Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 741

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Chapter 741

By the third round, the basket went faster.
Yang Li is still a little nervous, after all, she has been losing. On the contrary, the girl in the nose ring is calm and still shooting easily.
As a result, dramatized, Yang Li, who always played this game well, was eliminated in the third round!
Yes, they are. The boy jumped over and took away a thousand dollars from the nearby game machine and said triumphantly, "how about, uncle, you know we're good."
"Uncle Yes, I'm sorry... "
Yang Li was holding the corner of her dress there with a timid look on her face.
"It doesn't matter."
Qin Dynasty patted her on the shoulder, "I said, you have a good time. It doesn't matter what the money is. What's more, we won't lose. I'm in everything. "
When Yang Li heard the comfort of Qin Dynasty, she felt sad and nodded.
"If you can't do it next time, don't be a big garlic!"
Han Bing's mouth can not disturb people, very directly said, "see you lose, it's really humiliating."
"You can do it, you come!"
Yang Li said, pinching her waist.
"Next time I'll come and show you what a real playroom queen is!"
Han Bing Yang chin, proud to look at Yang Li.
And the Qin Dynasty did not want to participate in their two people's quarrel, that yellow hair, at this time has begun to shout.
"Uncle, there is another round, dare you compare it?"
"There's nothing to be afraid of."
The Qin Dynasty took out another 500 yuan and saw the thick banknotes. A group of people with yellow hair were swallowing their saliva. This evening, I will try my best to get all the money back!
"Long arm, you come to this game!"
As soon as Huang Mao waved, a tall, thin young man with a long arm walked out and stood in front of the basketball machine and put in a game coin.
"My friend, but the game hall basketball machine killer!"
Huang Mao said triumphantly, "uncle, you are dead now. My brother, basketball machine has always been a four pass pass. Not to mention the basketball machine, even playing basketball seriously, he is a good player! This 500, I think uncle, you give up
"Ha ha, that's what makes it interesting."
However, the Qin Dynasty did not have the fear that Huang Mao imagined. Instead, he stood in front of the basketball machine and threw a game coin.
"Uncle, come on
Yang Li cheered for the Qin Dynasty behind her. And that Han Bing does not speak, just in the eye God color Lianlian.
"It's on!"
The basketball machine put down the baffle, a black basketball fell down.
It's in the basket. It's a long throw. Hit rate, 100 percent.
He took the basketball one by one and threw it in one by one, which surprised Yang Li.
If you look at the Qin Dynasty, it hasn't started yet. Basketball fell down, but he picked up a cigarette in one hand, a lighter in the other hand, put it on his mouth, and took a leisurely puff.
"Ha ha, uncle, it seems that you are very smart. Have you given up?"
"Give up?"
The Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, "I just want to add some fun."
He said, with a cigarette in his mouth, his hands together, each holding a basketball, shift into the basket.
"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"
One after another of the hollow ball, Qin Dynasty hands constantly thrown into, left and right bow, hit rate 100%, not to mention, the speed is also quite amazing.
The yellow hair had also lit a cigarette. Seeing this scene, the smoke fell off with a slap.
The long arm was originally more than 20 points ahead, but it was easily caught up by the Qin Dynasty, and then surpassed. That long arm is urgent, as if want to learn from the Qin Dynasty appearance, also to a left and right bow. But his left hand strength and accuracy is a lot worse, seven out of ten, let the score fall even bigger.
Just after the first round, Qin Dynasty got 150 points. And the long arm, only 80 points.
"I, I lost..."
This long arm obviously saw that he was not the opponent of the uncle in front of him, so he simply surrendered directly.
"Sorry, I took it."
Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand, put the game machine 1000 yuan, put it in his pocket.
He didn't expect that the uncle was still a basketball player. Damn it, was he cheated by playing pig and eating tiger?
However, next, is the real game time!
Let the uncle know, office workers, how to compare with them!
"You, you are a cow!"
Huang Mao said with a cold face, "but your good luck will stop here! Next, I'll let you know what a nightmare is
With that, he pointed to the gun game machine on the other side and said, "this is what we're going to do!"Qin Dynasty took a look, is the death ghost house series of gun fighting games.
When he was a child, he used to play in the game hall.
However, the game is too difficult, a person, it is difficult to pass customs. Its process, need to invest a lot of game currency, is a very burning coin game.
"Yes, how to play?"
"In pairs, play with these two machines."
Huang Mao said, "finally, to see who uses less game currency, who is the winner!"
