Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 618

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Chapter 618

"What are you talking about, arranging Blue Shield to come in?"
Li Dewang was very angry. As one of the ministers in the organization, he was in charge of the escort plan of the imperial seal. The security company, which had already been set up, even collected all the money. As a result, the above call came down and asked Blue Shield company to join.
"Minister Li." At the other end of the phone, the tone was very cold, "I hope you understand, this is an order, not a request."
"But Blue Shield's reputation is not high, I can't believe them! I've got a good quota and I'm ready to nail them down! " Li Dewang said bluntly.
"Minister Li, if you are in a dilemma, take blue shield as the second security company."
The tone on the other end of the phone, no doubt, "if you push back and forth again, Minister Li, I will doubt your sincerity to the organization."
"Well, how can this be brought together?" Li Dewang wiped a cold sweat, "but can you tell me who is the backing of blue shield company, who can squeeze in?"
"Section seven."
Simple three words, immediately let Li Dewang full of complaints all disappeared.
"Well, I'll arrange it right now, I'll arrange it here..."
Li Dewang put down the phone and let out a long breath.
Section seven, do you want to participate in this? It seems that a good plan needs to be changed
"Qin Dynasty, I've helped you deal with blue shield."
Through the phone, Li Baishan's lazy voice was transmitted into the ears of the Qin Dynasty, "however, this time it is for you to know first."
"What do you know first?"
The Qin Dynasty sat on the sofa in his room with a cigarette in his mouth and looked at the blue shield company uniform hanging on the wall. The whole person was very comfortable.
I helped Su Fei to deal with this matter. The future sister-in-law should have a new look at herself.
"The matter of escorting the jade seal." Li Baishan said faintly. With a crack, he seemed to have opened a can of Sprite. "Originally, you have to participate in this plan, as an agent of the seventh section."
"Ah?" The Qin Dynasty blinked and blinked. I didn't expect things to be so clever.
"Or what do you think? Do you think the state will make it so simple to transport the imperial seal? Without the intervention of section 7, even if there are 100 security companies, the state will not be at ease. "
"So it is." The Qin Dynasty also felt that it was not too much to use Superman to transport the imperial seal. However, Superman is made in the United States. If there is such a person, it is estimated that he took the imperial seal and went to the United States.
"I was going to arrange for you to go, but in this way, it will be better." While drinking Sprite, Li Baishan said, "you intervene with the senior security personnel of the blue shield company, and for the seventh branch, I will send people. In this way, you will be in the dark, which is good for the mission
"Send someone else?" Qin Dynasty thought, this seventh section, in addition to him, is there anyone else?
"Hee, she will go for you."
"Er..." Qin Dynasty a guess, there is no one else. However, he has not seen the beauty of corpse concubine for a long time, so it's very good to see her.
"This time, you should be more careful."
"Why, will there be a strong organization to seize the imperial seal? Like skeletons? "
"Skeletons are killers. They don't do robbery. But other organizations are not necessarily. Do you know the evil alliance? "
"Evil alliance? What is that? "
"That's a common organization formed by the six magic sects." Li Baishan to the Qin Dynasty literacy, "the purpose of the establishment of the organization, is to complete a variety of tasks, to collect huge funds. The development of any organization is inseparable from the support of funds. It's the same with skeletons and the six gates of the devil's road. With the decline of the devil's road, their money is more and more a problem. "
"Evil Alliance..." The Qin Dynasty said with a smile, "I have seen Yanluo gate, demon beast gate and Huangji gate. I have never seen the other two sects."
"This time, I'm sure you'll meet it." Li Baishan told the Qin Dynasty with certainty, "there are secrets in the imperial jade seal, which seems to be about the treasure of Qin Shihuang. For the money, they will show up. In addition to them, there will be other terrorist organizations. For example, organizations like east turkistans who are trying to split the country may also do so. "
"I don't care about those organizations."
"Don't say that. Maybe some of them are good at it."
"Hey." Qin Dynasty touched his nose, "for ordinary people, it may be a good hand. But in front of the practitioners, they are only dead goods! "
"When it comes to Xiuzhen, the Hongmeng Taoist Association is about to start." Li Baishan seems to have nothing to do, chatting with the Qin Dynasty.
"Yes, so I'm busy hitting the golden age."
"Your cultivation foundation is not stable. If you want to break through the golden period, you need a lot of external help." Li Baishan, intentionally or unintentionally, mentioned this matter, "I heard that Diyuan Lingdan can help people break through their golden period. I can get it for you. Do you need it?"Li Baishan is almost as good as the devil. If he wants to help, he has to pay the corresponding price. Therefore, the Qin Dynasty did not think about it, and refused Li Baishan without hesitation.
"No need!"
"Well, you can break through. I went to watch TV series. American drama, "Desperate Housewives," is very interesting
"It's up to you."
Qin Dynasty hung up the phone and left the mobile phone aside.
This guy is really free. He has time to watch TV series.
