Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 626

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Chapter 626

"Wait, wait!"
Feng xiaorou was on the other side to take care of the injured Wu Zhenqi. Seeing that her elder brother Ye was about to be taken away by the soldiers, Feng xiaorou was in a hurry and ran over in three steps and two steps.
"Don't catch me, brother Ye! I encouraged everyone to fight! If you want to catch me, just take me away
"Xiaorou, what are you doing?" Ye Qing pulled Feng xiaorou behind him and explained to the officer, "sorry, this is an employee of our company. I like to talk nonsense. I am the person in charge of the company. I will go with you."
"Let's go."
The officer didn't want to take away such a woman. He mainly wanted to take away a man in charge of the security company to shock them. After all, they are not soldiers of the headquarters. They don't know what military orders and obedience are!
That Qin Dynasty, Qin special commissioner he can't manage, he still can't manage a small supervisor of a security company!
"Qin Dynasty! I, I beg you, don't let them take brother ye away
But at this time, Feng xiaorou suddenly ran to the Qin Dynasty and begged him in a low voice.
"Xiaorou, what are you doing?"
Ye Qing was a little angry, "come back to me!"
"I don't!" Feng xiaorou stamped her foot and said, "now only he can help you! Brother ye, if you are taken away, what will we do? "
Feng xiaorou's expression is so charming that she almost tells Ye Qing that I like you.
"Qin Dynasty, if you are a man, don't let me kneel in front of you!"
Feng xiaorou knows that her elder brother Ye is a man who needs a lot of face. Instead of persuading Ye Qing, Feng xiaorou turns around and shouts at the Qin Dynasty.
In her eyes, the Qin Dynasty saw tears.
The tears made Qin Dynasty think of Su Fei.
"Qin Dynasty, I hate you, you are a son of a bitch, asshole, shit! You are mean, shameless, vulgar
Qin Dynasty looked at the woman who scolded him in front of him. For a boy, this proud girl, he could even ask for a disgusting person. Although he didn't like Feng xiaorou, he had to admire this girl.
"Let him stay." Qin Dynasty a word, let Feng xiaorou be stunned, let Ye Qing be stunned, also let everybody around be stunned.
"You, you..."
Originally Feng xiaorou also wanted to scold, but she was a bit stunned when she heard the Qin Dynasty say so.
"Brother Qin!"
Chu Shan pulled him, "Ye Qing is a person from Venus company!"
"Ha ha." Qin patted him on the shoulder, "yes, he is from Venus company, but I didn't pay attention to him. So there's no need to win the competition between companies. "
"Brother Qin, I'll take it." Chu Shan arched his hand. Indeed, with the ability of the Qin Dynasty, Ye Qing, in his eyes, is not a dish at all.
"Special commissioner Qin!" But the officer quit, "we must find a master to take away, please don't let us in trouble!"
"Take me if you want."
Qin Dynasty stretched out his hands, "you can torture me, I'm the one who is picking on things."
"This..." The officer is in a dilemma.
Catch a major general? It seems that he doesn't have this right yet
"Xiao Zhao, forget it and come back."
At this time, an old man's voice resolved his embarrassment.
"We are all young people. It's hard to avoid impulse." Li Dewang came over and said with a smile, "so it's hard to avoid some impulse. This time, let's just let it go. But I hope you can learn a lesson. We have seen from our previous enemies that if we do not unite as one, we will only be defeated by each. As for me, I have sent orders to the local military region, and more troops will soon come to escort us. Let's not be impatient and put our energy into this task, OK? I, Li Dewang, on behalf of our country, please
As the chief ministers of a decent organization can speak like this, then these soldiers and security guards are all in peace.
The officer also had steps, just down the slope of the donkey. He looked more at the Qin Dynasty, which let people loose Ye Qing and returned to the direction of the army.
Ye Qing also looked at the Qin Dynasty, did not speak, led Feng xiaorou back.
On the way back, Feng xiaorou suddenly turned around, looked at the Qin Dynasty and said, "thank you..."
"Nothing." Qin Dynasty looked at the unruly and willful young lady and said, "I just don't want to see you kneel down."
With that, he turned back to his car.
, "brother Qin, it's awesome!"
Chu Shan followed the car, said, "this time, look at their Venus company, but also arrogant not arrogant."
"Mount Chu." Qin patted him on the shoulder, "fighting is not a good thing."
"Brother Qin..."
Yang Li also rubbed on the car, and said to the Qin Dynasty, "brother Qin, after seeing this mission, they have to go back to school. Can you come to the provincial health school to see me in the future"I'm not in this city." Qin Dynasty is very headache, want to get rid of this girl, "I live in Sunan city."
"Yes, yes!"
The little girl was very excited, holding an arm of the Qin Dynasty and shouting, "don't you know brother Qin? The provincial health school is also in Sunan city! "
The Qin Dynasty was speechless He jerked his arm, but the girl pouted and held her tighter. Qin's chest was too small to suppress her.
Chu Shan felt like a light bulb and slipped off.
But there was a person who never felt like a light bulb. She sat in the back of the car, nibbling at the hamburger.
