Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 484

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Chapter 484

"Little, little Nana?" Qin Dynasty a turn head, suddenly saw that carries the double shoulder bag, covers the small mouth, one face surprised Li Na.
The little sister next door, who had not seen for a long time, seemed to be looking at aliens, looking at the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty was full of sweat.
At last, he couldn't help it. He yelled at the top of his voice.
"Have you done enough?"
This voice, a few women who are in a seesaw battle, were scared.
"What are you shouting at?" Longbei'er first lost a white eye and came over, "this is a matter between us women, men stay at the same time!"
"Shall I have a wipe?" The Qin Dynasty choked and almost choked to death. Longbei'er, this girl, is a little too much of a big woman.
Although shangguanyan and Liu Chang don't like longbei'er very much, they all applaud for her words! Yes, that's right!
The black line at one end of the Qin Dynasty. Damn it, you girls, are going to make a vigorous feminist movement on Lao Tzu's head!
If it goes on like this, how can we get it!
"Well, that Brother Qin, what are you doing... "
Li Na was very surprised. As soon as she saw the news in the newspaper, she was so scared that she cut class and ran to the hospital to see her brother of Qin Dynasty who had not seen for a long time.
Li Na is still thinking, such a long time did not see the Qin Dynasty brother, he did not go home, how suddenly injured into a vegetable?
As a result, I ran to the hospital and found that her brother was still vigorous and vigorous, and her heart was gradually stabilized.
As long as the elder brother of Qin Dynasty is OK, that is the best.
"Tug of war..." Qin Dynasty pondered for a long time, which found a suitable word to describe.
"Tug of war?" Xiao Li Na blinks her eyes and stares at Liu Ying, who is constantly pulled back and forth on Qin Dynasty. That girl looks like she is about her age.
Qin, Qin Dynasty elder brother has not always despised his own age? Yes, but how could he find this girl!
Originally, Qin Dynasty elder brother became bad!
"By the way, now review so nervous, you do not have a good class, how to run out?"
Senior three students never have a holiday. The Qin Dynasty thought of this question and asked little Li Na in a hurry.
"People, people are also worried about the elder brother of the Qin Dynasty..." He took out the newspaper from his schoolbag, pointed to the headline and said, "it said that the elder brother of Qin Dynasty was beaten into a vegetable, which scared me."
His uncle's Li Baishan! My mother! You can't afford to pay for the medical expenses, but you are willing to pay for it!
"Don't worry, I'm fine. If you run out secretly, sister Xu will blame you. Go back quickly. At that time, your brother Qin and I were about to take the exam, but I had a lot of time to review. "
anyway, I held a parents' meeting for Li Na. Qin Dynasty was also worried about her studies.
"No, it doesn't matter." Little Li Na's words made Qin Dynasty almost find a place to drill in, "I can review those things. I don't need to listen to them many times. I have estimated that if I am admitted to Kyoto University, there should be no problem. "
My God, why do you make some people so clever and Laozi so stupid
The Qin Dynasty wanted to cry without tears.
"I haven't seen the elder brother of Qin Dynasty for a long time. I want to accompany you a little longer." With that, Li Na didn't care about the girls who were pulling the big saw. She pulled a small Mazar from the side and sat beside the bed of the Qin Dynasty.
The girl looked at the Qin Dynasty and just wanted to say something. Suddenly, she patted her head, spat out her tongue playfully and said, "Oh, look at my memory. Suddenly remembered, there is a set of simulation volume did not do it. Well, elder brother of Qin Dynasty, I'll do the topic here. Don't you disturb me
Looking at Li Na's beseeching eyes, Qin Dynasty is really half a sentence refused to say out of the way
"No, don't disturb..."
"Well, I knew that Qin's brother was the best. You know, if you haven't been back for a long time, no one has cooked pickled cabbage and boiled white meat for me
Little Li Na said, while opening her schoolbag, took out a thick pile of test papers from it, put them on the bed, and then did it conscientiously.
The Qin Dynasty was speechless. Is this girl a learning maniac? Can she still work so hard in this ward?
"Why? No, this function seems to be wrong It seems that the method mentioned by the teacher can't be used... "
The little girl originally calculated the title very fast, and she was dazzled by the Qin Dynasty. But when she came across a difficult problem, she also pondered, hesitating to calculate a large number of numbers.
"This problem can't be solved by this formula." At this time, Liu Ying, who had been preoccupied with the Qin Dynasty, suddenly dropped her head and motioned to Li Na with her eyes because her hands were pulled.
"This set of questions is the national college entrance examination in 2008. The teacher who gave the question at that time made a mistake and put a question that needs college mathematics knowledge into the college entrance examination paper. In that year, almost all the examinees left in front of this questionLittle Liu Ying said, causing Li Na to raise her head and look at the Oriental face girl with golden hair and golden eyes.
