Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1179

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Chapter 1179

Seeing that all his younger brothers were killed, Gao Jiacheng finally began to be afraid for the first time in his life.
Especially when the muzzle of the other party is pointing at himself.
"You, you dare to kill This is a society ruled by law... "
"Of course, I know this is a society ruled by law. You can sue me or get someone to arrest me. "
The Qin Dynasty scorned to smile.
I come from the seventh division. Killing a few people is nothing, especially killing a few scum.
You would be wrong to say that this is Hong Kong, and that the privileges of the seventh section can not be used.
Hong Kong is a special zone, not a country!
This place is always subordinate to the mainland.
"Madman, you are a madman..."
Gao Jiacheng began to shake.
Even if the law can punish him, it's too late. Because now, he's pointing a gun at himself.
"Boss, do you want to kill him? I don't like him."
Before the Qin Dynasty, he was numbed by the old gay, and finally knew that he was really gay. He couldn't help but want to kill people.
"Forget it."
Luo Qinglin looked at the blood around, a little nauseous, "just give a warning. After all, he is the leader of Xin Yi'an. If he is killed, there will be chaos among Hong Kong communities. "
For the sake of public security in Hong Kong, Luo Qinglin said it was very grand.
In fact, it's still women's soft hearted.
"All right."
Qin Dynasty put away the gun, clapped his hands and said, "boss, shall we continue to drink tea or go back to the hotel?"
"Back to the hotel, of course. The smell is terrible."
Luo Qinglin waved and said with a little disgust.
Jin Mingfeng was speechless at this time, and had already fainted with pain.
If he is not sent to the hospital earlier, it is estimated that he will survive.
"Well, boss, please."
Qin Dynasty is now a standard bodyguard. Luo Dong, who protects himself, begins to go downstairs.
They went out the door and took a taxi back to the hotel.
In the car, Luo Qinglin finally breathed a sigh of relief.
"Hoo It scared me to death. "
She patted Fengting's chest, "Qin Dynasty, you are too cruel..."
"If you are not cruel to these people, you are cruel to yourself."
The Qin Dynasty also said in a low voice, "you can see that today's situation, if we show weakness, we will be forced to shoot Level 3 films. Especially the old gay, grandma's paw, I feel uncomfortable
"They will certainly retaliate."
"Then you won't let me kill them?"
The driver was eavesdropping. When he heard this, the steering wheel skidded and almost hit the rear.
I planted a murderer?
Or the community?
What happened just now?
Qingqing teahouse seems to be Mr. Gao's place Is this Mr. Gao's man
Amitabha, don't listen to me Don't listen if you are not polite
The driver began to concentrate on driving.
"If you kill them, the Hong Kong community will be in chaos. At that time, it's not good for our press conference tomorrow. "
Luo Qinglin expressed her worry.
"What should be threatened is threatened. If they go too far, I think you can deal with it?"
"Well, I'm the boss, you're the boss, I'm just your bodyguard now"
"changed, I'm your secretary now, you're the boss."
Luo Qinglin said, gently leaning on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
In this embrace, it's warm and safe
"I'll give you a wipe, but you can't help it"
the Qin Dynasty couldn't help saying.
"Hee hee, women's privileges."
"Well, Secretary Luo, go back to the hotel and help the boss. I need to wash my feet."
“…… Is this what a secretary should do... "
"Haha A secretary has a lot to do Especially I am a lecherous boss... "
The smile of the Qin Dynasty, in Luo Qinglin's view, is quite hostile.
"Hateful, I know that I'll ignore you and not be your secretary."
"Hey, hey, it's getting too fast."
"I turn my face like a book, can't I?"
"Xing Xing Xing Xing, you are the boss..."
The Qin Dynasty was helpless.
The two soon left the topic behind and began to discuss the issue of tomorrow's press conference.
On this side, Gao Jiacheng has sent Jin Mingfeng to the hospital.
After coming out of the operating room, poor Jin Mingfeng was in a coma again for a long time before he woke up.
As soon as I woke up, I saw Gao Ka Shing's angry face.
"Second brother Well, what happened to those two guys... "Jin Mingfeng had been having a nightmare before. In the dream, his leg was riddled with holes when he was shot by the man.
He hurt, he was angry, and he couldn't help it.
This is Hong Kong. It's his territory.
But he was on his own turf and his leg was broken.
I'll tell you later, how can he stay here!
"Big brother The two of them went back to the hotel... "
Jin Mingfeng was very angry. He just wanted to sit up, but he found that his right leg was unconscious.
"Second brother, I, what's wrong with my leg..."
"Big brother The doctor said, the calf can not hold So, it was cut off... "
Gao Jiacheng sighed.
