Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1050

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Chapter 1050

"Sure enough, there are great men."
Barbara, sitting in the family, opened her eyes and sneered, "but in front of my Barbara, I'm going to die."
With that, the incantation in her mouth was pronounced more quickly.
At the same time, in the lounge of Dafa group headquarters, those twisted children gods, for some reason, suddenly became quiet. Then, like dive bombers, they rushed towards the release master sitting there.
"Be careful!"
The Qin Dynasty felt bad, and quickly said to the release master.
"Ah Mi Tuo Buddha... "
Who knows, the release master was not moved at all, but read out four Buddhist names.
It is this simple four sentence name of Buddha, which contains profound Buddhist power.
The golden light flew out from the release master.
Ordinary people like Yu Lu couldn't help closing their eyes stimulated by the golden light.
And people outside the lounge are also attracted by the golden light.
"Ah, what's wrong with Mr. Yu's lounge?"
"What a strong light. Is it a searchlight?"
A group of people were very curious, but no one dared to look forward.
Because it is the rest room of general manager Yu. Who dares to get close to it without general manager Yu's instructions.
Those children gods were illuminated by the golden light, as if they had been splashed with aqua regia, constantly howling and twisting.
Then, one by one, the children gods exploded in the air and turned into fly ash.
Finally, there was one left, struggling to escape from the room, and flew out of the dim moonlight window.
"Benefactor Qin, the rest is up to you."
"Thank you for releasing the master."
Naturally, the Qin Dynasty knew the meaning of releasing the master. He patted Yu Lu on the back, "Yu Lu, you stay beside the master, I'll do something."
With that, his body turned into a black smoke and quietly followed the child God.
The tracking technique of Qin Dynasty is very good, especially in the state of nine ghost generals.
He was like the God of death in the night, hanging behind the child God.
The child God also ran away in panic, constantly passing through various buildings and heading in one direction.
With the help of all kinds of Qin Dynasty smoke, we can keep a firm distance.
Soon, the child God flew to the outskirts, into a villa inside.
"Ha ha, it's really the villa of Si family."
The Qin dynasty fell slowly.
At this time, Barbara, who is in the villa of Si family, spurts a mouthful of blood.
"Master, how are you?"
Wang Xinxin asked in a panic.
Si Wuji and Mrs. Wang also looked at each other in surprise.
This Barbara master, isn't it?
"The other side has such a master!"
Barbara wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. "It seems that I can only use my head dropping evil god!"
Hearing that Barbara confidently talked about the evil god, Si Wuji was relieved.
If it's not sure, he will commit suicide directly.
"Master wants to use the evil spirit!"
However, Wang Xinxin was shocked, "is it useful to deal with several mainland people?"
"These mainland people are not simple."
Barbara pondered for a moment. "They killed my twelve child gods, and only one escaped back in confusion. If this one doesn't come back, I'm afraid I'll be seriously injured. "
"It's so powerful..."
Wang Xinxin bit his teeth. "OK, master, I'd like to help you."
"Well, first use your child God as food. There is only one child God left as a teacher. You can't use it indiscriminately. "
Wang Xinxin was about to recite the incantation when suddenly the villa trembled.
Then, a dark figure kicked open the door of the villa, and then came in grandly.
He went to the center of the living room, looked around the people in the room, and a smile hung from the corners of his mouth.
The man in the black windbreaker suddenly appeared in this way, which surprised everyone in the room.
"You, who are you?"
Si Wuji saw that someone dares to break into their house. He frowned and asked.
"Haven't you been looking for me all the time, and you don't know who I am?"
The man took out a cigarette and lit it near his mouth.
Seeing his face clearly, Si Wuji and Mrs. Wang were shocked.
"You, you are the Qin Dynasty."
"Well, it seems that I'm so handsome that I'm really in the spotlight."
Qin Dynasty smoked a cigarette, squinting eyes and laughing."Good, you Qin Dynasty. You hurt my son and dare to come to our family!"
Mrs. Wang was very angry and envied her enemies.
"Your son owes a lesson."
Qin Dynasty vomited a smoke ring, "I left him a dog life, is very kind already."
"You are presumptuous
Mrs. Wang is very ferocious, "since you send us to the Secretary's house to find death, then we will help you!"
"It's you who are looking for death."
Qin Dynasty said lightly, playing the ash, "from the moment you and I do right, you are doomed to die."
"Qin Dynasty, I know you are the famous Lord Qin on the road."
Si Wuji spoke at this time, and he said with a cold smile, "but it was on the road. Now you dare to break into our house by yourself. I really don't know whether to admire your bravery or to laugh at your stupidity. Beaujo
"Yes, master!"
Buryoton took a pistol out of his arms and slammed it into the ceiling.
This gunshot, immediately attracted the family's bodyguards.
Groups of people in black, 40 or 50, rushed into the villa and surrounded the Qin Dynasty.
These people in black took out pistols from their arms and pointed to the head of Qin Dynasty.
"See, that's your ignorance, it's killing you."
