Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 737

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Chapter 737

"Uncle, dance with me
Yang Li, with watery eyes and pathetic eyes, looked at the Qin Dynasty.
She said in her heart, "uncle, uncle, how can you and I have experienced so many tribulations, and you won't be seduced by Han Bing's obnoxious girl!
Han Bing, on the other hand, was holding out his hand and scratching his palm in the Qin Dynasty.
"Uncle People like dancing very much... "
“…… I, this... "
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and said, "can't you not dance?"
The two girls cried out in unison.
The two of them looked at each other and said, "uncle, you must choose one!"
"However, I can't dance duets either"
Qin Dynasty said helplessly.
"Uncle, how about that?"
Han Bing took a look at the lively dance floor and said, "the three of us will dance together."
"Jump together?"
Yang Li was also surprised.
"Yes, it's hot dance anyway. If you want to dance, you can come together."
Han Bing said, holding Yang Li with one hand and Qin Dynasty with the other, and went to the dance floor.
As soon as he entered the dance floor, Han Bing danced like a small universe broke out. Her waist, part of her body, was constantly twisting with the music.
The waist is twisted, giving people the feeling that it is like a small electric motor.
She sticks to the Qin Dynasty, twists and turns around in him, the eyes tease incomparably.
Yang Li is infected. This girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She also immediately danced with a large margin, twisting left and right, and rubbing herself against the body of the Qin Dynasty.
Because she knew that if she didn't take the initiative to be enthusiastic, the uncle would be robbed by the hot Han Bing.
Very, Han Bing, Han Bing, your character, and your name is too far away!
"Uncle, don't you dance?"
Han Bing sticks to Qin Dynasty's body, rubs a certain part twice, then licks tongue to Qin Dynasty, "you don't jump again, but a lot of boys are going to be angry!"
When you look around in the Qin Dynasty, it's true.
A group of teenagers, watching themselves by two little girls so close to the body hot dance, eyes are out of fire.
I don't know how to dance in such a place
The last time I went to the bar, it seems that I was looking for longbeier.
"Well, jump."
Qin Dynasty's body coordination is very good, once he dances, his posture is simply impeccable.
He kept up with the rhythm, stretching his body and relaxing his emotions.
Soon, his dancing style surprised the two girls beside him.
"Uncle You, you are too good. "
Seeing the dancing posture of the Qin Dynasty, Yang Li couldn't help but cover her surprised mouth.
And Han Bing beside, is also speechless, but the eyes flash a lot of complex eyes.
"That fat friend dances very well!"
At this time, the DJ on the stage, also holding Mai, yelled, "give him a light, let's dance with his rhythm! Let's say it out loud, ComeOn! "
A white spotlight hit the body of the Qin Dynasty, with a bright and dark main light, so that the Qin Dynasty has become the focus of the audience.
Everyone came here to play.
See Qin Dynasty jump so Hi, those people are immediately full of emotion, with crazy twist.
And just then, there was a little commotion in the ballroom.
A man in a cap walks up to the DJ stage and pats him on the shoulder.
The DJ looks at him in surprise, hears what he says and nods.
Then, the originally violent music, suddenly stopped.
What's more, the dim lights are removed, and the bright field lights illuminate every corner.
"What are you doing?"
"What's the matter? Why did the music stop?"
"Lying trough, what's the matter? I'm dancing happily!"
In the Qin Dynasty, they all stopped and looked at the DJ stage.
"I'm sorry, friends. Please pause for a moment. I'm the person in charge of the show. My name is Wang Shirui. Xiao Wen, you come up. "
He waved to one side, and immediately a young man with purple hair stepped up.
"Xiaowen, which is the whore who dumped you, and her adulterer, show me."
"Cousin, that's them!"
That Xiaowen immediately stretched out his hand and pointed to Qin Dynasty and Han Bing.
"It seems that your ex boyfriend is really looking for someone"
muttered Yang Li.
This little girl is not afraid. She has nothing to be afraid of when she has uncle by her side.It's just a few hooligans who watch the market. What are they afraid of.
At the beginning, even such a terrible monster, uncle can easily kill. Now a few ordinary people, uncle want to kill them, is not a matter of handy!
"OK, Xiaowen, look, today, cousin, I'll teach you how to train your own horse!"
The duck cap Wang Shirui said, jumping off the DJ platform, toward the direction of the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, there are several gangsters, also through the crowd, toward the Qin Dynasty side of the package.
"It seems that the boys who just yelled cheerfully have become cowards."
Han Bing looked at four times, found no one to help, so sneered, said.
"Lily, let's go."
But Xiaojing and another female companion came out and grabbed Yang Li, trying to take her away.
