Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 821

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Chapter 821

Very terrible bone fracture sound, that person's ribs were all broken, spit out a big mouthful of blood, collapsed on the ground.
The Qin Dynasty took a dagger from his hand, and the two daggers came out at the same time, just like beasts swimming in the group of thugs.
The sharp impact of the dagger blinded the thugs.
This is the absolute practitioner, one person, two daggers, in front of three people, six daggers attack. What's more, he doesn't have to turn his head around and know where someone is attacking.
Qin Dynasty is to accompany them to play just, or a mind in the past, all to kill.
"Go and call someone. Don't let him run away!"
Cried one of the thugs. And before his last word came down, his throat was cut off and blood gushed out.
The man covered his neck in despair and fell to the ground.
The two men knew that they were not rivals at all and decided to leave.
And when they just ran two steps, the two daggers of Qin Dynasty aimed at two directions at the same time and let go.
"Pa Pa Pa!"
Both of them had a dagger in their back necks, just like the sickle of death, which directly took their lives.
"It's boring."
When the Qin Dynasty waved, two lethal daggers flew back to his palm in an instant.
Qin Dynasty again put his hands in his pocket, stepped on four corpses and swaggered up the stairs.
As a result, at the moment when he just stepped on the stairs, a large number of thugs ran down the stairs in groups, and filled the stairs in an instant. All of them looked at the Qin Dynasty with covetous eyes.
"Well, I'm very welcome."
Qin Dynasty looked at these thugs on the stairs and couldn't help laughing.
"Where are you from?"
At the top of the stairs, an old lady's voice rang.
Qin Dynasty looked up, is a gray hair old woman, face with evil spirit, not good at looking at themselves.
"Are you the boss of the city that never sleeps?"
"Yes, my name is Meng Qing. However, all the people on the road should honor me with a word of Meng Po. "
"Meng po That's a very suitable address for you
Qin Dynasty looked at the man, clenched his fist, "cut off a man's past, put him into hell."
"Who are you? Why do you come to my city to make trouble?"
Meng Po felt that the man below was not simple and skillful. He was definitely not an ordinary person. Dawei said that this person may be an agent of the government, which is very likely. Only the government can cultivate such powerful human weapons.
"I'm just an ordinary little security guard."
Qin Dynasty sneered, "if it was not my friend who was caught by you, I would never know your place."
Hearing this, Meng Po was very nervous.
Of course, she doesn't believe that the other party is just a small security guard, but if the other party's friends are brought by herself, the matter will not be discussed.
Those who are brought to the city of never night are either young ladies or dead without whole bodies.
If it's the former, it's better to die than to live. If it's the latter, it's even more serious.
"Your friend What's your name... "
Meng Po couldn't help shaking in her heart and asked.
"Ha ha, do you remember that I cheated a blonde foreign girl in the street today?"
Qin Dynasty is playing with the dagger in his hand, slowly said.
"Foreign girls Are you a friend of the foreign girl
Meng Po's heart suddenly burst out. The foreign girl, I guess, has been fascinated by boss Chen now If I knew this, I should have shut her down for a while. I shouldn't be in a hurry
"She's no ordinary foreign girl."
Qin Dynasty has decided not to let this Meng Po die happily, this evening, he will accompany her to play slowly. Therefore, he is like a patient hunter, playing games with his prey.
"You are very good, because you abducted the princess of the British royal family."
All the people were shocked, and the Meng Po's face changed greatly.
The one who abducted herself is actually the princess of the British royal family!
That man, also made is a government agent no doubt!
What's more, the most terrible thing is that if you abduct the Royal Princess of England, you will not be just such an agent! Certainly, there will be a large number of government forces to enter the city which never sleeps!
At this moment, mother Meng's intestines will regret Qing.
The business that I have managed for many years is going to collapse completely because of a girl.
"Stop him!"
At the moment, it is to kill the agent first, and then she runs away with all her property.She's got a lot to do with other people. But if you mess with the government now, it's just looking for death!
Meng Po left with several confidants in a hurry, and a group of big men with machetes in each hand rushed to the Qin Dynasty.
"The game begins."
Qin Dynasty rushed up the stairs, the whole person as if performing, only one person, two daggers, kill those big men is scattered. No matter how fierce and cruel those big men were, they were not the opponents of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty soon cleared all the big men on the stairs and went up to the fourth floor with blood.
