Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 609

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Chapter 609

After a sip, I didn't feel anything. Catherine frowned and set the glass on the table.
Qin Dynasty happened to be chatting with Suji, did not see Catherine drinking this scene.
"See, Qin Dynasty."
Suji gave the Qin Dynasty a provocative look, "if you bully me, my friends don't do it! If you dare to do anything sorry for me, I'll ask Catherine to introduce me another boyfriend
"Really, really?"
This sentence, but fell into Catherine's arms, "I, I have a good person, candidates oh Why, why is it so hot... "
Katherine pulled her collar. She thought it was extremely hot. Is it because the air conditioner is broken?
However, it seems that Qin Dynasty and Anna are very normal Hot
Katherine suddenly had a very bad idea, her forehead, the cold sweat trickled down.
She remembered That medicine, after eating, will first feel incomparably hot and dry
God, why did the Qin Dynasty drink wine? He didn't have a problem! Well, what's going on, God, why is this
"I, I'm going to the bathroom..."
Katherine shook her head, got up askew and went to the bathroom.
"You seem to have drunk too much."
Suu Kyi looked at Catherine's figure, and she quickly stood up.
"Catherine, I'll help you."
"No! No Katherine quickly exclaimed, not to let Suu Kyi follow.
Suu Kyi couldn't resist Catherine, so she had to sit down.
Then look at that Catherine, walking around, walking towards the bathroom step by step.
When walking to the middle of the dance floor, I don't know which lecher is, and stealthily touches her buttocks.
Catherine exclaimed, and was about to scold, when she suddenly felt that the heat was getting worse.
Looking at the dancing crowd around, she suddenly wanted to dance.
Yes, dancing. Maybe, after dancing, it's not hot
Catherine thought of it, and her body began to shake with the music. She stepped on the rhythm, while twisting her waist and buttocks, and walked to the beautiful woman who danced the pole dance.
Catherine, who was already fainting, held out her hand and pushed the beauty away.
They stick to the steel pipe, a part of the pipe against the steel pipe, up and down constantly rub to rub.
This action, can compare just now the girl student is hot and hot!
All of a sudden, Catherine's hot pole dance caused cheers and whistles around.
It was not over, and Catherine began to take off her clothes.
The black evening dress was taken off by her several times, leaving only the three-point style inside.
"Take off one more! Take off another one! "
Around the men and women, with the coax.
Catherine also felt unprecedented attention, her hand, slowly on her body. The black corset, pulled by her hand, fluctuated up and down, causing a group of people around like wolves.
"What happened to Catherine?"
Suji and the Qin Dynasty found the restlessness in the dance floor. Looking at it, they suddenly found Katherine in the big show stripper pole dance.
"My God, is she crazy?"
"Is your roommate too open?" The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking.
"No, she's a conservative girl. She won't do such crazy things."
Suu Kyi was worried. "No, I have to stop her. Don't do anything again later."
She stood up and walked into the dance floor.
The Qin Dynasty frowned and couldn't help but pick up his own glass of wine.
He remembered that Catherine had asked an odd question before, "are you hot?"
It seems that a warning signal pops up in the heart of Qin Dynasty. He knows how to deal with it.
There is a saying that it is good to do evil by oneself and not live.
It seems that Catherine has put some kind of psychedelic drug into her glass of wine. But the Vajra Sutra of self-cultivation has strong resistance to these psychedelic drugs.
It seems that Katherine is asking for trouble this time.
"Catherine, don't jump!"
Suu Kyi walked into the crowd and grabbed Catherine.
"Let me jump, I'm so hot..."
Catherine said vaguely.
"Qin Dynasty, what are you looking at? Come here to help
Wearing red toad glasses, the Qin Dynasty wanted to continue to see the excitement. But Suu Kyi said that, he had no choice but to separate the crowd and walk past.
He took off the Black Punk leather jacket he bought later and covered Catherine's body. Looking at the little girl still struggling, Qin Dynasty carried the girl to her shoulder."Go to the bathroom and calm her down."
Qin Dynasty said, carrying Catherine in one hand and Suji in the other hand, swaggering toward the bathroom.
Don't say, he is dressed like this now, the person who sees evades, few people dare to offend him.
Soon came to the bathroom, Qin Dynasty put Catherine down, give Suji.
"It might be better to wash her face and flush her with cold water."
Suu Kyi takes Katherine and turns into the women's bathroom.
At the moment she entered, several policemen broke into the party hall.
One of them, Gao Ma Da, seems to be a sheriff like figure, went directly to the Qin Dynasty, said to him viciously.
"Boy, I heard you jumped off here Striptease Eh? "
This cop named Mars was stunned.
It's not right. How can this guy wear clothes!
Kyle didn't tell him that after entering here, the Chinese monkey should be dancing striptease. These disguised policemen can be used as an excuse to arrest him and find a corner where there is no one to deal with it.
