Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 571

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Chapter 571

Although the organization does not know about the situation of the mainland Xiuzhen, they still have some information about some special departments in the West. For example, the dark holy see in the West.
The dark holy see was originally formed by several black witches. They spread the black magic through the Vatican. Later, the dark Vatican, and attracted vampires, werewolves and other dark creatures.
Against them was the Roman Church.
The Vatican is their holy land. The Holy Cross Knights of the Roman Church are part of a special force responsible for eradicating these dark creatures.
And vampires, a member of the Holy See. After the establishment of the skeleton, some of them followed the skeleton and were willing to be killers in the dark.
Their ranks were divided into barons, viscount, count, marquis and Duke. Up there is the prince. The supreme ruler is the most powerful vampire queen.
The vampire queen is now one of the three magistrates of the dark holy see.
Under her, there are three big vampire families.
It's myrensti, Dracula, and the Black family.
Among them, myrensti and the Black family belong to the dark Holy See, while Dracula betrayed the Vatican in the early years and followed the skeleton door. For this reason, skeletons are also a notorious organization in the West. Both the Roman Church and the dark church want to destroy this organization completely.
But skeletons are also very cunning. No one knows where their headquarters are.
Before ice came, they had read all these materials.
There are several levels of vampires, one higher than the other.
Before that, he had personally cut off the head of a viscount.
And the woman in front of her seems to have a higher rank. I guess she has a count.
"A little power man, how dare you block my good deeds of marquis Indy Dracula!" Yindi sneered twice, flashed, and suddenly appeared in front of ice, "kneel down and cry!"
"Ice!" Ice is still very quick. He fought with vampires once and knew that these guys are very fast. As a result, as soon as Nadi disappeared, he was wrapped in a thick layer of ice to protect himself.
But Indy's power is very strong. She slaps her hand on the ice, and the ice breaks up after half a meter. Then ice's figure popped out and hit several big trees.
"Poof!" Ice spits out a mouthful of blood and laughs bitterly.
"Damn it, I didn't expect to meet the Marquis Still a big guy... "
"You, are you ok?" Suji was shocked. She didn't expect that Qin Dynasty would send someone to protect herself secretly. This makes her very moved, but also some dissatisfaction.
This guy has been hiding himself for so long.
"No, it's ok Miss Su, don't worry Worry about me... "
This is not a light hand. Ice felt that his body was in a state of turmoil, as if his internal organs were damaged. But he is still very brave, holding a tree to stand up, said.
"Little bedbugs that don't know what to do." The indie sneered, "I'll crush you as soon as I reach out. You're still talking big. Hum, but it doesn't matter. You won't have any pain right now. "
With that, behind Indy, he opened a pair of black wings and began to flap.
Her hands, also holding a black ball of light, seems to be a dark magic in preparation.
"Dark magic, dark shockwave!"
With that, he threw the black light ball at ice. The light ball into the air, suddenly turned into a billowing air wave, blowing up the trees and grass in front of him.
Ice's heart burst into despair, knowing that this time, it should be glorious.
But just then, Suu Kyi pulled him behind her and pulled him to the back of a big tree.
Meanwhile, Suu Kyi held out her little hand, pinched a handprint and patted it on the tree.
"Don't touch the seal of Ming Wang!"
The tree immediately twined with golden Sanskrit and kept spinning.
The dark shockwave opened the ground and stopped when it hit the tree.
A slight shiver of the tree blocked the force of the shock wave.
The hand print of nine character Zhenyan can strengthen strength and physique. Suu Kyi is very clever to put it into the object, but let the object into a hard shield.
"Hide here and I'll help you heal."
With that, Suu Kyi's other hand also pinched a handprint, "inner lion seal!"
When the handprint was patted on ice's body, he immediately felt a warm force pouring into his body. The injury, which has just been made, is also recovering rapidly.
While ice is grateful, she can't help but feel ashamed.
Alas, I was clearly sent to protect Suji, but I didn't expect to be protected by others now. Shame. I lost my hair.
"Hum!"When Yindi saw his second round of attack, he was blocked again, and he couldn't help but get angry. "Do you think that with this strength, you can stop my great dark magic! It's childish, it's so childish! "
She said, pinching another black ball of light in her hand.
"This time, I use the power of 12 points to show you how powerful the dark magic is
With that, Indy growled, reached out and threw the black ball out.
"Dark magic. Dark tear!"
After the black ball was thrown out, it immediately turned into a black prototype three blade knife. The three blade knives are spinning rapidly, each of which is two meters long and is constantly cutting in the forest.
Where it cuts, there is no place where it is not torn to pieces. It can be seen how sharp these three blade knives are.
