Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 686

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Chapter 686

Shen Qing looked at the Dragon feather in front of him and sneered, "why should I realize it? Longziyu, you should be aware of it. You've hurt my teacher. I'm the leader. Now, if you want to harm me again, what do you want to do? "
Shen Qing's words caused a lot of noise. Brother Tan Yu is about to break through. Now, he is concentrating on the cultivation in seclusion, and is willing to be the elder of Taishang jiangge in Shushan. For this reason, this seat is shouldering the heavy responsibility, shouldering the position of the leader. Who knows, unexpectedly let this seat find out, you and evil way demon person have an affair! Shen Qing, I want you to be a talented person in Shushan. If you have the heart to protect you, you should not know what is good or bad! "
"Yes, Shen Qing, Shen Qing."
If you don't know how to do it, you'll have to admit it
"He is my life."
Shen Qing only said.
"Well, that will only kill you, the traitor, and return my reputation to Shushan!"
Longziyu was angry and said coldly, "it's useless to say more than that. Execution!"
The words fell, the elders, at the same time, launched the sword in their hands.
"Sword into a hundred shadows, covering the sky! The shadow sword
Count to sword light, colorful, toward Shen Qingfei shot away.
All of these elders are masters of Yuanying period. Shen Qing, on the other hand, has been abandoned by the Dragon feather and has become a waste man.
Shushan has always been cruel to traitors. Traitor, on this broken sword peak, to accept the pain of thousands of arrows through the heart.
Shen Qing has no mana now. Ordinary people can't bear a few swords.
Some female disciples couldn't help turning their heads and watching the bloody scene.
Shen Qing also slowly closed his eyes, his face was peaceful.
Since you can't be born, then mother will die with you
But at this time, a golden light suddenly appeared in the deep and clear abdomen.
The sword rain falling all over the sky, under the impact of the golden light, turned into dust!
What's more terrifying is that those elders standing around Shen Qing were shocked by the golden light, and all their seven orifices were bleeding and flying backward with a howl.
"Well, what's going on?"
Seeing the spread of the golden light, longziyu was shocked.
He took up his sword and blocked it in front of him. A sword shield was bound to block the golden light.
But a terrible scene happened.
The golden light was like a magic weapon. It was so easy to cut the boundary between longziyu's sword and shield and hit him.
Rao was the leader of Shushan mountain. He murmured and was knocked out in confusion and fell to the ground.
Haotian was so scared that he ran over to help his master.
"This, what kind of magic is this?"
Longziyu's lips trembled a little.
"Heaven's hindrance..."
"What happened just now!"
"What light does Shen Qing send out?"
Standing in the distance and watching, the noble and righteous people who were lucky not to be affected began to talk again.
“…… Are you protecting mom... "
Shen Qing looks at his abdomen and seems to feel a voice calling for his mother.
She has been cold face, even shed two lines of tears.
"Mom, it's ok You are a good boy... "
Longziyu bit his teeth and said, "OK, let me take care of you."
As he said this, the sword made a sound of dragon chanting and walked towards Shen Qing step by step.
But just then, there was a thunder in the sky.
"Who dares to hurt her!"
"Boom, boom!"
The roar, like thunder, ignited on the mountain of Shu.
Then, a figure quickly approached, and finally stopped on the broken sword peak and fell down.
The man was dressed in black and slender.
As soon as he appeared, he immediately made longziyu angry.
The leader of Shu mountain raised and fell his sword, and a blue sword light flew towards Shen Qingfei.
"No way!"
The figure flashed and appeared in front of Shen Qing. At the same time, his right hand was shining with gold, and he patted the sword like this.
The sword spirit from the leader of Shushan mountain was slapped open and hit a mountain nearby head-on.
The mountain was suddenly cut down and slowly collapsed towards the ground.
Yuan dream looked at that, the body trembled slightly.
If you look at Shen Qing, it will be even worse.
The tears on her face were more sad.
"You shouldn't have come.""You are my woman. If I don't come, who will?"
In the Qin Dynasty, one hand held the sword of the evil king of yin and Yang, and swept the chain that locked Shen Qing.
The hard meteorite iron was cut off immediately. Shen Qing fell into the arms of the Qin Dynasty.
"Wait here. I'll teach the old man a lesson and I'll take you."
The Qin Dynasty put Shen Qing down and let her stand aside.
But oneself, then blocks in front of her, at the same time, released the Yin and Yang bell, guards own woman.
"In the Qin Dynasty, you dare to rush into my Shushan mountain. You are looking for death!"
When an enemy sees an enemy, he is jealous.
In particular, one of his arms was cut off by the Qin Dynasty. That Haotian, seeing the Qin Dynasty, had the heart to bite him to death. That eye bead son, ruddy ground, the face is also very ferocious, gnashing teeth ground to say.
