Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 694

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Chapter 694

"Ah, ah!"
The toad spirit seemed to have been badly hurt. He was rolling on the ground in pain. He had a lot of sword marks on his body and was bleeding.
"Oh, yes, I'm sorry!"
The good-natured fate dream, originally only wanted to break up those disgusting water arrows, but also hurt the other side. She hastily put away her sword and apologized.
"You, are you ok..."
"Quack I, I'm dying... "
The toad spirit lay on the ground, dying, and seemed to be out of breath.
"No, I didn't expect I've lived for more than a thousand years Finally, she died in the hands of an Emei Taoist nun... "
"Boo Hoo hoo, it's my fault I didn't mean to... "
Yuanmeng has been following her master since she was a child. This is her first time to kill people. When she saw that toad Jing was dying, she was also very scared.
"Little girl, look, for the sake of my death Can you, can you please satisfy my wish... "
The toad spirit, a word without a word, said to Yuan Meng.
"You say, I promise."
Yuan dream did not think so much, just think that people die for big. This toad spirit is going to die. It should not be too much to promise him a request.
"You, you are really fragrant You, you come here a little, let me smell your smell, I die also safe, at ease... "
That toad Spirit said pathetic, let Yuan Meng feel that he can't refuse.
"Well, I promise you."
Anyway, they are all dying people. If you want to smell it, you can smell it Yuan dream hesitated for a while, also agreed.
She took two steps forward, a little closer to the toad spirit.
"And then, a little further forward..."
The toad Spirit said, "I'm dying, and my nose is not so sensitive..."
Yuan Meng was obedient and took a few steps forward.
"And closer I'm going to die. Don't despise me Please... "
Toad essence all said that, the edge dream also ruthlessly ruthless, walked in front of the toad essence.
"Smell, smell..."
Yuan Meng couldn't bear to see the pain of toad Jing, so she turned her head subconsciously.
At this time, toad spirit, who was dying, suddenly began to laugh. Then, Yuan Meng felt tight all over her body. She saw that her body was entangled with toad essence's tongue.
"Ha ha ha What a fool
The toad spirit didn't know how to practice. He could still say such clear words with his tongue outstretched, "you can be so stupid! You deserve to be my bride, ha ha ha! It's so fragrant. Let me, let me lick you first, and then let you die later
Toad Jing said, twining the tongue of Yuan Meng's body, he stretched out and reached for the face of Yuanmeng.
Yuan Meng couldn't help but scream.
"Sorry, this is not the one you should lick."
At this time, a cold voice, from the side of the ring.
Then, a black sword light flashed by, and the toad spirit immediately howled.
His tongue, which had been cultivated for thousands of years, was cut off by a sword.
Blood gushed from the toad essence's mouth. This time, he was dying of pain. He covered his mouth and rolled on the ground.
"When you've smelled it, you'll die."
The man flew up and stepped on the toad spirit's head.
"Poof!" With a dull sound, the toad spirit's head suddenly exploded. Although the toad essence has been practising for thousands of years, it has not even a young baby. Once his head is gone, he suddenly dies.
"Qin, elder brother Qin?"
When the toad spirit died, the tongue lost control and fell to the ground.
Edge dream all over a loose, but there is no sense, just staring at the other side of the grass out of the people.
, "what is your brand of perfume, which is so fragrant that you even attract toad?"
"Brother Qin has come to make fun of me again..."
Yuan Meng was playing with her clothes and said with some embarrassment, "since I was a child, my body is very fragrant. So, what perfume has never been put on? In the past, butterflies and bees often come here, but for the first time... "
"Of course
Qin Dynasty nodded, "this toad essence, is not smelling your fragrance."
"What is that..."
"It's for your beauty..."
"Brother Qin made fun of me again..."
This edge dream low head, face red, unspeakable beauty moving.
Qin Chaoxin said, in the end is one of the seven famous flowers, ah, the beauty is really amazing.
This is also born in Emei. If you want to be in other sects, you can't let the brothers' eyes be red!"I can't make fun of you."
Qin Dynasty put his hands in his pocket and said with a smile, "sister Yuanmeng is very beautiful originally. Hasn't anyone else praised you so much?"
"Except for what elder martial brother Beigong of misty peak said, elder brother Qin is the second."
"Elder martial brother Beigong?"
Qin Chaoxin said, where did such a person come out.
Yuan Meng nodded, "is the little master of the North Palace family of the misty peak. We've known each other since we were little. "
"Oh, it's a childhood sweetheart."
Qin Dynasty did not know why, heard this, the heart some sour.
Men are greedy animals. When you see a beautiful woman with a boyfriend, you can't help feeling upset.
