Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 874

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Chapter 874

"Oh, San Jin children's shoes are here at last!"
"Sanjin, come in, come in, and see you're beautiful again. You're white!"
As soon as Shi Xin went in, a group of men and women sitting on the sofa all raised their heads and said hello to Shi Xin.
"Ha ha, long time no see, everyone, my Sanjin is back."
Shi Xin was very happy to say hello to everyone. She was very happy to see her old classmates.
Of course, she would have been happier without Jiang Lei.
"Everyone's attention, ha, our little three gold has finally arrived."
Wang Tianyu clapped his hands and said, "however, she is late. What do you say?"
"Fine wine! Fine wine
A group of people cried out.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help feeling, and sure enough, the Chinese people are in the habit of punishing wine.
"I, I don't know how to drink..."
But Shi Xin refused.
"You're all right. You're OK. You're not going to take the lead."
Wang Tianyu reminds Shi Xin.
"That's right. You can let your family drink for you..."
Li Jingwen also took a little flattering to say.
"That one?"
People's eyes fell on the cool Qin Dynasty. Who is this brother just now? It's Shi Xin's new boyfriend?
Coincidentally, they all secretly looked at Jiang Lei.
Jiang Lei, originally leaning on the sofa, looked at Shi Xin strangely. He said with a smile when he noticed the people's eyes.
"Shi Xin, I haven't seen you for a long time. I've got a new boyfriend. I think I've met him. Qin Dynasty, right? "
Jiang Lei hated the Qin Dynasty.
In those days, it was the boy who slapped himself in the mouth.
His face, however, is so precious that he has never beaten him.
This revenge must be revenged today. At the class meeting, I must make this guy make a fool of himself.
"Jiang Lei, I haven't seen you for a long time."
Qin Dynasty hands are still inserted in the pocket, meaning to point to smile, "how, the face has not swollen?"
Hearing this, Jiang Lei immediately squeezed the cup in his hand.
Damn it, this kid dares to talk about it.
He inquired about Qin Dynasty from Alice's mouth. This boy used to be a security guard. No wonder he has some Kung Fu.
Hum, a little security guard who dares to fight with my young master Jiang is just suicidal!
"Oh, master Qin, it's time for you to drink."
Li Jingwen saw that the scene was a little awkward, as if it was still with a faint smell of gunpowder.
"Yes, yes, yes, drink."
Wang Tianyu also saw that it was not very wonderful, and then said.
"Master Qin?"
Jiang Lei heard this address, can not help but a happy, "Jingwen ah, how do you give him such a address."
"Ah? What's the matter? "
Li Jingwen looks at Jiang Lei with some incomprehension.
"Our Qin Dynasty, which is Shi Xin's new boyfriend, seems to be just an assistant of an advertising company. He used to be a security guard. How did he become master Qin? Ha ha!"
Jiang Lei laughs with no manners, and claps his thighs at the same time.
Li Jingwen couldn't help laughing at her.
This son of a bitch pretends to be a rich young master.
It turns out that he is a poor man. He can pretend to be forced!
"Well, you and Sanjin are colleagues. No wonder they share the same taste."
Her face immediately changed, a disdainful look, meaning to say.
"Well, it doesn't matter what you do, it doesn't matter."
Wang Tianyu hurriedly aside and thin mud, "we don't look at identity today, just to get together! We haven't seen each other for several years. We all think about it! Come, Sanjin, Qin Dynasty, sit next to me
He took the Qin Dynasty and Shi Xin to the sofa and felt the cold sweat secretly.
Good fellow, today's class meeting was held. It's full of gunpowder.
"I'll treat you to drinks today. Please order as you please."
Jiang Lei saw that all the people were sitting down. At this time, he said with great style, "you are welcome. I don't have talent. I've made a little talent by doing business recently. For nothing else, today I want everyone to have fun
"Jiang Lei is now promising. The former Sports Committee and the current boss are the big boss."
These students can't help feeling.
"Young master Jiang is so generous. He has the bearing of a big boss."
Li Jingwen voice can be bored to death, leaning on Jiang Lei's side said.
Jiang Lei was not polite. He stretched out his hand and put his arm around Li Jingwen's waist. "It's easy to say, Jingwen. Before you were a class flower, I was the sports committee. If I chase you, you can't look up to me. Now, how can you change your mind? ""Hee hee, people used to know what a good man is now..."
Li Jingwen looks at Jiang Lei secretly, which makes Jiang Lei very comfortable.
"Pooh, I'm disgusting."
Shi Xin saw this scene and couldn't help but whisper in the ear of Qin Dynasty.
"You are very interesting students."
The Qin Dynasty, with a smile, reached out and picked up the wine list next to it.
"My little Xinxin, what would you like to drink?"
"If I don't drink it, I feel sick and don't want to drink it when I think it's bought by Jiang Lei."
Shi Xin shook his head.
