Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 559

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Chapter 559

"Well, I'm interested in my soul, isn't it?"
The Qin Dynasty looked at his body of Yuanying, then laughed at the opposite God of death, "it's really handsome, isn't it?"
The God of death suddenly flew over, stretched out his bone claws and grabbed at the Qin Dynasty.
But in front of the Qin Dynasty, suddenly pop up a character, constantly rotating, blocking the other party's claw.
When the Vajra Sutra is successfully promoted to the third level of Vajra waving an axe. The Qin Dynasty's defense was even better. Not only was his body as hard as iron, but he could also put a Buddhist border outside to protect himself and others from harm.
But now the Qin Dynasty's use of this ability is not very good, can only be in the Yuanying out of the body, smoothly display. In the case of flesh body, sometimes it is difficult to release.
One move failed, the God of death is very unwilling, in the air constantly spin.
This kind of feeling, as if Qin Dynasty was a hedgehog wrapped in spines, making it difficult to start.
But the soul of Qin Dynasty must be taken away by death.
Therefore, as soon as he waved, his own sickle of death was summoned out again.
Different from Jana, the black sorcerer, the sickle it summoned is 10 meters long, the blade is 4 meters wide and 6 meters long. At the same time, there is a long chain at the end with sharp subway spines on it.
Above the sickle, there was a purple and black light.
"The blade of death again." The Qin Dynasty looked at the sickle and shrugged his shoulders. "It looks very frightening, but what's the difference between strength and firecrackers?"
In a word, it seems that death is infuriated.
It immediately waved a sickle, with a dark purple twining light, toward the body of the Qin Dynasty swept.
The Qin Dynasty drove his own Vajra alliance. He infuriated each other so much that he wanted to use the power of the God of death to try how powerful the Vajra was.
Although the other side is the God of death, but the Qin Dynasty can feel, not the original.
Real gods can't appear in this world. Otherwise, the world will not be in chaos. If a God is not happy, directly drop a power, the earth will be completely finished.
Gods, there is a space for gods.
Whether the gods of the east or the West.
Like in the East, there is a heaven.
If the celestial beings really want to go down to the earth, they will be deprived of most of their strength. Because, his immortal spirit must be left in the heaven, can not be brought into the mortal world.
The East is called immortal spirit, and the West should be called God.
Therefore, the Qin Dynasty was sure to fight with the God of death.
The black and purple Dao mang swept on the golden border, and the body of Qin Dynasty suddenly sank.
But it has to be said that Vajra Sutra is a unique skill in the world!
Facing the death's hard blow, it still remains the same, but the intensity is slightly reduced.
It seems that if he takes out all his strength, he can still defeat the separation of the God of death.
"Human beings!"
From the mouth of the God of death, suddenly came a roar like roar, "you have completely angered me. Your soul, I swear, will be mine
"Who are you? What do you say is yours?"
"Stupid human beings, don't be too proud!" The God of death once again said, "even if there is a smell of Satan in your soul, but as long as I want to take it, it is mine! No one can take it away! "
"Sorry." Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "my soul, only belongs to me. You and that Satan, go eat shit
With that, the Qin Dynasty finally took the initiative.
"Nine you magic palm!"
The ability of the infant to use the magic orifices is limited. Therefore, Qin Dynasty directly used a can use, is also the strongest horizontal attack magic.
A huge claw flew out and struck the robe of death.
There was a cry of death, as if he had been struck by the palm. Its whole huge body, all shrunk into a ball, into a black ball.
The black ball disappeared with a sound, and the whole black night sky was quiet.
Qin Dynasty stares at the eye, the heart way won't, this death god so does not resist to fight, a move to give hit to run away?
Just thinking about it, suddenly came a very oppressive force behind him.
Qin Dynasty did not have time to turn back, a large area of gold was hit to fly up.
His whole person is also like a shell, swept out nearly 100 meters, and then stay in the air.
This just looked back and found that the God of death was secretly running behind him and gave him a knife.
"Oh, no! God of death, play sneak attack
"Give up your soul!"
Death doesn't care what kind of sneak attack or not. He's already angry.
He turned into a huge skeleton and swallowed it in one bite towards the Qin Dynasty."Shit, I want to eat wild food directly!"
The Qin Dynasty was startled. The body quickly turned into golden light and flew back several hundred meters to avoid the bite of the huge skeleton.
"You can't run!"
From the huge skeleton, nearly a hundred small skeletons flew out in an instant, pulling a long black smoke, winding around the body of the Qin Dynasty. Like a chain, the Qin Dynasty was bound up.
"Shit, what is this?"
The Qin Dynasty found that his Vajra was bitten through by those small skeletons, and forced to come in.
"Come on, give up your soul!"
Cried death, biting it.
Qin Dynasty this time is a bit of a daze, the head turns quickly.
How to get rid of the entanglement of death?
Unfortunately, he was born out of the body, and his strength could not be fully exerted before his golden period.
