Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 806

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Chapter 806

When Qin Dynasty heard that Su Fei was angry, even Rolls Royce couldn't afford to sit. He got out of the car directly, found a place where no one was, and quickly returned to the school.
As soon as I came back, I heard the loud voice of tension calling injustice in the security office.
"Su Dong, we really don't know where brother Qin went He did come to work in the morning, really! "
"Yes, they testify."
This is Chen Yingyang's soft tune, "remembering that you can see the Qin Dynasty every morning, people will be careful, and the liver will be pounding and skipping."
The Qin Dynasty resisted the impulse to spit blood outside the door, calmed down his flickering heart and continued to listen.
"Well, you should give him less attention."
Su Fei's pleasant voice also rang, "I've heard Qin Ling say that this guy often leaves work. There is not much time for him to stand guard! I don't want to hide it for you
"This Su Dong, you know, brother Qin is usually busy. "
Tension said with a smile, "what's more, there's nothing wrong with the school. It's just our brothers who help him stare at it."
"Since you are here, what can I do with him as an idle man?"
Su Fei's voice is not very happy.
"Just forget him."
"No Tension quickly said, "with brother Qin in, we people have the backbone."
"That's right. People will cry if they can't see him!"
Chen Yingyang is estimated to be pounding his chest and feet. In the heart of the Qin Dynasty, you can cry to death.
Princess Su looked at several submissive security guards in front of her, and she was angry.
These guys are not bad to them at ordinary times, and their bonus is not less. At the critical time, he did not face himself, but towards the Qin Dynasty. What a nuisance!
And the guy of Qin Dynasty, he was so good to him, but when he got to the key point, he couldn't find anyone else! Damn it!
This guy, he feels very reliable. How can he lose his chain?
In Su Fei's mind, suddenly appeared the man with black scale mask.
That man, it seems, is much more reliable than the Qin Dynasty.
He always seems to be in a corner, guarding himself. When you are in danger, you will suddenly appear by your side.
But who is that man? Is he really human?
Hateful Qin Dynasty, he was so good to him, how could he become more and more unreliable!
"Qin Ling, write me a notice to exempt me from the post of Qin Dynasty..."
"Oh, boss Su, how can you come to our security office so much as you have time?"
When the imperial concubine Su was angry and wanted to expel the Qin Dynasty, the unreliable guy just pushed the door in.
He saw Su Fei and said hello with a smile, "good afternoon I didn't expect that boss Su would come when I went to the toilet. "
"Go to the bathroom?"
Seeing the Qin Dynasty, Princess Su raised her eyebrows. Secretary Qin lingqin beside her quietly winked at Qin Dynasty. That's like, you're miserable.
"Tension, I ask you, is the toilet in our school far away?"
Su Fei looked at the Qin Dynasty and asked without turning her head.
"Well This... "
"Answer quickly! Otherwise, the bonus will be deducted! "
Princess Su became stern.
Tension a shiver, quickly said, "side, next to the teaching building there is a!"
"Well, how long does it take to go back and forth?"
"Ten minutes..."
Tension also dare not lie, had to helplessly look at the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty gave him a reassuring look, meaning you look at me.
"Oh, ten minutes."
Su Fei glanced at the leather boots of the Qin Dynasty and said, "is it that our Lord Qin, who is not very agile, has entered Parkinson's symptoms ahead of time, and has rubbed past step by step and come back step by step? In this case, why don't I pay for a wheelchair for Lord Qin? "
"Oh, no need."
The Qin Dynasty was thick skinned. Ignoring the girl's sarcasm, he continued, "boss Su, don't worry about me. I just didn't eat very clean yesterday. Oh, you know, I can't stop the diarrhea. I feel it every time I get out of the toilet. You see, more than ten times in an hour. When I come back, my legs are weak "
" Oh? "
"Qin Dynasty, you think you make up this kind of lie, I will believe you?"
"I swear to God!"
Qin immediately raised his right hand and said to the sky.
"Do you believe in God?"
Su Fei is not a fool. She has turned her lips.
"This You can believe it. "
The Qin Dynasty knew that he had not fooled the past and touched his nose awkwardly."But I was at school. I don't believe it, Su Dong. When you called me, it was only five minutes from now. If I were outside, how could I have come back so soon! "
"Oh?" Su Fei continued to look for evidence, "but you just said in the phone, you have a little bit of a matter?"
"Of course I must say that! Do you want me to tell you directly on the phone that I'm squatting in the toilet... "
Su feibai glanced at the Qin Dynasty, "forget it, today's business is over. I hope there won't be another one. In the Qin Dynasty, I asked you to do this work, not for you to raise a master, but for you to really love this line of work. "
"Serve the people!"
