Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 510

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Chapter 510

"They went too far!"
Standing on the other side of the street, Luo Qinglin's face was full of anger, and she was going to help her grandbrother.
"Damn it, these people are crooked!" Luo Yufeng is also overcast face, eyes full of murderous spirit, put his sleeve up, "look, I don't discount their legs today!"
"Stop!" But Luo Zhentian, the old general, drank his own pair of children. With an indescribable firmness on his face, he stood there, staring at the other side, and said slowly.
"I want to see the backbone of the snow field. If he is the son of big brother sun, he must have the backbone of big brother sun! "
"Dad Luo Qinglin quit, "but brother sun's leg is broken!"
"So what?" Luo Zhentian snorted and said, "brother Han's leg was pierced by the enemy's bullet, but he dragged one leg and stabbed a platoon of ghost enemies with a bayonet. We can help the snowfield for a while, but not for a lifetime. If the child in the snow plain is afraid of a few punks, what will he do in the future? "
As Luo Zhentian spoke, a man came slowly from the other side of the street.
It was a girl in plain clothes, holding a guiding stick in her hand and a skinny black dog. The other hand, carrying an old thermos lunch box, step by step to try to come over.
Although the girl can not see, dress is also very simple, but the appearance is very beautiful, do not have a bit of beauty.
"Brother sun, are you there. I'm here to deliver your lunch. "
"Yan Yan, don't Ah When sun Xueyuan saw Sun Yan coming, his eyes were red. He was just about to shout something when he was suddenly trampled on his chest by a gangster, and he screamed with pain.
"Brother sun! What's wrong with you, brother sun! " Sun Yan can't see, but he can judge the bad from the scream just now. With a panic on her face, she groped around for the location of the voice.
Red hair gave the people around a look, those thugs suddenly hey hey a smile, surrounded up.
"Ah Sun Yan can't see, and suddenly bumps into a gangster's body.
"Oh, my God, I'm killed!" The gangster immediately yelled, touched his chest and said, "it hurts, it's so painful, it seems that I've broken my ribs!"
"Ah! Yes, I'm sorry Sun Yan was also scared, standing there in a panic, repeatedly apologizing, "I, I didn't mean to."
"Little girl!" The red hair also came over and patted Sun Yan's buttocks. Startled, Sun Yan jumped forward and bumped into other people's bodies.
"You see, you bruised my brother. How can this be solved?"
"I, I didn't mean to..."
"Not on purpose?" With a smile, he rubbed his hands and said, "it's not intentional that you can kill people at will? My brother's bones are broken. You have to pay for the medical expenses. "
"I, I have no money..." Sun Yan's look is gloomy, tears are almost flowing out.
"No money?" Red hair looked at Sun Yan's protuberance and licked his lips, "it's easy to have no money. Come with us and we will naturally find the one who is willing to lend you money. Ha ha... "
"I'm not going, I'm not going!" Sun Yan is pulled by the red hair, she desperately back, even squat to the ground. And the skinny black dog, barking wildly, rushed up and bit into the red fur's leg.
"Ah Red hair was crying with pain, "Damn, kill this dead dog for me! It's killing me
The stick in the hands of a thug thumped on the black dog's head. The black dog murmured twice and fell to the ground.
"Xiaohei, Xiaohei, are you ok? Little black? "
Sun Yan cries very badly. This dog has been her playmate since childhood. Every time she went out, it led her to walk.
It can be said that Xiaohei is her eyes.
It's just that the dog is too old to look thin.
"When is it? Forget the dead dog! Come with us
With a wave of his hand, a strong little brother walked forward behind him and carried Sun Yan's petite body.
"I'm not going! Brother sun, brother Han, help me! "
"You brutes
Sun Xueyuan was once the handlebar of this street.
Although he has never been a soldier, sun Xueyuan's body is full of his heroic father's blood. Therefore, in this mixed urban and rural areas, he with his own physical fitness, plus blood, to play his own reputation.
At first, sun Xueyuan and his mother ran a small restaurant together. At that time, many gangsters came to his house to make trouble and ask for money every day. However, when sun Xueyuan used two kitchen knives to chop down eight gangsters, and then chased the so-called "shoulder handle" to cut down three streets, everyone had a kind of awe towards him.As a result, his small hotel is safe, and his business in this mixed urban and rural area is not bad.
But since his mother died and a leg was broken, he has become decadent and depressed. Even his hotel, smashed by several thugs, did not resist.
Big brother sun, who was famous at that time, is now reduced to a poor man who lives by selling newspapers.
