Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1129

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Chapter 1129

There was a confident smile at the corner of his mouth.
His own holy gun, enough to kill that arrogant Oriental monkey.
And soon, a scene that startled him appeared.
The Oriental monkey on the opposite side suddenly stretched out his hand and grasped the holy gun thrown by himself easily and held it in his hand.
That gun is sub light speed. How can he catch it!
"Forget about this little kid's stuff. Why bring it out to shame?"
The Qin Dynasty said, casually threw the holy gun to one side, stabbed into the side of the wall, deeply rooted.
"You seem to have some skill."
The angel, Burrard, still said haughtily, "but that's not enough to be the capital of your arrogance."
"Then you can try."
The Qin Dynasty hooked him.
"Let's have a shot of light."
Without hesitation, he threw his holy light bullet which had been condensed for a long time to the Qin Dynasty.
The circle of light suddenly moved and approached the Qin Dynasty.
If this thing blows up, the whole hotel will be wiped out.
Although the Qin Dynasty was a demon, he was not a man who killed innocent people indiscriminately.
So, with a slight leap back, he left the hotel building and entered the night sky outside.
The night wind was cool, but the Qin Dynasty was very nervous.
This tension is not due to the so-called holy light bomb, but a potential crisis sense.
It's like there's something to fear, right around.
This fear of tension comes from him.
But the Qin Dynasty didn't know what it was.
The Holy Light bullet continued to chase the Qin Dynasty. The body of the Qin Dynasty was floating in the air, with the sword of the evil king of yin and Yang at his feet, flying high into the air with the Holy Light bullet.
"It's no use. The flare will be chasing you all the time. You can't hide anywhere."
Bolad also chased out, flapped his wings and floated in the air. Looking at the Qin Dynasty dodging the holy light bomb, he said with a proud smile, "it will always chase you until it blows you to powder."
"Since you can't hide..."
Qin Dynasty suddenly closed the figure, floating in the air, straight Leng Leng to let the Holy Light bullet toward him, "then I don't hide."
His voice dropped, and the Holy Light bullet had already hit him, blowing his body into a mass of white light.
"Stupid mortal."
Burrard chuckled. "How can you stop the power of the Holy Light bullet. Now, go down to hell honestly. If you pray to God, you may be able to get rid of it as soon as possible
In general, Burrard almost bit off his tongue.
Because in the air, the figure of the Qin Dynasty is floating in the air, and there is nothing wrong with it.
"Is this your holy light bomb?"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing and said, "it's too weak. I thought, you can bring me a little surprise, did not expect you and your previous companions, so weak The weak can't be any weaker. "
"Damn it!"
"I am the angel of power," he said! It's the middle angel in charge of maintaining order
"Median angel? Are you Angels so weak? "
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
"Damn it! I heard the angry roar of God. He told me to kill you
Said Burrard, his wings glistening white, and he was ready to kill.
"Let me do it."
The Qin Dynasty called out the Jiulong ring, "Liyin, nishang, magic Be my strength... "
In order to test the new power of jiulonghuan, the Qin Dynasty directly used three dragon female appendages.
Three ancient Dragons of different colors flew out, flew into the clouds and rolled, and finally integrated into the body of the Qin Dynasty.
This time, the Qin Dynasty left hand, also appeared wrist armor.
Two pairs of wrist armor. They're all together.
"Master, make good use of the magic power..."
The illusory voice sounded in the ears of the Qin Dynasty, "fantasy is willing to be integrated with the master..."
The end of the thunder robbery!
The power of the Qin Dynasty was pushed directly to the end of the thunder robbery!
He was very excited.
This is just the double body of Jiulong ring.
If you continue to improve your cultivation, and when you reach the golden body triple, can't you push yourself into the realm of flesh immortals?
"Master, in principle, the golden body is not enough."
Li Yin's voice rang up, "after all, the cultivation of the golden body period is three levels and one big threshold. Master at least until the golden body seven, you Jiulong ring attached to the body, will enter the realm of meat fairy. However, if the master finished all the words, the same can enter the realm of meat fairy. If the owner's own strength is seven gold body, then the whole can enter the realm of meat immortal. If the meat immortals are successful, even if they encounter some scattered immortals, they will be able to compete with each other. "Liyin words, in the Qin Dynasty, too excited.
Meat immortal Dacheng, can compete with San Xian!
It's so much love!
