Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 589

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Chapter 589

From the stairs down, in front of it is a huge platform with a radius of 10 meters. The platform, chained everywhere, is suspended in the air.
The nine hell devil dog ran into a large group of skeletons and jumped up with two people, shaking the platform.
And then the voice of Moses rose again. In this platform, it is like a broadcast echoing.
"Damn it, where is this old man hiding?"
Qin Dynasty is in this empty underground space, but I don't know where to find the referee Moses.
"I'm surprised that you can come up the stairs here." Then Moses continued, "but the crusade of the death Legion is not over. Now, listen to the music of your death
"What the hell is this old man talking about?"
Qin Dynasty can't understand.
At this time, Shana pointed to the bottom of the platform and exclaimed.
"Look down there."
Qin Chao follows Shana's finger and looks down.
At the bottom of the platform, there are mountains of bones
when the voice of Moses fell, the bones began to move.
After a death, they stood up again, dressed in armor and armed, and scrambled to climb the broad platform.
In their eyes, the black three headed dog, as well as the two people who can breathe, are their enemies!
Groups of skeletons came from all directions, which made Shana pale.
"My God, this is a sea of skeletons!"
"Baby, it's up to you!"
Qin Dynasty was not too surprised, but patted the head of Jiuyou Devil Dog.
The nine hell devil dog growled.
Then, his body began to shrink a little bit. Soon, Qin Dynasty and SANA were standing on the platform, because Jiuyou magic dog was almost like an ordinary dog at this time. However, this does not mean that it is getting weaker!
In this platform, the barking of dogs echoes everywhere.
Shana swallows her saliva. At this time, she is surrounded by black wolfhounds.
These wolfhounds, all barking and growling, rushed to the opposite army of skeletons and fought with them.
But soon, a very helpless scene appeared.
After the skeletons are torn up, they will be reconstituted soon.
After the dog is killed, it turns into a black flame and rolls around. It will run out again and continue to fight.
As a result, the two sides are even handed, and some of them are still in a stalemate.
"I'm afraid it's meaningless to drag on like this"
the Qin Dynasty looked at the hot dog sea and skeleton sea in front of him and sighed with emotion.
"It seems that if we don't eliminate these death legions, we can't open the door to the next place."
Shana looked around, according to the cue in her mind, said.
"It seems that there is only one way." Qin Dynasty suddenly stretched out his hand and tightly held Shana's small waist like a water snake.
"What are you doing! Rude man
Shana was startled. Subconsciously, she put her cross lightsaber across the neck of the Qin Dynasty.
The other hand of the Qin Dynasty pushed away her lightsaber with her finger.
"Please, I don't have time to tease you right now. Hold me tight. I do it for you. "
"By what!" Shana chided, "who's going to hold you! Heretics
Qin Chao glanced at her, but didn't let go of her hand. Instead, she burst out the vitality in her body and released a large-scale magic that had just been learned.
"Come out, Jiuyou luochamen!"
Qin Dynasty body burst, a large number of black smoke, rolling out of his body.
Those black smoke gathered together and suddenly formed a huge gate with a height of more than five meters in the air.
On the door, there are various creatures in relief.
Sarah saw as like as two peas, a dog that was exactly like those three giant dogs.
"What's wrong with that..."
Shana, who has never seen Oriental magic, is shocked.
"When you hold me tight, you'll know."
Qin Dynasty did not answer directly, but said.
Just when Shana wanted to scold the Qin Dynasty for being shameless, the top door opened slowly.
Then, an unstoppable suction surged out of the door.
The huge pulling force, pulling the platform, all float up. If it's not pulled by the chains around, I'm afraid even the table will be sucked away.
The skeletons and the black dogs are not so lucky. They roared and wailed and were sucked in one by one.
In the Qin Dynasty, the legs took root and stood firmly on the platform. If it wasn't for his strength that was pressing down on the platform, even if there were those chains tearing, the platform would be torn apart by the power of Jiuyou luochamen.Shana was almost sucked to fly. In her panic, she hugged the waist of Qin Dynasty tightly, and her face was pasted on it.
In the face of this huge pulling force, she did not care about anything else.
Qin Dynasty mouth with a faint smile, looking at the bosom of the female knight, do not know what is thinking.
When all the skeletons were sucked away, the Qin Dynasty just waved and scattered the Jiuyou luochamen.
"Well, that door..." Shana was also afraid, did not dare to release the Qin Dynasty, but with a panic asked, "it, it has taken your pet away!"
"It doesn't matter." Qin Dynasty is indifferent to say, "they are just a way home."
Jiuyou Devil Dog is originally the creature of Jiuyou hell. Pulling them back through the Jiuyou luochamen has no effect.