"I forgot to thank elder brother Qin for saving me..."
The little beauty thought of business. "But why is elder brother Qin here?"
"Ah, I'm passing down the mountain. When I hear something here, I'll come and have a look. I didn't expect that the hero would save the United States
The Qin Dynasty laughed, then pretended to know nothing, and asked, "well, why is sister Yuanmeng here alone? What about your master and his fellow teachers and sisters? "
"She, they have something to do. They go back to Emei first..."
When it comes to this, the fate of the dream is somewhat gloomy.
Master even suspected that he helped elder brother Qin steal the Yangshen sword array It's impossible. She doesn't believe that elder brother Qin can be a thief.
"Qin, elder brother Qin Can I ask you a question... "
Yuan dream heart something, can't help, want to ask out.
The Qin Dynasty probably knew what she wanted to ask.
"Brother Qin What's the name of the sword technique you used today
"Broken heart sword array."
"Broken heart sword array? I, why haven't I heard of it? "
Yuan Meng is a little curious.
"This is the magic of fairyland, and I got it by accident." The Qin Dynasty said, "if you like, I can teach you."
"Ah, I, I don't learn!"
The sincerity of Qin Dynasty made Yuan dream feel guilty.
How can I doubt elder brother Qin! That's not right.
"That's brother Qin's unique skill. How can you teach it to me, an outsider..."
"How can it be an outsider?" The Qin Dynasty waved his hand and said, "you also used pills to save my life."
"Qin, elder brother Qin can recover himself. The medicine is just icing on the cake What's more, the medicine belongs to our school, and I don't send it... "
"What does that have?" The Qin Dynasty said, "you are not from Emei. What's the difference between your school and you! In my heart of Qin Dynasty, I have been reading your good
"Really, really..."
Heard the Qin Dynasty said the heart has been reading their own, this fate dream for a time, unexpectedly some crazy.
But she soon remembered another thing.
Since elder brother Qin is not practicing Yang Shen sword array, how can she tell her master? Master's attitude seems to believe that he helped elder brother Qin steal Yang Shen sword array.
Besides, who stole the Yang Shen sword array?
"Sister Yuanmeng, where are you going next?"
Qin Dynasty still likes this lovely little younger martial sister, can't help but ask.
"I, I..."
Yuan Meng hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "in fact, elder brother Qin, I was punished by the school. So, according to the rules, I have to go back to Mount Emei step by step. "
Qin Dynasty breathed a sigh of relief, "fortunately, this is the territory of Sichuan. If you want to go back to Mount Emei, it's not far away. But why are you punished
"Master suspects me He stole the Yang Shen sword array in the Sutra Pavilion. "
"Your master is really stupid." Qin Dynasty curled her lips, "my lovely sister Yuanmeng, how can you do that kind of thing?"
Don't say that, master
Yuan Meng repeatedly waved her hand, "she is also worried that I will do something wrong She, she thought, I was, I stole it for you... "
"Hey, that's even more ridiculous!"
The Qin Dynasty said, "even if I had to practice any magic arts, I would not choose your Emei Yangshen sword array! You have, but a set of more people, the better joint attack. As the leader of the luochamen sect, I'm actually a bare rod commander. What's the use of Yang Shen sword array? "
Qin Chaoxin said, "I want it. It's also your sect's white lotus sky fire."!
But Yuan dream is too simple, the Qin Dynasty did not want to use this little girl. Therefore, when I was with her, I would never mention Bailian Tianhuo.
"But Master thinks that your broken heart sword array is similar to Yang Shen sword array. "
"That's right. Those white lotus choppers, like the swords of your sword array, are all formed by the solidification of vitality to the extreme. But it's too far fetched. Many schools have the same magic arts. Did they steal a Dharma decision from where they all practiced together? Your master is so unreasonable"No, don't say that to my master..."
"Well, I'll go with you to Mount Emei."
As soon as the Qin Dynasty waved his hand, he said, "I would like to discuss with the monk of Qing Dynasty. Why should I determine that my broken heart sword array has something to do with her Yang Shen sword array! It's a slur on my character! I'm absolutely, absolutely not allowed. "
As a matter of fact, the Qin Dynasty was used to it for a long time.
The reason why he insisted on this was that he wanted to make a statement for Yuanmeng.
"Well, this is not good..."
Yuan Meng has some worries. After all, elder brother Qin is a member of luochamen. It's not good to have a conflict with his school again.
"Don't worry, I'll try my best to speak well."
Anyway, it's out today. It's better to do everything together. Fate dream and his acquaintance, but also fate. Well, the main reason is that they are beautiful women.
It's about the beauties of Qin Dynasty.
"Then I will be wronged by elder brother Qin..."
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