Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 972

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Chapter 972

"If you have something to say, you can fart!"
"Black bear is very arrogant," is not afraid, afraid to pay quickly
The black bear was surrounded by seven or eight people. Each of them was a cruel lord. He didn't believe that the two men and women were so brave, and they were not afraid at all.
"If my brother is beaten like this by you, the cost of work lost, medical expenses and mental loss will be 100000 yuan! What's more, my brother's goods have also been released by you, adding up to 200000! Take out the money. If you have no money, the man will keep an arm, and the woman will carry it away! "
He threatened fiercely.
"Easy to say, easy to say."
Qin Dynasty took out a cigarette, handed the black bear a, "come on, man, smoke a cigarette first."
"Less is close to Oh, it's still China. "
The black bear took the cigarette, smoked it, and held it in its mouth.
The Qin Dynasty turned over the fire machine and asked.
"Your name is black bear, right? Who do you mix with in this street?"
"Follow the Daqin gang."
Black bear said casually, "you offended me, black bear, that is to offend Daqin gang. At that time, it will be too much. I'll give you the money, and we'll clear it up, so that the well water won't invade the river. "
"Ha ha, are the people of Daqin Gang so unreasonable?"
The Qin Dynasty took out his own lighter, lit the flame and handed it to the black bear.
"God, who dares to say that about Daqin Gang? I'm not going to die."
The black bear glanced across the Qin Dynasty, lit up the smoke of China by the fire, and could not help muttering.
"Oh, my name is Qin Dynasty."
"Qin Dynasty..."
The black bear took a puff of smoke, muttered the name, and suddenly his face changed. The Chinese smoke in his hand fell to the ground.
"You, you, he? Don't scare me!"
The black bear took a deep breath.
Who is the Qin Dynasty, that is the godfather of the big Qin Gang, God like existence!
How can you be so clever that you are the godfather of Daqin Gang!
"Bear, Brother Bear..."
Next to a little brother, suddenly also a white face, close to the black bear, in his ear whispered.
"I, I saw him on TV He is indeed the Qin Dynasty... "
Black bear is stupid.
The peddler didn't know what the situation was, and said fiercely.
"Qin your sister, Qin Dynasty is a * * to tell you that if you don't lose money quickly, my elder brother will kill you!"
"I, let's go..."
The black bear's legs trembled. He didn't know what to say. He just wanted to disappear in front of the man, so as not to catch fire.
"Big brother, how can you go?"
The smuggler was startled and quickly turned back and said, "you have to help your brother to be the master."
"Who is your elder brother? Don't make a fool of yourself. I don't know you."
But the black bear shook his face and said.
"Big brother, what's wrong with you?"
The smuggler glared, "we've been worshipped. Why don't you recognize me all of a sudden?"
"What a psychopath! I don't know you. Don't pester me, or I'll beat you! "
"Come on, don't pretend to be a passer-by with me."
Qin Dynasty smoked a cigarette and said.
"Hey, hey, that, Lord Qin..."
The black bear quickly nodded and bowed and looked at the Qin Dynasty with a smile.
It was strange that he was embarrassed. He had a bandit face and a smile on his face. The muscles on his face twitched.
"Lord Qin Today, it's my fault that I don't know Mount Tai. Don't blame me! "
With that, the black bear took the initiative to stretch out his black hair hand, opened his bow from left to right, and slapped his mouth several times.
The mouth was cut hard enough, and then his black face was swollen.
"Lord Qin, you have a lot of money. Please forgive me..."
Black bear knows the skill of Lord Qin.
He was able to become the godfather of the Daqin Gang, completely relying on his own ability.
It is said that Lord Qin's Kung Fu is very handsome. It is common that a dozen or so big men can't get close to him.
He is also able to hunt. He can't do any Kung Fu. If he really fights, he won't be knocked down by Lord Qin.
What the onlookers were watching was very strange. The man who was still fierce just now, how could he beat himself in the face.
"Big brother, what are you doing here..."
The smugglers don't think that's right.
"Who is he? It's your elder brother!"
The black bear slapped himself in the face. He was a little angry. Now when I heard the smuggler speak, I was even more angry. I slapped him in the face and threw the smuggler on the ground. I saw stars in my eyes.
"Well, you weren't very fierce just now. How come you have changed?"
Bai Jiaojiao didn't know that there was a underworld force in the Qin Dynasty. She also asked strangely, "don't you want to beat this girl?"She was waiting for the black bear to do it, and then beat him again.
She is white and charming, but she likes fighting best, especially bullying the weak.
At ordinary times, my elder sister and Dharma Prime Minister refuse to let me take the opportunity today.
"I didn't know you were a friend of Lord Qin."
The black bear made a quick smile.
"How long have you been hunting?"
While smoking, Qin asked.
"I, I haven't done this for a long time."
The black bear said quickly, "this boy is also the brother I knew when I was on the mountain. Now it doesn't matter."
"Well Do you want any medical expenses
Qin asked jokingly.
"I don't dare, I dare not kill you!"
