Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1176

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Chapter 1176

"Where else do you want to take me to visit Egypt"
the Qin Dynasty took a big bag and a small bag and followed Luo Qinglin for a day in Hong Kong.
I have to say that Hong Kong is indeed a shopping paradise.
Here, as long as you have money, you can buy everything.
Except for love, of course.
The luxury goods here are much cheaper than those in mainland China.
Take Apple mobile phones for example. There are more than 2000 mobile phones, which are half cheaper than those in mainland China.
But in contrast, consumption elsewhere is high.
Two people go out to buy clothes money, the Qin Dynasty calculated, can spend more than 3000.
The money was spent there, and it was not recorded in the Qin Dynasty.
However, he only remembers that it took more than 70 yuan for two people to take the subway back and forth and change trains on the way.
Luo Qinglin is not clamoring to take the subway, and the Qin Dynasty can only accompany her.
This makes the Qin Dynasty can not help but envy Kyoto, in Kyoto, two yuan subway to do.
In Hong Kong, it costs more than 70 yuan to make a few trips.
Well, even those who sell mineral water on the roadside cost seven yuan a bottle.
Keng dad, although luxury goods are cheap, consumer goods are too expensive to survive.
"I'm shopping with me. Anyway, I'm fine today."
Luo Qinglin turned around and stood in the sun, smiling at the Qin Dynasty.
"The level of consumption here is not acceptable to us."
The Qin Dynasty calculated that if he was just an ordinary security guard, he could not afford to eat here for 4000 yuan a month.
"Although the consumption here is high, people earn a lot."
Luo Qinglin said with a smile, "any woman who washes dishes has 10000 yuan a month. In mainland China, if you want to earn 10000 yuan a month, you will be a middle-class millionaire. "
"This is Except Shanghai or something. What's more, it seems that more than 10000 yuan is not enough for anything. "
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help feeling that oil prices had been rising all the time, leading to soaring prices.
He remembered that when he was a freshman, the Malatang in the school was three yuan and fifty-one.
By the year he graduated, Malatang was already seven yuan a bowl.
If you want to add Tremella fuciformis, it's 10 yuan.
Over the past four years, prices have tripled.
And his parents' wages, more than doubled.
A time when the poor are more and more unable to live.
"Where else are you going I always feel that there is no purpose at all. "
"Of course."
Luo Qinglin came over and took the arm of Qin Dynasty. "As long as you can be together, no matter where you go, you will be very happy. What matters is not what you go shopping to see or buy, but the process of being with you... "
Qin Dynasty heart some moved, looking at this university committee, beauty, suddenly do not know what to say.
She is very firm to herself. She has been fond of it since college and has been pursuing it till now.
And I can't give her anything.
It's not easy to help her out the album, but it brings her more trouble.
"I want to see Causeway Bay!"
Luo Qinglin suddenly said.
"Ah? The Qin Dynasty couldn't help saying that there were so many chaos there.
"Oh, no, the law and order in Hong Kong is good. Clubs don't kill people with guys every day. "
"Well, you'll be fine with me."
The Qin Dynasty agreed.
Two people were about to take the subway when Luo Qinglin's phone rang suddenly.
"Wait a minute, I'll take the call first!"
She pulled her cell phone out of her body, took a look and sighed.
"It's my assistant."
Before she answered the phone, she knew what was about to happen.
"I really don't want to answer the phone"
LUO Qinglin sighed.
"Take it, in case it's something important."
The Qin Dynasty still advised the way.
This time he came, the main purpose is to help Luo Qinglin solve the problem.
He's going to make them shut their mouths.
"All right."
Qin Dynasty all spoke, Luo Qinglin had to answer the phone.
"Mr. Luo, Mr. Jin of emperor Tian entertainment, has sent you an invitation to have dinner with you."
On the phone, the assistant's voice rang.
"Sure enough, I guess."
Luo Qinglin gave the Qin Dynasty a helpless look, and then to a mouth, meaning to go or not?
The Qin Dynasty nodded.
As soon as you come, you will be at ease.
"Well, where is his appointment, and what time?"
"Twelve o'clock at noon, at the Qingqing tea house in Kowloon.""Well, I see."
Luo Qinglin nodded and hung up.
"Twelve o'clock, isn't that fast?"
Qin said, "let's go. I'll go with you."
"Well, I wanted to be with you today, but it turned out to be such a mess. The guy in jinmingfeng has been trying to dig you in. "
"Well, I'll go with you. Well, I'm your bodyguard now
The Qin Dynasty says, palm in oneself body one stroke.
The black windbreaker on the body suddenly turned into a fitting black suit.
It's a white shirt and a black tie.