After entering the fourth floor, he smelled a strong smell of blood.
The fourth floor is very strange and full of resentment.
The Qin Dynasty took a breath and opened his magic eyes.
Many ferocious souls appeared in front of him.
Those souls, each body is incomplete. Moreover, everyone's body, all crazy dense needle and thread. It's as if these people had undergone many surgeries while they were alive.
"These people It's painful. "
After opening the magic eye, the Qin Dynasty could feel the terrible resentment of these souls. The resentment was almost too much for him to breathe.
What terrible resentment Here, what happened.
"Cut the lotus flower."
Qin Dynasty pulled out a white lotus from the body and inserted it into the floor in front of him.
At the same time, his hands are constantly printing, reciting the six character Daming mantra of Buddhism.
"Oh! Well! How about it! Boom! Mi! Hum
Six different colors of light, white, green, yellow, blue, red, and black, were broken into the sword in turn. Soon, there was a golden light on the sword.
In a burst of Sanskrit chanting, the golden light quickly spread to the whole fourth floor.
This pure Buddhist power quickly transcends those who complain.
Their resentment was washed away by the Buddha power of Qin Dynasty.
A golden light, from the body of those resentment spirit light up. Their pain, hatred, at this moment, are all freed.
"Thank you..."
A lot of sounds in the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty knew that it was the resentful spirits who were thanking themselves.
"Why are you here?"
He put away the lotus chop and inquired about the souls.
"We are all the people who were cheated by the Meng Po before."
The resentful spirits replied, "there are boys and girls among us. Most of the boys are sold to the countryside, and a small number of people who don't want to pay for them will end up miserable. So are the ordinary girls. Those who are bored or sick by the guests are sent here just like the boys before. "
"What happened?"
The Qin Dynasty frowned.
"Come with us."
Those golden lights, leading the Qin Dynasty, came to the next room.
When the Qin Dynasty pushed aside the room, it felt chilly inside, like a huge cold storage.
All around, there are rows of metal cabinets. Qin Dynasty opens a cupboard door casually, inside is a cold girl corpse.
The girl's eyes had been gouged out, leaving two black pits.
She had stitches all over her body. The Qin Dynasty went in with vitality, and the cold sweat came out.
The girl's internal organs were clean, and she was taken away, leaving only such a skin bag.
"All the organs have been taken away..."
Qin Chao sighed and pushed the cabinet door back on. He was not afraid of the corpse, but felt that the girl had died too miserably.
No wonder the ghosts here have such a huge resentment.
"Now you see."
Those angry spirits began to speak again, "those boys and girls who were eliminated will be sent here, and all their organs will be removed and sold to the dirty black market."
The Qin Dynasty punched the metal cabinet door next to it.
"I will send them to hell myself!"
His teeth rattled and he felt that he had never been so angry.
"Thank you for your time. Now we're going to get out of here... "
Those resentment spirit has put down everything, no resentment, turned into golden light gradually dispersed.
As for the Qin Dynasty, he would never let go of the human trafficking organization that never sleeps so easily.
He walked out of the heavy room and went out to the door, looking out at the empty corridor.
"Let me finish the game."
Under the condition of Mengjiu, she continues to search for the spirit of Qin Youpo.
And when he just walked two steps forward, from the room on both sides of the corridor, suddenly came rows of thugs. These thugs, with sharp weapons in each hand, rushed to the Qin Dynasty.At this time, Meng Po came to the basement from the elevator and asked Dawei beside her.
"How is that man?"
Dawei takes a look at his iPad, which is connected to a camera in the city that never sleeps. At this time, I was seeing a large group of people, rushing towards the Qin Dynasty.
"The brothers are all gone!"
Dawei said, "one knife for each one, you'll also kill that boy!"
"Well, with so many people, how can he live?"
"Unless, he is a God."
Two people holding the iPad, just about to enjoy the silk shape of the Qin Dynasty, suddenly eyes burst, horror full of faces, legs began to shake.
"Well, how could this be possible?"
"My God, he is not a man, he is a monster! It's a monster
In the iPad, the Qin Dynasty only held out its hands to all the thugs.
Those thugs who were rushing up suddenly seemed to freeze the frame of the picture. They stopped motionless and looked like statues.
"Go to hell."
The Qin Dynasty pinched its palm.
"Bang bang bang bang!"
Like rows of watermelons were exploded, all people's heads were fried to pieces.
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