Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 927

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Chapter 927

"You are a childish child, who wants to argue with you?"
Li Tong pinched his waist and said, "I'm waiting for your parents to come. I'll talk to your parents. How does he educate his children and bully others at such a young age? How can he get rid of it in the future? "
Li Tong's shouting attracted the side eyes of the people around him. The heart said that what's wrong with this woman and a child.
Kindergarten teachers also want to come forward to persuade, but Li Tong's pungent in the kindergarten is also known, these parents, ah, teachers, who dare not provoke.
Last time her son didn't eat in kindergarten, so he wanted snacks. But do not eat only eat snacks on the child's physical development is not good, the teacher does not agree. Her son went home and complained that the teacher would not let him eat.
This guy, Li Tong went to the garden to make such a fuss. He caught up with Monkey King and made a big fuss in heaven. From then on, even the head of the garden looked at her and wanted to hide.
"Auntie, I think you have to understand a reason before you can make a theory."
But Qin Ying didn't put this rude aunt in her heart at all. She stood there with her hands on her back, like a little adult, and said, "you can't think that your child is reasonable just because he cries. I can cry, too. At our age, I don't want to cry. "
She said, but also to the small Zhengtai wipe face, "a boy, know crying, shame and shame!"
Small is too a look, the tears fell more happy.
"What's the matter with you, how can you bully my little Yong?"
"Auntie, why do you say I'm bullying your little Yong?"
Qin Ying raised her head and looked at Li Tong.
"You are cruel to him. That's your fault!"
Li Tong said angrily.
"I'm cruel to him? Well, I'll take it as if I'm cruel to him. But auntie, you are also cruel to me now, and you are still such a big adult. I am a child of several years old. You are bullying children now
Qin Ying's words, attracted the attention of people around.
Hey, this kid, interesting!
Li Tong was so said, suddenly speechless.
"I, I don't argue with you, a child who doesn't know anything. When your parents come, I'll reason with your parents! "
"Auntie, it's even more wrong with you."
Qin Ying said again, "since you think I don't know anything at my age, your son should not know anything. Why do you think he has been bullied when he cries? It doesn't make sense that you've been bullied before and after. "
"I, I..."
Li Tong has a feeling of wanting a tongue.
She could not say that she was a child of five or six years old!
If you let her know that Qin Ying's real age is more than a year old, I'm afraid she will have to cry.
Because of carelessness, Qin Ying is much older than her actual age. She looks like a four or five-year-old girl. In fact, other children are still learning to walk at this age.
Looking at the finger pointing around, Li Tong knows that he is a disgrace this time. She did not care to argue with Qin Ying's parents. She picked up her son Xiaoyong and ran away resentfully.
The kindergarten teacher couldn't help saying that the little girl, with her sharp teeth and sharp mouth, must be a powerful master in the future.
What kind of parents can teach such children?
Just thinking about it, I saw a man wearing a black windbreaker and slowly walked into the kindergarten.
The people around him couldn't help noticing. What's wrong with this person? What are you wearing in summer?
Qin Ying saw that man, immediately jumped up, jumped into his arms.
"Sakura, my father is here to pick you up today."
The man pinched Qin Ying's face with a smile, then took her little hand and turned to leave.
"Goodbye, teacher!"
Qin Ying was very polite and turned to say goodbye to the teacher in the kindergarten.
"Goodbye, Qin Ying."
That teacher heart says, the child is very lovely, this when the father is some abnormal.
But she didn't think that much because she had other children to look after.
After a while, the sound of tire friction came from the door.
She looked up, and the man had come back. But this time he was wearing a white shirt and a red tie in front of him.
Eh, are you back so soon? And changed clothes?
"Hello, my father, I'm here."
Qin Dynasty into the kindergarten, very polite to the teacher said.
The beautiful female teacher was surprised and looked at the man in front of her, "you, you just, didn't you take Qin Ying away?"
The Qin Dynasty was shocked and asked, "you said you saw me pick up Qin Ying just now?""It's because You also wore a black windbreaker just now... "
The female teacher thinks that the man is nervous and "no, this is bad!"
The Qin Dynasty quickly called bad, there must be someone who pretended to be himself and took Qin Ying away.
He did not have time to explain to the kindergarten teacher. He turned around and ran out, rode his bicycle, called the nine you devil dog's appendage, and ran away after his daughter's smell.
