Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1236

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Chapter 1236

The Qin Dynasty didn't expect to get such an answer.
"Really no time."
Afraid of misunderstanding in the Qin Dynasty, Qin Ling quickly continued, "recently, the school is busy upgrading, and a lot of things have made Su Dong bored to death. I don't lie to you. If you go in with your private affairs, you will be scolded directly. I suggest you come back in a few days. "
"I'll admit it."
The Qin Dynasty was worried about Suji. Now that the girl's life and death are unknown, where can she wait?
wait for a few days, and he can't wait for a minute!
He said, went straight to the office door, reached out to push the door.
Qin Ling was startled and jumped up to stop her, but it was too late.
The Qin Dynasty opened the door of the office and saw the imperial concubine Su buried in the office.
"I guess it's you."
Su Fei didn't lift her head, and said, "but I don't have time to pay attention to you now. I'll talk about it later. I'll give you as many days off as you want. Just come back and tell me. "
Seeing Su Fei's indifferent attitude, how could Qin Dynasty wait.
"I've come to ask you something important."
The Qin Dynasty stood firmly at the door, ignoring Qin Ling, who was constantly pulling him from behind, and continued to say.
"No time! Don't you see that I'm going crazy! "
Su Fei pointed to the large pile of documents on the table and said angrily.
"It won't take you much time! Isn't your sister as important as your job? "
The Qin Dynasty was also slightly angry.
Is this woman the only job in her eyes?
"My sister?"
Su Fei looked at Qin Dynasty strangely, "what's wrong with her?"
"She hasn't come to work for two days, and I can't get in touch with her. Don't you think it's strange that you are a sister?"
Qin asked.
But Su Fei sneered and lifted her arms and looked at the Qin Dynasty.
"Although she is my sister, she is also your girlfriend. You can't even find your girlfriend, but you come to me for it. Don't you think it's ridiculous? "
"I can't take care of it because I'm busy with other things."
Qin Chaoxin said that he was asked by Liu Chang a few days ago to deal with the painting exhibition, but he didn't care about Suji.
"You know, you don't care when you're busy?"
Su Fei picked up the words of Qin Chaogang and said, "is your girlfriend not as important as those things of you?"
"I, this..."
Qin Dynasty was fooled by Su Fei's question.
She didn't expect that Sufei could ask.
In fact, the Qin Dynasty also dug its own grave. Originally, his various disappearances had already made Su Fei very angry.
Especially this time, even because of my sister's things and their anger, but also ran to question themselves!
He, how could he do this.
Su Fei was very sad.
What's more, it's a special grievance.
"You this guy, irresponsible, your girlfriend does not look well, but let me take care of you?"
At that moment, Su Fei wanted to cry.
But she, desperately, resisted.
No matter what, you can't cry in front of this guy.
Absolutely not!
"Suu Kyi is an adult, not a child. Although I was her sister, I couldn't look at her all the time. You're her boyfriend! It's you who want to live with her for a lifetime, not me. Do you understand? "
In fact, Princess Su is still crying in her heart. In fact, I want to spend my life with you.
But I can't win it with my sister.
But why do you want to provoke me.
Am I happy?
Su Fei's grievances have always been hidden in her own heart.
Qin Dynasty did not understand, and never tried to understand.
Sometimes Su Fei herself would feel uncomfortable. Why didn't she know the Qin Dynasty first, but her sister knew her first.
But even if you know the Qin Dynasty first, there may not be anything between them.
After all, the Qin Dynasty was so annoying.
She never thought that she would like such a person.
"Sufei, please calm down. I don't want to quarrel with you."
"Do you think I just want to fight with you?"
Su Fei was more angry when she heard that, as if I was looking for something on purpose.
"It's you who came to me and asked me a question that I shouldn't be responsible for when I was in a hurry!"
"Good, good, I'm wrong, I'm not good, not yet!"
The Qin Dynasty knew that it was not a result to be entangled in this way. Su Fei was so strong that she was afraid that she wanted to be more serious with her. It would be endless.It's better to admit a mistake as long as she can calm down.
Seeing that the Qin Dynasty was soft, Su Fei's anger subsided a little.
This guy is really heartless. Is it right or wrong to give his sister to him?
"Well, let's calm down now, calm down..."
The Qin Dynasty slowed down his voice and said slowly, "boss Su Da, I know that I am a tun gun, and I dare not make you angry. Can you tell me where Suu Kyi has been recently? I'm willing to be a horse and a cow for you, whatever you do "
" get out of here
Who knows, Su Fei not only did not answer, but also threw the vase on the table directly.
Qin Dynasty a flash, from the room back out, and close the door.
The vase smashed on the door.