"What about Shushan? I'll come and go if I want to."
In fact, Qin Hao's eyes were swept in the rain.
What is he looking for? Are you looking at me?
"It's really demons and demons. There's no big talk about it."
Longziyu sneered and looked at the Qin Dynasty and said, "demon, you dare to come today. This seat just acts for heaven, except you, the devil!"
"I'm sorry."
The Qin Dynasty waved his hand and said, "on the level, I should be the Demon Lord."
"No matter what level you are, you will die today!"
Originally, longziyu saw the cultivation of Qin Dynasty, but it was about the concentration period. But just now the Qin Dynasty slapped his sword Qi. He judged in his heart that this man should have the cultivation of Yuanying period.
"Master, why do you use your father's automatic hand, master. Let him and my apprentice come first
Haotian's one arm, holding his sword in his hand, asked longziyu to take his hat.
This longziyu, in his heart, is the leader. He has been hesitating whether he should be the first to go first.
See oneself clever apprentice, invited vanguard, this just had a step, nod, way.
"Well, disciple, you can go and kill this demon and make my mountain more famous."
"Yes, master!"
Haotian single hand sword, toward the Qin Dynasty came.
"I can't imagine that we meet again after a few days."
"But it's a pity that you haven't made any progress these days."
Qin Dynasty held his arm and said, "a few days ago, you were not my opponent. How can you win me now without an arm? "
"Last time it was just my carelessness! This time, I want your life! "
Haotian said and threw his sword into the air. The long sword turned into thousands of sword shadows and entered Haotian's body.
"I have a magic sword, sword name reincarnation! Samsara, Tibetan swordsmanship! "
"Bang bang bang!"
The silver sword spirit from his body lit up, strengthened his strength.
Haotian didn't dare to ask big, so he directly launched his own secret arts.
From his broken left arm, a yellow water dragon suddenly flew out and bit it towards the Qin Dynasty.
"Jiuyou summoning skill · attachment!"
The Qin Dynasty also directly attached to Jiuyou giant elephant. All the masters of Shushan mountain were in front of him. He would not underestimate the enemy as before.
The state broke through in an instant and entered the golden body stage. The Qin Dynasty threw a sword at the yellow dragon that bit him.
"The evil king kills the moon!"
The black crescent flew out and cut the Yellow Dragon.
However, Haotian seems to have understood some of the attacking methods of the Qin Dynasty. With a swing of the Yellow Dragon, it recondenses and forms. Moreover, the winding dragon body can pop the crescent moon of the Qin Dynasty away.
"Your moves are useless to me!"
Haotian shouts, and flies into the air at the same time. Yellow water arrows are constantly popping out from his body. Together with the Yellow Dragon, they rush towards the Qin Dynasty.
"Bodhi covers the sky!"
The Qin Dynasty did not move at all, and he could not dodge, because behind him was Shen Qing.
He raised his right hand and shot it in the sky.
The huge golden palm flew out and blocked half the sky.
"Look, it's the treasure of the five elements."
"This is the treasure of the earth system, the great Vajra Bodhisattva hand!"
"Overbearing, too overbearing!"
The onlookers exclaimed.
"Boom, boom!"
The Vajra Bodhi hand that covers the sky easily blocks the attack of the yellow spring water.
The Qin Dynasty is now playing defense and counterattack.
"Broken heart sword array!"
In blocking the attack at the same time, the Qin Dynasty in the hands of the long sword.
In the sky, there are continuous white gold sword rain down, toward the sky on the attack in the past."Share the shadow sword?"
Many people in Shushan couldn't help exclaiming.
"This is not a shadow sword It's not Shu mountain sword technique either... "
Looking at the air, longziyu murmured, "this sword technique It's even more terrible than the ten swords in Shushan mountain... "
"Boom, boom!"
Those white lotus chop, constantly bombarding Haotian's body.
Haotian wrapped himself in yellow spring water, but he couldn't bear to see too many white lotus cuts, and his defense was weakened.
"Ah, ah!"
There are several white lotus chop, even impact on Haotian's body, causing him a lot of wounds.
The pain of the body is only temporary.
But Haotian's heart is bearing a greater impact.
Why, why before can still be equal, but now even the Qin Dynasty's several moves are unable to take down!
He did not know that in order to improve his fighting skills, the Qin Dynasty specially conducted special training in Hu Ke's basement. It was a kind of, quite brutal, devil like training. Several of his puppets were called out. Don't do anything else. I beat myself up in that basement every day.
Finally, he found such a set, the most appropriate way of fighting.
As for the powerful magic puppet synchronization technique, the Qin Dynasty did not want to use it. This hurt the life span of his beloved women. Even if he was killed, he would not do it again!
At the last blast, Haotian's body fell from the sky.
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