"Si Wuji hehe smile," it seems that the myth of Qin Ye is about to stop on the land of Si family. "
"There are many people."
In the face of those black muzzle, the Qin Dynasty was still dark, and continued to smoke, "however, do you think I've been in the Qin Dynasty for such a long time, and I'm not fully prepared to run here?"
"Are your men lying in wait outside?"
Secretary Wu could not help but look out of the window.
But it's quiet outside the villa. There's not even a bird.
"No, you need other people to deal with your family. It's enough for me to be alone in the Qin Dynasty. "
Qin Dynasty said with a smile.
"It seems that you are very stupid. I really don't know how you became the godfather of Daqin gang."
Si Wuji sneered.
"Soon you will know."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders and said.
"I think you're pretending to be calm."
Mrs. Wang sneered scornfully, "no matter what, today is your death date. I will avenge my son. I will not only kill you, but also all your women and family
"What a cruel heart"
the Qin Dynasty squinted and coldly looked at Mrs. Wang.
"That's what you've done to our family!"
Mrs. Wang's heart is cold, but see Qin Dynasty is surrounded by his own bodyguards, and put down the heart, ridiculed way.
"In that case, I don't have room to keep my hands."
Qin Dynasty clenched his fist and said, "I will never keep those who threaten my relatives."
"Still so arrogant, you don't see who is going to die now!"
Mrs. Wang sneered, "forget it. I'm stubborn with a dead man. Kill him!"
Those bodyguards are going to do it. In the Qin Dynasty, however, he puffed out a smoke ring leisurely, as if the target was not him, but other people.
"Hold on!"
At this time, Si Wuji suddenly called out.
"Promise, what are you going to do?"
Mrs. Wang was a little strange. She didn't know why her husband stopped her.
"In the Qin Dynasty, our company Wuji was not unreasonable. Although you broke into our house today, I can also be merciful and spare your life."
Si Wuji's words are astonishing, and Mrs. Wang immediately exclaimed.
"What do you say, my son's hatred..."
"Shut up
Si Wuji angrily rebukes, Mrs. Wang quickly shut her mouth.
"Women, you know what a fart!"
Si Wuji scolded him, turned his head and sneered at Qin Dynasty.
"Qin Dynasty, I don't believe it. You don't want to live well. Now, I'll give you a chance. As long as you give me all the shares of Dafa group and hand over the rights of your Daqin Gang, I will spare you a dog's life. What do you think? "
Hearing this, the Qin Dynasty couldn't help but pick his eyebrows.
"Si Wuji, do you know the Bureau you set up carefully? Why can Dafa group break through and get such a large amount of capital?"
"I don't know..."
Si Wuji is also wondering.
"Because I am not only the chairman of Dafa group, but also the owner of the Yuqian family, Anqing family and Qinggang family. These three families are extremely rich... "
Si Wuji widened his eyes, looking at the eyes of Qin Dynasty, full of jealousy.
This man is still the head of the three families in the island!The God is not fair in malegobi.
when Laozi was in the Si family, how many brothers did I step on before I took the position of the master of the house.
He, a fart big boy, has so many rights and status at a young age!
Hum, but it's OK. These will be my own.
"Shall I give you all the shares of the three families?"
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
That smile, with a trace of evil spirit.
"That would be better."
Si Wuji heart crazy jump, himself, will become the first person in China's economy!
"As long as you hand over these things, I will spare your life and give you another sum of money to live the rest of your life."
"Before that, I'll give you two words."
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
"Stupid force!"
"You want to die!"
Si Wuji was furious. At this time, the man dared to humiliate himself.
"Break his leg for me, and let him suffer first!"
Si Wuji ordered.
Suddenly, a bodyguard raised his gun, pointed at the lower leg of the Qin Dynasty, and pulled the trigger.
But Qin Dynasty is contemptuous smile, stretch out the right hand, in the ear gently hit a ring finger.
In the panic of the crowd, the head of the bodyguard suddenly exploded like a watermelon.
The brain and blood splashed all over the place, soiled the bodyguard's suit and dyed the expensive carpet of Si family red.
"Ah! Ah
Mrs. Wang screamed as if she had seen a ghost.
It was strange enough that Barbara had killed their bodyguard before. Unexpectedly, the situation is more terrible now.
A big living man, unprepared, his head will explode!
What did he do in the Qin Dynasty!
This horrible scene immediately stimulated the bodyguards.
Subconsciously, they all raised their guns, one by one, ready to pull the trigger at the Qin Dynasty.
And the Qin Dynasty also played a ring finger, one after another, the heads of these bodyguards exploded one by one, and the red and white things were flying everywhere in Mrs. Wang's scream.
"You are not a man, you are a devil!"
Mrs. Wang screamed.
At this time, beside the Qin Dynasty, there was a headless corpse lying on the ground.
In looking at him, no matter what, still standing there, leisurely smoking cigarettes.
"You, who are you..."
Si Wuji trembled all over, and he finally realized that he was not in trouble with ordinary people. It is possible that this man, like Qinghong, is a legendary practitioner.
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