"I'm not so angry."
The Qin Dynasty wiped the sweat on the forehead.
"I've told you that Su Dong has a bad temper these two days. If you don't believe it, he's going to provoke people."
Qin Ling sighed in the back, as if she didn't listen to herself before complaining about the Qin Dynasty.
"I'm in a hurry too."
The Qin Dynasty helplessly said, "I was not in Sunan two days ago, and I couldn't get in touch with Suji. Now I'm back. I can't find her everywhere. Su Dong is so angry. What can I do. Even if she ate me, I would have to ask him "
and he would open the door again.
"You're crazy!"
Qin Ling quickly pulled him, "is not the recent life greasy crooked, a bit can't think of you!"
"I live happily."
Qin Dynasty hastily said.
"I have to ask where Suu Kyi is, or I can't rest assured."
"Miss Su hasn't been to school for two days. It's no use asking."
Qin Ling told the Qin Dynasty.
"I didn't come to school for two days Where on earth has this young lady gone? "
Qin Dynasty expression some anxious.
Qin Ling thought for a moment and said suddenly.
"By the way, I remember It seems that Dr. Hu Ke from the first municipal hospital came to see Miss Su when she did not leave. "
The Qin Dynasty was shocked.
Hu Ke went to Suji. What will happen.
Two girls, one is a millennium female zombie, the other is a vampire.
"You continue to take care of Su Dong here. Be careful not to be eaten by her. I'll go to the first municipal hospital! "
Qin Dynasty said hello and went outside the teaching building.
Looking at his fiery figure, Qin Ling couldn't help shaking her head.
Miss Su, I don't know if he's serious about this man.
If you are serious, you can't even catch a shadow after running for several days.
If he didn't mean it, he didn't pretend to worry.
The Qin Dynasty would not explain this problem with Qin Ling. He went down to the teaching building and there was no one on the left and right. He directly launched the nine you poisonous spider appendage and immediately came to the downstairs of the first municipal hospital.
He entered the hospital, where there were still patients and people coming and going.
Qin Dynasty know Hu Ke's office, straight lenglengleng toward upstairs.
"Who are you looking for, comrade?"
When the Qin Dynasty opened the door of Hu Ke's office, there was not the figure of a thousand year old female zombie sitting inside. Instead, there was a little nurse, with a pair of watery eyes, looking at herself in surprise.
The first hospital of the city is worthy of being a famous large hospital in southern Jiangsu. All the head nurses are very beautiful.
This one in front of me is not bad.
Seeing her, the Qin Dynasty couldn't help thinking of Yang Lilai.
Although I often receive messages from Yang Li, it seems that I haven't had contact with this girl for a while.
"I'm looking for Dr. Hu kehu."
Qin Dynasty said directly.
The little nurse took the Qin Dynasty as a patient and continued to dispense medicine on a working table without lifting his head.
It's a neat move. It's done often.
"No I'm her friend. I have something to do with her... "
"Register first."
The little nurse continued without raising her head. "Dr. Hu is very busy. I have seen many patients like you. Everyone says that he is a friend of Dr. Hu Friends and friends, if you are friends with every patient, would Dr. Hu not be able to take care of him... "
This girl, her mouth is very broken.
Qin Dynasty had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and planned to call Hu Ke first.
As a result, there is a tone in the phone that the user you dialed is turned off.
The Qin Dynasty was helpless.
Grandma, today is not a good day.
"go to register, maybe you can go to see a doctor today. A little later. I don't know what day I'll be waiting for. "The little nurse continued to talk while dispensing the medicine.
"Hu Ke Ren, I don't answer her cell phone." The Qin Dynasty had no choice but to ask.
"You are a real man. I told you to register!"
The little nurse turned around and looked at the Qin Dynasty with a look of displeasure. "I have told you to register before you can see a doctor. Do you understand the rules"
"I have no foil..."
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "I'm looking for Hu Ke to do something."
"You're not sick? I think you are very ill! "
The little nurse frowned and said, "I can't even understand. Besides, this is a hospital. If you don't see a doctor, what do you do with the doctor. Dr. Hu is in surgery now. He's very busy. You'd better go downstairs and register honestly. It's impossible to go through the back door or something! "
Khan, who's going through the back door!
The Qin Dynasty was helpless and was driven mad by this girl.
"Xiao Nan, is the medicine ready? The people in ward 3 are still waiting."
Just then, a familiar voice began to ring.
The Qin Dynasty looked back and saw a graceful figure behind him.
Seeing her, Qin Dynasty laughed.
"who would you like to meet here? Brother Qin? "
The pretty little nurse on the opposite side blinked and looked at the man who was thinking about it day and night.
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