Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 514

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Chapter 514

"Do you really want to join me in this party?"
Downstairs in the Imperial Hotel, Luo Qinglin did not know how many times she asked this question.
"I've said it many times. I'd like to." The Qin Dynasty was so helpless that he stretched out his hand and made a bow tie tied at the neckline and said, "I'm here mainly to see who the so-called Han haoxuan is. The son of a senior official can still dominate the underworld in Zhongchuan City, tut... "
"That's what Diliu gave you?"
Luo Qinglin showed her invitation to the security guard downstairs. As members of the same trade, the Qin Dynasty was released together.
"Tut Tut, you see, have a birthday party. It's like a meeting with the big brother of the underworld."
Qin Fulin swept into the hall.
"Yes, the idea Di Liu gave me was to take advantage of Han haoxuan's birthday party and find a chance to kill this guy."
When the Qin Dynasty was talking, he didn't have a bit of murderous spirit on his body. Instead, he nodded to every man and woman he met with with a smile.
"But it's not very complicated with my style. If I want to kill someone, I don't have to go to the door and pick his head."
"Qin Dynasty, what did you experience after you left school for so long..."
Luo Qinglin saw the Qin Dynasty laughing and talking about how to kill people easily. She couldn't help but ask with some sadness.
"It's too long to talk about." The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders. "It is estimated that if you put it on the Internet, it will be a powerful YY novel. Well, actually, I wanted to be an Internet writer before. I was going to write a book called my beautiful teacher. As a result, because there are tens of millions of net writers, I fell into the trap of becoming a security guard. "
"It's useless again." Luo Qinglin rolled her eyes. She suddenly stepped forward, took the arm of Qin Dynasty, and then whispered in his ear.
"The Qin Dynasty I know you have other women But please leave me a place in your heart I would like to share your secret, please don't refuse me, ok I can break even my family for you. Can't you say something in your heart for me? "
Qin Dynasty slightly tilted his head, looking at this once let a lot of college boys crazy school flower. She's beautiful. She's beautiful and makes men crazy. She's excellent, and the best makes women jealous.
But because of this, the Qin Dynasty could not bear to take away her heart.
"Linlin How can I repay you for being so kind to me... "
"I don't need your reward..." Luo Qinglin gently put his head on the shoulder of the Qin Dynasty and said softly, "I just need you to think about me and read me all the time. Don't leave me far away."
"Cough, if it goes on like this, I think it will soon become Qiongyao opera." The Qin Dynasty felt that the atmosphere was a little too ambiguous, so he couldn't help talking nonsense and making fun of it.
"Fuck you." Luo Qinglin pinched the Qin Dynasty for a moment, "it's not easy to have a little feeling, all let you mix up."
The two men chatted in a low voice as they walked on.
As they approached the elevator, a scene caught their attention.
"Xiao Fan, Xiao Fan, please promise me!"
A handsome man in a suit and leather shoes, with a large number of blue enchantresses in his hand, kneels on one knee in front of a woman in a black evening dress.
The woman's appearance is outstanding, is also a top-notch beauty. But between the eyebrows, there is a kind of arrogance and disdain. Her hair, too, was dyed in blue waves, part of which hung on both sides of her cheek, and the other part was tied into a bun, with the noble place behind her head.
"Impossible." The woman's voice was like a bird singing softly. It's just that there's a chill in the voice that makes everyone who hears it cold.
"Liu Yujian, how many times have I told you that we are impossible!"
The woman was very impatient, stepping on exquisite black high heels, and said to the man, "I don't like men like you. You are too weak."
"Where am I weak?"
Liu Yujian, unconvinced, said, "I am a doctor of management of MBI in the United States! My father is the chairman of Beiqiang group and my mother is a member of the CPPCC Committee. Where am I weak? "
"The man I want is not a nerd!" The woman named Xiao Fan turned her lips lovingly. "Besides, your parents are also your parents' business. What's the matter with you. Is Han Xiaofan's family worse than my parents? Liu Yujian, your condition is good, but you are still too weak, too weak! Too weak! "
"Xiaofan! I'm willing to be stronger for you! " Then Liu Yujian still did not give up, "you know, from my study back, the first day I saw you, I was deeply infatuated with you. Please give me a chance, I will let you know my good
"Come back to me the day you get stronger."
As soon as Han Xiaofan shakes his hair, he turns around and leaves.
"No Liu Yujian immediately stood up, a hand to pull Han Xiaofan."Ha Han Xiaofan, however, suddenly swung to fly. Under the black evening dress, her white thighs were lifted up, and her black high-heeled shoes kicked Liu Yujian's chest.