The Qin Dynasty quickly saluted Su Fei.
"Oh, no, serve the students! Serve boss Su
When Su Fei saw the Qin Dynasty, she was very angry and funny.
"Well, don't make a fool of yourself."
Su Fei thought of her business of looking for Qin Dynasty. She took out a folder from Qinling's arms and handed it to Qin Dynasty.
"Take a look at this document. This is the latest task of Blue Shield."
"Oh? Another mission? "
The Qin Dynasty opened the folder and took a casual look at it. "Let Leizi and Chushan go and do it Well This, this is god horse
Qin Dynasty saw the content of the document, and was shocked.
"No, elder sister, you have taken on such a task! I said, you are not fighting for a job with the government
"Of course not."
Su Fei said with a smile, "the government will be responsible for covert protection. Our tasks are all on the surface."
"I'll cut it."
Qin Dynasty some headache, "you want me to protect a 14-year-old girl?"
"It's 15 years old, to be exact."
Pointing to the documents, she said, "she just had her 15th birthday last week."
"Kill me, I don't want to take on this task..."
"As a member of Blue Shield, you are responsible for any task. Besides, only you can accomplish this task. "
The Qin Dynasty did not understand.
"Because this little girl is a tough guy. I thought for a moment, Blue Shield, only you are good at dealing with girls. Therefore, the task naturally falls on you. "
“…… I wipe it, and that's why! "
The Qin Dynasty was depressed, "but I'm very surprised. Why do you want to take over the task of protecting the little princess of England?"
"It's not what I want to pick up. It's the government that comes to the door on its own initiative."
Su Fei laughed. "Maybe the last time we did a good job, so this time they came to visit us."
Qin Chaoxin said, of course not bad, but also executed a big traitor by the way.
"When will this task begin to hinder..."
"Tomorrow, tonight, you will fly to Shanghai."
All of a sudden, Qin Dynasty was so stupid? Sister, I have an appointment with SUJ to go to the amusement park tomorrow I'll have a rest tomorrow... "
"It seems that it can only be postponed indefinitely."
Su Fei shrugged her shoulders. "Suki, I'll take care of it. Young man, what you have to do now is to work hard to make money and strive for my sister's happiness.
"old paper has money
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help saying.
"What you said is that Dafa group belongs to you, and blue shield company is the stepmother?"
Su Fei's meaning is very obvious, blue shield company, but originally signed in your name. You don't care who cares.
"This damned little princess!"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but learn the tone of Liu Chang that day, "what a good run to the mainland to play with, it's really troubling people!"
"All right, pack up and get ready to go."
Su Fei waved her hand impatiently, "you know, how many security companies want to seize this opportunity, none of them. Now that we have it, we should cherish it. Last time, blue shield company jumped from a third rate company to a first-class company. This time, I want to let everyone know that blue shield is the best security company! "
"Chengchengcheng, I promise you not yet..."
The Qin Dynasty knew that once the imperial concubine Su made a decision, it was very difficult to change it.
Alas, who let himself stand such a big sister-in-law.
At the very beginning, she got herself to Dongchuan City. When she was a bodyguard for Liao Shasha, she made a bad relationship.
Now, I'm going to Shanghai to take charge of the safety of a little British Princess.
I went there.
This time, he must keep a low profile and stifle all feelings that can be generated in the cradle.
"Well, you'd better pack up. I have to go through some formalities."With that, she left the office in a hurry.
As soon as he left, Qin Dynasty called here.
The phone number is unknown. It should be encrypted.
He picked it up and heard a sweet girl's voice opposite him.
"Qin Dynasty, why?"
"Liu Chang What can I do for you... "
"Nothing, but I gave you a big gift. Have you received it?"
"Big gift?"
The Qin Dynasty thought about it for a moment, and suddenly understood, "I depend on you. Let us blue shield company go to Shanghai to carry out the task. It turns out that it is your bad move by Liu Chang!"
"Go and go. What's a bad move!"
Liu Chang was not happy, "I help you blue shield company, such a good opportunity, do you know how many security companies have taken the lead. I've only received gifts in seven figures. Now I'm busy refunding money. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You push it out the door! "
“…… However, this is not a good thing for me "
" what are you afraid of? There is me. I'm already in Shanghai. As a government official, I'll send someone to pick up the plane. Ha ha, Qin Dynasty, now, you are my subordinate again. What kind of code do you want this time
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