Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1012

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Chapter 1012

"Diamond hand!"
Qin Ying is not a vegetarian, she stood there, small body, suddenly took a golden palm.
The palm print was not directly proportional to her small body. It was three meters long and one meter wide. It was photographed in front of Qin Yi.
"Not bad, not bad. It's much faster than before."
Qin Yi steps back two steps, then one side, to avoid the attack route of Vajra's palm.
"But you still have too little combat experience."
Qin Yi's voice falls, but his figure suddenly appears behind his sister.
It seems to be the ability of the spider.
"Compared with me, who was trained by my mother to the devil every day, you are still far behind."
Qin Yi said that, and flew a palm, palm with white light, cleaved to his sister's neck.
This is the palm of a giant elephant with nine you.
Qin Yi is a natural variant, and can fully use Jiuyou summoning technique. Therefore, he should be in the attached state of emperor Jiuyou.
This is the envy of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Yi's palm falls on his sister's neck, but a spark pops up.
"Brother, don't look down on me."
Qin Ying is to use their own Vajra Sutra, hard shouldered this blow.
Then she turned and pointed her finger at her brother's forehead.
Light and electricity!
Fortunately, Qin Yi's helmet popped out in time to protect his body.
Otherwise, this time, we will certainly suffer a lot of harm.
After all, Qin Yi's body doesn't look like a younger sister. King Kong is not bad.
He can only use the way of Jiuyou Xuanniu to strengthen his defense.
In this way, Qin Yi's body was bounced back and forth again and again by the electric light. The ground he stepped on in front of him left his feet flashing with electric snakes. Is there any progress
Qin Yi stopped and couldn't help but say, "I was caught off guard by being able to beat my brother."
"With Dad, it's not as easy as you think, brother."
Qin Ying two small hands in front of the body, said to his brother.
"In a word, you're much better off than I am. I won't do it!"
Qin Yi remembered that it was his sister who was sent away. He couldn't help but blush. "If I don't teach you a lesson, I can't control my anger."
"If you are angry, you have a bad liver."
Qin Ying said, "my good brother, you have to have a good rest"
"I don't want to chat with you any more. Let's divide it up quickly!"
Qin Yi said, "whoever wins will be eligible to be with dad."
"That's the idea, brother."
Qin Ying shook her head and said, "that can't do. Qin Ying can't give up her father and her little mother. So, Qin Ying won't keep her hands! "
"I'll see how you beat my brother!"
Qin Yi said. He hit a black nine you magic palm and patted it to his sister.
"Diamond hand!"
Qin Ying also made a golden palm print. The two palmprints collided in the air.
The misty peak trembled!
There are deep holes in the arena, and the stones are flying.
All the practitioners below were stupefied.
These two little dolls have the accomplishments of golden body period!
God, did the two of them start practicing since they hit their mother!
No matter how shocked below, two children, playing on the stage, called a happy.
"The tiger father has no dog son. I saw it today."
Bai Zheng, the head of Jinxian gate, stood under the stage and looked at the battle on the stage. He was shocked and sighed.
"Master, he, they are only three or four years old..."
Li Weilong, the great apprentice, looked at the rising energy storm and couldn't help swallowing.
"Well, my teacher estimated that it would be less than two years since Shen Qing of Shushan gave birth to this pair of twins. These two children are more than one year old. It's just that they are much older than normal children, and their minds are mature The most important thing is that Bai Zheng, who is highly skilled, shivers as soon as he calculates these things.
"As the saying goes, dragon begets dragon, Phoenix begets Phoenix, and mouse's son can make holes. There is nothing wrong with that."
White leaf can't help feeling at the side.
It's the same brother and sister who practice the truth. The difference is so big
"Ghost Ming chop!"
On the stage, the battle reached its climax.
With a black knife in his hand, Qin Yi throws it at his younger sister.
Black light directly cut out, but Qin Ying is very flexible to dodge.Although this move can hurt people from the air, it can be avoided as long as the direction of the knife is judged in advance.
After all, I know these tricks too well.
However, some of Qin Ying's tricks can also be seen through by Qin Yi.
"It seems that ordinary moves can't bully you."
Qin Yi suddenly stepped back two steps, then looked at his sister and began to laugh. "I have to show some real skills."
He said, from his chest, suddenly took out a long black sword.
It looks like the sword of the great Yin and Yang evil king of the Qin Dynasty. But the black is more pure.
The length of the sword is more than one meter, which is several pieces longer than Qin Yi.
"Brother, do you want to use the evil king sword?"
Seeing Qin Yi's action, Qin Ying couldn't help blinking her big, watery eyes.
"Of course, get ready to wipe your tears!"
Qin Yi said, carrying his long black sword.
"I have a magic sword, which is called the evil king! Evil king, Tibetan swordsmanship! "
It's Shu Shan's Tibetan swordsmanship!
The following practitioners are all kinds of complicated looks.
