Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1077

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Chapter 1077

He stood there, and a small King Kong like, indomitable to look at the opposite of tiandanzi.
The tail on the back, swinging around.
Other people don't understand, only the Qin Dynasty knows what kind of monster this brother is, but the real ancient fierce beast!
Which of these ancient ferocious beasts is weak? Each of them has accomplishments above the golden age.
Perhaps the weakest, that is, the kind of Bluebird who died by themselves, has unique ability and is not strong in cultivation.
Although Shan Sao exclaimed that he was not a combat unit, he also had the strength of Jinshen Jiuchong!
It's a level with the master of Zixia cave!
In the realm of cultivation, there are several opponents of such cultivation.
Otherwise, how can it be regarded as a terrible ancient beast.
As soon as I heard that the tomb of Shanhai was opened, how could these righteous practitioners be so nervous.
"How can a little monster have such a powerful magic power?"
That day, Danzi's eyes were cloudy and sunny. "Hu Qing, it seems that you have gained some benefits from the mountain and sea tomb."
"This seat has nothing to do with Shanhai tomb!"
Hu Qing frowned, "you don't want to buckle this shit pot to the top of our evil alliance. If you want to fight, fight if you want. Our evil alliance will not be afraid of you! "
"Hum, you know what you did. In a word, today, you demons should be completely destroyed here! "
With that, he pinched his hands, and the fireballs became beads, and he flashed toward Hu Qing one after another.
"Master, don't worry, I will protect you!"
Shan Sao said, his tail suddenly turned into a huge fan, flashing around.
A huge storm suddenly set off, and the fireballs that rushed over were all fanned out, and then exploded in every corner of the hall.
The fire continued to explode, and many righteous disciples were howling and flying, which made tiandanzi look ugly.
The power of his flames is no worse than what missiles are now. If it were not for some accomplishments of these people, they would be blown into pieces, and their flesh and blood would be blurred.
I didn't expect that this little monster has a deep cultivation!
That tail, is more changeable!
"What a monster, let me meet you today!"
Tiandanzi was about to make another move, but an elder of Qinghong called out.
"Master tiandanzi, wait a minute. Let me meet this little demon first!"
This elder heart says, how can such a good opportunity for publicity be given to you Kunlun!
Since the defeat of the luochamen battle, the leader of Hongmeng Taoist Association was killed, and this Qinghong's momentum has plummeted!
At such a good opportunity, we must seize the opportunity to wish that the two attacks of tiandanzi have been cracked. It is estimated that the goblin's tail is a quenched magic weapon.
As long as you restrain yourself well and kill the monster, you can at least pull back the momentum of Qinghong in front of these righteous ways.
The elder of Qinghong said, and his body moved forward. The whole person was like a big dragon. He kept twisting his body, and then he called on the dragon to fight against shansao.
"Hill, be careful!"
Hu Qing saw that the power of the blow was not low, and there was a faint blue light on the elder's palm.
She picked up shansao, jumped lightly from the fountain and fell to one side.
The elder's palm struck the fountain in an instant, smashing the marble fountain into pieces.
The power of the hit dragon fighter surprised everyone.
You are worthy of being the elder of Qinghong. Even if the sect is weak, it also has a strong side.
There is a saying how to say, thin camel is more serious than bird Oh, no, it's bigger than ma.
"Do you think you can hide?"
The elder stood in the rubble and sneered.
"If you broke the fountain in this building, you should remember to compensate for it"
Hu Qing stood aside and said delicately.
In this voice, the elder's eyes were slightly dull.
Thanks to his own skill, he soon regained his pure and clear mind.
"How dare you seduce me! Look, I won't accept you! "
He said, aimed at Hu Qing and held out his hand.
"Dragon catcher!"
The vitality in his body began to flow back madly.
The palm, as if opened a big hole, with a strong pulling force, constantly pulling Hu Qing's body in the distance.
Hu Qingxiu was still weak, and could not resist such a strong pull at all, so he slipped towards the elder little by little.
"Don't hurt my headmaster!"
The mountain Sao moved again.
The tail behind him suddenly became very long, entangled Hu Qing's waist and fixed her in place.
At the same time, his body sprang out, and his palms clapped at the opposite elder Qinghong."You want to die!"
The elder roared, "dragon hitter!"
His right hand was shining with blue light, and he slapped Shan Sao's chest.
"Ha ha! Look who's dead
Shan Sao laughs and takes back one hand. His other hand sticks to the other's Dragon batsman.
"Hill, no!"
Hu Qing was shocked, but it was too late to stop him.
And when everyone thought the little monster was going to be blown to pieces, an amazing scene appeared.
The elder Qinghong spat blood out of his mouth. His body flew upside down and finally smashed into the fish tank on one side.
The wall of the fish tank was smashed directly. The goldfish came out with the water and patted on the marble floor.
"Well, how could this be possible?"
Everyone's a little silly.
How can a little monster have such a strong cultivation?
"Well, how could it be?"
Tiandanzi's eyes are also big.
The elder of Qinghong is even more embarrassed and dare not say anything.
This time, it's a big shame.
Qinghong, it's over.
