Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1150

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Chapter 1150

These girls are all female employees of Qian Tielong company.
From the perspective of these photos, Qian Tielong secretly took them.
Some girls showed inside, some girls showed their breasts.
In short, all kinds of spring light leakage, are placed in Qian Tielong's memory card.
Although the Qin Dynasty used to watch some sneak photos on the website, I felt slow and exciting when I looked at them, but I would feel faint and uncomfortable afterwards.
If one day, his girlfriend was secretly photographed.
It must be quite unpleasant!
As the saying goes, do not do to others what you do not want to do to others. This kind of behavior is still very hurtful.
Qian Tielong, Qian Tielong, I didn't expect that you dressed up like a gentleman, but you did such a thing.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but let luochagui, so it formatted the memory of the money Tielong directly.
Then he began to look for his computer, ah, good guy, as expected enough men, the computer stored a t wool piece.
However, these natural also can't escape Luo chagui's magic palm, was the Qin Dynasty together to format.
Wait for Qian Tielong to come back and cry with his camera and computer.
Qin Dynasty is busy in full swing, Shi Ying beside him to see some daze, can not help reaching out to pat him.
"Qin Dynasty? What's the matter with you? "
The Qin Dynasty suddenly woke up and took back the power of mind on the ghost of Luocha.
In front of her eyes, the pretty face of Shi Ying appeared again.
"What's the matter with you, you look lost in your eyes."
Shi Ying couldn't help asking.
"Nothing, just something."
When the Qin Dynasty waved her hand, how could she tell Shi Ying the truth.
"Well, come into the house quickly. Xiaoai will be very happy to see you."
Shi Ying said with a smile.
"Uh huh..."
The Qin Dynasty took back its own luochagui, with Shi Ying into her home.
This is the second time I've come to this house.
The furnishings inside are basically the same as before.
Or that very warm little home.
"Sister Shi, are you back?"
As soon as he entered the room, the Qin Dynasty saw a long and pretty young woman, who met her.
The woman was dressed in a simple and industrious manner.
"Well, Xiumei, where's Xiao AI?"
"In the inner room, I just put her to sleep."
"Xiaoai is always very obedient. She doesn't look like a one-year-old baby at all. When I used to bring children to other people's homes, I was such a big kid, just like a little devil, who could make people crazy to death. Little love is more like a little angel. "
"It's hard for you today."
Hearing others praise her daughter, Shi Ying couldn't help laughing. "There's nothing busy in the afternoon, Xiumei. You can go home from work early and have a rest."
"Really, thank you, sister Shi!"
Xiumei is very happy to hear that she can leave work early. The nanny has no vacation, and he has no time to go out and go shopping. It's still early now. I'm going to buy two new clothes by myself.
"Sister Shi, if you are busy, give me a call."
After the woman left, Shi Ying said with a smile to the Qin Dynasty.
"This is the babysitter I've hired to take care of little love. My father is also old and doesn't take good care of children. This Xiumei is very good. It seems that she has brought a lot of children. "
"Xiaoai is so smart, and actually she is more than one year old. She doesn't need any nanny."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking.
Little love is reincarnation, the memory of the last life and so on.
Even now is a year old, but the mind is not a one-year-old baby.
"Well, but her body is still a year old. She can't walk yet. She needs personal care."
Shi Ying explained.
She took the Qin Dynasty and crept to Li Xiaoai's room.
A little girl about one year old is sleeping on her little bed with a sweet smile on her mouth.
Li Xiaoai, at such a young age, is already a standard beauty. It seems that she will be like her mother in the future, and she will be a disaster grade beauty. AI
Shi Ying lovingly kisses Xiaoai on Xiaoai's pink face, then takes the hand of the Qin Dynasty and stealthily walks out of the room.
"It's a pity that Xiao AI fell asleep and couldn't see you. She also miss you very much. She often talks to me about you
After closing the door, Shi Ying said to the Qin Dynasty.
"I really miss Egypt when I think of the days when I met Xiao AI in the prefectures"
the Qin Dynasty couldn't help feeling.
At that time, I actually went to save the eldest lady, and on the way, I saved the soul of little love and came back together.
Then, I met Shi Ying.This is also a kind of fate.
"I also knew for the first time that there was such a thing, and I was afraid and excited. What kind of person are you in the Qin Dynasty? "
Shi Ying asked curiously.
Although she liked the man, she didn't know his identity.
He is very mysterious. He comes and goes like a gust of wind. He can't catch his figure.
