Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 979

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Chapter 979

But Lin Yushi's expression seems reluctant.
Qin Chaoxin said there was a lively look, he quietly followed up, hiding in the corner to watch.
Are they going to fight in the field?
Pulling Lin Yushi, is a very handsome and sunny boy.
It's just that his face is rather gloomy now.
"Xiao Fengwu, you let go, you hurt me!"
Lin Yushi frowned and said.
"Lin Yushi, what do you mean? Can't you give me another chance?"
The boy clenched his teeth and loosened Lin Yushi's wrist and asked.
"No way."
Lin Yushi stood there, pushing his glasses, "Xiao Fengwu, you don't have your own girlfriend, why do you come to me?"
"Rain poem, how can she compare with you?"
Xiao Fengwu stretched out his hand to go to the waist of loulin Yushi, but was evaded by the latter, "she and I are just playing on the spot, no feelings."
"Oh, it's disgusting."
Lin Yu Shi but smile, "in the bed of the play, you men will say this set? If we were women, could we play with men in bed? Please don't mind? "
"Well, that's the past."
Xiao Fengwu quickly said, "I promise there won't be another time."
"Sorry, no chance."
Fan Xianxing, the queen of Lin Yushi, doubtlessly said, "I can't find a boyfriend, and I don't need a boyfriend for the time being. Xiao Fengwu, please go away and welcome the new students today. As the Secretary General of the student union, I still have a lot of things to do. "
Lin Yushi said, turning around to go.
Xiao Fengwu grabbed Lin Yushi's arm, pulled her to his face, and exclaimed, "you self righteous woman, do you really think you are a goddess above the world?"
"What are you doing? Let me go!"
Lin Yushi pushes Xiao Fengwu.
"What are you doing? You are the so-called goddess!"
Xiao Fengwu's eyes were a little red, "I want to have a taste of Xiao Fengwu. What's the taste of riding the goddess under his hip! When you're in bed, you're still not so tall
"You son of a bitch!"
Lin Yushi struggled desperately, "I'm calling people in this way!"
"Call your sister!"
Xiao Fengwu grabbed Lin Yushi's neck and pushed her on a tree. "If you shout, I'll strangle you and whip the corpse! Finally, I stripped you off and fell on the tree, so that all the freshmen could have a look at your goddess's demeanor, ha ha ha
This man seems to be going crazy.
Lin Yushi struggled, a bit to suffocate in the past.
Xiao Fengwu, however, snorted and gasped, and began to untie Lin Yushi's belt.
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders. He knew that he had something to do again.
He was just about to show up when a boy jumped out of his side.
The boy's face is still with a red seal, and he is the captain of Lin Yushi's personal guard.
"Let go of the rain poem! You beast
The man raised his legs and kicked Xiao Fengwu's back.
Xiao Fengwu ate a foot, pedaled to run three steps, and released Lin Yushi.
Lin Yushi finally gasped for breath and half knelt down.
"You, are you ok?"
The guard captain quickly reached out to help Lin Yushi.
"Xiaoji, thank you, thank you..."
Lin Yushi said gratefully.
"That's all I have to do."
Xiaoji can do something to save the beauty of the hero, very excited, "my goddess, stand behind me, with me in, no one dares to hurt you!"
"Ha ha..."
At this time, Xiao Fengwu turned around and looked at Xiaoji with a sneer.
"Xiao Fengwu, you brute, dare to do such a thing to our goddess! Today, I must teach you a good lesson! "
Xiaoji said, slowly walked past, taekwondo master demeanor came out again.
"Go away!"
At this time, Xiao Fengwu suddenly stretched out his right hand to Xiaoji, and his palm flashed white light.
The little silent body was like being hit by an invisible train, flew out in an instant, and finally hit a tree behind.
The tree trembled and Xiaoji was hurt. He spat out a mouthful of blood and knelt on the ground.
"Xiaoji, you, what's wrong with you?"
Lin Yushi was startled. She saw Xiaoji rush past, and then she was bounced back.
The Qin Dynasty, who was hiding from watching the opera, frowned.The power of angels.
"You are all weak before the power of the great God."
Xiao Fengwu stood there and sneered, "Lin Yushi, you are called the goddess, but you are just a frog in the well. I, Xiao Fengwu, really got the power of God! Come here
With that, Xiao Fengwu waved his hand to Lin Yushi. Lin felt as if his body was being pulled by his invisible arm, and he pulled it towards Xiao Fengwu.
She was so frightened that she let out a cry of surprise.
"Xiao Fengwu, you..."
"I am God! I am the God of your Lin Yushi
Xiao Fengwu hugged Lin Yushi's waist and laughed.
"Let go, let go of her..."
Xiaoji struggles to get up, but he is hit by another shock wave from Xiao Fengwu. He flies far away and completely falls into a faint.
"Xiao Fengwu, have you become a devil?"
Lin Yushi's face was full of panic, and his glasses fell off.
"Devil? No, I'm not, real angel
Xiao Fengwu said, a white wing popped up from behind, but it was a pity that there was only one.
He hugged Lin Yushi and kissed her on the neck.
"Let me go!"
Lin Yushi is very disgusted. She pushes Xiao Fengwu.
Xiao Fengwu stretched out his hand and pulled off Lin Yushi's coat, revealing a thin blouse inside. The transparent one could even see the pink corset inside.