Tiandanzi hesitated for a moment. He wanted to make a move, which made him embarrassed.
If you win, it's all about catching the monster.
In case of losing, he is the leader of Kunlun, and the Kunlun people will be lost!
You can't be a joke. You can't be the second Qinghong.
The key is, where does this little monster come from? How can it be so strong!
That's weird!
Several elders and leaders of other sects are also hesitating.
Do you want to do it or not!
Hand, in case of losing, where will the old face go?
No? Just let a little monster be arrogant here?
That's not the whole proper joke.
One side of the oriental cherry, suddenly eyes a turn, looking at the proud little monster, smile way.
"This little monster has some strength, but we are all experts who have been famous for many years. We should not bully you. By the way, Lord Qin, you are also a newly rising genius in the Xiuzhen world. Why don't you try to reach out with this little monster? "
Oriental cherry finish saying, people suddenly realize.
By the way, I almost forget that there is a powerful figure of the devil's road here!
The power of the Qin Dynasty's thunder robbery period is enough to fight a monster!
Even if we lose, we won't lose a decent face.
"that is, Lord Qin, we are looking forward to your performance."
Tiandanzi also said with a smile, "don't forget our agreement!"
The Chin Dynasty frowned.
It's a piece of grass.
Sure enough, I got a black hand.
Grandma's fork!
But now, as long as he has the chance to get Renyuan gold elixir, he has to try it first.
After a few moves with shansao, you'll lose?
Well, that's a good idea.
"Well, in that case, I am not humble."
Qin Dynasty walked out quickly, stood in the field, looked at the mountain Sao, "monkey demon, today you are in the hands of this seat, you have poured eight generations of blood mold!"
"Bah, if you want to fight, don't talk nonsense!"
Shansao was a little grumpy.
"Well, why are you so violent? It's not good to have a chat first and then do it." Said the Qin Dynasty.
"Who's talking to you!"
Shan Sao was impatient. His tail swung behind him and turned into a sharp blade. He waved around, "come on!"
"Wait a minute!"
Just as they were about to start, Hu Qing suddenly put in a word.
They all looked at her.
"Both of you will wait a moment. Before you start, I have a few words to say to the Lord of Qin."
Qin Dynasty eyebrow flies a little, then way, "what do you want to say with me?"
"Lord Qin, I can't help but give you this face."
Hu Qing ha ha a smile, "how to say again, we are also acquaintances in the past, the opportunity to say two words, you will always give this seat."
"Well, what do you say, say it."
Hu Qing's cheeks suddenly turned crimson. The Qin Dynasty swallowed his mouth.
Different from all the women I know, this beauty is full of flattery and has an attractive charm everywhere.
Even if the Qin Dynasty, who was used to seeing beautiful women, couldn't help but be slightly distracted.
"Qin Dynasty..."
Qin Dynasty came to her slowly.
And the Qin Dynasty conceited that there was a Vajra Sutra in the body, and did not care.
"What are you going to say?"
"I want to say Kiss me... "Hu Qing in a group of people's gaping, suddenly kiss the Qin Dynasty's lips.
I'll mow the grass!
Qin Dynasty, like everyone else, exclaimed in their hearts.
What the hell is going on!
Is Laozi's lips smeared with honey?
A bunch of women are coming up for a taste?
All men in this moment, envy, jealousy, hate!
All kinds of eyes fell on Qin Dynasty.
This boy, in the end, what kind of peach blossom he went was lucky. Even Shan Sao didn't understand what was going on, so he scratched his head in the back.
Are they having an affair?
How worried are you?
"The great method of recollection!"
Only Hu Qing knows that she kisses the Qin Dynasty in order to display a unique magic of the fox nationality.
The Qin Dynasty has forgotten the memory, filled in.
She wanted the Qin Dynasty to know who was Hu Lili.
Otherwise, if I really die, my daughter will not be a fox for life.
Or, if the memory of the Qin Dynasty revived, even if he would hate what he had done to him, he would be moved by his daughter.
With his daughter in this relationship, will he not help himself?
Hu Qing's mind is very crafty, otherwise he is called the fox clan.
In the mind of the Qin Dynasty, it seemed that something was touched, and then, it was broken into pieces.
A series of memories, like a movie, flow through my mind.
The memory of the Qin Dynasty, as if stopped in a certain day.
A pretty girl, standing in the middle of the road, a speeding sports car, whistling into the past.
He seemed to be pushed by fate, rushed up, grabbed the little girl, and then crashed the sports car.
After that, two people together scene by scene, continuous screening.
Finally, in the desert, she kisses herself and sends the magic pill back to her body. At the same time, in order not to let herself hate her, she washes away all her memories about her.
Finally, a little white fox, curled up at his feet.
"Hu, Hu Lili..."
Qin Dynasty suddenly mumbled out a person's name, a name he should not forget.
"Yes, it's Hu Lili You shouldn't forget her Remember the name. "
Hu Qingsong opened the Qin Dynasty, stepped back and said.
I really shouldn't forget her. No wonder Fang Wen asked herself again and again.
Brother Qin, do you really forget who Lili is?
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