Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1214

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Chapter 1214

The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "you see, you must have read wrong, and you have wronged me. Oh, how can I be so unlucky? There are people who want to trouble me everywhere. "
Wang Yuan began to doubt her eyes.
Is it true that you have a bad eye?
No, but the woman's appearance is still clearly printed in his mind.
It was a beautiful woman with a kind of charm.
That woman's beauty, is lets oneself all envy.
Even Li Na and Lin Xuejie are not as beautiful as her beauty. Is it only in their own imagination?
He even fantasized that the Qin Dynasty would cheat?
How could it be that he hoped little Li Na would be happy.
"I, I can't read it wrong."
Wang Yuan bit her teeth and said, "you must have done something wrong just now!"
"Come on, I've done something bad."
Qin Chaoxin said, I was pushed down by Rosie.
"I wanted to have a rest in the car, but I was woken up by knocking on the glass."
"You, you don't know, you've got a woman on you?"
Wang Yuan glared at her beautiful eyes and asked.
"What? You, don't frighten me, I dare school "
the Qin Dynasty suddenly burst into fear," I sleep by myself, what woman come from You, you should be really dazzled
"Are you really dazzled?"
Wang Yuan was also confused.
The Qin Dynasty looks so scared. Is it possible that he has gone to hell
Will ghosts come out when it's a little dark at dusk
Suddenly, a cool wind came, and Wang Yuan was afraid.
"You, you let me go I'm going to drive away... "
"No, you don't go. You have to make it clear."
The Qin Dynasty did not let go, but pursued and asked, "I am born to be afraid of that. If you don't make it clear, I will make mistakes in my heart!"
"I, I, I'm afraid too!"
Wang Yuan's body trembled slightly. She felt that the dark parking lot was becoming more and more gloomy before the street lights were on.
She wanted to run away from here at once.
"You are afraid, I am more afraid!"
A woman in Qin Dynasty said, "I'm sleeping Damn it, right! Look in the car. Except for this door, all the doors are sealed. Where will the woman come, where ah, you tell me! "
Qin Dynasty is like a psychopath now. His acting skills are excellent.
"I, I, how do I know..."
Wang Yuan, holding the Audi on one side, didn't let herself fall down. "I'm dazzled. I'm really dazzled You let me go. I want to go back to the company. "
"No, you can't go What shall I do when you are gone. "
"Do what you like! What does it have to do with me! "
Wang Yuan wanted to cry.
"It doesn't matter. If it wasn't for you, I could be so scared! You, you are responsible
"I am responsible! What do you say, then you
Wang Yuan tried to pull her leg, but she couldn't.
How strong is the Qin Dynasty!
"If you don't let go, I'll call the police!"
"You can do it! I'll call you! "
The other hand of the Qin Dynasty took out his own cottage machine and handed it to Wang Yuan, "who's the fault that you ask the police to judge! You've been kicking me for no reason! This is self-defense
"I'm wrong, can't I You are my elder brother in the world
Wang Yuan quickly begged for mercy.
It is the first time for a woman so proud of her to do such a thing as begging for mercy.
She just wants to get out of this place right away.
"You, are you sure you're wrong?"
"I'm sure it will be more positive!"
Wang Yuan nodded repeatedly.
"Well Then even if you have a bad idea... "
The Qin Dynasty released Wang Yuan's leg.
Wang Yuan immediately ran to her car like a frightened rabbit.
"Well, why are you running so fast?"
"I'm going to leave this place early."
"Don't you say you're dazzled?"
"I won't say it. Never trust a woman's promise!"
Wang Yuan said, has opened her own door, into the car, "goodbye! Stay by yourself
With that, she stepped on the gas and left.
"This woman is quite interesting."
Roxie, dressed in a tight leather suit, sat on the roof of the Audi car and looked at the direction that Wang Yuan left."It's interesting, but you're more interesting. You play with me."
Qin Dynasty gave Rosie a look.
"People did not consciously disappear."
Luo Xi Jiao smiles a way.
"You know it's a problem for me."
"Your troubles seem to be more than that."
Roxie said, blinking at the Qin Dynasty, "I have been in the air, smell the smell of radio waves."
As soon as her voice dropped, the mobile phone of Qin Dynasty suddenly rang.
The loud and clear ring rings through the whole parking lot, which is often "Liu Chang's"
Qin Dynasty took out a mobile phone and looked at it, and knew who was calling.
He answered the phone, and Liu Chang's pleasant voice immediately rang in his ear.