At such a young age, the son of the Qin Dynasty has already mastered the unique skills of Shu mountain swordsmanship, and his future achievements are really limitless.
the black breath is flying, and the road smoke is rising. In a short time, Qin Yi's whole person is wrapped up. In the blink of an eye, the black smoke begins to roll and then converges.
When all the black smoke was back in the black sword, a handsome boy appeared in front of the public.
After performing his Tibetan swordsmanship, Qin Yi turned out to be a 16-7-year-old boy.
He was wearing a black robe with the word "evil king" embroidered on his back.
Black hair and black eyes, beautiful appearance, attracted a lot of nuns can not help but some of the flower crazy.
What a handsome boy!
Don't mention others, even the Qin Dynasty have some envy, jealousy and hatred.
This boy is more handsome than Laozi.
In the end, it's the joint venture product of Shen Qing, a beautiful woman.
"Don't blame the elder brother for bullying you!"
After growing up, Qin Yi said, holding the sword in his left hand and throwing a sword at his sister who was still a little Lori.
"The waning moon!"
A black crescent flies out and cleaves to Qin Ying.
Who knows, Qin Ying unexpectedly didn't dodge, but stretched out her hands and blocked the crescent with her body.
The ground in front of the body, affected by the crescent moon, cracked a gap.
While Qin Ying herself relies on the protection of Vajra Sutra, the appearance does not have any harm, but spits out a mouthful of red blood.
"Silly sister, how can you block it? Did you give up? "
Qin Ying threw the black sword and couldn't help asking.
"How can you admit defeat..."
Qin Ying dropped her hands and touched the blood from the corner of her mouth, "I don't want to leave my little mother, they are So, brother, you can only learn your moves... "
She said, from the body, also took out a golden red sword.
This is Chiyang sword!
Qin Yi doesn't understand why his sister pulled out the Chiyang sword that he can't use yet.
"Brother, don't be too surprised..."
Qin Ying said, holding the red sun sword, suddenly said a word.
"I have a magic sword named Chiyang. Chiyang, Tibetan swordsmanship! "
Finish saying that, her body, suddenly burned a red flame to come.
Between the eyes of Qin Yingyan, she completely wrapped her body.
When Qin Ying came out of the flames again, the practitioners under the stage, both men and women, had straight eyes.
Good, what a beautiful girl!
The girl was only 15 or 16 years old, with a pair of ponytails on her head, which made her feel proud and charming.
Although her figure is not that kind of special proud person, but also concave and convex have send, do not have some charm.
This kind of beauty, not suitable for too prominent body, but this kind of appropriate graceful figure, and her beauty comparable, more let men short of breath, let women envy.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help licking his lips.
My daughter is very beautiful, just like her mother.
After growing up, Qin Ying also holds a golden red sword.
"Brother, now it's my turn to attack."
Qin Ying raised his sword and said a word to his brother, who was a little stunned.
With that, she threw out the red Yang Sword in her hand.
A red fire snake waved out and swept away at Qin Yi in an instant.
The fire snake bumps into Qin Yi and smashes Qin Yi's body.But the broken Qin Yi turns into countless black smoke and condenses in the air again.
"In that case, let's have a fair fight."
Qin Yi, holding the black sword, dived down.
"I can't get it!"
Qin Ying picks up the Chiyang sword and meets her brother together.
The two swords collided, and in the blink of an eye, they passed each other in the air, nearly 100 moves.
Black and red energy continue to spread around, hitting the arena unbearably.
"Full moon!"
Qin Yi suddenly reaches out and waves a black ball of light, whistling toward his sister.
This is the full moon sword. It is too powerful to resist.
"Break it!"
The long sword in Qin Ying's hand suddenly turned into a flaming gold red flame sword. It was more than three meters long, and it was cut down in front of the black ball.
The light of the full moon was split into two parts and exploded beside Qin Ying.
"My good sister, indeed, has two sons."
Qin Yi laughed, "but your brother's two sons are more than this!"
With that, he threw his black sword into the air. As soon as he broke up, the sword became hundreds and floated on their heads.
Broken heart sword array, also launched.
Although the two brothers and sisters come and go, they seem to have a tacit understanding, and neither of them uses the power of the mind and the power of God.
A black sword, toward Qin Ying's head to face to fall down.
Qin Ying in the hands of the golden red sword waving, the black sword fell to a split fly.
"Brother, I'm not polite."
While playing the falling sword, Qin Ying held out her other hand and said aloud to Qin Yi, who is opposite her.
"Order! Take it
Qin Yi's body suddenly trembled. Then, he reached out and took back his evil king sword.
The shadow of the evil king's sword in the sky was all taken back, and the sky was bright again.
Qin Yi's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it looked at the sword in his hand. He didn't know why he took the initiative to accept the magic!
"Sister, what kind of magic are you doing?"
"Hum, the secret skill specially prepared for my brother!"
Qin Ying a good move, smile up, "then, is more wonderful! Order! Seal it
Qin Yingyi pointed, her brother's body suddenly a stiff, as if frozen in general, standing there, motionless.
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