Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1135

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Chapter 1135

Hang dad, this thing is still sold, even for ten yuan!
Grandma, who dares to use it!
In case something happens, it will take hundreds of people to make the belly bigger.
It's not worthwhile to get such a big debt for ten yuan!
This hotel is really fierce, too fierce!
Incomparably fierce.
From time to time, from outside came the murmur of Ma ye, but Cheng Ying and they didn't care.
"Now, what are you doing now?"
Zheng Siqi glared at several people in the room.
What else can we do?
The Qin Dynasty began to laugh.
"What else, sleep!"
Cheng Ying waved her hand and tossed all night. She was also tired.
Although this place is a bit dirty, but for their soldiers, how difficult conditions can be customer service, just do not know whether Zheng Siqi, a charming beauty, can stand it.
"Well It seems that the three of us can only be squeezed into one bed. "
Zheng Siqi looked at the bed and said slowly.
"But Another serious problem. "
Cheng Ying and the Qin Dynasty did not know what the woman with an IQ of 150 thought.
"You said, if the three of us were lying in this bed, there would be a girl sleeping next to Qin Dynasty. You say, who is next to the Qin Dynasty
"When, of course, it's you."
Cheng Ying suddenly blushed, then pretended to be calm and said, "you two have been so close, naturally you two sleep together."
"Go, what does it mean that we two sleep together?"
Zheng Siqi waved her hand. "Besides, I don't want to explain it to you. At that time, we were not doing anything there, but doing research."
Doing research, doing research, getting into bed? Still in the position of a knight?
This Zheng Siqi, think oneself intelligence quotient is high, others are two fool!
Cheng Ying arranges the way in her mind.
"You two sleep next to each other, and I sleep on the edge."
Cheng Yingcai doesn't want to be next to the Qin Dynasty and let this guy take advantage of himself.
"In this way..."
Zheng Siqi frowned and said, "but I'm also a big girl. Ah, Cheng Ying, you won't be so selfish. Sacrifice me for yourself..."
Big girl of yellow flower How well she said it.
"Well, what do you want..."
Cheng Ying was a little tired, and raised her eyelids and asked.
"Why don't we all be fair?"
Zheng Siqi said solemnly, "we are both girls. It is unfair and unreasonable for any one of us to be next to the Qin Dynasty. So, I've come up with a wonderful way... "
"What can I do..."
"We two sleep on both sides and let the Qin Dynasty sleep in the middle. Isn't that ok? No one will suffer any loss. Neither the old nor the young will be cheated. "
"No way!"
Cheng Ying's spirits were suddenly restored.
Are you kidding? Let the Qin Dynasty sleep in the middle? A beautiful woman on one side, enjoying the happiness of all?
Beautiful him!
"Then sleep next to him."
Zheng Siqi's head reflects that it's called a quick, straight Leng Leng lying on the side of the bed, occupying a very important position.
Cheng Ying is stupid.
The remaining two positions, no matter which side, are next to the Qin Dynasty
Zheng Siqi, I really want to be killed by you
Asshole, asshole, you don't want to play like this!
Cheng Ying wants to protest, but she knows that there is no effect on Zheng Siqi, an unreasonable and neurotic woman.
It's too subdued.
Now she is so sleepy, Cheng Ying simply doesn't want to do anything and lies on the other side of the bed.
This middle position, of course, is left to the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty looked at the two beautiful women on the bed and laughed in his heart.
These girls are so funny.
Moreover, Zheng Siqi is too evil. Anyone who marries her will not be tortured to death.
but in a way, she is also very lovely.
Especially the chest. It's so cute.
The Qin Dynasty thought about it for a while, and then climbed to the bed.
As soon as he came up, he obviously felt that the two women around him were a little nervous.
No matter Zheng Siqi is bold and fiery, or Cheng Ying, she is a little curled up and stiff.
It's the first time they've been sleeping with a man.
"Don't worry. I'm too tired tonight. I won't play three batches with you. Sleep."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing.Zheng Siqi flies over with a coquettish white eye, while Cheng Ying is more cruel. She raises a foot directly and kicks it towards the Qin Dynasty.
What a master Qin Dynasty is, where can this girl succeed.
He also raised his feet, with his knees back to Cheng Ying this foot.
Cheng Ying can't kick people, but the soles of her feet hurt and swell, so she doesn't feel sleepy.
The hateful Qin Dynasty doesn't know how to show mercy and cherish jade at all. Will you let me die!
As you think, you get more angry. She lay on the left side of the Qin Dynasty, and with a swing of her right fist, she hit the chest of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand and blocked it on his body, holding Cheng Ying's fist.
Cheng Ying quit and practiced martial arts for many years. How could she be bullied by a man in bed.
She immediately turned over on the bed, the other fist toward the heart toward the Qin Dynasty and pounded it over.