"Boss Qin, are you busy now?"
"Even if I am busy, I must not be busy when I answer your call."
Qin Dynasty hey hey a smile, "say it, Mr. Liu, what order?"
"This In fact, there are some things that need your cooperation and help from section 7. "
Liu Chang's speech was never perfunctory and directly entered the theme.
"I wipe, I just said that, you really want to ask for help directly"
the Qin Dynasty said that he was very sad, "you can't say two words, you miss me, you want to talk to me..."
"Fuck you, I don't have the leisure"
Liu Chang estimated that he was rolling his eyes at this time, "I have to be very busy now, OK?"
"What's the matter with you?"
Qin asked with a smile.
"What else can it be. Recently, many French art works have been exhibited in Kyoto, do you know? "
"Ah, I just knew that."
Qin Dynasty nodded, "swollen, you also come to me because of this?"
"Did anyone else look for you?"
Liu Chang said he was surprised.
"Oh, no, there is a friend who wants to go to the art exhibition and can't get tickets."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"Black and white paradise."
Liu Chang immediately said, "I can help you get tickets, but can you do me a favor?"
"I'll go. How can I feel a little bit at a loss?"
The Qin Dynasty felt his nose.
"Please, I don't know who to look for except you."
Liu Chang's tone is very anxious, "you have abducted my sister, and now you still talk to me about the problem of who is losing money. Do you reason?"
"Well, well, you're good."
When it comes to Liu Ying's question, the Qin Dynasty immediately stopped.
"That's about it. Can you help me or not?"
"Help, help is not enough."
Qin Dynasty had no choice but to say, "you remember, get me two tickets to see the black and white paradise."
"Well, that's OK."
Liu Chang nodded, "that's it. I'll give you the ticket. Your job is to be responsible for the safety of the painting. As far as I know, there seems to be a lot of people who are interested in this painting. Maybe they'll steal. The painting will arrive tonight. You'd better go to the art gallery now. "
"I'm in such a hurry"
"yes, it's very urgent!"
Liu Chang nodded. "If this painting is lost here, it will directly affect the friendly relations between China and France."
"Well, I'll be right there. You're going to identify me. Don't forget. "
"Well, the identity has been established for a long time. You are a people's police officer responsible for maintaining public order on the scene."
Liu Chang said this and couldn't help laughing.
Qin Dynasty suddenly a Leng, "good guy, you are sure I can promise early."
"That's of course. I'm going to beg you. Can our boss Qin agree?"
Liu Chang couldn't help but say, "boss Qin, is not the most afraid of beauty tricks."
"Well, where can I begin to say that..."
The cold sweat of Qin Dynasty.
"Anyway, you should have done it. Now go to the art museum. The person in charge there is ice. If you find him, he knows what to do. Well, don't say it. I have a lot of things to do. Hang up! "
With that, Liu Chang put the phone directly.
Ice again.
It's the same old face.
Qin Dynasty helplessly put down the phone and looked at Roxie, who was covering her mouth and laughing.
"Why do you laugh? When it's fun"
"of course, it's fun. Anyway, you have to take care of it. It's not right now."
Rosie blinked. "Why don't you take me with you. Our police officer Qin, how can we do without a beautiful and capable female assistant? It's not in line with your identity. "
"I'll go, and you'll make trouble for me again.""Nonsense, how can I make a mess of it?"
Roxie winked at Qin Dynasty, "no matter how, I'm also your contract devil. I'm also a little bit of a small power, OK?"
"Take me with you Do you hate people so much... "
Roxie said, a pair of eyes, with a little aggrieved, watery looking at the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, well, I'm afraid of you. I'll take you with you. But don't make trouble for me, you remember
The Qin Dynasty reminded again and again.
"People know that..."
Rosie smiles in her heart. That chick is right. The beauty trick works best for you!
"Well, we should go."
The Qin Dynasty waved its hands.
"OK, I'll get the car for officer Qin!"
Said Rosie, reaching out.
A white police car sprang up in a vacant lot in the parking lot.
"I'll cut it. You're really fast."
"That's necessary. You don't see whose assistant I am."
Roxie blinked at Qin Dynasty, "it must be beautiful and capable."
"You can do it?"
Qin Dynasty took a look at Roxie and raised her eyebrows.
"Of course! You can't believe me
Rosie touched her breast with one hand. "But where do you want to do it? In the police car? "
She said, reaching out a brush, his body leather clothes, suddenly changed into a set of black and blue police uniform.
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