However, all of them have to work hard to cultivate themselves. It's still Utopian not to push up the realm of golden body.
However, with the three dragon women practicing together, the Qin Dynasty has reached the peak of the golden body and will soon break through.
"Go to hell!"
In the Qin Dynasty YY is a beautiful future, patting the white wings of the angel can also be in front of him.
Behind him flew countless white lights, like thousands of meteors, constantly impacting the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"Bang bang bang!"
The energy on these white meteors is not weak, but for the Qin Dynasty, it is like tickling.
His present state, but the end of the thunder robbery!
They will be like fighting grandsons.
"Is that all you have? The median angel? "
After the energy shock, Qin Dynasty mouth with a smile, looking at the opposite bolad said.
Burrard was shocked.
The energy impact that you do with all your strength does not hurt the other party at all?
What kind of body is he!
Is he really human?
By the way, he should be the Oriental so-called cultivator
Hateful, are those practitioners so powerful?
"Holy light!"
Burrard is ready for a hand to hand fight.
His hands were covered with white light, and he clasped them into fists, hitting the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"Bang bang bang!"
The strength of the fist is not light, but the body of the Qin Dynasty is as hard as diamond, and it will not move as long as the other party strikes.
"How! How could it be! "
Burrard couldn't believe what he saw.
The other side is like teasing a child, letting himself do it.
And he didn't have a thing.
Is the power of angels just a joke?
"It's said that you are too weak. You'd better go back to heaven and live again."
Qin Dynasty stretched out a finger and pointed it on the angel's forehead.
Nine you Yin Fire, along his fingers, rushed into the whole body of the angel.
His eyes, mouth, nostrils, all of a sudden, a white flame came out.
Even the soul is burning, the angel howls with pain.
"No, I'm a warrior of God. How could I die..."
As an angel, his vitality is still tenacious. Instead of being burned directly, he cried out in pain, "God, God will redeem me..."
"Let your God redeem you."
Qin Chaofei punched the angel on the chin.
The angel's body suddenly turned into a white light and flew high into the air.
Nine you Yin fire suddenly exploded, directly to the angel's body to blast into dregs.
The white feather floats down, witnessing the existence of the angel.
"I'm not going to die like this..."
When the Qin Dynasty thought everything was over, the voice of burlard rang again.
Sleeping trough, is this guy still alive?
No, the nine hell fire should have consumed his soul!
"The last hymn! Ode to depravity! Go to hell with me
In the air, there was a strange sound of music, which was heavy and depressing.
At the same time, the earth began to shake, the ground split layers of cracks, revealing the red magma below.
Then, the magma, flying out of countless red chains, wrapped in the body of the Qin Dynasty.
These chains seem to directly imprison the soul of Qin Dynasty and drag him to hell.
"Damn it, what the hell is this?"
The Qin Dynasty wanted to break free, but found that the strength of the whole body seemed to be bound, and could not make strength at all.
"Master, no good This seems to be the last bite of the bird man... "
The voice of Li Yin rang, and there was some pain in her voice, as if the power of the chain was acting on her at the same time.
"Life magic..."
The Qin Dynasty was a little anxious. If it was allowed to go on like this, he might be taken off to the deepest part of hell.
And this chain has been holding his power. How can he escape?
Ma Le Gobi, I was careless. I didn't expect that a golden four fold angel would have such strong magic!
The chain began to shrink underground, and the Qin Dynasty was dragged into the ground, and his legs had disappeared into the magma.
His body, still sinking down.
Soon, his whole body was pulled into the ground.
There are many demons roaring around and ghosts murmuring.The consciousness of the Qin Dynasty began to be lax, and the chain seemed to have the power of closing people's five senses.
It's a bad time for me
Will you live in the dark abyss of hell from now on
Can't he see his beautiful girls any more
He doesn't want to be like this
This strong call seemed to resonate in his heart.
All of a sudden, the golden light from the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"A little magic, dare to make trouble on me
Qin Dynasty's mouth, issued a burst drink.
Then, Jin Guang Dazao, the chains that entangled in the Qin Dynasty were broken.
At the same time, he broke through the ground and returned to the air.
The air with a little taste of sea water, moist and beautiful.
The Qin Dynasty let out a roar, and the earth trembled. The sea was rough and the waves kept flying.
Yingtian wakes up and breaks the angel's life magic.
Li Yin's voice murmured, "fortunately, the master wakes up in time, otherwise, we are really finished..."
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