Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 760

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Chapter 760

The one who said it was no one else. It was mo Tianya who had the hatred of robbing his wife from Qin Dynasty.
In fact, it is not always true to say that it is the hatred of robbing his wife. However, Mo Tianya's wishful thinking has always been this way.
"When you come to our luochamen, you can see the splendor of our luochamen. Ha ha."
The Qin Dynasty stood there with his hands on his shoulder, and did not put his cold words on Mo Tianya.
Crazy about love.
This man, in order to Shen Qing, don't say hate himself, estimated to want to tear himself to eat.
Such emotions can be understood in the Qin Dynasty.
"The end of the world, don't talk too much."
To the surprise of the Qin Dynasty, Tan Hai, the leader of Shushan, came here in person!
He is a dark blue long robe with arrow sleeves, and a fairy spirit. If he is an outsider, he will think that this is an old immortal from where.
"Master Tan!"
Qin Dynasty a hug boxing, "did not expect that the head of Tan actually came in person, really give us Luocha appearance son."
"Ha ha."
But Tan Hai waved his hand and said, "this time I come here, how much I have to do. You have to know, all the people on and off the Shushan mountain, except me and my disciple Shen Qing, regard you as the enemy. If I don't come, the ceremony of Lord Qin will be very lively. "
Tan Hai is still very face saving, and, what he said, also let the Qin Dynasty be convinced.
The leader of Shushan mountain, who can do this for himself, should also have some indication in the Qin Dynasty.
"I remember this kindness of leader tan. Mr. Tan, please take your seat. "
In the Qin Dynasty, people from Shushan were invited to say hello to each school, and then they sat in their place.
This time, except for the Qinghong Wuji Gang, all the eight sects have arrived.
The Qin Dynasty stood there and waited a little longer, but there was no sign of the last big school.
At this time, Mo Ling, the little pepper, came over and said to the Qin Dynasty, "it's almost time, and all the preparations are complete. It's time for us to start the ceremony."
The Qin Dynasty took a look at it and estimated that the Qinghong Wuji Gang might not want to come. So he nodded and said.
"Good, please come out of LiZong stele!"
"Please stele!"
Mo Ling immediately passed on the words.
At this time, a small brick house originally built in the center of the manor was suddenly broken by two disciples of luochamen.
At the same time, several disciples with musical instruments in their hands began to play a very strange music. With the sound of music, there is a huge protuberance covered by red cloth in this originally totally enclosed brick house.
The Qin Dynasty personally walked past, a wave of hand, all the rubble on the ground flew up and fell to one side.
And he stood in front of the bump, grabbed the red cloth and pulled it off.
Suddenly, a huge blue stone tablet, showing the clue.
There are three characters engraved on it, luochamen! Below, there is a small typesetting, on which is the date of the falling stele.
This is the LiZong stele of luochamen. This stele symbolizes the status of luochamen in the realm of practice. The stele is there, and the luochamen is there. If this stele dies, the luochamen will die.
"Lord of Qin clan!"
Seeing that the stone tablet came out, Mo Tianya's eyes lit up and said, "since we have invited LiZong stele, we should start to break the stele according to the rules."
Broken stele is a part of the ceremony of establishing a clan.
If you want to be recognized by various sects, you have to accept their challenge in front of the stone tablet.
Representatives of various sects will come to attack the stone tablet. If the LiZong stele is destroyed, then the ceremony of establishing a clan in the Qin Dynasty will be regarded as a failure. Luochamen is not established.
If under the attack of the heroes, the stone tablet is still alive. Then it shows that the existence of luochamen will be recognized by all.
With a wave of the Qin Dynasty, the music of the disciples around him became more powerful. He stood in front of the stone tablet and watched all the practitioners who were doing it.
"Then, heroes, who is the first to do this
"First of all..."
Mo Tianya just wants to get up, but is pressed by Tan Hai with the hilt of his sword.
"Don't be impatient until we get there."
At this time, the Buddhist master of Baotai temple, Songshan, stood up from his seat with his hands folded.
A sound of Buddha's trumpet resounds the whole manor. The Qin Dynasty had to sigh with emotion that the old monk's cultivation seemed to have improved a lot. "Lord Qin, the last time I lost to you in Shanhua Town, I was really unwilling. If you didn't have the help of rod's thousand year old devil, you would have lost in the hands of the poor monk. "
"Master of hermeneutics, you look good."
The Qin Dynasty did not agree with his words. He stood there and retorted, "Buddhism has clouds. Can you drink and peck at it. Narod, the reason why he can be attached to this seat is naturally because of his affinity with this seat. This is our great cause and effect, great fate and great luck. This seat has won you by your great cause and effect, great fate and great luck. Why do you say that you did not lose to this seat? ""This..."
After being said by the Qin Dynasty, he didn't know what to continue to say.
