Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 921

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Chapter 921

It was an individual effort yesterday morning.
Like Shangluo, Li Na didn't eat anything.
But she was worse than Shangluo because she had been fighting with brother Qin for three hours.
Qin Dynasty was like a greedy child, constantly searching for caries
she didn't know how many times she had reached the peak, she was very tired, otherwise she would not sleep so heavy after that.
Before I had a good sleep, I was awakened by my good friend.
It is said that after the first time, it will be particularly painful to get up the next day, but Li Na thinks it's OK. She can still move without imagination.
She didn't know that if it wasn't for the Qin Dynasty who had treated her with vitality, she would have been a problem to get up today after fighting so long for the first time.
"Hee hee, you laugh at me. You're hungry."
"Well, it's not that I had to take care of you drunk cat last night, tired..."
Li Na is a little guilty. She is not good at lying. But for her own sake and brother Qin, she has to learn to come.
"Well, thank my little Nana. People also need to take care of them now. They are hungry What's more, we're all hungry. Let's give your brother Qin a chance to show off. "
"Hum, not everyone can taste my brother Qin's craftsmanship."
Little Li Na pouted and said.
If she's right, there are no more than four people who have tasted brother Qin's craft.
Myself, Yang Shanshan, and the Su sisters.
"You are lucky today."
"Well, look at you!"
Shangluo rolled his eyes. "It's not your cooking that's delicious. It's beautiful for you."
"Well, he is my elder brother Qin. In short, you will know when you taste it. "
Li Na carefully got out of bed and pulled her pajamas. "Let's go. It's time for us to get up."
"Ah, you dress like this to meet your brother Qin?"
Shangluo can't help exclaiming at Li Na's pair of white thighs.
"What can I do?"
Li Na turned her head and glared at her good friend, "do you want to take off your pants and wear them for me! It's not all your work
"Hee hee, don't be angry. I know. It's all my fault..."
Seeing that Li Na was angry, Shangluo had to apologize with a smile.
"Hum! I can't forgive you for a lifetime
Li Na curled her lips to express her anger.
"Well, don't be angry. It's Kyoto. I'll introduce you to a handsome man."
Shangluo took Li Na's arm and said.
"Go, who wants to know a handsome man! I went to Kyoto to go to university, not to the handsome boy. "
Li Na expressed disdain.
"Yes, yes, our little Nana has the highest vision!"
Shangluo flatters Li Na.
"Well, I'm hungry. I won't see you all the same. When we're full, we'll settle the bill. "
Li Na pushes open the door of her bedroom. Shangluo follows her in a big way, but she looks around. She wants to see what kind of man Qin is that keeps floating out of her best friend's mouth.
After they left the bedroom, Li Na saw her brother Qin lying on the sofa, sleeping heavily.
Qin Dynasty last night did not sleep, and night Royal two women, it is really a bit tired.
Now I come back to my home and have a good sleep. I haven't woken up yet.
Li Na crept up to elder brother Qin. Looking at his sleeping state, she felt more happy.
"Brother Qin is still sleeping..."
Li Na lies prone on the sofa, the pajamas are lifted up, revealing the plump and crisp parts.
Shangluo clapped it in the back and said with a smile, "our little Nana is very sexy Say, did your brother Qin see such a cute little ass yesterday "
" go to you, can you have a proper shape? "
Li Na gave Shangluo a look and pulled her pajamas. "I'll go to see if my clothes are dry, so you can always take advantage of me."
"Hee hee, who makes little Nana so attractive?"
Shangluo winked at Li Na.
"Ignore you, change clothes."
Li Na turned her head and ran to the balcony.
After Li Na left, Shangluo came to the side of the Qin Dynasty and took a closer look at the sleeping man.
At this glance, she felt very familiar.
Finally, a cry of surprise.
Qin Dynasty was disturbed in his sleep and frowned.
Li Na, holding her clothes, walked in and said discontentedly.
"Crazy girl, what are you doing! Elder brother Qin is sleeping soundly. You frighten him
"Look at your heartache!"Shangluo couldn't help saying, "I, I'm so excited..."
She said, holding out her hand, pointing to the Qin Dynasty, she said, "this, this is not a while ago, the person who shot the biography of the killer I remember, there was a burst of fire... "
Li Na nodded, "my elder brother Qin is Qin Dynasty."
The popularity of the Qin Dynasty has passed for a while, but it is not so big.
People are like this, many stars will disappear in the impression of the public as time goes by.
The Qin Dynasty also knew this, so he pushed off many entertainment and culture companies' invitation to him, and also pushed out Luo Qinglin and Chen Xin's further packaging for him.
