Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 942

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Chapter 942

"Fado, you should pay more attention recently."
In the stronghold of luochamen, Xiaobai tells her to find the female devil who is practicing Jiuyou Dharma and says.
"Well, sister Xiaobai, long time no see."
Although this little devil's age has been unable to calculate, but according to the psychological age, or called Xiaobai sister.
"Recently, the luochamen seems to be in a state of panic. Many new people have disappeared for no reason."
Fado sat in the living room, looked up and said to Xiaobai.
Xiaobai nodded, "I came back to solve this matter. I just heard Mo Ling talk to me. Therefore, you have to pay more attention recently. There must be a conspiracy against us
"Uh huh..."
Faduo nodded cleverly, "don't worry, sister Xiaobai. I'm also in the state of concentration now. If there are bad people coming, fado will defeat them
"Ha ha, concentration period is very weak in us."
Xiaobai saw that faduo was full of confidence. Although she could not bear to attack her, she was still reminded that "if there is a real danger, don't hesitate and try to escape."
Fado is just an ordinary civilian devil. Mind skills, demon cannon, these are not. However, as a demon, she learned Jiuyou Dharma with ease.
In just a few months, she raised her realm to the stage of concentration, and her speed was amazing.
"I see, sister Xiaobai, don't worry about me Well, what's the matter with your Lord
"He's fine. Don't worry."
Xiaobai knew faduo's infatuation, so he laughed and told her, "Mr. Qin has been carefree recently. You don't have to worry about him."
Fado took a deep breath and seemed to have made a decision and said, "fado is still too weak to help adults. Therefore, fado should practice hard, and when fado's power is completed, adults will be able to use fado. "
Another infatuated woman, AI
Xiaobai sighed for his Mr. Qin, "well, you can practice well here. Fanfan, you sit around for a long time and don't say a word
Xiaobai turns his head and looks at Li Fanfan, who is listening to the music.
"You two talk about you two, I'm too lazy to say..."
Li Fanfan was lying there, motionless, like a bear about to spend the winter.
Xiaobai had to shrug his shoulders, "OK, go to find Mo Ling if you have anything. Mr. Qin seems to be looking for me. I left first. "
Xiaobai said, the body suddenly disappeared in front of faduo and Li Fanfan.
Faduo lowered his head and continued to practice silently according to the third barycenter method.
Although she made rapid progress, she was not born with magic body like the Qin Dynasty, and her vitality could circulate all the time. Fado must enter the state of meditation, so that the vitality can stay in his eight meridians with the devil breath.
But driven by the devil's breath, the flow speed is extremely fast, more than ten times faster than ordinary people. Just like you ride a bicycle, and a motorcycle driver, the speed is very different, and the time to get to the destination is also very different.
"Fado Don't you feel bored when you practice like this every day... "
Li Fanfan looked at faduo body floating a layer of light white flame, can not help but ask.
"No way"
when faduo heard Li Fanfan's voice, he gathered his energy, turned around, and said with a smile, "on the contrary, fado feels very happy. Cultivation can not only make fado feel refreshed, but also enhance his strength. Fado was very excited at the thought that he could help adults in the future. Sister Fanfan, why didn't I see that you had practiced "
" I have different foundation from you, so I can't practice
Li Fanfan is a lazy knight. He can't practice like fado.
"So, one day, you may be stronger than me."
Li Fanfan shuddered at the thought of the power of the Qin Dynasty.
Even Scofield, a blazing angel, was killed, not to mention his little lazy knight.
Resolute, how correct was the behavior of approaching Qin Dynasty at the beginning.
otherwise, it would be very difficult to protect your own life.
"OK, keep practicing. I'll go out for a walk and sit down by the lake
Li Fanfan has to admit that the scenery of luochamen is still very beautiful. It can be seen that Qin Dynasty made great efforts to this area.
"Well, I'll go with sister fan fan."
Fado stood up.
"Oh? Don't you practice? "
"Practice again by the lake"
faduo said with a smile, "sister moling told fado that if you practice in the house, the progress will slow down. Practitioners should be close to nature and find inspiration and strength from nature. "
"Well, I don't know how to practice, but I won't be tired to take one of you. Let's go."They walked out together, left the villa of luoshamen and came to the bleak field with yellow leaves.
It was autumn and the weather was cool.
Under the feet of both men, there were yellow leaves falling.
"It always feels like the tree is crying."
Fado stretched out his hand and caught a falling yellow leaf. He couldn't help saying, "we can't see such a scene in our hell."
"Everything will cry."
Li Fanfan pulled faduo, "nothing new. Let's go and go to the lake. I suddenly want to fish."
Faduo blinked, "sister moling told me that it was a favorite activity of the masters"
"cut, what does the girl know about Mo Ling?"
