Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 475

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Chapter 475

Jiuyou giant elephant, breaking through space!
The fist of the Qin Dynasty directly turned the troll into scum. At the same time, in front of the ground, appeared a deep gully, as if there had been a huge dragon, rolling past from here.
"Cut, is that the end of the carnival?" The Qin Dynasty put the cigar back to its mouth, took a puff, and spit out a cigarette ring in the gully.
However, it seems that he is deliberately satirizing the Qin Dynasty.
The troll, who has been blasted into pieces of flesh, has begun to rebirth.
Those pieces of small pieces of meat, began to wriggle up, began to assemble each other.
In the blink of an eye, in front of the Qin Dynasty, a huge meat ball, like a cocoon, kept shaking.
The arms, the thighs, one by one, stretched out from the meat ball.
The troll man, once again, climbed out of the hell and stood in front of the Qin Dynasty.
"Damn it, immortal body?" The Qin Dynasty thought it was abnormal. He is a King Kong not bad body, has been quite abnormal ability. I didn't expect that the troll went to another extreme, which could reorganize the body.
In this way, it's really tricky!
"Blow it up for me!"
In the Qin Dynasty, god suddenly moved, and once again made a blow to destroy heaven and earth.
The atmosphere roared again and the ground trembled again.
This time, the fist of the Qin Dynasty hit the troll's head directly from the sky.
As if a nuclear weapon had fallen on the ground, a huge circular pit with a radius of more than 10 meters was blasted out. With the shaking of the ground, the surrounding buildings could no longer bear such pressure, and all collapsed and turned into ruins.
In this round pit, there are black and red flesh of trolls everywhere.
"Broken heart sword array!" The Qin Dynasty did not wait for those flesh and blood to have the reflection, a wave, summoned the sky of white gold lotus chop. After entering the middle period of Yuanying, more than 5000 sword shadows have been produced in the body of Qin Dynasty.
Now, for the first time in the Qin Dynasty, so many sword shadows have been sacrificed and suspended in the sky.
It's just the broken heart sword array composed of twelve swords, which can kill a small expert who builds the foundation. Forty nine swords dare not lift their hearts.
Now there are more than 5000 pieces of broken heart sword array. If Qin Dynasty really tries its best to urge it, it can blow the city into dust.
But the Qin Dynasty didn't want to destroy any city. What he had to do now was to destroy this disgusting reborn troll.
More than 5000 white lotus flowers were chopped down together, and they all fell into this round pit. For a moment, it was as if it was raining and swords were everywhere in the pit.
Even so, the earth has been stripped off three meters thick.
If you look at the flesh and blood of troll man, it's almost like meat mud this time.
Under the power of the sword array composed of the white lotus chop, the meat mud is suppressed and there is no movement.
The Qin Dynasty thought that this time had completely eliminated the troll man, so he waved his hand and took back the broken heart sword array on the ground.
More than 5000 of the platinum lotus chopped, whizzed back to his hands, and then disappeared in the body.
"It's good to let me use so much effort to deal with you."
Five thousand pieces of broken heart sword array were launched at one time. It was Rao of the Qin Dynasty, and it consumed no less strength. And soon, his face was a little ugly.
Black red meat mud, began to surge up, toward a direction of convergence.
Trolls, like a slap in the mouth of the Qin Dynasty, are reborn again.
This time, Dr. Watanabe's face is clearer. On his forehead, he even grew a pair of horns, as if it was the stimulation of the Qin Dynasty.
"Jie Jie Jie Jie... " Looking at the Qin Dynasty in the sky, Dr. Watanabe's eyes turned wildly for a few times. He even opened his mouth and said, "kill you, kill you!"
His expression, seems to be a little crazy, "death, will only make me stronger! I am the God, the immortal god! Mortal, you are doomed to die in God's hands! Your relatives, your friends, all the people related to you! I, Watanabe, the immortal God, declare their death
Watanabe's words undoubtedly stimulated the nerves of the Qin Dynasty.
His relatives and friends are the scales on his body.
If this thing crosses the sea and goes to the mainland, I am afraid it will also cause great damage to the mainland.
Anyway, I'm going to kill this guy here.
"You can't kill me, ha ha ha ha!"
Watanabe's expression is very crazy, as if waking up from a deep sleep, full of the desire to kill. In particular, his hatred of the Qin Dynasty is not a little bit.
This is the guy who smashed Lord X's plan to become a god! It's this guy who makes himself look like no man, no ghost!
Their own consciousness, as if by the soul of thousands of demons. But his desire for revenge finally woke him up and began to dominate the huge body."Go back to hell!" Qin Dynasty pondered for a while, and suddenly found a thing. If you can't kill the body, you will destroy its soul!
