Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1132

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Chapter 1132

"To whom did you give it to
He held out his finger and pointed to the Qin Dynasty, which was sitting there in great distress.
"Look at him. He's just a piece of rubbish now. He's not the day when he was the only one in the world! You know it's already dead, don't you know? "
Xuanyuan Sakura Ji's feet raised a red flame, forming a huge fire dragon, soaring into the sky, "I don't want you to say that! Yingtian is not dead, he is Yingtian! "
"Wake up! You ask him if he should answer the day
Black Qilin stares at the Qin Dynasty and asks.
He did not often say that he should not be the day!
This proud guy still says that now.
Xuanyuan Yingji also turned her head, a pair of beautiful dizzy eyes, staring at the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"You say Are you responding... "
She murmured.
She was afraid that the man would say no again.
If he says no again, what is the reason why he has been waiting for thousands of years?
She Xuanyuan Yingji, is there any meaning to continue to survive?
What is the value of her existence?
"I'm not responding to God, is he?"
Black Qilin didn't expect such a sentence from Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty is not a fool. Now is not the time to show off.
A word from him immediately dispelled the anxiety and uneasiness in Xuanyuan Yingji's heart.
At the same time, he also expressed his mockery of the Black Unicorn.
But he is also very cunning. This sentence does not say that he is really Yingtian, but points the spearhead at the black kylin.
I'm not Yingtian. Is he?
He certainly isn't, but I am not. That's another matter.
This kind of language cunning is not possessed by two fierce beasts, but only by human beings.
Black Qilin is angry and wants to crush the Qin Dynasty to death, but Xuanyuan Yingji blocks him again.
"I knew, I knew you were..."
Xuanyuan Sakura Ji tears from the corner of her eyes, which makes people feel heartache.
Such a beautiful woman, crying in front of you, you wish you could not help but cry for her.
Even in the Qin Dynasty, seeing Xuanyuan Yingji's tears, she couldn't help being dull for a while.
It's really the best beauty to say
Unfortunately, he didn't know why. He was so resistant to Xuanyuan Yingji.
"Sakura, wake up!"
Black Qilin was angry at five fans and three ways, "he is obviously using you, cheating you, you can't be fooled!"
"Even if he is using me, cheating me, I am willing to."
Xuanyuan Yingji wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. She bent down and looked at the face of Qin Dynasty.
In her eyes, there is a strong infatuation.
She couldn't help but lean to the Qin Dynasty, lifted her head, and gently kissed the forehead of Qin Dynasty with her charming lips.
Xuanyuan Yingji, as a drunkard, should be hot.
But her kiss was a little cool.
Qin Dynasty is a bit crazy again.
Xuanyuan Yingji has a rosy double glow. Her two slender arms gently embrace the neck of the Qin Dynasty.
Seeing this scene, black Qilin was burning with jealousy.
This woman is definitely on purpose!
She wanted to get mad and upset herself.
She is telling herself that she only loves Yingtian and stops herself!
No way! Absolutely not!
Xuanyuan Yingji belongs to his black Kirin!
"It's you."
She stood up again. When she looked at the black Qilin, she said coldly, "you dare to hurt him. I can't keep you."
She held out a hand with golden light in its heart.
"Sakura, how can you hurt me for him?"
Black Qilin's eyes twinkled with anger and unwillingness, "over the years, who has been quietly guarding your side? It's my black Qilin! I love you so much and treat you wholeheartedly. How can you treat me like this
"What do you want me to do to you?"
Xuanyuan Yingji said coldly, "I have no feeling for you. What's more, you have done so much to me, and you still want to move me? "
"Didn't you make it?"
Besides, I didn't do it because I wanted you
"No matter what the reason is, to make a mistake is to make a mistake!"
Xuanyuan Yingji interrupts black Qilin, "and you hurt him. This mistake is even more unforgivable! From then on, the two of us were at odds. Either you die or I live! "
As she said this, she suddenly appeared behind the black Qilin and slapped him on the back."Amazing palm!"
The figure of the black unicorn turned into a black flame which was broken and disappeared. The land under him left a large palm cherry tree
the thickness of the palm print was unknown, but there was sea water pouring into it.
It seems that this palm of Xuanyuan Yingji directly pierced the island.
So the sea water can pour back in.
"Sakura, are you really going to hit me?"
The Black Unicorn's figure reorganizes in the air.
He looked at Xuanyuan Yingji stupidly, at the same time looking at the huge palm shadow, some startling.
"Do you think I'm a joker?"