Li Fanfan disdained to curl his lips, "fishing is very self-cultivation, such as you are such a impatient devil, with this activity to exercise you, is the most appropriate."
"Ah, is it?"
Fado doesn't really understand that.
"Of course, you have to believe me. I don't want to lie."
Li Fanfan patted his chest and said.
"Well However, how to catch the fish... "
"Hee hee, I was prepared for this."
Li Fanfan took out two pieces of fishing gear from his backpack, sat by the sparkling lake, and began to assemble them quickly.
"I, who love this thing, naturally take tools with me all the year round."
Li Fanfan quickly assembled two fishing rods and handed them to faduo. "Come on, learn how to swing the hook from me. This hook is a science. Hum, I wanted to be a sailor. How pleasant it is to bask in the sun and eat fish on the deck every day Fado, who was playing with his fishing rod, was stunned when he heard this.
"Sister fan fan, you said, it should be the life of turtle..."
What turtle
Li Fanfan, like being trampled on his tail, jumped up and patted faduo. "Really, I'm talking to you, a little devil who doesn't know how to enjoy life! Learn from me seriously, no more interruptions
"Well, I see, sister fan fan."
Faduo is very clever and looks at Li Fanfan carefully.
"Take care of it. Put on the bait first Then, swing the hook like this. Don't get too close. There's no fish near. "
Li Fanfan tossed the hook gracefully, and the hook was thrown into the water, which immediately made a circle of ripples on the surface of the water.
"Look, my hook swing is perfect. Don't hurt yourself, don't hook anything else
"Is that so?"
Before Li Fanfan finished speaking, faduo had thrown the hook out flexibly and fell into the lake. The fish floated up and down.
"Ah, that's not bad..."
Li Fanfan nodded, "that's it. Well, tossing the hook is actually very simple, nothing. The key is to wait for the fish to hook. It's going to be a long process. You have to keep your eyes on the float. If the fish floats, it means that there is a fish on the hook. But at this time, you can't pull the hook right away, because the fish is very smart now. It will try it out first. You're floating. It's trying to test you. "
"Ah, are the fish on earth so clever?"
Fado bit a finger and said, "in our case, the fish hit the net by themselves."
“…… Be decisive. You are much happier. "
Li Fanfan thought of a fat fish clattering into the net, he couldn't help drooling.
"By the way, what did you say just now Oh, yes. Don't rush to the pole when you're just floating. When the fish is done, you're up. And don't be too late, or the fish will eat your bait and run away
When Li Fanfan finished, her fish float swayed from side to side.
"See, shaking like this is a fish trying."
After a while, the float began to rise and fall.
"On the hook, on the hook!"
Li Fanfan was very excited and lifted the fishing rod.
Suddenly, she caught a broken boot.
"Cough That's what I'm going to teach you next
Li Fanfan took off the broken boots and threw them on the yellow grass. "Sometimes you go fishing, but the harvest is not necessarily fish There may be other surprises... "
Just as he said this, fado's fish float also moved.
Fado was very happy and cried, "sister Fanfan, you've got a bite!"
"Bah, what do you mean by my bite?" Li Fanfan rolled his eyes and told him, "don't be too excited. It's easy to fail the first time you fish. Even if you can't catch anything, or catch another boot, it's nothing strange... "
Before she finished, fado pulled up the hook, a big fish half a meter long, clenched the hook and flapped its tail from side to side.
"Damn it What a big fish... " Li Fanfan was stunned."Wow, how big it is
Faduo also sent out a cry that makes people think and think. Fortunately, she is also a practitioner, and her strength is not ordinary. Otherwise, a girl who catches such a big fish will easily be pulled into the water by the fish.
"Well, it's autumn, and the fish are all fat..."
Li Fanfan couldn't help drooling when he saw the big fish.
Happy, fado pulls the fish in front of him and throws it on the ground.
The fish was quite big, and it kept flapping its tail on the grass, jumping half a meter high.
Fado is afraid that the fish will fall back into the water. She takes a palm and pats it on the head of the fish that is jumping up.
Suddenly, the fish smashed back to the ground and passed out.
"Sister Fanfan, we have something to eat tonight! Fishing is really fun
Li Fanfan stood aside, ready to cry without tears.
She had an impulse not to go fishing again.
What a shame!
Two men were looking down at the fish when a strange noise came from the woods nearby.
The voice attracted the attention of Li Fanfan and faduo.
"Well, what a strange sound of the flute."
Fado couldn't help saying.
"I'll see who played the flute..."
Faduo was about to go and have a look, but Li Fanfan grabbed her.
"Wait, look at it!"
Looking along Li Fanfan's fingers, faduo saw that a new disciple of luochamen was slowly stepping out of the villa towards the woods.
"There's something wrong with the flute. I'll follow it up secretly."
Li Fanfan pats faduo, then two people quietly follow up.
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