Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1033

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Chapter 1033

"Oh, well, it turns out that he was just a security officer."
after listening to this, the Secretary didn't give up, instead, he sniffed.
A little security guard, dare to rob a woman with Ben, big or little?
Hehe, it's a joke.
In Kyoto, I want wind and rain, women and women.
Just a security guard, what do you fight with yourself?
I thought it was a decent opponent. Now it sounds so disappointing.
"Master si..."
What else did Liu Geng Sheng want to say, but he was pushed away by Si Longkang.
"All right, don't bother me. I'm going to express myself!"
Liu Geng Sheng shivered after hearing this.
Well, this young master didn't pay attention to Qin Dynasty at all!
It's over. Guangyuan school will be very busy.
I can also do what should be done. When something happens, don't push it all over my head!
Si Longkang, with several bodyguards and a large group of people, rushed towards the dance room cheerfully.
People in Guangyuan college all know that the dance room where Suji teaches is a holy land like peach blossom land.
Only a small number of girls can take this course. When these girls dance, it's called flaunting, especially the tight dancing clothes, which can tightly wrap their beautiful body, and even attract the imagination of countless men in the school.
Unfortunately, it is also a forbidden area for ever.
In the dance room 20 meters away, there is a big sign, boys are not allowed to approach.
Especially after the last time a strange man broke into the door directly, every time Suu Kyi had a class, there would be a security guard standing at the door.
Suu Kyi thought it was unnecessary. Even if the people from the Roman Church came, she would not be afraid.
But Su Fei insisted on doing so. On the one hand, she was distressed for her sister, and the other was worried about the safety of school teachers.
Such a big school, ran to a stranger break into the door, disturb the teaching, this is what matter!
Wu Hao is responsible for guarding the security here today.
It looks like a good job. At least, when students finish class, they can see a group of yingyingyingyanyan. But it's a pity that they can't be seen in tights.
Wu Hao is also a normal man. There are girls who don't wear enough. It's impossible not to miss them.
But he didn't forget that he was a security guard.
Therefore, Wu Hao is still loyal to his duty and has been guarding the door of the dance classroom.
While listening to the music in the dance room, he couldn't help thinking, brother Qin is really lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend as Miss Su.
Just thinking about it, I saw a group of students coming towards here from afar.
Wu Hao was surprised. He said, "what's wrong with this? Don't these students know that this is a forbidden area?"!
"Classmate, you can't go any further!"
Wu Hao hurriedly walked over and stopped in front of the students. "The dance room in front of us can't be approached by outsiders during the teaching period."
With that, Wu Hao also pointed to the sign next to it, which said that boys were not allowed to get close to that one.
"Shit, which onion are you?"
A very fashionable dressed boy immediately came over and gave Wu Hao a push. "We need to make a confession. You should go away and don't delay our good deeds."
"Si Da Shao?"
Wu Hao was stunned.
He turned his head and saw the famous young man in the crowd.
He had a bunch of roses in his hand, and his face had an indescribable arrogance.
This is Si Longkang who beat Zhang Li and Chen Ying?
As expected, he is a typical young master!
Do you want to stop me?
If you don't stop me, I'm sorry for my salary and bonus every month!
If in the past, when Wang electric stick was carrying this group of security guards, Wu Hao would certainly not want to turn around and leave.
For this money, you won't be killed.
But now it's different.
With the example of the Qin Dynasty, Wu Hao believes that security is not a small role to be bullied. Now that he has this salary, he will be able to live up to it.
"This student, if you want to make a confession, I suggest you wait until after class. According to the regulations, boys are not allowed to get close to class time
Wu Hao thought of what he had taught them in the Qin Dynasty. His expression became serious and suggested.
"You mean to let me wait?"
Si Longkang's face suddenly became a little uncomfortable.
The fashion student, who had been following him all the time, jumped out and yelled at him.
"Cao you Mei, what kind of thing do you dare to let us wait! Are you tired of living? Do you dare to take charge of the affairs of the company, and do not pee and take care of your own virtue. Are you just a few broken security guards? "Wu Hao was a little annoyed when he was scolded by a student pointing to his nose.
But he still suppressed his anger and continued to advise.
"Sorry, the rules are the rules. I won't let you go until class is over
As the saying goes, a thousand days of training and a short period of time.
Boss Su gives them salary every month. He doesn't let them show off.
Now is the time to need them. Wu Hao will definitely stand here.
"Don't be shameless."
Did not wait for the attendant to open up, Si Longkang has already said coldly, "I give you five count time, if you don't get out of the way, I'm afraid you are going to spend the Mid Autumn Festival in the hospital."
The threat of red fruits made Wu Hao nervous.
Looking at a few black suit bodyguards around, he quietly clenched his fist.
These bodyguards are all well-trained. Don't say four or five. Even if it's one, he can't beat the half baked security guard.