However, it seems that things have deviated from the plan.
"sheriff, you remember wrong." A smart little policeman nearby said quickly, "someone reported that this man was hiding drugs, not a stripper."
"Oh, yes, it's poison." MAS nodded quickly and gave the boy a look of appreciation.
"Sorry, what are you talking about? Why didn't I catch a word?"
The Qin Dynasty shrugged its shoulders. Possession of poison? You're kidding. He's a mender. He's playing with drugs.
"Stinky boy, come here!"
The little policeman grabbed the collar of the Qin Dynasty. He tried to drag the Qin Dynasty over, but he found that the body of the other party was like an iron pillar, and could not be pulled.
Simply, he pasted it up, left hand touched the pocket of Qin Dynasty, and then held a bag of white powder in plastic bag in his hand and showed it to him.
"It's from you. Do you want to quibble?"
"Man, you're quick." Qin Dynasty can not help but admire the way.
"No nonsense! Take it away
In the exclamation of a group of students, MAS took out a pair of handcuffs, put them on the wrist of the Qin Dynasty, and then pushed him out.
The Qin Dynasty did not resist, but walked out of the door in a bold manner.
"Oh, my God, is this Chinese hiding poison?"
"I knew it! You see, he doesn't look like a good man! "
"I hear he's still Anna's boyfriend?"
"Now it's time Anna thought about changing her boyfriend."
People around him pointed out and talked about the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty laughed off all these things.
That young master Kyle Pitt, standing at the door with a glass in one hand, was talking to some girl.
When the Qin Dynasty passed by, he didn't even lift his eyelids.
However, Qin Dynasty took the initiative to open his mouth, "master Kyle, when I come back later, we can have a good drink."
When Kyle heard this, he turned around and looked at the Qin Dynasty with a sarcastic smile as if he had heard the most funny joke.
"Do you want to come back?"
Ma Si pushed the Qin Dynasty, "ready to take ten years in prison, garbage!"
Finish saying, a few police, put Qin Dynasty to be taken out.
When the Qin Dynasty disappeared from the door, Kyle could not help but show a grim smile.
Hum, boy, I want to rob Kyle of a woman! There is only one end to you, and that is death!
"Let's go!" MAS they took the Qin Dynasty, went out on a van, and then did not know where to drive.
"Brothers, please find a place nearby."
The Qin Dynasty sat in the car and said to them, "it's too far. It's very hard for me to come back."
"Hey, boy, do you really want to go back?"
Marcus sat in the front row and said with a cold smile, "you can only go back to one place today, that is hell."
"Oh." Qin Dynasty seems not to understand like, lightly Oh a, leaning on the seat did not speak.
"Fuck, I caught an idiot today!" A fake policeman couldn't help swearing.
"Whatever he is, he is going to die." There's someone standing by.
Soon, the van stopped by the quiet Charles River.
Several fake police got out of the car and didn't forget to pull down the Qin Dynasty and push down the river.
"It's your day, boy."
Ma Si pulled out a silver revolver from the back of his waist, pointed to the head of the Qin Dynasty and said, "it's strange that you want to rob a woman with master Kyle. It's really good to stay in China. It's self defeating to run to the United States to annoy the wrong people. "
"Wait a minute."The Qin Dynasty did not seem to care about the silver pistol, but asked, "brother, ask, how to go back?"
Ma Si scolded and pulled the trigger.
The sound of gunfire was obvious in the dark. A golden bullet, whistling out of the muzzle, flew towards the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty stood there without a trace of panic on his face. He raised two handcuffed hands and put them in front of him.
It's like hitting an invisible wall, and the bullet stopped in the air!
MAS almost didn't stare out of his eyes, and the fake police around him were also scared.
"Damn it!" MAS pulled the trigger again and again, but all the bullets he fired stopped in front of the Qin Dynasty.
"Please, ask again, the way back. I don't have much patience. Please answer quickly
With a wave of hands, the bullets fell to the ground.
"Evil, devil..." Marse was a little frightened, dropped his pistol and stepped back.
"Really You can't understand. "
Qin Dynasty hands a force, pulled off the handcuffs, step by step toward MAS.
"Come on, run!"
Marcus knew that he had met the monster this time. He called out and was about to run away.
The fake police around, without his words, had already started to run for their lives.
"It's the same everywhere."
The Qin Dynasty snapped its fingers.
"Bang bang bang!"
A series of blasts, though not as harsh as the sound of a gun, were more terrible than the sound of a gun.
MAS saw that the fake policemen running in front of him had their heads blown off like watermelons, and their headless bodies collapsed on the ground.
As soon as his legs softened, he knelt down.
His heart has been desperate, this man is too terrible, he is really a devil.
And Qin Dynasty is not anxious, slowly walked to him, holding his neck, lifting him into the air.
"For the last time, what's the way back?"
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