star hotel. Anyway, he was rich and couldn't return home. He went to a high-class hotel, which was more emotional.
Shuangfei, I'm Matthews!
It's a pity that you can't play with Yu Lu. Compared with Yu Lu, the two beauties around you are just like scum. What a pity.
"Boss, don't you want to play in the car?"
A beautiful woman's hand, rubbed under Matthews.
"Oh, ha ha, you are so anxious."
Matthews was kneaded a little, and he reached out and put his hand into the woman's clothes and kept kneading.
"Well, um..."
The beauty flushed and fell into Matthews' arms.
Another beauty, who was also grinding her legs, was clinging to Matthews.
The driver drove in silence, without saying a word, as if he were used to it.
Matthews was very interested in playing. In a short time, he had opened a beautiful woman's coat, his mouth wrapped around each other's mountain, and his tongue stirred back and forth, like a sucking baby.
He is devoted to this kind of activity and indulges in it.
I don't know how long after that, when he raised his wet mouth and swept his eyes out of the window, he immediately frowned.
"I mean to the yehuang hotel. Where are you going?"
Matthews could not help but be angry at the gloomy view outside the window, as if he had left the city.
Did you run into the legendary bad drivers and take them by the way to ask for more money?
"Nature takes you where you should go."
The driver finally spoke, and his voice sounded like a girl. "Mr. Matthews."
Matthews was surprised and the car stopped.
The driver jumps out of the car and opens the rear door.
Matthews saw that this is a beautiful foreign woman, beautiful bubble, more beautiful than the two people around him, do not know how many times.
What is this beautiful female driver doing?
"Get out of the car, Mr. Matthews."
The woman driver took a sharp dagger out of her arms and pointed to Matthews.
"What are you going to do, what are you going to do?"The two beauties, trembling, were frightened.
"How much do you want? I'll give it to you. Don't hurt me."
Said Matthews, trembling.
"Well, I'm sorry about that."
The driver's eyes flashed disdain, "I'm not short of money, looking for you is not asking for money."
Not money?
Matthews's heart was tight, and he felt something was wrong.
"Well, what do you want?"
"It's your life."
The woman driver laughed. "Do you have to ask, don't you have a long head?"
"Are you from Dafa group?"
Matthews was shaking.
"Well, where is Dafa group But it's almost the same. It seems to be the power of adults. Oh, what are you talking about? You're going to die anyway. "
"No, don't kill me! I, I can give you money, a lot of money! "
Before death, Matthews realized that life is more important.
"Wuwu, we are innocent..."
The two girls beside him began to cry.
"What a nuisance, crying."
The female driver was very impatient. With a wave of her hand, two black lights flashed, and the two women suddenly fainted.
"I didn't say I'm going to kill you. I'm dead. My target is only one person."
"I, I'll give you the money, don't kill me!"
Exclaimed Matthews.
"I hate it. As I said, I'm not short of money. Come out and die. Don't dirty the car. "
Said the woman driver, waving her hand.
Matthews flew out of the back of the car and fell on the ground in the suburbs. He was a dog eating excrement.
"Wuwuwu Excuse me... "
The front teeth of Matthews were all fallen off, and the tears of pain and blood flowed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't spare my life."
With a wave of the dagger in the driver's hand, Matthews' throat was cut without hesitation.
Matthews covered his throat, muttered twice, his eyes twinkled with reluctance, and then fell into a pool of blood.
"Yes, I have finished my first task at last! Fado is so beautiful, my Lord. He must be very happy
In the suburban forest, came the excited voice of the female driver.
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