Or get out of the way?
After that, how can I have the face to be a security guard here? How can I have the face to see Zhang Li and brother Qin!
"I'm really sorry, even if you say that..."
Just as Wu Hao opened his mouth, Si Longkang, who was smiling just now, suddenly flew up and kicked Wu Hao directly in his abdomen. He kicked Wu Hao back a few steps, colic in his lower abdomen and bent down.
"Crouch NIMA, so much nonsense with me! Delay this young master's confession, can you afford it! Garbage guard, get out of here
With that, two bodyguards came forward and threw Wu Hao aside.
It's like throwing a piece of garbage.
Wu Hao endured the pain in his abdomen and felt a burst of humiliation. Pain and humiliation filled his nerves and made his eyes sour.
He struggled to get up, and even if he did, he would fight with the son of a bitch.
But a bodyguard came up and kicked him in the stomach.
Wu Hao's body is like shrimps.
He spits out a mouthful of sour water and can't breathe for half a day.
Just now, the bodyguard's foot was so cruel that Wu Hao was colic. His forehead was covered with cold sweat and his eyes were black. He almost fainted.
"Asking for nothing."
Si Longkang spat at Wu Hao, then touched a bunch of roses, arranged some messy clothes, and continued to walk towards the door of the dance room.
Wu Hao looked at his back, tears of shame rolled out of his eyes.
Suu Kyi is very angry, very angry!
What she hates most is being disturbed in class.
Especially by a group of boys who don't know how to disturb!
Where do these students come from? Don't you know the rules of their classes!
The entrance of the dance room was opened.
"Who let you in, get out!"
Suu Kyi frowned and said in her heart where the security guard at the door had gone and how to let these people in.
The girls in the dance room were also a little frightened. They saw a group of boys rush in like this. Each of them grabbed their clothes and blocked their graceful posture.
"Who let you in?"
"To die!"
"Almost all of them. I hate it!"
These girls are complaining one after another.
But the boys who came in to watch the excitement were lucky. Looking at the YingYing and Yanyan in the room, they couldn't help drooling.
"look, that girl's legs are so thin!"
"Over there, that girl has a big breast."
"Wuwuwu, too happy, my life is worth it!"
Suu Kyi was more angry when she saw the good dance class interrupted and the classroom was in a mess.
This little flame is surging upward.
"Get out of here!"
These students, really do not understand the rules!
"Don't be angry, Miss Su. These students are witnesses."
Just then, a boy with a brand name and a bunch of roses in his hand came out of the crowd and walked slowly to Suji.
"Who is he?"
"Well, I haven't seen it, but it's quite handsome!"
"And the bodyguard! How rich
Seeing the boy appear, a group of curious girls can't help but point to talk.
Knowing that he is now the focus of the left and right people, Si Longkang is very proud, his chin is very high, and the corners of his mouth are confident smile.
There is no woman who can't make a decision without him!
He is much better than his useless cousin!
Si Zhengkang was also very influential in Kyoto. As a result, he was severely humiliated in southern Jiangsu. It was said that his life was almost in danger.
Hum, they are in such a mess!His cousin Si Zhengkang not only failed to catch up with the girl of the Fang family, but also was ridiculed by the disciples of the Kyoto family.
That cousin is so stupid that he doesn't know a woman at all.
What is a woman is a vain animal!
In front of so many people, he confessed to Suji, and offered such a big bunch of flowers, which was so romantic, would surely greatly satisfy her vanity.
Plus the three carat diamond ring in my pocket, and the Ferrari sports car parked outside the school, hey, all these are not given by the small security guard!
When she received the flowers and diamond rings, she drove her Ferrari, took her to have a Western food, and then directly found a place to open a room, and enjoy a good night.
Tut Tut, what a wonderful thing it is
Suu Kyi didn't know what the student was going to say.
"Yes, they will be witnesses of our love."
With a look on his face, Si Longkang walked over, holding flowers and kneeling in front of Suji on one knee.
"Miss Su, my heart was captured by you from the first time I saw you. These roses, each of which is engraved with my love for you! Please accept my love
Suu Kyi's eyebrows picked.
It is a matter of great face for a girl to be confessed.
Of course, this is the view of most girls.
Suu Kyi, it's not one of them.
"Wow, so many roses!"
"The boy said romantically."
A group of girls couldn't help but talk.
And Suji, in the eyes of people's envy, looked at those flowers, but the corners of her mouth hung up with a sneer.
"Every rose represents your love? Has no one ever told you that you are not holding roses, but fake roses? "
Si Longkang's mouth trembled and a cold sweat floated down his forehead.
He cast a sullen glance at the fashionable boy beside him, and the boy's legs suddenly trembled.
Oops, in order to keep more kickbacks, the fake roses that I bought cheaply were exposed?
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