He had to put his hands together and read the name of Buddha, "Amitabha The head of the Qin clan is really smart. But today, the poor monk is prepared. The head of the Qin clan should be careful. "
"Hahaha, master of Dharma, I still have a word to say in front of me."
The Qin Dynasty is still carrying both hands, standing in front of the monument, light said, "the cultivation of this seat is not what you can shake. If you want to win this seat, you have to go back and Practice for another hundred years. "
"Lord Qin, isn't this a little premature?"
These words of the Qin Dynasty, to be honest, most of the people present didn't believe it.
Last time in Shanhua Town, the Qin Dynasty won over the master of Buddhism because he relied on rod's help and the power of the great Yin and Yang evil king sword.
With the help of Shushan, Wang bianxie is also in Shushan.
He is a master of Buddhism in other people's temple.
The four fold cultivation of the body is solid, step by step.
Qin Dynasty was a man with a little bit of luck. He might have a lot of adventures and high skill. But when it comes to basic skills, he is not the same as the master of Buddhism.
"Look, the Qin Dynasty became so arrogant when he was the head of the gate."
"When will he not be mad?"
"If people are highly cultivated, they can be arrogant."
In the face of various sects' comments, Qin Dynasty just laughed but did not answer.
He is crazy. He has the capital of him. Because, he is a nouveau riche.
He just stood there, not answering the interpretation, but waving at him. That means you can attack.
"Lord Qin, be careful. This time, no one can help you!"
The Buddha beads on his hands were suddenly pulled open and thrown out to the Qin Dynasty.
"Brush, brush, brush!"
The Buddha beads, in all directions, are divided there. Then, the appearance of a arhat venerable appeared on it.
"Ah! What the hell
The Qin Dynasty suddenly heard rod exclaimed. Then, the yin-yang bell in his body flew out in an instant, and was grasped by the arhat venerable, and then pressed under his body.
At this moment, the Qin Dynasty felt that rod, who had been parasitic in his body, had been dragged away.
"This is the falling magic spell that I have practiced for a long time, and it is specially used to restrain the soul and the young."
The master of hermeneutics told the clue of Qin Dynasty, which made Qin Dynasty helpless.
Indeed, he used to rely heavily on rod. But now, it doesn't matter to him whether rod is here or not.
Because he has better power to fight.
"Lord Qin, be careful."
Seems to think that their own victory in hand, release the master that expression is very happy. In an instant, he came to the face of the Qin Dynasty, and at the same time, he swept to the face of the Qin Dynasty.
"Prajna palm!"
The palm power of Buddhism is very strong and overbearing. But in the Qin Dynasty, he just held out his right hand and casually blocked the old monk's palm.
A tumultuous air wave suddenly exploded.
"Master of Dharma, I'm not talking about you today. It doesn't make any sense to think about it carefully. I don't bully people. I'll deal with you with one hand. Move two hands, even if this seat loses
"Boy, that's crazy."
"Is he crazy? That's the master of hermeneutics."
"It's really worthy of being the master of luochamen, arrogant and overbearing."
A word from the Qin Dynasty attracted many people's opinions.
The Buddhist master's face is not good-looking. In fact, the old monk is the one who needs face.
"Lord Qin, how arrogant
"Average, third in the world."
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "if you don't hand, it will be me."
He said, rolling black smoke.
Three thousand luochagui!
One after another, the ferocious skeletons kept pounding on the old monk.
Fortunately, the monks of Songshan temple are very good at fighting against the temple. Otherwise, it is estimated that the master will have to spit up three liters of blood.
Rao is so, his body, or was hit out.
"Xumi mountain palm!"
However, the master of Dharma interpretation is worthy of being an eminent monk with rich combat experience.
Although he was in the air, he still slapped the larger stone tablet.
Xumi mountain palm, hurt people from the space!
A huge golden palm print, coming out of the sky, was photographed towards the LiZong tablet.
Unless the stone tablet is made of diamond, it will be smashed.
The Qin Dynasty, however, was calm.
A white sword suddenly appeared on his right hand.White lotus chop.
The Qin Dynasty offered a sword and sent it out to the fingerprints.
In the sky, there is a white light.
The huge palm print, cut by the platinum lotus once, suddenly split into pieces and exploded into countless golden lights.
The power of Heavenly Sword!
"Six character Daming mantra!"
But the master didn't give up. He put his hands together and murmured out the six character Daming mantra.
"Oh! Well! How about it! Boom! Mi! Hum
Six colors of light, six huge characters, toward the stone tablet constantly rushed in the past.
None of these ten thousand characters is more powerful than a missile. Moreover, these tens of thousands of characters attacked at the same time in six directions.
Qin Dynasty around a glance, the look is still so calm.
"Broken heart sword array!"
A long white sword goes straight to the sky.
Then, thousands of swords fell down and were nailed around the stone tablet.
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