"Bad..." Suu Kyi frowned. "I can't stop this one..."
After that, the three blade sword had come to them. At the same time, it was easy to saw the tree with the blessing of the nine character truth in two, and then approached Suji and ice.
Yindi's face was also covered with a twisted smile.
SUJ, who has been a headache on the top, is going to die in my hands.
The great blood sucking aristocrats are the most powerful creatures!
However, she did not wait for her smile to bloom completely, just froze there.
So Suu Kyi and ice, for some unknown reason, suddenly disappeared in front of her, leaving the three blade knife in the air, just cutting off a piece of trees around her.
"What about people? Where have you been? "
"Here it is, fool."
A very light woman's voice sounded.
Yindi was startled, looked up and saw a beautiful woman in black in the air, slowly falling.
In her arms, Suu Kyi and ice are in her arms.
The two men were also very surprised. They thought they were dead, but suddenly they were sucked in by a force, and then they were held in the arms of this woman.
"And who are you?"
Yindi is very upset. She just thinks that there are too many accidents today.
"My name is Xiaobai." After she fell down, she gently put ice and Suji on the ground, and waved them to hide behind him, "Mr. Qin's housekeeper."
Qin Dynasty! Qin Dynasty again!
Indy was so angry that she wanted to tear the woman in front of her into several pieces.
And Suu Kyi behind her is a burst of excitement.
He has not forgotten me, has been protecting me!
However, soon the girl was dissatisfied again.
Why is a housekeeper such a beautiful woman? Damn the Qin Dynasty, you are a big color wolf!
"I care who you are! Bedbugs, go to hell together
Indy lost his patience and threw a ball of light again.
"Dark magic. Dark tear!"
Three blade knife reappearance, toward small white to rush over.
"I have to say..." Xiaobai did not move, just stood there, learning the appearance of the Qin Dynasty. One hand is negative behind him, the other hand, twining around the power of space, slaps at the three blade sword that comes over, "your strength is very weak."
"Bang!" Just now, the arrogant and rampant three blade sword was knocked down by Xiaobai's palm and ran into the woods.
"Well, how could this be..."
Indy is dumbfounded.
"How can small dark creatures understand the power of our Oriental practice?"
Xiaobai said and gently waved to Yindi.
A scar, very clear in Yin Di's body.
She looked at a bone deep wound in her abdomen in amazement, her eyes widened.
"It's rare to be sent out by Mr. Qin. I think it will be a decent opponent. As a result, it is still too weak. "
Xiaobai didn't want to give the vampire a chance to resist, so she waved her hand again.
And a blade of black space.
The vampire's head, moved from the neck, with unwilling, grunting to the ground.
After killing this guy, Xiaobai turned around and gave Suji a meaningful look.
"Sure enough, it looks like your sister."
"Have you met my sister?" Suu Kyi asked.
"Of course, I am a real Butler. It's not the same as the fake cousin. "
"Well, what about the Qin Dynasty? He, is he OK? " Suu Kyi was a little excited.
"Mr. Qin is very good." Xiaobai said, "moreover, he has completed the agreement, and talked your father to agree with your association."
"Really?" Suu Kyi shed tears again. She just felt that she had been here for so long and lovesickness for so long. Finally, it was worth it."Well, why doesn't he come to pick me up now?"
"I've been with Mr. Qin for a long time. Although he didn't say so, I can see it." Xiaobai looked at Suji and said seriously, "you are the most special and unique woman in his heart. Therefore, he must want to take you back to southern Jiangsu with dignity and uprightness! So wait patiently for a few days, and Mr. Qin will certainly come to meet you in person. "
"Well, I'll wait for him!"
Compared with Xiaobai, Suji actually knows more about the Qin Dynasty.
Suji had known him since the Qin Dynasty.
The boy looks careless on the surface, but in fact he is very proud.
Su Ji is no longer looking at her back, and she is just talking.
In fact, Mr. Qin did so not only because of his pride. More because, in his heart, he owes you Mr. Qin did not know how many romantic debts he incurred.
While two people were talking, ice left quietly.
Xiaobai looked at it and said to Suji.
"Take a good rest these two days. Don't worry about skeletons, because I'll always be there to protect you."
With that, Xiaobai also hid her figure and disappeared in the shade of the trees.
Suu Kyi took a deep breath as she looked at the messy woods.
"Qin Dynasty, I'm waiting for you. Hum, I'll give you a week. If you don't show up in a week, I'll make you a pig! Then, and then never again
With that, she picked up the bag that had just fallen on the ground, kicked Indy Dracula's head off by the way, and then left with her ponytail dangling.
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