"Grass him! Luo Qinglin! Give me back my leg
Jin Mingfeng is going crazy.
One leg!
Without a leg, he will be a cripple!
Don't say anything else, even play women, after all very inconvenient!
"Luo Qinglin! I, I'm going to find someone to swipe you, and then sell you to the set, so that you can shoot three levels every day! And that boy, I'll cut you to pieces, I'll kill your whole family
"Brother, don't worry, don't worry This matter needs to be considered for a long time. "
Luo Qinglin, where is so easy to handle.
The guy next to her is obviously a prick.
"I, I can't swallow this breath My legs are in the way... "
Jin Mingfeng wants to cry without tears.
"Brother, don't worry. I've already contacted Liu Yiming. The Hong Kong Police Force will not let go of that boy who has killed so many people. "
Jin Mingfeng gnawed his teeth and said, "I'll kill you with a knife. I'll get that boy to prison first. Then, let the bald head inside kill him. "
There is no death penalty here, but it doesn't mean that Jin Mingfeng can't kill him.
"Well, I think so. Brother, you can keep your mind at ease. Tomorrow, at their conference, I will give us this big gift. "
"Good, but I'll go too. I want to see with my own eyes, the boy is caught. Besides, Tianyang entertainment is closed. "
"Well, big brother, I've even found a reporter. As soon as this matter is over tomorrow, there will be news in the newspapers. The boss of Tianyang entertainment will hire murderers to kill people. Luo Qinglin, if you want to continue to do it, you can't do it without asking us. At that time, it's not up to you to say what will happen to her
"Well, second brother, it's hard for you The elder brother will be a waste man. I will let you take care of everything on the table. "
"Well, big brother, that's not what it is. When I was down and out begging, if it wasn't for my eldest brother, where would there be the new Yi'an dragon head now? "
Gao Mingfeng, clap me on the shoulder first
He stood up and walked out of the ward.
When he came out of the ward, Xiao Ming, standing at the door, came up quietly.
"Mr. Gao, what did he do with it..."
"He's a cripple, he's no threat to us."
Gao Jiacheng laughed and touched Xiao Ming's waist. "This guy has been occupying power for too long. I've always been the number two figure. Now, he still wants to hold on to it. He has no ability. Keep him first. If he is honest and willing to be a lame man, I can see that in that year's love, he can still live in his own life. But if he is lame and not honest, then I can only send him back home Hehe, Xiaoming, do you know where his hometown is
"I know, in heaven."
"No, no, no, it's in hell."
Gao Jiacheng laughed and turned away.
Xiao Ming looks at his far away back, with a sarcastic smile on his mouth.
Gao Ka Shing, Gao Ka Shing, do you think you can live a long time?
Brother, I'm going to avenge you.
He found out a certain cap, buckled it on his head, and with sunglasses, went down the hospital building.
After going out, I stopped a taxi and took a taxi to Kowloon.
After getting off the bus from a bar in Kowloon, he went into the bar, went to the bathroom, climbed out of the window of the bathroom, lost his coat, wore a humble cloth shirt, and got on a bus.
At last, Lin didn't get off the hotel, where he stayed.
Xiao Ming goes to a telephone booth and dials a phone. This number is still from Jin Mingfeng.
Luo Qinglin was having dinner with Qin Dynasty when the telephone rang suddenly.
She took it out. It was a strange number.
"It's a nuisance. You can't be idle when you eat."
Luo Qinglin shook her head and answered the phone.
"Hello, hello."
Luo Qinglin asked politely.
But no one spoke on the phone for a long time.Luo Qinglin frowned and hung up the phone.
"Psycho, I think I have the wrong number."
As soon as she put down her mobile phone, the bell rang again.
She answered the phone, "Hello, who are you looking for, please speak, or I'll hang up!"
"It's Miss Luo Qinglin..."
Finally, a low voice came from the phone.
"I am. What can I do for you?"
Luo Qinglin and the Qin Dynasty looked at each other and felt that they were not good.
"You don't need to know who I am. I only ask you one thing. Do you want to deal with Jin Mingfeng and Gao Jiacheng?"
"What am I going to do with both of them. I'm going. "
Luo Qinglin frowned again and planned to hang up the phone.
"Miss law!"
The other end of the phone said quickly, "even if you don't plan to deal with them, they're already going to deal with you. If you don't want to turn tomorrow's press conference into a Tianyang scandal, go to Longkou alley downstairs and find me. I had a black cap and a red scarf in my hand. If you don't worry, you can take your bodyguard during the day. "
With that, he simply hung up.
Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Luo Qinglin took a look at the Qin Dynasty.
"Do you think we're going?"
"Go, of course."
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