The Qin Dynasty nodded, and this time, it was Han Bing who volunteered to show up and said, "uncle, this game, let me and you together couple mixed group. Yang Li is so useless that we won't take her. "
"Han Bing, you are the waste wood!"
Yang Li stomped her feet.
She was so angry in her heart that she said I should hope Han Bing to win or hope her to lose!
If you win, this guy is going to be on top of himself. But if you lose, it's still uncle's money!
In this case Mm-hmm, or lose it. Anyway, uncle is not short of 500 yuan.
Hey, hey
This girl's head melon did not think of anything good, and that side, Qin Dynasty and Han Bing have stood in front of the game machine. Everyone, pick up an assault gun like UZ.
Huang Mao's side, came out of the boy with a wool hat, next to his girlfriend.
"Uncle, you are really finished this time."
The woollen hat made a comparison with himself and said, "I've played this game for two years, and I know everything about it. This time, a thousand dollars is ours! "
"I didn't know until I tried."
Qin Dynasty didn't go to his heart at all. His shooting skills were superb.
When I was a bodyguard for Liao Shasha, I had a good shot. To him, it was a piece of cake.
Two machines, working at the same time.
On that screen, a man and a woman break into the mysterious experimental base. On the way, there are groups of disgusting zombies.
That woolen hat is really a veteran of playing, basically knew the location of the monster. Therefore, while reminding his girlfriend, he easily shot the zombie who just jumped out.
Two people all the way through the customs, halfway only his girlfriend abandoned a drop of blood.
In the Qin Dynasty, although he did not play this game, his reaction and shooting skills were far more than ordinary people.
Whenever a zombie suddenly appears, Qin Dynasty can shoot the head with a very accurate shot.
At one point, several small monsters ran out, and one of them was exposed in the Qin Dynasty. At this time, Han Bing fired a gun, directly hit the head, and killed the little monster.
"Uncle, be careful!"
Han Bing stood there with one hand on his waist and the other with a gun, smiling at the Qin Dynasty.
It seems that this girl is also a game master!
Qin Dynasty and Han Bing cooperate very well, two people can always make up for each other, kill the zombies or monsters. And look at the wool hat side, he played well, but his girlfriend is not good. The boss of the first level was touched without blood, and finally lay dead on the ground.
When there are huge countdown numbers flashing on the screen, they are all livid.
One of the people here has died, and the uncle didn't even waste a drop of blood.
Wool hat a cruel, simply not let his girlfriend on. He threw four game coins, carrying two guns, and even acted as a double gun future.
This is no way, after all, the requirement is two people to participate in the game.
His female companion, like a puppet, just stood by and looked at the screen in a daze.
They are really depressed.
But what is more angry is actually Yang Li.
Not only because of the tacit understanding of the two people, but also that Han Bing's shameless death.
The girl screamed, yelled terrible and terrible, then buried her face in the body of the Qin Dynasty, and at the same time held up the gun and shot a few random shots, but she could still kill the monster.
This dead woman, does she have eyes on her hands!
The Qin Dynasty and Yang Li went through the customs without a drop of blood. In the end, he killed the last big boss.
Look at the woolen hat. It was OK at first, but later, it became more and more difficult. It was too busy to make it. More and more game coins have been put in. In the end, they simply beat the game machine and admit defeat without playing.
"It seems that I won the game again."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, picked up a thousand yuan from the game machine and put it into his pocket.
For a while, Huang Mao did not win, but lost 500.
He was angry, pointing to one side of the hot playing machine, said.
"Damn it, now it's the fight game!"Yellow hair refers to a large-scale fighting game machine, which is a set of equipment recently introduced into China.
Compared with the previous iron fist, street fighter, and Boxer series, this game machine has a bigger screen, more realistic moves, and the strongest sense of attack.
But at this time, there was a very powerful player who had occupied the champion seven or eight times in a row. Several people who came to challenge him were given Ko by him.
"Elephant, you go get rid of that guy."
As soon as Huang Mao waved his hand, a fat and fat fellow walked over and sat opposite the man.
Two people, one screen, one joystick, started fighting.
That player is really fierce and deserves to be the champion of several contests. He is very sharp in his moves and plays Liu Chang very well.
But the elephant is obviously better at defense, holding a gap, suddenly a set of continuous skills, destroy and pull decayed, hit the other side has no strength to fight back.
Several times, the other side empty blood, Ko dropped.
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