"You have to use a calculus formula to solve this problem. I wonder if you have studied calculus? "
"Yes, there are many college textbooks in my brother's room in Qin Dynasty. I have read them when I am bored."
Little Li Na's words made Qin Dynasty blush. Those textbooks, which he had never read when he was at school, unexpectedly fulfilled Li Na.
"Well, you use this formula..." Liu Ying said a string of things that Qin Dynasty could not understand even if he wanted to break his head.
"Ah, I see!" Li Na's eyes immediately lit up with excitement. She picked up her pen and brushed it to work out the correct answer.
"Hee hee, you are so smart. You will know how to do it after I finish."
"You are so good that you know the formula in University. I think you are in high school at your age, too? "
"Well, I'm still a sophomore."
"Ah, then I really can't compare with you. I'm already in the third year of senior high school. In the summer, I have to take part in the college entrance examination."
"Mm-hmm, my name is Liu Ying. Which school are you going to test for, sister?"
"My name is Li Na. I want to take Kyoto University. My mother also wants me to go there."
"Well, well, I'm going to take the examination of Kyoto University. Then Sister Li Na will wait for me in Kyoto. When I get to school, someone will take care of me. Hee hee..."
"Mm-hmm, no problem, I can also have a companion..."
See two girls chatting fiery appearance, Qin Dynasty is stunned.
I rely on two little geniuses
What's more, Li Na just looked at Liu Ying with obvious hostility in her eyes. Now she has become so friendly, just like a sister who has known her for many years.
Women get in the way of I really don't understand you
"Longbeier!" The Qin Dynasty tried to use conversation to divide these women's battles one by one.
"If you have words, you can fart!" Long BEI'ER is still holding Liu Ying and competing with shangguanyan Liu Chang. Hearing the Qin Dynasty calling her, she was not angry.
"Shit!" The Qin Dynasty was depressed, but the plan of differentiation had to continue, "you are a person named by the underworld in southern Jiangsu. How dare you run out in broad daylight!"
"Sister Xi is here. Who dares to move my longbei'er?"
Longbei'er threw out a sentence, "it's you. Have you finished the task of the island country? Can Li Baishan help me eliminate CHEN Si's influence a little bit after you have finished the task!"
"Half of Tokyo is gone. Do you think I have finished the task?"
Seeing Li Na and Liu Ying chatting, Qin Dynasty said to longbei'er in a low voice.
"I knew that my longbell's man would certainly do something earth shaking!"
Longbeier naturally knows about Tokyo. She laughed with satisfaction, but it made the two women opposite unhappy.
"You two are shameless
Shangguanyan is the most impolite to speak, "in this ward, in public, dare to flirt!"
"We will. What's the matter! If you have the ability, you can come too! 3P can be accepted by Longbei! "
Said shrewdly, this underworld big man's daughter, who was afraid of again!
Shangguanyan was bold again, and she didn't say anything that made people blush and heartbeat.
All of a sudden, she choked and glared.
"Have ability, have ability, you are here and Qin Dynasty do something, let us have a look!"
Liu Chang has almost no reason, and what she knows today is more and more powerful and irritating. Qin Dynasty this guy, should still be her subordinates. It's just disorganized and undisciplined to do such a thing now!
To find out such a ridiculous reason for himself, Liu Changli should admit his anger.
"I, what am I afraid of?" The last thing longbeier likes most is being provoked, because once provoked, the girl will press her patience and wish her happiness.
her face is a little crimson. Although she has a hard mouth, she still hesitates for a moment. And see Liu Chang that provocative eyes, the girl immediately anxious.
She stretched out some cold hands and directly opened the clothes of the Qin Dynasty.
However, the Qin Dynasty was still wrapped with gauze, which made longbei'er a little helpless.
Qin Dynasty helpless, these women, how began to quarrel.
"Longbei'er, don't make trouble. There are so many people..." The Qin Dynasty yelled.
"I, I..." Longbeier hesitated again.
"Yes, so many people!" Liu Chang came to add fuel to the fire. "If you're afraid, go to one side quickly."
"You are my man, I want to do anything to you, you give me honest look!"
Longbei'er suddenly widened her eyes. One hand pressed on the chest of Qin Dynasty, the other hand took out a delicate butterfly knife from her trouser pocket behind her. She played several dazzling knife flowers, and then the blade stuck on the gauze on the waist of Qin Dynasty."You, what are you going to do?" The Qin Dynasty was frightened. How could longbei'er be so easily angered by Liu Chang!
"Why, it's natural to get rid of you, so as to do something that can only be done between lovers!"
Longbell cried out like a demonstration.
Then, the butterfly knife in his hand, a pick, on the Qin Dynasty several gauze.
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