The black bear quickly gave himself a mouth, "Lord Qin, you have a lot of adults. Don't take the same view with such an asshole as me! Me, this is my first time, really
"Not really. I'm familiar with the routine."
In fact, the Qin Dynasty didn't care about these things, but since they met, they had to take care of them.
"Lord Qin, please forgive me. I really know I was wrong..."
"Forget it, let the Daqin Gang deal with it."
Qin Dynasty says, take out a black whistle, blow up.
This is the whistle of the Daqin gang. It is made of special materials. The sound has penetrating power and can be transmitted over a hundred meters. As long as there are people from the Daqin Gang around, they can come immediately.
Soon, several men in black suits and gold ties arrived with a group of people in miscellaneous clothes.
Not everyone can wear a black suit and a gold tie. Those who can have this dress up are all from the four halls.
The rank of cadres is a red tie.
Seeing these people of the Qin Gang, black bear and his younger brothers were all white.
"Lord Qin!"
A few gold collars hastily came over and bowed respectfully.
"There are two of you to deal with."
The Qin Dynasty first pointed to the smuggler lying on the ground, "this man smuggles wild animals, you hand it to the relevant law enforcement departments. As for this man... "
He pointed to the black bear.
"Lord Qin, I didn't mean to offend you!"
The black bear begged.
"I don't mind if you offend me."
Qin Chaoxin said that there are too many people who often offend him, "it's just that you blackmail people around in the name of Daqin gang. It's very serious. If I don't deal with you, what do you think of the Daqin Gang
The black bear was pale.
Today he was a failure.
It's the second one who killed that day. If he didn't go to sell snake meat, would he have planted it!
God damn it!
"Lord Qin, don't worry. We will handle this matter well."
The people of Daqin Gang said in a hurry.
The Qin Dynasty nodded, "well, take them away. I don't want the Daqin Gang to become a rat in the street. You have to understand that you are actually the defenders of the underworld order. If someone has damaged your reputation, you should know what to do
"Yes, Lord Qin, don't worry."
After the Qin Dynasty explained a few more words, they left with Huaniang.
"I don't know. You're very powerful."
Bai Jiaojiao Gao looked at the Qin Dynasty, "but to bully ordinary people with the practitioners, there is nothing good to praise."
"Sweat, I didn't want you to praise me."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "I don't want to be the godfather of this big Qin Gang, but I can't help it if I spread it out."
"Maybe it's a good thing to be the godfather."
But Hua Niang said, "just like the master is the master of luochamen. If you had not been the master of this sect, luoshamen would have been a demon sect. It's a good thing that a young master is restraining them. "
"I'll have you in the future."
Qin Dynasty hehe smile, "go, I'll take you to luochamen."
Qin Dynasty with a few people left, and at this time, in the distance on the top of a building.
A woman in a purple dress, standing there, watching the Qin Dynasty leave from afar.
Then she took out her cell phone and made a phone call.
"Military master, they should be back to luochamen."
On the other end of the phone, a man with a clown mask nodded, "keep watching them, and don't get caught. If it's found out, I can't save you. "
"Yes, master."
Mu wanqiu hung up the phone and gently jumped from the top of the building, slowly drifting to another tall building. At the same time, her body, a little bit, disappeared into the air.
"Master, is this really OK?"After the division put down the phone, a man sitting next to him couldn't help asking.
"Lord Shen, don't you trust me?"
The military Master said with a smile, "I've brought the bodies of those birdmen, and let you refine a more powerful corpse king. Why, are you still suspicious of me now? "
"No, it's not."
Shen Dong quickly shakes his head. If there was no such person, his Yama would not have been so powerful.
"I'm just worried. After all, the Qin Dynasty gave me too many blows..."
"So you're scared."
The military master sneered in his heart.
"I admit that I am afraid of him."
Shen Dong did not hide anything, "and recognize the strength of the enemy, in order to correctly respond. However, I heard that he made a big noise on the misty peak a few days ago. He defeated the master candlelong during the thunder robbery period and seized his dragon beads. Then he saved the unmarried lady Huaniang of the master candlelong and left. When I first met him, he was just a novice in the foundation period. But now, even master candle dragon, who has been famous for more than a thousand years, has been poisoned by him... "
"That's because the master candle dragon was too stupid and too confident in his own strength, so he was cheated by the Qin Dynasty."
The military master sneered, "I've tried his strength. He's nine heavy.". But the Qin Dynasty was very crafty. It must have restrained the master candle dragon by some means. I'm cooperating with you just to study how to deal with him? "
"Yes, Qin Dynasty is our common enemy."
Finally, we can move forward and retreat together
"Well, it's natural."
The military master was covered with a mask and could not see his expression clearly.
But his appearance at this time must be very ironic, because he is sneering.
Shen Dong, Shen Dong, what kind of heart, you make a woman to work as an undercover beside me. If I hadn't read her heart and swallowed her soul when I was having sex, how could I find Yan Luomen and find you, the guy who always wanted to calculate me.
Now I use you in turn to kill the Qin Dynasty. When the time comes, whether it's Yama or luochamen, it will be mine!
The military master sneered in his heart and began to think about how to calculate the plan of the Qin Dynasty.
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