If there is a physical body in it, he can separate the God of death and beat him bloody!
But now, it seems that I am going to suffer!
Do you want Rosie to help?
No! The last time she killed me, this time I won't ask her to come!
Who am I? I am Qin Dynasty! The great devil of the future! Even if I don't rely on a female devil, I'm not afraid of anyone.
"Don't worry, boy."
At this moment, rod's voice, however, began to ring.
"In this land, even death has to stop squinting. You see, here it comes. "
Voice down, in the black sky, suddenly lit up a dazzling golden light.
Then, rolling red clouds, a hundred meters long huge golden bird, from the sky leap down.
It opens its beak and makes a piercing call.
Then, he spread out his wings, which were 100 meters long, and beat them heavily.
Countless golden and red flames were slapped out and filled the air.
Those black shrouds, as if torn black cloth, have scattered.
Even the black magic in the plane was smashed.
All of them woke up from the trance and looked around blankly.
Chen Xin also rubbed her hair.
What happened just now? It seems that I had a strange dream. In the dream, it seems that someone is going to assassinate the Qin Dynasty.
At this time, it seems that Qin is leaning on her seat and looking up at her. Next to the beautiful secretary, also in the casual reading of the magazine from the flight attendant.
It turned out to be a dream
Chen Xin breathed a long sigh of relief.
Only Xiaobai is calm on the surface, but in his heart it is rough.
Even death came out!
What's more, the movement outside seems to be getting bigger and bigger.
I just hope that Mr. Qin is OK.
the plane has been flying away, and the sky here is still very busy.
With the appearance of the golden bird, the red clouds rolled around.
The God of death, who was just arrogant and tyrannical, is now crouching in a ball, holding a sickle and fleeing around.
"Bold death, how dare to ignore the rules of the eastern and Western gods, and run to our east to make trouble!"
The big golden bird's mouth made a human voice.
"You must not be disturbed. Accept the punishment from the East! Jiuyang pure fire! Flamingo
As soon as it flapped its wings, the golden red flame suddenly jumped out again, and then fluttered into a golden bird the size of a normal bird, all of which rushed towards the God of death.
"Bang bang bang!"
It's like firing missiles in the air one after another.
Those golden birds bumped into the body of the God of death and exploded into a golden red flame. The body of the God of death was changed little by little! I will come back again! "
Death also knows that he is not the match of the golden bird here. As a result, the body shrinks and tears the space. He fled back to the underworld.
"Well, you're fast."
The big golden bird, take back its spell.
Then, its huge body suddenly rolled in the air. After a flash of gold, it turned into an ordinary human. Wearing a golden armor, he looked at the yuan baby of the Qin Dynasty floating in the air.
"And who are you? The Mainlanders? "
It seems to come from the strong in the sky, the voice is very sharp.
The Qin Dynasty has already felt the strength of his body, stronger than the golden body period. However, there is no horror when Ronnie is fully playing.
It seems that people in the fairyland want to go down to the mortal world, and as expected, they have to greatly reduce their own strength.
If he can enter the golden age, relying on the power of his God, he dares to fight this guy.
Moreover, this guy's Nine Yang pure fire, let Qin Dynasty some covet.To practice Jiuyou Dharma, you should absorb nine powerful flames. Qin Dynasty now also has a kind of human fire, has been scolded by rod countless times.
Therefore, the Qin Dynasty to use a more powerful flame, the world of fire quenched!
In this way, his Jiuyou Dharma can be further and more refined!
This Nine Yang pure fire is a good choice.
"That's right. I'm a practitioner." Qin Dynasty nods, very calm ground says.
"No..." The man sniffed, and then said strangely, "it's obviously the state of Yuanying. Why do you have the strength to build the foundation I feel wrong... "
The Qin Dynasty thought it was funny.
You feel wrong, of course.
What I cultivate is the power of God. I don't know how many times higher than your immortal power! If you can perceive my true power, then you are also ancient power!
"What's your name, boy! You dare to fight death, I appreciate you! Willing to give you a magic of fairyland
Sleeping trough!
What the hell!
The Qin Dynasty was excited.
Fairyland magic, who the hell is too much of this thing!
"Thank you, then! My name is Qin Dynasty. "
"Oh, Qin Dynasty..."
The fairy touched his golden hair and nodded, and suddenly his body shook.
"You, what are you saying! Your name is Qin Dynasty
The fairy's eyes were so wide that he seemed to hear a terrible thing.
"Yes, my name is Qin Dynasty. What, any questions? "
How terrible is my name?
"Wow! It's you
I don't know why, that guy suddenly got angry, and the flame of golden red was burning on his eyebrows, and the whole person's strength soared.
"You've done so many evil things, and you've killed so much! What's more, you've got the blacklist of Queen Mother in the morning! I will be in the name of heaven today, except for you
Get it!
There was a sense of relief in the Qin Dynasty.
It's such a guy again. It seems that his fairyland magic has been ruined.
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