Thinking of this, the Qin Dynasty summoned a white lotus to chop.
The sword shadow of thousands of white lotus chop, constantly appear, and then continue to blend into that one.
The Qin Dynasty did so in order to increase the power of this sword.
"No use, no use! Even the power of Buddha can't kill me
Watanabe's expression is very distorted.
It's true that this guy doesn't know how many demonic spirits are integrated in his body. Even if it's the power of Buddha, it's impossible to be completely clean. As long as there is still a little left, he will continue to be reborn.
"Who said he was going to let you go." Qin Dynasty disdains ground sneer, "you do not have this qualification."
With that, he shook his hand, and the white lotus suddenly fell like a meteor in the sky.
"Bang!" The sword fell into the troll's head and began to destroy its flesh and blood.
"Hahaha, it's useless, it's useless! I will be reborn again and again
Watanabe laughed wildly, leaving his body broken. But at this time, Qin Dynasty's eyes, suddenly burst out of the dark green light.
Soul! He finally saw the countless demon spirits, the ugly souls twisted together by Watanabe!
"Roar!" Qin Dynasty's body, immediately into the state of demonization.
He burst out of black smoke.
Black hair, turned red, a pair of arms, also turned into claws.
"Break it for me!"
The Qin Dynasty floated high in the air and held out his left hand to the troll man whose body was constantly destroyed below.
Jiuyou magic palm.
This arm, suddenly turned into a huge black claw, twisted and extended, and suddenly stabbed into the soul of troll man.
Watanabe's twisted soul immediately let out a roar.
The magic Dan of the Qin Dynasty launched a campaign against the twisted soul.
Magic Dan is the killer of all souls!
But this time, it seems that we have met the nemesis!
From the twisted soul came a great revolt. And magic Dan's power seems to have hit a layer of steel shell above, in any case can not break into.
"Useless, useless!" Watanabe was still laughing wildly, "this is the soul of God! How can a mortal defeat God! Wait for the wrath of God! I'm going to kill everyone who's involved in you! Ha ha ha
The Qin Dynasty was in a hurry.
Even if he put it all together, he would not let such a monster that threatened him, all his friends, relatives and lovers, live in this world.
"Rosie! Come out to me
At the same time, the Qin Dynasty roared at the sky as he repeatedly threw out platinum lotus chop and bombarded the troll's body.
This sound, as if with some mysterious power, slowly spread to another space.
In the clouds of the sky, suddenly a circle of holes was torn open. A golden light shining down, hit some stunned face of Qin Dynasty. Then, a beautiful woman, from the clouds, along the golden light, slowly fell down.
She has long golden hair and a sacred and beautiful face. Closed eyes, hands on the body, as if to do a devout prayer.
Behind her, there are huge white wings, and with the flap, falling a piece of white feathers.
"I'll take a ride..." The Qin Dynasty swallowed the saliva, "it seems that Laozi called It's not an angel
"God says that you have benefited the world, and he can fulfill one of your wishes." The angel suddenly opened his eyes, beautiful as the eyes of autumn, deeply fell on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, let you sleep with me, will you?" The Qin Dynasty suddenly threw out a sentence.
The angel's body trembled gently. Her beautiful face is full of spring smile.
"As you wish, my child."
"Such as you Qin Dynasty rolled a white eye, "Rosie, you don't pretend to be a bird."
"Hee hee..." That girl angel Jiao smile, white wings a shake, the whole body is suddenly covered by black smoke. Then, in an instant, it turned into a female devil with exposed clothes, enchanting figure and charming face.
"I hate it when I don't accompany people every time and I have to expose them."
"How can I be in such a mood..." The cold sweat on the face of the Qin Dynasty, at the same time, he cut a white lotus flower and blew it to the troll man's just recovered face.
"Ouch." Roxie's eyes, with the sword fell on the troll man, suddenly full of love, "what a lovely little pet, Kawaii Come on, let my sister hold her. "
"Association Pets... " The cold sweat of the Qin Dynasty is about to drip down, "are you keeping such a large-scale ugly monster as pets in your hell...""Not really..." Luo Xijiao is smiling, bending over, hands cross cross, the snow-white squeeze on the body to provoke people's eyeballs in general.
"It's just that people prefer big and fierce things."
Roxie's words were too evil. Qin Dynasty coughed twice and felt that her anger had been destroyed.
"If you like it, you can take him to hell to raise him. We have a good relationship, and we will give you free."
"Hee hee, I haven't seen you for so long. You are still so bad." Roxie suddenly stuck to the chest of the Qin Dynasty, exhaled like orchid, and whispered in his ear, "compared with it People still prefer your big guy... "
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