"I, in fact, I'm just a school security guard, but I'm just a Taoist."
The Qin Dynasty explained it at random.
It is not allowed to disclose to ordinary people about the truth cultivation world.
After all, ordinary people have the life of ordinary people, and those who practice the truth have the life of practitioners.
"Daoism Can you teach me? "
Shi Ying immediately asked again.
Daoism is so magical. Who doesn't want to learn it?
"no, you are too old. You have already passed the best time to learn."
The Qin Dynasty hastily explained.
I'd like to brush. Shi Ying wants to learn magic. This It's not very reliable.
"You think I'm old..."
Shi Ying's look suddenly a little gloomy, "indeed I'm a mother, not a young girl... "
"Well, that's not what I mean."
The Qin Dynasty quickly waved his hand and said, "I mean, your age has passed the best stage of study. Because the best age for learning is from four to eight. After this age, it is very difficult to learn. If I teach little love, it's about the same. "
"It's just that I thought you hated me for being old
Shi Ying is a little relieved.
After all, she is no longer in her prime. I remember that Shi Ying, who just graduated from University, is very confident and proud.
Both ability and appearance are her capital.
But now, I am already a mother, no longer like that year.
Therefore, a lot of times, can not help but worry about gain and loss.
Although the appearance, and a female college students no difference, or so beautiful as flowers, young beauty.
But she knew in her heart that she was already a woman who was going to be three.
This woman, after 20 years old, actually began to worry.
Women don't look like men. Men are really golden age after 30.
And once a woman has passed 30, it is basically equal to the old woman.
Therefore, before the age of 30, to find a suitable man is directly related to the life after 30, whether it is happy or miserable.
"However, you want to be Xiao AI's teacher, she may not want to."
Hearing Shi Ying say such a sentence, the Qin Dynasty slightly surprised.
"Because our little love said that when she grows up, she will marry you as a wife."
Shi Ying can't help blushing when she thinks of Xiaoai's original words.
Xiaoai doesn't understand what these affections love. But children like a person, but they really like it.
That's what she told herself.
Mom, when I grow up, shall we marry uncle Qin together.
"Little love is so cute."
Qin Dynasty can't help but think of his daughter, Xiao Ying, on the actual age, should be about as big as Xiao AI.
However, her daughter is a practitioner and proficient in general reading. Her body is developing rapidly. It is estimated that she will be able to go to primary school in two or three years.
Precocious, precocious.
"But when she grows up, I'll be an old man, ha ha."
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
"I'm older than you."
Shi Ying couldn't help feeling.
"Oh, beauty Shi, don't worry about it. You're not old. You're still like a lady of two or eight. "
"No, you are the most glib, and you can coax women with such words."
Shi Ying is very impolitely, once exposed the means of the Qin Dynasty.
"Cough, this..."
The Qin Dynasty coughed twice, and then said, "well, I have a way to stop Yan. I can give it to you. Even if you are in your sixties, you will still be as young and beautiful as a woman in her twenties. "
"Ah! Really? "
Shi Ying was pleasantly surprised.
Women will never dislike that they are too young. With such magical methods, which woman will be crazy for it!
"Well, it's not difficult. It's a combination of breathing and massage. At the same time, in the diet, also need to pay attention to some. "
This method of garrisoning Yan was just told by rod to the Qin Dynasty.
This thousand year old devil has many things to know.
This method is not only effective for people to stay in their faces, but also can prolong their life. It is not a problem to live for one or two hundred years.In fact, it is also a simple way to cultivate the truth.
But this kind of shallow method, to the woman, attraction is fatal.
In particular, Shi Ying is a beautiful woman who has given birth to a baby.
"Can it be so amazing..."
"Why, you don't believe me"
the Qin Dynasty said with a smile.
"Believe, how can you not believe Then, when will you teach me... "
"After dinner, you are in a hurry. Don't worry. I can't run without eating
"Go! It's smooth again. "
Shi Ying rolled her eyes and turned to go to the kitchen.
"I'll do it for you. I'm a good craftsman."
The Qin Dynasty followed and stood up to help. But when Shi Ying heard him get up, she immediately turned around and pushed him back to the sofa.
"The kitchen is not a place for men to go. Just sit here, watch TV and get ready to wash your hands and eat."
Said, also for the Qin Dynasty turned on the television, and then went to the kitchen.
Tut Tut, a good woman is in the way
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help feeling that whoever married enjoyed happiness.
He was thinking, and soon his eyes were drawn to the plot on TV.
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