At the same time, he took out his sunglasses and put them on his face.
Those big and small bags in my hand disappeared at the same time.
Luo Qinglin knows something about these magical abilities of Qin Dynasty.
"Well, you're like a bodyguard."
Looking at the tall Qin Dynasty standing next to him, cold face Sha Shen appearance, Luo Qinglin can't help laughing.
"Yes, we are professional!"
Qin Dynasty clapped chest said.
I used to be a bodyguard for Liao family.
Well, now, I seem to be the master of the Liao family.
Dafa group is also under its own banner.
Oh, life, things are changeable.
If Su Fei hadn't recommended her to go to Liao's house at that time, she might not have her present self and would not have known Liao Shasha, Yu Lu and Wu Xin.
Naturally, you won't see the release master and get the Vajra Sutra.
As if, in the dark, someone is pushing the wheel of destiny.
"Well, you will be responsible for protecting me. Don't let me be in any danger. If I lose a hair, I will deduct your salary! "
"Salary deduction again..."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help thinking that Su Fei also liked to threaten herself, "are you bosses so willing to exploit people?"
"of course, if you don't exploit you, who will I exploit? Why, don't you? I don't want me to find someone else. "
Luo Qinglin jokingly said.
"No, no, I'll do it."
The Qin Dynasty quickly made up his smile, "I'm a professional. Look at the protection I've given you, I'm sure it's appropriate. If anyone dares to approach you within three steps, I'll put his head in the toilet
"Well, if you want to talk about business or something, you can't resist people from thousands of miles away."
Luo Qinglin laughs, "then I'm not fierce."
"You don't think you're evil?"
The Qin Dynasty glared at Luo Qinglin with a look you didn't know. "When you were in college, you just Oh, I don't want to say it. "
"What did I do when I was in college, you say, tell me!"
Luo Qinglin pinches the neck of Qin Dynasty and asks.
"Alas, don't look back on the past"
the Qin Dynasty waved his hand, "it's all tears."
"You say no!"
Luo Qinglin suddenly jumped on the back of the Qin Dynasty and tightly clasped his neck with both hands. "My girl is so ferocious! How can I get married after you make such a rumor? "
"No, no, no, you're not vicious. Are you the most clever?"
"Don't do that. Tell me!"
"It's all tears," he said
"You won't say I bit your ear again."
"Are you Tyson?"
"You're a muscle man. Say it quickly."
"Good, good, I'll tell you."
The Qin Dynasty carried Luo Qinglin on his back and couldn't help feeling.
Alas, where have such boss and bodyguard, beautiful boss wants bodyguard to carry.
There was such a beautiful boss. The bodyguards all rushed up like crazy.
"you don't remember. I always didn't hand in my homework at that time. You just followed my ass and asked me to do it, just like a little follower."
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
"Bah! Who's following the asshole
Luo Qinglin quickly said, "I'm not for the honor score of the class!"
She pinched Qin Dynasty's ear and said, "if you don't hand in your homework, the honor score will be deducted when the class checks! I'm a member of the learning committee and the learning department who wants to talk to me
"So you follow me every day"
"you don't hand in your homework!"
"Hum, do you still say you are not ferocious? If I don't hand in my homework, you carry the bricks, but the school comes to me. "
"I, I was just bluffing you Was I criticized by the Minister of learning at that time How can a person in your class not forget to hand it in? Even if he calls a white book, he can deal with it "
" this Why didn't you tell me that you could pay a blank check... "Qin Dynasty is dumb, "you want to say, I didn't give you earlier..."
"Go to the side. That's what he said. You want to teach Bai Ben. It's beautiful."
"OK, OK, let's get rid of this. It's time to go to Kowloon..."
"Well, take a taxi. I hope it's not too late."
Two people on the roadside began to wait for a taxi.
"It's a long story. Bodyguards and bosses are waiting for taxis Well, they were robbed. "
It's not easy to take a taxi around. A group of people are waiting to stop.
Qin Dynasty, they just saw an empty car, immediately someone rushed up to stop the car.
"Bodyguard, I order you to stop a car for Miss Ben!"
Luo Qinglin and so on to a dozen cars, were robbed, finally can't help but worry way.
Qin Dynasty hey hey a smile, see in front of an empty car is slowly driving.
At this time, a man who just went downstairs rushed up to stop the car first.
Qin Dynasty suddenly angry, also used to you.
We've been waiting for a long time. Do you want to take a bus when you go downstairs? you must be dreaming?
The Qin Dynasty immediately went over and grabbed the man's collar and threw it directly behind him.
The man fell and squatted and cried out in pain.
"She, who is blind, dare to move me!"
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