"Now, where should we go?"
The Qin Dynasty killed those skeletons, but did not know what to do next.
"Look at that!"
SANA froze for a moment, but soon regained consciousness and pointed to the bottom of the platform.
The Qin Dynasty looked at the place where the skeletons had just pressed down, revealing a flash of small door.
"Hey, it's deep."
This time, the Qin Dynasty didn't ask why Shana knew there was a door. Anyway, even if he asked, Shana couldn't understand.
"That You can let go. "
The Qin Dynasty raised his legs to think of the past, but was embarrassed to find that he still had one on his body.
"That Little nun, you can let go. "
Shana has just reacted, and she is still holding the family tightly.
"You, you are the nun!" In the dark, Shana blushed, but said defiantly, "I am the Knight Commander of the temple cross! Much higher than nuns
"What's the difference? It's all about serving God."
After being released, the Qin Dynasty moved his muscles and bones, "tut Tut, you hold it really tight, so that I have to stretch my muscles and bones vertically."
At this time, Shana's face again put on the frost, "I just come to accompany you to do the task, have no obligation to be molested by you! Keep up, or you'll get lost and nobody cares about you! "
With that, she lifted her legs and left.
Qin Dynasty looked at her beautiful back in the back, but he laughed.
Through the small door, they came to an empty square again.
"It stinks..."
As soon as she entered the square, Shana couldn't help covering her nose.
"There's something rotten about it."
"There are some big pets here."
Qin Dynasty eyes can night vision, a glance through the opposite things.
"Big pet?" Shana said she was puzzled.
"Take a look at your flashlight and you'll see." Said the Qin Dynasty.
"That's the light!"
Shana glared at her blue eyes. "It's a cross lightsaber, not a flashlight!"
She said, and handed her cross lightsaber forward.
This photo, immediately shocked.
Not far away, there lies a huge creature.
The creature was like an enlarged lizard, with a pair of sharp horns on its head. Its body is covered with dark green scales. Unlike lizards, it also has a pile of black meat wings hanging on both sides of the body.
Illuminated by the faint white light, this guy seemed to be a little uncomfortable, and directly from his nostrils, two jets of flame came out.
Shana was shocked.
The opposite side is bigger than her in one claw.
This horrible creature has only one name, dragon.
"It seems that there is a big gap between the dragon in the West and that in the East."
Qin Dynasty is indifferent, looking at the dark green dragon, tut said strange way.
"This, this is the Mexican Tyrannosaurus!"
Shana's voice, however, was shaking, "I, we'd better quit Think about other ways of the past. "
"Why, afraid?" Qin asked.
"I, we can't beat it." Shana explains, "its skin is immune to all magic. Moreover, it has strong physical resistance. Fight it, we'll die
"Oh?" Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, immune magic? Hey, I don't know if you can be immune to Oriental magic.
"Two guests, what a surprise."
But it didn't seem to want Shana to withdraw. Above her head, the voice of Moses sounded again, "you can come out of the siege of the death Legion and come to this room. As you can see, you still have some strength. "
Hearing this, the Qin Dynasty suddenly understood.
That Moses can't see his side at all. In fact, both sides are blind.
He was just able to sense his present position in a way."Now that you're out of the death legion, you should see my pet. It's a Mexican Tyrannosaurus, and I gave it a lovely name, ball ball
The Qin Dynasty had an impulse to spray rice.
"It seems that you raised it as a mouse."
I remember that I used to raise a hamster, also called ball ball, because it is fleshy, like a ball.
Can this lizard be named Kawaii? Have fun.
"Ha ha, even a mouse, it is also a hot tempered mouse." Moses that hateful voice, suddenly laughed, "come on, ball, don't be sleepy, get up to meet the guests."
Then, on the wall above his head, a green lightning suddenly fell and fell on the tail of the dragon.
The dragon, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up and growled angrily.
A red flame, it vomited out.
The Dragon opened its eyes, red eyes, turned twice, and then looked at the two tiny humans in front of him.
"It's over..." Shana suppressed her fear. "It seems that the magistrate of the dark holy see really wants to kill us."
"Don't worry, he doesn't have that ability." Qin Dynasty patted her on the shoulder, "you stand back, let me come here."
"No way!" Shana insisted at this time, "I'm a warrior of God, I shouldn't be afraid of the dark!" She said this, holding up a cross lightsaber in one hand and waving it twice in the dark, "even if it's death, I don't want to die a cowardly one! Go, light of hope
With that, she swung her sword and threw a ball of white light over her head.
"Bang!" The white light ball, suddenly exploded, but instantly lit up the entire underground square.
This underground square, a hundred meters round, has a huge and amazing area. And the ugly dragon, standing in front of them, opened its mouth.
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