Xuanyuan Yingji stretched out her jade palm and looked at the black kylin in the air, "I said let you die, you must die."
"Yingji, we are the most suitable person!"
Black Qilin didn't believe it. "We are the best match! Heaven and earth, only you and I, are the most special existence. Besides me, who knows your mind best! Is it him? What is the waste now
"I don't need anyone to know what I mean."
Xuanyuan Yingji still said coldly, "I am me, I don't need anyone to understand."
As she said that, the silver hair suddenly jumped and gathered towards the Black Unicorn.
Silver hair is extremely sharp. If it is cut on the body, it will break eight pieces.
But the black Kirin is not an ordinary person. The black flame burning on his body quickly burns the silver near him to ashes.
"Even so, Sakura, you can't kill me."
Black Qilin sighed and said, "I was born from the fire of robbery. I am the ultimate being of immortality."
"Then I'll seal you again."
Xuanyuan Yingji said, suddenly pulled out a jade pendant from her arms.
Seeing the jade pendant, black Qilin was shocked.
"The devil's Yan Wang Pei!"
"You know the goods."
Xuanyuan Yingji sneered.
The black Qilin began to be nervous. This Yan Wang Pei is also one of several magic tools that roar among heaven and earth.
Like the ruler destroyed by itself, it can seal itself and never escape.
Unless, there are fierce beasts willing to wake up with their own blood.
But under the ban of Xuanyuan Yingji, who can do this?
After all, in the fierce beast's heart, Xuanyuan Yingji is the supreme existence.
Otherwise, oneself also won't be sealed so long, just be awakened secretly.
Black Qilin knows clearly in his heart that he must also have a grudge against Yingtian.
So, with the help of their own hands, to get rid of this man.
But he doesn't know who it is, because it seems that every fierce beast has this motive.
They are fighting for Xuanyuan Yingji.
"Prepare to sleep for another lifetime."
Xuanyuan Yingji said, will launch the yama Pei.
"Yingji, you will regret it if you do this."
Black Qilin said, his body suddenly turned into a black flame, and then out of thin air.
The whole sea, no longer his breath.
It seems that he left completely.
"It's fast."
Xuanyuan Yingji curls her mouth.
She turned around and floated back to her.
"Yingtian, you are seriously injured..."
She looked at the Qin Dynasty, her eyes full of heartache, "let me help you..."
She stretched out her hand and pressed it on the shoulder of the Qin Dynasty.
Suddenly, a surge of God's power, into the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"This is still the power of God that you passed on to me..."
Don't know what thought of, Xuanyuan Yingji pretty face blush.
The Qin Dynasty understood that Yingtian's old lust ghost passed the power of God to Xuanyuan Yingji.
Although I said that I did it myself, my grandmother did not do it myself.
However, it was rejected by the Qin Dynasty.
In the Qin Dynasty, a mouthful of blood spurted on Xuanyuan Yingji's long white skirt.
Suddenly, that group opened a bright red flower.
"Yingtian, you, what's wrong with you..."
Xuanyuan Yingji did not care about her skirt. She looked at the face of the Qin Dynasty, which was like wax paper, "how could it be like this..."
"I, I don't know..."
Qin Dynasty mouth with blood, the whole person weak a hair!
"I, I forgot..."
Xuanyuan Yingji suddenly turned pale. "The power of God is very domineering and cannot be transmitted directly through the body You, you are not responding to the heaven and can't bear the fierce power of God... ""Well, forget it, let me heal myself..."
The Qin Dynasty laughed miserably. Grandma, just this time, let oneself hurt more seriously.
"No way."
Xuanyuan Sakura Ji shook her head, "the power of this God has my attributes, you must be unable to digest. What's more, black Qilin's jiutianjiehuo is also very harmful to you. If you don't treat it in time, it will definitely affect your future cultivation. By then, if you want revenge, you will have no chance. So, you have to get it right away. "
The Qin Dynasty also knew that he was hurt too much. Even if he was ok, he could not use his energy freely for at least a year.
Otherwise, the injury will be more serious.
Can only rely on the vitality of self-healing, a little bit of conditioning.
The Vajra Sutra can't help. It's too busy just to disperse the fire of nine days. I can't spare any energy to cure the wounds of Qin Dynasty.
It seems that it will take a longer time to get rid of the nine day robbery fire At least, ten years!
Alas, I lost a lot this time
"But it doesn't matter. I have a better way for you to recover soon."
Xuanyuan Sakura Ji suddenly began to smile, but the smile was a little shy.
"What can I do?"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking about the ancient fierce animals who lived for a long time.
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