Cheng Ying's Kung Fu is slow and sharp.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but praise.
But in bed, he is the real overlord!
The other hand of the Qin Dynasty stretched out, like a fly, casually patted the tiger out of his heart.
"Damn it!"
Cheng Ying is unconvinced. She rides on the waist of the Qin Dynasty, beating with another fist.
After shooting several times in the Qin Dynasty, I felt that the girl's spirit was really commendable. After repeated defeats, not everyone could understand the essence of repeated defeats and battles.
He was a little impatient, so he stretched out his hand and grasped the girl's other fist.
Cheng Ying's hands were restrained and her legs began to move.
The speed of the Qin Dynasty was faster. His legs stretched out from Cheng Ying's knees and directly pressed Cheng Ying's two legs.
The strength of the Qin Dynasty, such a pressure, let Cheng Yinglian resist the opportunity is not.
"Damn it!"
Both hands and feet are bound, Cheng Yingqi wants to cry.
But the soldier's will, let her forcefully take back the tears.
Even if both hands and feet are controlled, even with teeth, I will bite you!
Thinking of this, Cheng Ying to the Qin Dynasty, the first is a head hammer, head to face to hit the nose of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty side head, such a hide. Suddenly, Cheng Ying's forehead hit the shoulder of Qin Dynasty.
A very clear sound.
Cheng Ying felt as if she had hit the iron plate. The pain made her tears, her eyes twinkle, and her head was dizzy.
Damn it!
This time, she also hit a lot of sober. This just remember, this guy's body is even laser can't move, his head is not sent to send vegetables!
Damn, I'm a little confused, but this guy doesn't remind himself. It's disgusting!
Cheng yingyue want more gas, can not help but light up a small white teeth, to the neck of the Qin Dynasty to bite up.
"Come on
It hurts!
It's killing me!
How can this guy's neck be so hard!
Is he made of iron!
No wonder Zheng Siqi wants to study him. Maybe he is a man-made man!
Cheng Ying covered her teeth, only felt that she was particularly aggrieved, and her eyes were red.
"You two, don't do it again..."
At this time, Zheng Siqi, next to her, said vaguely, "I'm so sleepy This bed is going to be ruined by you... "
"We, we're not in the way..."
Cheng Ying was a little flustered, so she quickly explained.
but she and Qin Dynasty two people, now is the standard female upper male's posture,
posture, to awesome
Cheng Ying is more panic, how did she run to Qin Dynasty body up!
It must be the Qin Dynasty who made ghosts!
Yes, that's right. It's him!
He is so capable that he probably pulled himself up!
"You ugly cow! You let me down
With that, Cheng Ying could not help twisting her waist and said to the Qin Dynasty in a harsh voice.
"If you promise you won't do it, I'll let you down."
Qin Dynasty is not stupid. If he let go, the girl would beat her big fist and feet, and she would not sleep.
"I won't do it, I swear it!"
"I don't believe a woman's oath..."
The Qin Dynasty shook his head repeatedly.
"Damn it, I swear in the name of a soldier!"
Cheng Ying said with gnashing teeth.
"Sorry, I'm not a soldier. I don't believe you."
Said the old God of the Qin Dynasty.
Cheng Ying really wanted to crash his head on this guy's shoulder.
Is there any mistake!
"Well, what do you want?"
"Elder sister, it's not what I want to do now. It's you who think I'm upset and want to be in bed. I'm protecting myself.""I said, I'm not going to do anything to you. I want to sleep!"
"Who's right about that? You women like to move their hands and feet..."
"You die, you ugly cow
"You see, how can I let you go like this?"
"But I want to sleep!"
"Sleep on me. I don't mind letting you take advantage of it."
"Who will take advantage of you! Ah ah ah! I'm going crazy
"What's crazy about sleeping? You're a nervous wreck. I'm asleep."
Qin Dynasty said, really eyes closed, no longer pay attention to Cheng Ying.
"Hello, you are not allowed to sleep! No sleeping
Cheng Ying holds the waist of Qin Dynasty in her thigh and shakes it constantly. This guy, you are sleeping soundly. What should I do!
Cheng Ying is sleepy to death, but he is still controlled by this guy. He is really angry to vomit blood.
She was shaking more and more vigorously, but the Qin Dynasty still did not have any response, as if sleeping in the past.
Cheng Ying wishes this guy really sleeps in the past. It's better never to wake up!
"Damn it! I'll fight with you
Cheng Ying's eyes turned wildly, looking for weaknesses in the Qin Dynasty.
By the way, it must not be so hard here!
Cheng Ying's eyes suddenly brightened, showing her little white teeth and biting her hard on the nose of the Qin Dynasty.
The Vajra Sutra of the Qin Dynasty has been cultivated to every inch of skin.
But the nose here, relatively speaking, is a little soft.
Cheng Ying's bite opened the eyes of the Qin Dynasty.
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