Seeing this scene, Xiao Fengwu was more excited. He couldn't help but tear the shirt, and his hand had fallen on the corner of Lin Yushi's coat.
"Hello, Hello, my friend. Even if you are hungry and thirsty, you have to go home. Is it a bit immoral to fight in the field here?"
Just then, in a tree, a lazy voice flew out.
Xiao Fengwu immediately turned his head and saw a boy in a black windbreaker sitting on a tree, looking at them.
It's him!
Lin Yushi saw him with a wisp of hope in his eyes.
This boy seems to be good at playing.
But soon this hope faded down again. It's impossible to fight. Xiao Fengwu is no longer a human being
"Is there anyone who's bad for me? Then I can only send you to hell. "
Xiao Fengwu held out his right hand to the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty curled his mouth and said, "you are also a man who claims to be a God. Unfortunately, you are just a poor worm who looks up to God."
"Looking for death!"
Xiao Fengwu's palm was shining white.
The Qin Dynasty, however, swung his right hand, as if he were driving away flies. He just slapped open this invisible shock wave.
A big tree beside him broke its waist.
Xiao Fengwu's eyes widened when he saw the other party break his own shock wave casually.
"No, how can you resist the power of God!"
"What God's power!"
The Qin Dynasty jumped down from that tree, leaped ten meters away in an instant, jumped to Xiao Fengwu's face, looked at him with a sneer, "I said, you are just a poor bug!"
"Those who insult me, die!"
Xiao Fengwu reached out and pointed to the Qin Dynasty. Suddenly a cross fell from the sky and hit him.
This man seems to be able to do a little bit of angel magic, but it's still too weak.
In the Qin Dynasty, holding the sky with one hand, the falling huge cross stopped in the air, as if it had been fixed there by something invisible.
"You, who are you?"
When Xiao Fengwu saw that the Qin Dynasty had such power, he could not help but be astonished.
"I'm just a nobody."
When the Qin Dynasty pinched his hand, the cross suddenly exploded, and the strong wind blew on Xiao Fengwu and Lin Yushi. Lin Yushi's long hair was lifted up and moved with the wind. "To destroy such a hypocrite as you don't know!"
"You want to die!"
Xiao Fengwu didn't believe Qin Dynasty's words at all. He threw Lin Yushi aside, flashed his body, and suddenly bumped into the chest of Qin Dynasty, trying to knock the man off.
But the Qin Dynasty didn't even step back, just sneered at the man in front of him.
"No way!"
Xiao Fengwu was very surprised to see that Qin Dynasty didn't even step back.
"Little mole ants, dare to be gods
The Qin Dynasty stretched out a finger and flicked it in front of Xiao Fengwu's forehead.
Xiao Fengwu's body immediately flew out of the woods and turned into a shell into a dormitory building behind him, causing a hole in the walls of the dormitory building.
The news attracted many people's attention.
"Why? What's going on there? ""What a loud voice. Is it fireworks?"
"Fireworks in broad daylight?"
A group of students looked at the direction of the teaching building, which was full of smoke and dust.
The Qin Dynasty appears in front of Xiao Fengwu in an instant, grabs his collar, directly takes him into the space to move, and returns to the forest.
There was a lot of noise. The Qin Dynasty should solve the problem quickly.
"Impossible, impossible..."
Xiao Fengwu, with blood in his mouth, coughed twice. He looked at the Qin Dynasty holding him in defiance, "I am a god! The supreme god
"God, your sister!"
In the Qin Dynasty, a hand pressed on Xiao Fengwu's forehead, and the magic pill in his body was activated.
He's going to suck this guy's angel power clean.
After entering the thunder robbery period, the Qin Dynasty could control the magic pill very well.
The palm of his hand pressed on the other's forehead can well distinguish the soul from the angel's power, so as to separate the angel's power from the other's soul and clean up the sucking.
To put it bluntly, if the Qin Dynasty wants to do something like that with Suji now, it's OK.
However, he did not dare to try. After all, with the help of the force of the Kowloon ring, there would be some problems.
Once there is a sudden situation, Suu Kyi will be miserable, and she will regret death.
Not for a moment of feeling, cause irrefutable harm.
But the guy in front of him has nothing to take care of!
"Destroy me! Hypocrites
With that, his magic pill was launched.
The power of angel was pulled out from Xiao Fengwu's soul, and he tried his best to suck and pull at the body of Qin Dynasty.
"No, no!"
Xiao Fengwu's eyes were full of blood, and he cried out in pain, "don't do this! I want to be a god
"Go to your sister's God!"
The Qin Dynasty increased the power of magic pill.
The angel's power, which was still in a desperate struggle, was suddenly defeated and was sucked into the magic pill by the Qin Dynasty.
Xiao Fengwu fainted completely and collapsed on the ground.
"He, what's wrong with him?"
Lin Yushi asked in a worried way.
"It's nothing. It's just that incredible power has been taken away."
The Qin Dynasty took back the hand, cold road.
"You, who are you Why save me... "
Lin Yushi sat there with his clothes in disorder, staring at the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, I'm just an unwelcome person. Besides, I'm actually coming to the field to save you. "
Qin Dynasty looked at her, smile, not in charge of the girl, turned and went.
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