Sakura, you can't do anything!
"Uncle, there is no one here. If you have anything, you can talk to Xiao Ying here."
as like as two peas, Sakura followed the long man who was exactly like his father and walked to a deserted alley. At this time, Qin Ying suddenly released that person's hand, turned to say with him.
"Sakura, I'm your father, not an uncle."
The man squatted down and touched Xiao Ying's head. "It's such a big person, but I can't make a mistake."
"Uncle, I think you are wrong."
Sakura eating lollipops, side of the head, very lovely said, "my father has only one, and you, not my father."
The man laughed, "have you seen through this little girl?"
"You have become my father, but your breath is totally different. Well, uncle, if you have anything, please tell me quickly, or my father will come after you soon. "
Qin Ying knows her father's ability very well.
"She's such a smart little girl."
The man squatted on the ground, looking at Qin Ying and smiling, "my name is Bai Ze, and I was the military master in the ancient fierce beast. I brought you here to take you to our place for a few days. What do you think? "
"I don't think so."
Qin Ying shook her head. "My little mother told me that I couldn't go home with strangers."
"Uncle, I'm not a stranger."
White Ze face still hung a smile, "I and your father, but we have known each other for a long time, for a long time."
"That won't work either."
Qin Ying continued to shake her head, "my little mother told me that if someone who said it was a friend of her parents came to me, I couldn't follow me either. That's common sense, uncle. I'm young, but you can't take me for a fool
"Yingtian has a smart girl."
Baize sighed, "did your little mother ever tell you that if the bad guys want to take you away, it's useless for you to refuse?"
With that, a man jumped down from the next roof.
The man was tall and two meters tall, but he was very thin. He looked like a hemp pole. He stood beside Baize with a pair of ears.
"Uncle, it's against the law to kidnap and kidnap children. The police will come to catch you."
"The law is useless to us. Snake, take her. I feel that the day will come soon. "
Bai Ze a wave hand, that hemp pole like man, immediately stretched out a long arm, toward Qin Ying to grasp over.
Who knows, this time, the back of small Qin Ying, unexpectedly pop out a white wing. As soon as the wings beat, her body suddenly flew back over ten meters, avoiding the snake's hands.
"Two strange millet."
Qin Ying, standing on the seat of a bicycle, looked at the two monstrous animals in the opposite direction and said with a smile, "although you two are adults, you can't underestimate Xiaoying. It's still difficult to catch me. "
"Hurry up, don't dally with this little girl."
While Baize ordered the snake, he took out his book, opened one of the pages and read a mantra to it.
For a moment, the road in the alley turned muddy. Soon, Qin Ying found that her bicycle was sinking into the road.
This is no longer asphalt road, has been white Ze into a swamp.
The snake beside him moved, stretched out his hands, and thrust himself into the swamp under him.
Although the distance is more than ten meters, but Qin Ying under the body of the swamp, suddenly fly out of a pair of arms, toward her to grasp.
"King Kong is bound!"
Qin Ying in a hurry to call out a golden ball, wrapped in their small body.
That pair of palms slapped on the light ball, and were immediately bounced away.
King Kong is bound up, and it's very hard. Qin Ying hopes to stick to it more.
The reason why she didn't refuse the man who pretended to be his father in kindergarten was that she was afraid that he would become violent and start to attack other children in the kindergarten.
So, the best way is to pretend to be cheated and follow him. And find their missing little mother, they will immediately find their father, and then the father with the nine you Devil Dog way to chase after themselves.
But the key is to put off a little time and stick to it until dad comes.Small Qin Ying's head melon, when see the moment that the fake father appears, flashed so many ideas.
After the palm was flicked open, soon, the snake's tall body also emerged from the swamp under him, and flew to Qin Ying, who was flapping her wings and floating in the sky.
"I won't be caught by you!"
Qin Ying immediately flapped her wings and flew far away.
Hua snake is a wave, the left arm immediately turned into liquid, five fingers extended out, blink of an eye formed a water network, a set of Qin Ying's body.
Qin Ying exclaimed, together with Vajra, was captured by the snake.
But Xiao Qin Ying didn't want to admit defeat like this. She suddenly took a deep breath and took a palm. With the strength of Huashe snake, she patted her.
"Amazing palm!"
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