As a cultivator and a mendicant, he really can't be so high-profile.
"Oh, I didn't expect that I could still see alive..."
Shangluo some small excitement, "more unexpectedly, such a celebrity, unexpectedly live in this kind of place."
Li Naixin said, "where is this? Elder brother Qin is still the chairman of Dafa group. But whatever his status, this is his home.
"Keep your voice down and let elder brother Qin sleep again. He took care of you all night yesterday and washed my clothes again. He must be tired
Li Na is a little distressed.
"I know, I know. Look at your heartache Why don't you love me? I'm hungry. "
Shangluo rubbed his stomach and said, "I'll be hungry if I'm hungry. What can I do if I starve my child?"
"Sweat, baby..."
Li Na is too vexed for Shangluo. This girl makes her headache.
"Don't be crazy. I'll go to the fridge to see if there's anything I can fill you up with."
Li Na said as she put on her jeans. "I don't know how big brother Qin got it. She did it all night."
If the Qin Dynasty were awake now, it would be very evil to hear this.
Indeed, it was one night, and I did
Looking at Li Na's familiar way to open the refrigerator to look for food, Shangluo couldn't help saying.
"How do you look at it, just like a hostess..."
"Blind, what are you talking about..."
Li Na's face turned red. She explained in a flustered way, "I just used to run to brother Qin to rub rice when my mother was not at home..."
Li Na said, took out a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and threw it to Shangluo.
"Here you are. Have some milk first."
"Sob, it's not good to drink milk on an empty stomach."
Shangluo complained.
"If you don't drink, you're hungry! You deserve to be hungry! "
Li Na took off her pajamas as she spoke.
Her development of similar size, attracted the attention of Shangluo.
"Yo, my little Nana is growing well..."
Shangluo's words caused Li Na's great shame.
"Go to you and talk nonsense. It's not serious..."
as like as two peas in the heart, she said, "this girl is exactly the same as what Qin Da brother said last night."
"Yo, my little Nana is growing well..."
Brother Qin teases and teases himself
Day, think of the absurdity of last night, the body is hot again.
Li Na took two deep breaths and opened the refrigerator to cool herself down.
To cover up, she said falsely, "there is nothing else to eat. Just drink your milk."
"Yes, yes, I will drink milk."
Shangluo opened the milk and took a sip. "In order to develop as well as my little Nana, I will insist."
"Go, fuck you..."
Li Na felt like elder brother Qin was teasing herself. She blushed, closed the refrigerator door, and then began to put on the rest of her clothes.
Although Li Na said it in a lower voice, the quarrel between her and Shangluo had already disturbed the dream of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty, who had been lying well, suddenly stretched out his hand, rubbed his eyes and sat up.
"Little Nana I'm getting up... "
Although a little tired, but the Qin Dynasty in the body of the vitality of the silent transport of a small week, the whole person immediately spirit Shuo Shuo, eyes released a luster.
"Eh, the big star is up"
Shangluo made a joke.
Qin Dynasty took a look at the girl who was full of wine last night. "Isn't this Shangluo? You're awake, too Well, you drink... "
His face suddenly turned strange.
"Is it swollen?"
Shangluo tilted his head. "I'm hungry. This is the breakfast your little Nana found for me She doesn't have the heart to wake you up to cook, so I can only drink this Is it swollen, niggard, not allowed to drink? ""It's not that you are not allowed to drink..."
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose, "but this milk has been overdue for a long time I've always forgotten to throw it away... "
Li Na's eyes widened.
Shangluo was even more straightforward. Originally, she was sucking milk, but she gushed it out in one mouthful and went straight to the face of Qin Dynasty.
"I'll go..."
The Qin Dynasty quickly pulled down a paper towel beside it, which blocked the expired milk. Fortunately, Qin Chao had practiced, and his action was as fast as lightning, otherwise he would have ended up being a victim.
"It's expired milk!"
Shangluo glared at the date on the carton. Sure enough, it was more than ten days overdue.
"Li Na, I hate you! After that, I drink expired milk. Will I have diarrhea
Shangluo will hate Li Na.
"I, I didn't notice..."
Li Na shrugged her shoulders and said, "no one thought that there was expired milk in brother Qin's refrigerator Well, if you take a couple of drinks, you'll lose your life... "
"Go, it's not for you to drink!"
Shangluo threw the milk into the garbage can, "Li Na, I hate you! If I am poisoned to death, I will turn into a fierce ghost and pester you as a girl all my life
"Poison you too, you also vomit me all over!"
Two people began to bicker, Qin Chaotou this big, no wonder two women equal to a thousand ducks. He hastened to be a peacemaker.
"All right, all right, all right. I'm going to cook for you
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