"Don't be too intimate. It will affect people's appetite."
Xi's mask was pushed up a little, revealing her delicate mouth and eating her lunch.
Qin Dynasty some speechless, he took out his arm again, found that Yang Li was really holding too tight, and gave up. He can't throw Yang Li out of the car with one arm.
"Is she also a eater?"
"Why not
Xi bit a fried chicken, "corpse Ji just has no soul, and it is not without digestive system."
"In this way..."
What Yang Li is listening to is in a fog of water, what corpse Ji is not corpse Ji, how can not understand a word. Are they all speaking in such a strange way?
"You haven't had lunch yet, have you?"
Hee's hand was behind him, holding a hamburger quietly.
"Well." Qin Dynasty nodded, "just a pile of things, forget to eat."
"Brother Qin, I have lunch here! I made it myself
Yang Li was excited at this time, and finally released the arm of the Qin Dynasty. She took out a delicate lunch box and handed it to the Qin Dynasty.
Seeing that she took out her lunch box, Xi's hand, which was supposed to come out, quietly retracted.
"Can you cook?" The Qin Dynasty was a little surprised.
"Do you look down on our post-90s?" The little girl glared, pinched her waist and said, "we are just a few years younger than you! I started to take care of myself when I was 15 years old, because I was far away from home in the provincial health school! I know some of my brothers and sisters born in the 1980s. They can't cook now! Hum
"Yes, yes, you are the best."
Qin Dynasty gently pushed the lunch box back, "but you still have to eat, I eat, you don't have to eat."
"I eat this!" The little girl took out a hamburger from Chu Feng's pocket just now, "I prefer this one!"
Looking at Yang Li's smiling appearance, it's hard for Qin Dynasty to refuse.
He had to take the lunch box and open it.
Boy, it's really rich in it.
shredded potato, fried eggplant box, and fried persimmon with eggs.
"Do you like fried persimmon with eggs?"
The Qin Dynasty asked.
"Well," Yang Li nodded, "this is my specialty! It's also the first dish I learned! "
She said, took out a pair of lovely chopsticks, handed it to the Qin Dynasty, "I know brother, you may have a girlfriend, in that case, we should start from brother and sister! From now on, I will recognize you as a brother, will you
The little girl is very smart, to know the circuitous tactics. It's a good thing to be a daughter-in-law.
Tut Tut, I'll start from brother and sister love first!
"Yes." Qin Dynasty didn't think so much about it. She thought she wanted to open up. He took the chopsticks and took a bite.
"Well, don't mention it. It's pretty good."
"Yes Yang Li laughed triumphantly. She looked back at Xi, who was eating hamburger, intentionally or unintentionally.
Do you want to try it, sister
"No more." Hee's voice became a little cold. "I like hamburgers, too."
"Is it?" The little girl raised her eyebrows and then said, "sister Naxi must be very good at cooking. She has time for communication."
"Sorry, I can't cook."
Xi said faintly, "more will not have sex lunch. I'm sorry, I have a job. You can eat it
She said, coming out of the car, carrying her metal box, floating away.
Looking at her back, Yang Li couldn't help laughing.
Hum, although you are very good, but in the emotion, I will not lose to you!
The little girl secretly clenched her fist.
"Yang Li, there are so many wounded people out there. Don't you go to help and care for something?"
The Qin Dynasty reminds Yang Li that she still has a job.
"It doesn't matter." Yang Li laughed, "I just sent a message to Xiaojing. My brother is a special agent. I asked her to apply for me to be my brother's exclusive nurse.""How can this work?" The Qin Dynasty didn't like it very much.
"Why not?" Yang Li raised her chin and said, "I saw it just now. The major officer saluted his brother! Brother's level, certainly not low! Do you see the old man Li, there are two exclusive nurses around! Why can't you have a brother
As soon as the voice dropped, the telephone rang.
Yang Li takes out the mobile phone, Qin Dynasty a look, good guy, iPhone4. Is it a little rich second generation again?
"Well, I know! That's great. Thank you. When I come back, I'll treat you to pizza hut! "
The little girl put down her mobile phone complacently and then said to the Qin Dynasty.
"Hee hee, brother, I don't know. You are still an honorary major general! Xiaojing told me that the application came down, and I am your exclusive nurse now! "
The girl looked at the Qin Dynasty's eyes, and a little different.
"The mobile phone is not bad..."
Qin Dynasty did not want to entangle the exclusive nurse, he intentionally or unintentionally, mentioned a sentence.
"Hee hee, it was sent to me by a recognized elder brother." The little girl took out the mobile phone and put it in front of Qin Dynasty, "he said when iphone5 comes out, give me 5 instead. However, it seems to me that he always wants to seduce me and have sex with him, so I will draw him into the blacklist! No more contact from now on! "
“……” The Qin Dynasty was speechless. My God, what kind of life does this girl lead?
"how many elder brothers do you recognize..."
"Then I'll have to take my calculator." Yang Li winked at Qin Dynasty, "but up to now, my favorite is brother Qin!"
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