"Don't worry. It's OK to have uncle here."
Yang Li waved her hand and said.
"These people are not easy to offend!"
The female companion said, "Wang Shirui is a member of the Daqin gang. He is a bully in this area. We little nurses can't beat others
"Daqin Gang?"
Qin Dynasty couldn't help but pick eyebrows, "what kind of gang is that?"
"This is a big gang that rose again in southern Jiangsu after Chen Si died!"
Unexpectedly, Yang Li's little companion knows these things very well, "my former boyfriend is from Daqin gang. The big Qin Gang is very powerful now. Sunan city has a good eye for it! It is said that even the government supports them secretly! "
Qin Chaoxin said that the big Qin Gang should be the new gang established by longbei'er and Liu Chuan. It's really interesting that these two guys should be named Daqin gang.
Seeing that the person in charge had to do something, the people on the dance floor scattered one after another to make room for them.
Wang Shirui, with a baseball bat in his hand and his younger brothers, surrounded the Qin Dynasty and Yang Li.
"I only look for these two people, and other unrelated people can leave."
Wang Shirui, holding a baseball bat, pointed to the Qin Dynasty and Han Bing and said.
"No, I'm not going anywhere."
Yang Li shook her head and rebuffed Wang Shirui's kindness. "You'd better be careful."
Seeing that her good friend is still alive and dead, Xiaojing and her companion are standing next to Yang Li. Xiaojing also knows that the martial arts of Qin Dynasty are very powerful. If he wants to get rid of these rascals, it should not be difficult.
The villain who hit Leizi at the beginning was defeated by a move of the Qin Dynasty.
Moreover, Lei Zi also said that the Qin Dynasty was a famous Godfather on the road If it is true, it seems that the people in front of the big Qin Gang may be very miserable.
Wang Shirui knocked on the glass lamp floor under his feet with a baseball bat and said, "it's the first time I've heard someone talk to me like this for years. Little girl, do you know who I am? Apart from me, I'm the only one who dares to offend Miss Qin. If you dare to talk to me like that, you are looking for death. "
Yang Li was pointing at Wang Shirui with a middle finger, "who is looking for death in the end? I'll find out in a moment."
Wang Shirui laughs contemptuously. He didn't want to see a girl.
"Cousin, that's the whore who kicked me
Xiaowen, dyed with purple hair, points to Han Bing's face and says.
"Don't worry. My cousin will help you out today."
Wang Shirui shook his baseball bat. "This woman, you just can't get used to it!"
"Hey, you bastard."
Han Bing is not a bit afraid, said to Xiaowen, "it's enough to be kicked by a woman, and even find his cousin to help him out! In your life, it is estimated that you have no future. I've kicked you out. That's right
Xiaowen scolded, "it's all this time. You've got a hard mouth. I'll see if you can say such beautiful words when I fuck you
Said, from next cousin's younger brother's younger brother's hand grabs a baseball bat, carried to go up.
It seems that he wants to lead.
"Uncle, you'd better stay away."
Xiaowen was carrying a baseball bat and said in a strange way, "otherwise, you are so old, your arms and legs are old, and it will be bad to hurt you. You don't think she really likes you, ha ha
"I'm a little old compared with you."
The Qin Dynasty stood there, shaking his neck, and his joints made a crackling sound.
In the music stopped in the field, as if who ordered a few firecrackers, very crisp.
"But it's easy to get rid of you, a coward."
"Damn it, you want to die!"
Xiaowen was angry and hit the Qin Dynasty with a stick.But Wang Shirui, from hearing the sound of Qin Dynasty's joint explosion, felt a little bad. He called out, "Xiao Wen, come back quickly!"
Unfortunately, it's too late. That purple hair small text, already rushed to Qin Dynasty in front of, a stick clapped to Qin Dynasty's face.
The Qin Dynasty stretched out his left hand and caught the baseball bat that fell. At the same time, in front of the surprised purple hair, a smile, "you this age, or obediently go home to eat milk."
Finish saying, fly up a foot, kick in this small Wen's body.
The purple boy suddenly fell out like a kite with a broken string. After several circles in the air, he finally fell into the middle of the dance floor and couldn't get up for half a day.
Qin Dynasty this foot, already very lenient face. It's a little trauma at most, which makes the boy suffer a little bit. Otherwise, if you really want to kill someone, you can kick the head of Xiaowen.
"Man, you've practiced."
Wang Shirui took a look at the Qin Dynasty, and said, "originally, for such people, I usually treat them warmly. But today, you hit my cousin, I can only say sorry. I'll take one of your legs
"Oh?" The Qin Dynasty asked, "is this the way Daqin Gang works?"
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