Some of the brothers around him who had a good relationship with him on weekdays all left him, and no one was willing to help him. Just because the famous young master Han here has ordered that this man should be put to death!
Only Sun Yan, this kind girl, has been accompanying sun Xueyuan.
Therefore, when he saw Sun Yan being carried away by the red haired man, sun Xueyuan's long lost blood returned to him.
He suddenly reached out his strong hands and grasped the foot of the thug stepping on his chest.
Then, with such a strong pull, he just threw the gangster down on the trolley.
Sun Xueyuan roared and supported himself with one leg. He picked up his crutches and rushed over at an amazing speed. Finally, he threw his crutch on the strong hunk.
This iron crutch, hit in the back of the head, the damage is absolutely amazing. Sun Xueyuan, in particular, has no affection. Suddenly, the Hun's brain opened the mouth of blood, blood Yang very high, the whole person directly fell on the ground.
But Sun Yan also fell down, fell on that hunk's body, the whole person exclaimed repeatedly.
"Crouch, you're going to die Red hair is surprised, did not expect to have been a disability, this sun Xueyuan is still so bloody.
All the gangsters beside him rushed up, and sun Xueyuan knocked down two with his crutches. But after all, he was a man with a broken leg. His body was not coordinated and flexible enough. He was soon kicked to the ground by a gangster.
"Damn it, lame man, dare to resist!" Red hair came slowly with a stick in his hand and swore, "if you don't discount your other leg today, I'll take your last name!"
"Don't hit my big brother sun!" Sun Yan crawled over in front of sun Xueyuan and cried, "don't hit him, please!"
"Go away, little girls! Go away Hongmao reaches out and pulls Sun Yan aside.
"I'll give you to Han Shao when I get rid of this lame man. Then I'll let you taste the taste of a normal man!"
"You brutes Sun Xueyuan's eyes were red, and he struggled to get up, while two thugs kicked him at the same time.
"Dead lame, die!" Hongmao picked up the stick and smashed it down according to sun Xueyuan's other leg.
And just then, a strong and powerful hand held the stick.
Several gangsters fixed their eyes and saw a man in a suit, standing in front of sun Xueyuan. At the same time, he held the stick firmly in his hand and looked at several people with a kind of irony in his eyes.
"Well, it's time for the play to end."
"Shit, where do you mess up and dare to mess with us? I tell you, we are Han Shao's people! "
"Han Shao? That's something. "
Before waiting for the man wearing the high-end suit as a casual coat to speak, a man came from behind the red hair. The man was well dressed in military uniform, and his rolled up sleeves revealed his strong muscles.
"Little Maple?" Seeing the man in uniform, sun Xueyuan's eyes immediately showed a trace of excitement.
After all, he is just a gangster, and also a gangster with a broken leg.
Luo Yufeng, however, is the instructor of the Northeast Tiger special forces. These gangsters are not enough for him to beat with one hand.
"Yo, still a soldier elder brother" several gangsters did not seem to be very afraid, but surrounded.
With a row of earrings on his ears and a cigarette in his mouth, he glanced at Luo Yufeng with disdain.
"I said," brother Bing, this is not a military camp. You'd better stop squinting for me. Otherwise, if we offend Han Shao, we will discount your legs, and you will not be able to do anything! "
"Big brother sun, elder sister Yanyan, are you all right?"
Luo Qinglin also ran over and helped sun Xueyuan and Sun Yan who fell on the ground.
"Oh, there's another girl." The red hair saw Luo Qinglin, who was several times more beautiful than Sun Yan, immediately put out a lustrous light in her eyes, "Hey, hey, Han Shao must like such a beautiful woman. Tut Tut, I'll take you back. Han Shaoyi will be happy. Maybe I'll be here all the time
"When you MAHLE Gobi!" When Luo Yufeng heard this guy insulting his sister, he was very angry. He punched Ko directly on his chin. He immediately flew the 1.7-meter-high red hair, spun it 360 degrees, and then fell to the ground with a bang.
"Viagra!" Several gangsters were startled and rushed around.
"SaO (fuck)!" This red hair opens a mouth, spit out two front teeth directly. His nose and mouth were covered with blood.When you speak, you can't breathe.
"Broken (blow), broken sister-in-law (whistle)!"
Whistle, it's a warning that the area is ready for war.
A little gangster heard the boss's instructions, immediately took out his whistle from his arms and blew it loudly.
"Dewuwu --" the voice quickly spread out, resounding in a dilapidated building.
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