"Don't say that. We also contribute to the country's GDP. It has nothing to do with him. Come on, point it, pick something expensive. Anyway, he's a big boss, and he doesn't care. "
"Well, you're right."
Shi Xin nodded and snatched the wine list of the Qin Dynasty. He looked for it for a meal. He didn't look at anything else but the price.
After a quarrel between the Qin Dynasty and Jiang Lei, no one mentioned the penalty. But Shi Xin now, in order to consume, began to look for all kinds of wine.
"I'll go. It's a high-class hotel. A bottle of mineral water costs 20 yuan. Keng Dad!"
Looking at the wine list, Shi Xin couldn't help shouting about his father.
"Hey, what do you think of that? A glass of juice is still eighty. Find the most expensive. " Qin Chaoxin said that this is very normal, in different hotels, there are different consumption. Moreover, no one comes here to drink mineral water. The price is a symbolic meaning.
"Oh, I see a glass of 90 years old red wine, only one cup, it will cost 500 yuan! I'll go. Ordinary people can't afford it. "
Shi Xin straight mouth, "and this thing is so good to drink, to such an expensive price."
"You think too much."
The Qin Dynasty touched Shi Xin's hair, "most people come here to drink not the taste, but an identity. These 500 yuan are nothing to them. You have to know that there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor in China. Rich people are really rich. Poor people are really poor. Even if you earn more than ten thousand yuan a month, compared with the rich, it's terrible to be poor! "
"Well, let's have two glasses of wine from the past 90 years."
Hearing Shi Xin's 90 year old Lafite, Jiang Lei beside him couldn't help chuckling.
After all, it's just a small family. Only two glasses of red wine add up to 1000 yuan. It's not worth mentioning. This silly woman, think she was scared by a thousand dollars?
"I'll tell the waiter to come in."
Wang Tianyu rang the bell, and soon came a handsome waiter in full dress and bow tie.
The waiters here are of different levels.
The waiters in such private rooms are of high level. They are very professional and look good. Otherwise, ordinary guests into the box, come in a long crooked melon crack jujube waiting, he is not in the mood to consume.
Not to mention anything else, maybe I don't want to give a tip.
"What can I do for you, sir?"
The waiter bowed respectfully to Wang Tianyu.
Wang Yu made a note of each wine's service.
"We'd like two glasses of 90 years of wine!"
Shi Xin is the only one who likes to order red wine. Other people are not so kind.
Now when I hear her order, I feel a little regret. Heart said, Sanjin, why don't you order earlier, we can follow suit, but the last one will come.
Jiang Lei shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "It's only a thousand yuan. It's not worth mentioning."
That crazy woman, also has such a little vision.
"All right, just a moment, please."
The waiter nodded and was about to leave when Qin Dynasty reached out and stopped him.
"Wait a minute."
As soon as the waiter heard the boss calling him, he immediately stopped and turned to bow 90 degrees to the Qin Dynasty.
"Qin What can I do for you, sir
This attitude is more respectful than I didn't know just now.
Shi Xin is still a little confused. How does the waiter know to play her boyfriend, Qin?
"Let you old Wang, bring me those bottles of Bordeaux from '82. How many bottles are there? "
"There are ten bottles left in the library."
The waiter thought for a moment and said, "but there are about seven or eight bottles in other hotels. I don't know if you need them. If you need them, we can bring them all."
If the boss wants to drink Bordeaux for 82 years, the manager Wang has to give it to him. If he can, he can bring it all. The price goes according to normal, we have big boss treat
The Qin Dynasty says, stretch out a finger to the Jiang Lei that the facial expression is a bit white beside.
"Yes, sir. Just a moment, please."
The waiter nodded and left.
Jiang Lei's face suddenly changed. He wanted to stop the waiter.Yes, this bottle of 82 Bordeaux costs 8800! More than ten bottles, nearly 200000 must be killed!
I'll go. I'll do some business. The circulating funds are only several hundred thousand. All of them drink alcohol. You can't cry to death.
"You, master Jiang, are you in love with money?"
Seeing Jiang Lei's pale face, the Qin Dynasty put out his hand to stop the waiter. He immediately said sarcastically, "it's only about 200000 yuan. To master Jiang, it's not worth mentioning, isn't it?"
"Ha ha Well, money is not the problem It's just that in general hotels, the 82 Bordeaux are limited in sales. You can't sell more than ten bottles at a time, but people can't agree, right? "
With that, he gave the waiter a color.
The waiter naturally knows what this person means, but in front of his boss, he naturally wants to listen to the boss.
"Don't worry, sir. The service aim of our hotel is to serve the guests first. Since the customers have the consumption capacity, we will meet your requirements. I'm going to inform the manager and ask him to dispatch from various places. Please wait a moment
"Bordeaux in '82, I didn't expect I could drink it in my life!"
"Yes, that's right. This time, it's in the light of master Jiang."
A group of students, not knowing why, thought young master Jiang really had a lot of money. They all said happily.
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