"Pedaling, pedaling, pedaling!" Dr. Liu took three steps back and sat down on the ground.
"You can't beat me, you want to hold my hand?"
Han Xiaofan glared at her beautiful big eyes, disdained to look at sitting on the ground, some embarrassed Liu Yujian.
"Little sail!"
Liu Yujian is really a cheap girl. He was kicked by a woman, but he was not angry. Instead, he raised his hand again. There was a scattered blue enchantress in his hand.
"Flowers, flowers are innocent. This is the blue enchantress I came back from the Dutch air express. It represents my unswerving love for you! I'd like to be with you all my life
Han Xiaofan came over and looked down at Liu Yujian. She held out her hand, took the blue rose and said.
"The flowers have been collected. Let's go."
With that, he turned around smartly and walked toward the elevator.
Luo Qinglin and Qin Dynasty two people, watched the good play for a long time, this just followed up.
All three people entered the elevator. There were some other guests outside the door, but they seemed afraid of Han Xiaofan and didn't dare to ride together. Indeed, this beautiful girl is a little too aggressive. Wearing an evening dress, he kicked people down with a flying foot.
In the old society, this was the heroine
"the flowers are very beautiful."
Qin Dynasty looked at the girl and held the blue rose on her body. Beautiful women and flowers complement each other, and the beauty cannot be won.
Luo Qinglin but secretly pinched him for a while, how can I say that flowers are beautiful, at least girls should be said to be good-looking.
"Thank you." But Han Xiaofan didn't seem to care about it, and nodding a little bit was a return gift.
"Linlin, as if we've known each other for so long, haven't I sent you flowers yet?" The Qin Dynasty suddenly turned his head and looked at the University Committee who had known him for five years.
"Well." Luo Qinglin nodded and had some expectations in her eyes. Which girl, do not want her boyfriend romantic, can give her a beautiful flower.
"Well, I'll send you the blue enchantress, too."
"No, it's too luxurious." Luo Qinglin shook her head, "still have to live, flowers and not eat."
"See what you say." Qin Dynasty hey ran a smile, "what's the relationship between sending flowers and living. Flowers represent romance, or I'll give you a bunch of cauliflower, which can be used as flowers and fried
"Fuck you, who wants cauliflower?"
Luo Qinglin was enraged. This annoying devil, with him, really does not know what is vexation.
Next to Han Xiaofan, listen to two people's talk, seems to want to laugh, but restrained.
"I think it's appropriate for us to send the blue enchantress between us." The Qin Dynasty said to Luo Qinglin.
"Why?" Luo Qinglin lovingly tilted her head and looked at the Qin Dynasty.
"Haven't you heard the story of the blue enchantress?"
The Qin Dynasty asked Luo Qinglin in a low voice.
"No problem All I know is that this flower is made in Holland and mixed with harmless dye
"Hey, I don't understand. I'll tell you about it."
Han Xiaofan seems to have raised his ears.
"It's said that there used to be a boy who lived deep in the forest. He had a beautiful garden full of roses of all kinds and colors. The boy loves his rose very much. He thinks that if he can grow a blue rose flower, he will be the happiest person in the world
"Blue roses make you happy? What is the reason? " Luo Qinglin blinked her eyes.
"Don't interrupt me, just listen to the story." The Qin Dynasty pinched Luo Qinglin's nose.
"One day, the boy was in the forest and met a girl who was injured. In the heart can not bear, he took the girl home to heal. After that, the girl fell in love with the boy, and the boy fell in love with the girl. So they went to bed with a lot of firewood. "
"I'll go..." Luo Qinglin couldn't help rolling her eyes, "how can a beautiful story sound like that make you say so lewd and dangling."
That side of Han Xiaofan, the corner of his mouth is also slightly cocked up.
"No, I'm telling the truth." The Qin Dynasty said defiantly, "listen to me. Two people go to bed Cough, after the union, although the boy loves the girl very much, but still can be melancholy. Because he couldn't send blue roses to his dear girl, and then the girl knew what was on his mind
"What a fool this man is to tangle with blue rose for. As long as it's from him, girls will like it. " Luo Qinglin said her thoughts.
“…… It's a story. If you interrupt me again, I'll throw you out
"You lose it. There are no windows in the elevator. I'll see how you lose it!"
“…… Forget it. Go on. One morning, the boy got up from the girl... ""I said, that is to get up Can you tell a story without being so explicit, you... " Luo Qinglin protested.
"Everyone has their own style." The Qin Dynasty touched this nose and said with a smile, "I'm not Zhao Zhongxiang. Do you want to use the tone of man and nature to tell you?"
"Come on, you'd better go on with the whore. You've been a total whore all your life
"I'll go there..."
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