He did not have this time, he sat cross legged, hands carrying vitality, constantly walking in the body of small Sunday, big Sunday.
It's like pouring water into a basin. When the water is full, the basin will burst and flow into the outside tank. What the Qin Dynasty wants to do is to let his own thick accumulation of vitality, impact his bottleneck.
If someone else was there, he would be amazed by the appearance of the Qin Dynasty.
Because now the Qin Dynasty, the body is constantly flashing colorful light. The body of nine heavy, a total of nine colors, constantly changing in the Qin Dynasty.
If he successfully enters the golden age, he will stabilize in the first color.
One after another colorful smoke, from the body of the Qin Dynasty diffuse out, soon, filled in this small dwelling. After nearly nine hours, the Qin Dynasty suddenly body a shock, eyes open, burst to drink.
The sofa under him was smashed to powder by the force of gas. Qin Dynasty leg a stretch, standing steadily on the ground, wearing coarse, shaking his head.
I don't know how many times he has tried. Every time he is approaching the critical point of breakthrough, his extra energy will suddenly rush out of the body, unable to complete the final breakthrough.
It seems that only relying on their own strength, it is really difficult to enter the golden age.
There is no way, the Qin Dynasty is also embarrassed to lick his face to find Li Baishan important place yuan Lingdan. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he thought of another man coming.
"Rosie, come out and help
The voice finished, the color smoke around was shaken away a lot, but there was no black smoke.
Qin Dynasty some Leng, usually such a shout, that female devil should appear. Is it true that she is pettiness, because of the last thing, angry with herself?
"Well, it was my fault last time!" Qin Dynasty exclaimed, "Roxie, come on, I really need your help now."
Sorry, but the girl hasn't shown up yet.
"Rosie! Damn it, don't you do business in hell? "
With these words said, the Qin Dynasty in front of the sudden rise of rolling black smoke. Then, a black gate appeared in front of him.
The door was slowly pushed open, and a very sexy blonde came out.
"Lovely little handsome boy." The beauty came over and pasted it on the body of Qin Dynasty and whispered in his ear.
"Lucy is called to serve you instead of Roxie As the price of replacement, what do you want All right... "
Said, that big chest, in the Qin Dynasty body rub to rub to go.
It has to be said that the female devil chest is much larger than Rosie.
But the Qin Dynasty was cold and pushed away Lucy.
"Sorry, I seem to have said that I only do business with Rosie."
"Handsome boy, the strength of others is much stronger than Roxie. It can meet your many needs
Said the dame, holding out her finger and swinging it gently.
The sofa, which had just been shattered by Qin Dynasty, recovered in the blink of an eye.
"Besides, they are more thoughtful than Rosie."
She snapped her finger.
See Qin Dynasty this small dwelling, the environment immediately rapid change. His shabby furniture, in a flash of new, and has become the high-end goods on the market.
After a while, a small dwelling becomes a high-grade residence.
"I don't need it." I don't know why. The Qin Dynasty only wanted to see Roxie.
"But she has been fired." Lucy winked at the Qin Dynasty, "it was the boss who gave the order himself."
"I don't care." Qin Dynasty attitude is very tough, "I still say that, I only talk about business with Roxie."
"In that case, it's a pity."
Lucy's attitude is much better than the last time she was bullied by the Qin Dynasty. She still smiles sweetly, twists her waist and says, "it seems that this time, I can't serve the handsome boy. We don't care if you want to stop business. However, I hope you can think about it carefully! "
Said, gave Qin Dynasty a kiss, "people are waiting for you in hell."
As soon as she turned around, she twisted a part and went back into the black door. In a burst of black smoke, disappeared with the door.
The Qin Dynasty was suddenly lost.
He sat back on the sofa, which had become high-quality leather goods, and looked at his new home.It's just a female devil who likes to calculate herself. Why is it so How about her?
If you can't see that girl again I may, will really miss her.
Qin Dynasty left and right thinking, there is no way, had to brazen, to Li Baishan call back.
"Well, what can I do for Mr. Qin?" Li Baishan's voice rang when the phone was connected.
"Hey, hey, that, section chief, it's a matter of the day."
The Qin Dynasty thought that being thick skinned was also a kind of Kung Fu that could be cultivated.
"Day?" Who knows, Li Baishan seems to be more powerful than him. "Have we ever called during the day?"
"Er..." The Qin Dynasty had no choice but to directly say, "section chief The Diyuan elixir you said Can you get me one? "
"Diyuan elixir? I'm kidding. You think it's a wholesale sugar bean! I'll do it for you. " But Li Baishan said, "that's one of the three golden elixirs of the Xiuzhen world. Even the lowest ranking person Yuan Jindan, all see once a hundred years, not to mention this place yuan Lingdan! You'd better die this heart. "
"Ah?" Qin Dynasty swallowed swallow saliva, "branch, section chief hinder You don't say during the day, can you get me one? "
"Did I say that? Hang up. I'm watching TV. "
"I Fuck... "
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